Listening to white males

| November 12, 2009

As you know, NWOU is posting a lot these days about race and gender because the “hate speech” legislation and the planned internet control policies may soon forbid any honest discussion. We suggest that you print out any information of interest to you as there may soon come a day when anti-New World Order websites […]

Ohio may create a right for men

| July 30, 2009

Ohio representative John Adams has introduced a bill into the Ohio House that would establish a right for men, requiring a father’s assent before a woman can abort his child. See the story a LifeNews, and catch up with other life news on this site. Also of interest: Italy’s Parliament has directed its national representatives […]

What we can learn from feminism and multiculturalism

| April 22, 2009

NWOU doesn’t keep up with feminism, but today we are going to talk about it a little bit because we need to discuss the effects of feminism and multiculturalism for beginners before we can move to a discussion of alternative futures. People who are caught up in New World Order propaganda usually adopt some version […]