One nation under Marx

| August 17, 2010

This post is a bit repetitive, bear with us. We want to have a summary and review before we present new material on identity cleansing. We don’t have the feeling that any of our students are so good that they can just skip a class. As we noted in our post The racial integration con […]

After the final takeover

| July 15, 2010

Neo-marxist liberals are the waste product of the mass education system, which recycles the waste product of Neo-marxist theories in slogans and sound-bites. The masses are the by-product of the successful subversion of all systems by socialism. The masses are colonized and clueless about the history of the takeover.

The constructed self

| April 10, 2009

Modern feminists agree with Pavlov, there is no fundamental human nature or essential inner self, there is only environmental influence on human mental processes. Pavlovian behavioral psychologists are experts in conditioning humans and animals to elicit the desired response from stimulus. Social psychologists hold belief in the constructed self as a building block of their […]

Chinese Marxists send protesters to mental hospital

| December 18, 2008

Andrew Jacobs reports in the International Herald Tribune that the Chinese have copied the Russians in sending anyone who challenges authority to the local mental hospital for treatment. Treatment involves the forced consumption of psychiatric drugs. This control technique will increasingly be used in the United States. The official position of psychology is that anyone […]

The UN takeover of U.S. education

| December 1, 2008

Alan Caruba offers a detailed review of The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt at The National Anxiety Center.

Marxist psychologists inventing diseases for profit

| November 30, 2008

Natural News has a nice article on the relationships between Marxist psychologists and big drug companies. Investigators have found that payoffs to these psychologists and to hospitals have influenced studies on the effectiveness of psychotropic drugs widely administered to children. Natural News also has links to two videos, and more links at the bottom of […]