Obama’s Communist czars

| October 29, 2009

Rense has a summary article on Obama’s Communist czars. Glenn Beck has done a nice job of exposing Obama’s Communist advisers on his Fox TV show and his radio show. Beck’s research exposing Obama’s Communism has been an unexpected development during this “cheerful” mini-era of the New World Order following the global financial crash. We […]

Obama appoints evil population controller as science czar

| July 13, 2009

Obama’s new science czar, John Holdren, is a radical global population controller, a climate alarmist, and a front for the liberal death culture. Holdren has been a promoter of a global tyranny controlling all human reproduction. See the deep background on Holdren’s beliefs at zombietime.

Pushing back against politicized pseudoscience

| March 17, 2009

The Heartland Institute is covering the proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Climate Change, held from March 8 to 10 in New York City. Lots of videos at the Heartland website. EU President Vaclav Havel’s remarks are at Blacklisted News. Unfortunately, President Obama has selected one of the worst environmental nitwits, John Holdren, to […]