Obama wants his propaganda on all websites

| May 20, 2010

The Obama administration has set up its own government news service inside the White House. They are now issuing videos for distribution on TV and on the web. The plan is to bypass any questioning or scrutiny of their propaganda by the press. The latest example of government-controlled news was the Elena Kagan biography video. […]

“Racist” censorship coming to net

| March 4, 2010

Paul Belien writes in detail about the various pressure groups in Europe pushing to censor any racial language on the internet. At the same time, these groups are protecting terrorists. Be aware of the Left’s agenda. It’s coming.

Internet censorship

| January 25, 2010

Internet censorship is coming soon. The controllers have a global master plan, but individual countries will respond in their own ways at first. There will be a wave of internet control news in the coming months. Think ahead. Like many control programs, the censorship may not affect you much at first, but the controllers will […]

Google in China

| January 17, 2010

John Garnaut reports from Sydney that China’s attack on Google’s gmail accounts was a minor aspect of China’s greater theft of Google’s sourcecode. China’s hack wasn’t limited to Google but involved 33 other companies doing business in China as well as systematic assaults on U.S. Defense Department computers. Overseas Chinese agents, including Chinese in the […]

Internet censorship coming soon

| June 12, 2009

The Telegraph reports that Communist China will require internet censorship software on all computers starting in July. Porn and anti-revolutionary conversation will be censored. The program will be built in to all computers sold in China. Dell and Hewlett-Packard are considering whether to comply with China’s regulations. Not to pick on Dell or Hewlett-Packard, but […]