IMF to audit U.S. Federal Reserve

| June 27, 2009

Spiegel reports that the International Monetary Fund will undertake a systematic examination of the U.S. financial system, including the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank. Spiegel also reports on differences among U.S. Fed officials, many of whom oppose Ben Bernanke’s policies.

Conservatives win European vote

| June 8, 2009

The headline at NewsMax is “Conservatives win big in European voting.” The Times reports that the Labour Party suffered its worst losses ever in local elections. Many are predicting that Brown’s government will be forced to call elections soon.

Bilderberg and other meetings

| May 21, 2009

At Infowars, Jim Tucker and Daniel Estulin report on the Bilderberg meeting in Greece. Reporting from these meetings is always thin, it takes a while before somebody leaks what went on inside the meetings. Don’t blame these reporters for Bilderberg secrecy.