What is an Illuminatus? Part 2

| April 22, 2015

Continuing the transcription of William Cooper’s broadcast on the Illuminati: “In 1654, the ‘Illuminated’ Guerinets came into public notice in France. “[Now,] documents still extant show several points of resemblance between the German and Central Asian Illuminists: points which are hard to account for on the grounds of pure coincidence, and yet which still might, […]

What is an Illuminatus? Part 1

| April 22, 2015

“Should I go on? I will. I will go on and on and on and on until you either wake up or I am dead, one or the other. And if you don’t wake up, I would rather be dead than live in slavery in the New World Order with our Constitution destroyed, the family […]

Why are there different histories?

| October 6, 2008

Q: Why are there different histories of the Illuminati and the New World Order? What do you think of David Icke’s books? What about Wes Penre? How can I know which version is the true version? A: NWOU researched the history of occultism and the New World Order for five years before we heard of […]