Hillary’s finance chairman arrested for fraud

| August 26, 2009

A Democratic fund-raiser and campaign finance chairman for Hillary Clinton was arrested for attempting to defraud Citibank yesterday. Hassan Nemazee, an Iranian, forged documents showing millions of dollars in assets as a basis for a line of credit from Citi. He was arrested by the FBI at the airport. Story at The New York Times.

Obama administration signals legalization of drugs

| June 23, 2009

On May 14 The Wall Street Journal reported that the Obama administration is ending the “War on Drugs.” Drug czar Gil Kerlikowske explained that the war rhetoric was being abandoned because people perceive the war on drugs as a war against people. Using liberal logic like this would, of course, justify abandonment of all U.S. […]

Is Undoing the same as progress?

| May 1, 2009

If technological progress culminates in the project of the global grid control system, and if free trade agreements subvert national constitutions and laws in favor of the three-region global control model, should we interpret every setback or Undoing of this global control system as genuine progress? If the global financial system spreads unpayable debt obligations […]

Hillary receives Margaret Sanger award

| April 5, 2009

Hmmm, we missed this story in the liberal media. The Baptist Press reports on Hillary’s recent award from Planned Parenthood.

China, inside and out

| February 20, 2009

How is the global economic crash affecting China and China’s foreign policy? First, a superficial look at the post-crash Asian economies from the pro-NWO Economist. The Asian exporting economies were hardest hit by the crash. NWOU does not expect any of them to serve as the source of new demand stimulating global trade. Bloomberg reports […]

A look at Bill Clinton’s donor list

| January 15, 2009

Christopher Hitchens looks at Bill Clinton’s recent donor list and asks the right questions at Slate. The sleazy Clintons have been up to their armpits in crime since their Arkansas days. How is it these global gangsters can command votes, TV time, favorable comments, and even the office of the Secretary of State? The standard […]

First understand Wal-Mart

| January 7, 2008

A good place to begin your anti-globalist education is by understanding Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart is too big to criticize and too big for social scientists to study. By “big” we mean powerful and ruthless. How big? See The Wal-Mart You Don’t Know by Charles Fishman, http://www.thelastoutpost.com/site/1481/default.aspx A good way to enter New World Order studies is […]