The cap and trade takeover

| September 20, 2009

As you know by now, global average temperatures are cooling, not warming. The warmists have changed their language, abandoning global warming and adopting climate change as justification for their schemes. Newsbusters reports on the cooling trend and the plan to sue Al Gore and other alarmists.

Obama embraces lunatic fringe climate controllers

| July 5, 2009

If you think that carbon taxers and global warmists have led us to a new era of global socialist takeover, you are on the right track. Fear and loathing are the correct responses to the warmists, with their phony computer models, alternative energy schemes, global control programs, and population reduction agendas.

The polar bears will be fine, it’s the farmers we’re worried about

| April 3, 2009

Nicholas Dawidoff has a nice long article on physicist Freeman Dyson at The New York Times Magazine. Dyson is probably the most eminent scientist debunking global warming, but there is much more to Dyson than debunking global warming. The interview is also useful for Dyson’s insight into scientific arrogance and the problematic psychology of obsessive […]

The green agenda

| January 5, 2009

DailyTech reports that sea ice has been expanding rapidly at the end of 2008 and is now at 1979 levels. Global Resarch reports that scientists are now jumping off the global warming bandwagon and are criticizing phony global warming junk science. 650 scientists have banded together to criticize the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change […]

Global cooling

| December 27, 2008

As the data continue to roll in that the average temperature of the world’s various environments has been declining for the past few years, the number of responsible scientists coming forward to attack the global warming hoax has increased. CFACT, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, offers continuing articles by prominent scientists debunking global warming.

Obama embraces junk science, green profiteering

| November 30, 2008

Barack Obama has promised to support carbon-trading scams based on phony global warming statistics. See his statement here. Steve Milloy of comments here that supporting such proposals threatens to shrink economic growth by magnitudes not seen since the Great Depression. Why is corporate America so keen on adopting cap and trade schemes? Answer: access […]

World Bank profiting from global warming hoax

| April 5, 2008

NWOU is not surprised that the global controllers are using global warming as a means of extorting money from nations to line their own pockets. NWOU is only surprised that Reuters would report the story: