Not fooled by randomness

| August 29, 2013

Nassim Taleb wrote a book that caught our attention, Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in the Markets and in Life. We are interested in not being fooled, and we are interested in the larger project of understanding human nature, if there is such a thing. We are particularly interested in understanding psychological […]

Europe rejects U.S. financial plague

| July 29, 2010

We’re just musing today over economic events of the last couple of weeks. There is some good economic news. European banks mostly passed their stress tests, so Europe is feeling more confident in its short-term credit flows. The euro is bouncing up against the dollar. Many big corporations reported high profits, so the stock market […]

Europe’s dilemmas

| May 21, 2010

“Those who follow obsolete paradigms become victims.” We’d like to move on to other topics, but Europe’s crisis has our attention. We could hope that Europe is on the verge of splitting apart and rediscovering nationalism, but this optimism is premature. Instead we are looking for forces of alignment and conflict within Europe, and trying […]

Catching up

| April 17, 2010

We’d like to give you a graduation certificate from New World Order University. To qualify, you must have the ancient history, the set-up of the criminal power pyramid, and the ability to gather news and interpret it correctly. You also need to have discarded all the false liberal ideas and freed your inner outlaw, but […]

Global Impact Investing Network

| November 3, 2009

The global elites are linking their foundations and their banks into a capital pool that will direct their future investments. RogueGovernment has the story. This group will invest in global green initiatives, meaning, they will profit from the carbon trading schemes. These elite opinion makers are in bed with the UN, the WHO, and other […]