Top 25 censored news stories of 2009

| January 16, 2009

Project Censored is out with their top 25 censored news stories of 2009. Several of these stories bear on the New World Order takeover. #2 updates the progress of the Security and Prosperity Partnership. As Mexico descends into chaos because of NAFTA and the drug cartels, Plan Mexico gives the U.S. military a presence in […]

Senator suspects Paulson sending TARP funds to his friends

| November 18, 2008

Senator Jim Inhofe (R. OK) said Saturday that “It is just outrageous that the American people don’t know that Congress doesn’t know how much money he (Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson) has given away to anyone,” in a statement to the Tulsa World. “It could be to his friends. It could be to anybody else. We […]