GM to build factory in China

| April 25, 2009

Bloomberg reports on GM’s plans for expansion in China even as it closes factories and model lines in the United States.

Michigan snowballs downhill

| April 5, 2009

A report on Michigan’s downward economic spiral and outmigration at Detroit News. Michigan has lost population equivalent to the size of its three largest cities over the past eight years. Half of all Michigan college graduates leave the state. Have you noticed those “come to Michigan” ads on TV? Now you know why. Ohio, Indiana, […]

How to save GM, dump Ford

| November 8, 2008

General Motors was a key to the U.S. victory in World War II as GM manufactured most of our fighting vehicles. Ford, on the other hand, has been a source of radical disinformation through the Ford Foundation. NWOU would be delighted to see Ford bankrupted and the Ford Foundation defunded, and we encourage everyone to […]