China turning?

| January 21, 2010

Very interesting article in the New York Times about the possibility of a Chinese stock market crash by a leading short-seller. “The Chinese,” he warned in an interview in November with, “are in danger of producing huge quantities of goods and products that they will be unable to sell.” James Chanos’ opinion is currently […]

Gates opens U.S. military to Chinese

| November 6, 2009

It’s difficult for us to get a comprehensive view of foreign affairs today. One reason is that there are so many global meetings negotiating in secret. Another reason is, we haven’t found anyone with superior knowledge who shares our pro-nationalist, anti-New World Order position. We aren’t privy to any inside information, but we have found […]

After Democracy

| December 12, 2008

The Financial Times has offered a review of After Democracy by Emmanuel Todd. The reviewer, John Thornhill, doesn’t have much that is positive to say about Mr. Todd’s thesis, that only protectionism can save Europe’s social fabric, because Mr. Thornhill is devoted to globalism. Mr. Thornhill even offers the false analysis that protectionism caused the […]

How to save GM, dump Ford

| November 8, 2008

General Motors was a key to the U.S. victory in World War II as GM manufactured most of our fighting vehicles. Ford, on the other hand, has been a source of radical disinformation through the Ford Foundation. NWOU would be delighted to see Ford bankrupted and the Ford Foundation defunded, and we encourage everyone to […]

The global bailout

| October 15, 2008

NWOU offers a few thoughts and a few links on the global economic crisis for the confused. If you believe that more easy credit is the solution to a crisis brought on by easy credit, we refer you to a short article by Peter Schiff, who has been warning of a global credit crisis for […]

A good reason to boycott Absolut vodka

| April 5, 2008

It’s not just the Marxists who want a New World Order. The global capitalists are in on the game and in most cases are taking the lead through the formation of “free” trade associations. Here is an ad for Absolut vodka showing the capitalist support for Communist aspirations–the reconquest of southwestern states and their reintegration […]