How the Fed controls economists

| September 22, 2009

From The Huffington Post, a nice long investigative piece on how the Federal Reserve controls the opinions of economists. The banking cartel funds academic research in economics and selects its chosen disciples to join its elite club. Dissenting voices are frozen out of academic tenure and research grants. No one would dare write anything criticizing […]

IMF to audit U.S. Federal Reserve

| June 27, 2009

Spiegel reports that the International Monetary Fund will undertake a systematic examination of the U.S. financial system, including the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank. Spiegel also reports on differences among U.S. Fed officials, many of whom oppose Ben Bernanke’s policies.

More financial pain ahead

| June 11, 2009

Stock markets around the world have rallied off their March lows. The talk on financial TV is about having avoided a Depression, green shoots, a sustainable recovery. Other key phrases of the financial conversation include the steepening yield curve (good for bank profits), the stress test, the possible housing bottom, the commodity boom, and demand […]

Conservatives win European vote

| June 8, 2009

The headline at NewsMax is “Conservatives win big in European voting.” The Times reports that the Labour Party suffered its worst losses ever in local elections. Many are predicting that Brown’s government will be forced to call elections soon.

Monsters vs. Aliens at the G20 meeting

| March 31, 2009

The U.S.-Communist China alliance broke apart in September of 2008 when China announced that its banks would no longer make loans to the United States. Reuters had a brief story on this announcement. Unfortunately the U.S.-China diplomacy from this point is shrouded in mystery, but we can infer a couple of points from subsequent actions.