Is Europe going protectionist?

| February 26, 2009

NWOU is keenly interested in the current struggle between economic nationalism and free-trade globalism in Europe. How national leaders align on this issue may mean the difference between national freedom and identity and European identity under EU tyranny.

Canada to be taken over in April 2009

| January 25, 2009

Dana Gabriel writes at IntelStrike (“TILMA Expands on NAFTA”) that a Canadian free trade agreement is scheduled to be adopted in April. The Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement (TILMA) was signed in 2006. It expands on NAFTA’s transfer of power from local governments to corporations. Quebec is leading an initiative to integrate TILMA with […]

The damage around the world

| January 23, 2009

Let’s begin our tour with a nice, long statistical analysis of recent economic indicators by David Chapman at SafeHaven. Chapman notes the frequent occurrence of the word “Depression” in recent writing about the global economy. Chapman believes it is not a Global Depression but might become one. At the moment, whether the world enters a […]

European Union = USSR

| January 22, 2009

Vladimir Bukovsky draws the parallels between the European Union and Soviet Russia.

How the European Parliament works

| January 21, 2009

New Left Review interviews a member of the European Parliament, Luciana Castellina. If you imagine that the European Parliament democratically represents the interests of the people of Europe, think again. The Parliament represents the proportion of parties in each country, and it has no authority to enact laws. The interview demonstrates that there really is […]

A peek into the future

| January 20, 2009

The European Union plans to ban large-screen plasma TVs because they use too much energy. See the story at the Daily Express. Britain is set to search home PC’s without a warrant, under European Union guidelines. See the story at TimesOnline. A report on the schools of the future at WiseUp Journal. Good links at […]

Local parties organize resistance to EU

| January 13, 2009

NWOU was pleased to find the word “localism” used in an essay describing the organization of local parties in Europe to resist the EU takeover. Some of these parties are already achieving electoral success. The debate in the Comments is very healthy. Fears of the shortcomings of alternatives to the EU are valid, but nothing […]