The evil Green network

| March 7, 2010

We came across a nice page at Free Republic dealing with the Rainforest Network, Van Jones, and other eco-communists. It’s nice to see Climategate scammer Phil Jones on the hot seat and sweating. But that’s not enough punishment. It’s about time scientists went to jail along with the other crooks. “Senator James Inhofe released a […]

Climatescam update

| January 8, 2010

We confess to being bored with the New World Order global warming climatescammers, but we came across a few stories post-Climategate, so here we are again with a few links of interest.

Climategate reaction

| December 8, 2009

Climate fraud controller Phil Jones of East Anglia University has been placed on leave pending an investigation of his emails. This investigation is scheduled for next spring. They hope it will be forgotten by then. Note at the end of this Daily Tech article that James Hansen’s NASA data has also been discredited as fraudulent. […]

England announces end of nuclear family

| December 2, 2009

When we hop across the pond to see how the takeover is progressing in England, we always start with Centurean2, a site so comprehensive that we can’t understand how he does it. Centurean reports that new European Union President Herman von Rampuy is being directed by the Bilderbergers, as is EU Commission President Jose Barroso. […]


| November 30, 2009

They are calling the email scandal at East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit “Climategate.” OK, we’ll go with that name. There has been a lot of media coverage, but we’ll cover it here as there are new developments we don’t want you to miss. Phil Jones, director of the CRU, admitted that he had altered climate […]