Afghanistan fronts the wider war

| December 28, 2009

We refrained from commenting on President Obama’s Afghanistan speech. As you’ll recall, the Right was excited about Obama sending more troops and the Left was appalled. Nobody could figure out why Obama would announce a troop escalation and then set a deadline for beginning withdrawal eighteen months later. Obama succeeded in confusing everyone. The confusion […]

U.S. politicians, CIA linked to drug trade

| January 30, 2009

NWOU recommends keeping up regularly with Madcow Morning News. Madcow does original investigative reporting into the South American drug trade and its links with top U.S. politicians and bankers. Although such stories are blacked out in the U.S. media, both Mexico and the EU media are now reporting on New World Order drug and government […]

The origin of al-qaida

| January 1, 2009

Add al-qaida to the How They Fooled Us file. Peter Chamberlain describes the CIA’s formation of al-qaida at The KickThemAllOut Project.