How they trap you in the network

| March 5, 2010

The web appears to be the last chance for free speech, but it is rapidly being taken over as part of the global police state. Catch up and be aware of what is going on. How Echelon spies on everybody, including Congress. Unmanned drones developed for domestic crowd control. Just like in Afghanistan.

How they will take your kids

| May 30, 2009

Michael Vail at Blacklisted News provides background research on how Pavlovian conditioning techniques took over American education. Unless you are able to break out of Marxist and capitalist conditioning, you are working for your own takeover.

New portable computing device

| February 5, 2009

Breitbart reports today on a new technological gizmo that will allow you to turn any surface into a computer screen powered by hand gestures. You have already seen this technology in the movies and in advertising. The device uses a small camera and smart phone technology to pull information from various sources into your immediate […]

Resisting chip implants

| February 4, 2009

We The People Will Not Be Chipped is a website devoted to resisting chip implants. Chips today are being implanted for medical reasons, to aid hearing loss and blindness. They are also being implanted in pets and children for tracking. The planners expect ordinary people to accept chip implantation in the future, for a variety […]

Chip implants will replace Viagra, psychoanalysis

| January 29, 2009

The Telegraph reports that chip implants are being developed to boost the sex drive. “Therapy” will also be an excuse to implant chips.