L. Ron Hubbard and Jack Parsons

| September 25, 2013

There is more background to the story than we are giving here. In reprinting this page we are attempting to preserve a version of the story written by T. Allen Greenfield of the OTO, published at http://www.mail-archive.com/ctrl@listserv.aol.com/msg44631.html. Websites have a way of going down, so we offer the entire text below.

Elite gay pedophiles

| June 9, 2010

President Obama has declared June as gay celebration month. What exactly about gay is worth a celebration? Celebrate your independence from gay Marxism and gay Satanism by tuning in to the elite pedophilia networks and rejecting the gay propaganda of “equal rights” masking the gay child-abuse networks. The networks are based in the Illuminati control […]

Keeping up with Satanism

| October 22, 2009

The disciples of Aleister Crowley formed the counterculture of the 1960s. The most famous disciple was probably Jimmy Page of Led Zepplin, who purchased Crowley’s house at Loch Ness, named Boleskin. The group of rockers around Led Zepplin practiced Thelemic Magick. The “British Invasion” of ’60s rock bands was a satanic invasion. These ’60s rockers […]