Afghanistan fronts the wider war

| December 28, 2009

We refrained from commenting on President Obama’s Afghanistan speech. As you’ll recall, the Right was excited about Obama sending more troops and the Left was appalled. Nobody could figure out why Obama would announce a troop escalation and then set a deadline for beginning withdrawal eighteen months later. Obama succeeded in confusing everyone. The confusion […]

Afghanistan, drugs, terrorism

| July 9, 2009

NWOU hates to write about Iraq and Afghanistan. We believe most reporting is slanted. Plenty of websites are devoted to these topics, so we don’t need to cover daily reports. And, we hate these wars. We’ve never been to Iraq or Afghanistan, and we don’t presume to have superior knowledge. But we suspect the relations […]

Worried about al-Qaeda?

| May 2, 2009

When we wrote our post Getting Past 9/11, we were asking ourselves the question, how much do we need to fear another terrorist attack from al-Qaeda, if indeed al-Qaeda organized the 9/11 attack? We no sooner asked the question and lo! we soon found an answer, from Foreign Affairs, of all places.