Gates opens U.S. military to Chinese

| November 6, 2009

It’s difficult for us to get a comprehensive view of foreign affairs today. One reason is that there are so many global meetings negotiating in secret. Another reason is, we haven’t found anyone with superior knowledge who shares our pro-nationalist, anti-New World Order position. We aren’t privy to any inside information, but we have found […]

The cap and trade takeover

| September 20, 2009

As you know by now, global average temperatures are cooling, not warming. The warmists have changed their language, abandoning global warming and adopting climate change as justification for their schemes. Newsbusters reports on the cooling trend and the plan to sue Al Gore and other alarmists.

The polar bears will be fine, it’s the farmers we’re worried about

| April 3, 2009

Nicholas Dawidoff has a nice long article on physicist Freeman Dyson at The New York Times Magazine. Dyson is probably the most eminent scientist debunking global warming, but there is much more to Dyson than debunking global warming. The interview is also useful for Dyson’s insight into scientific arrogance and the problematic psychology of obsessive […]

The environmentalists who cried “wolf”

| January 30, 2009

John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel, trashed Al Gore’s claims of global warming just as Gore was testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The story is at Fox News. “Most of the great environmental struggles will be either won or lost in the 1990s and … by the next century it will be […]