Buzzing in the liberal wasteland

| September 19, 2009

We keep saying we’re not interested in liberal opinion, but twice this month we’ve posted on liberal opinion. What gives? Liberals are peeling away from Obama. This is of real-world political interest in the mini-era we have characterized as “buyer’s remorse for supporting Obama.” More importantly, we can use the agony of the liberals as […]

Glenn Beck steps up

| August 31, 2009

We’re not too excited about any of the “conservative” talkers, but today we want to give a nod to Glenn Beck for stepping up. On his Fox TV show last week, Beck provided evidence of the Communist background of some of Obama’s czars, including Van Jones, Mark Lloyd, and Jeff Jones. In our previous posts […]

The Cloward-Piven strategy tied to Acorn’s voter fraud and economic collapse?

| November 4, 2008

The Cloward-Piven strategy is a strategy designed by two radical professors in the 1960s and endorsed by a variety of radical community organizers. Its purpose is to overwhelm governments by recruiting larger numbers of welfare recipients than governments can fund. This strategy, to flood the welfare system with more applications than the government can support, […]