Spiritual racism

“We now hold the monopoly on rebel thinking.”

manuscript.jpgThe anti-modern thinkers represented at Cordelia for Lear hold the keys to conservative thinking. This site is a rich resource for thinking about the great heritage of Western civilization and for reorienting your identity away from the modern crud. If you are going to survive the socialist takeover, you are going to need a reorientation of your identity. The wrong identity is identity with globalism or the phony “brotherhood of man” that erases culture, destroys genuine societies, and forms the progressive Marxist techno-pseudo-society. The right identity is identity with your ancestors and the best ideas Western history has to offer. Learn here.

Anti-EU takeover sites such as Fjordman are struggling to draw from the best ideas of Western civilization in order to Undo the worst ideas of Western history, monopoly financial capitalism and the Communist International combining to construct the global totalitarian socialist police state. But it is not enough to target these elite global criminals, we also need to Undo the modern TV and movie crud culture that imprisons the seekers after happiness in sci-fi predictive programming, mindless consumerism, and modeling of the Communist black, feminist, and gay stereotypes.

Both the aware white nationalist groups and the emerging anti-New World Order dissenters are struggling with alternatives. We think that one of their errors is, remaining too focused on ideas that are too modern. As much as we support the tea party patriots, we don’t believe that 1776 is the correct historical reference point. As much as we support any spiritual alternative to the anti-human project of materialism, we don’t think the spirituals have enough spine to resist complete takeover. We need warrior knights.

We believe those who are waiting for the next elections are going to end up disappointed. The outrage against the crimes that have been committed against us is not going to translate well into institutions, such as Congress, that are already too corrupt to be reformed.

As Nancy Pelosi said, “We need to pass the bill to find out what’s in it.” The congressional leaders add key paragraphs after the bills are voted on. They deliberately use vague language, knowing that bureaucrats will later use their vague language to set up the control regime they want but can’t publicize. They know how to game the system. It doesn’t get any more corrupt than that.

We see the project of salvation as individual. We are not yet mature enough to cooperate. This immaturity manifests as continued reliance on the very institutions that are enslaving us and as maintaining reference to images and ideas that are inherently inferior, corrupt, and enslaving.

Modernism is a failed experiment. If we are to escape from the worst century in human history, the twentieth, we will have to build a vigorous alternative. From our point of view, anything would be a superior alternative to Marxism and Satanism, the ruling ideas of the twentieth century. But the masses remain wedded to both and will require some robust alternative to their present addiction to degrading images if they are to come out of the zombie state. The easiest alternative is to visit Cordelia.

Everyone needs to move back in time for cultural refreshment. This means, replacing degraded modern cultural images with noble pre-modern images.

There is no particular stopping point on the reverse time line of cultural Undoing. We are not looking for the one main idea. All of it then is better than any of it now. It’s a bath. Take a dip and seek what sticks.

These posts caught our attention:

On Ernst Renan.

The desire of a nation, to continue a common life, is entirely absent in the United States. No conservative wishes to live in institutions corrupted by liberals, or to consume their vulgar pseudo-culture, or to make any sacrifice for those who discriminate against us and aim for our continued enslavement. The Left wants to destroy the family, all religion (except egalitarian fundamentalist Islam), the great culture of Western civilization, representative democracy, history, the white race, nationalism. The philosophy of Marxist materialism destroys everything of human value that it touches. Its ideal is the slave-camp and the genocide.

What weapons do we have to defend ourselves? Sorry, not the founding Freemason fathers or the Enlightenment radicals who knew they could manipulate mass public opinion under republics. Europe’s deeper past is a common heritage of greatness. We must find our identity among our ancestors in Europe.

The Northern origin of Greek mythology What it means to be a “northern type.” Models of nobility. Nobility is something the vulgar, childish Left can never understand. Ethnic groups tend to produce types. But we are not particularly interested in the project of psychological classification. We are interested in maximizing the strengths of the northern type to survive the endless gray goo secretion of liberal crud.

Tradition versus modernity A quick lesson in superior values. What we should be living for, and why liberal materialism is a prison of bad values. This simple list is a touchstone. You might want to print it out and carry it with you for reference. We need to bring the right values to the forefront.

Latin conservatism There is plenty of room for exploration and revaluation of the various political and ethnic experiments in European history. We agree, Latin conservatism shines. In The Hidden Masters we trace the degeneracy of the northern countries to the Protestant/Rosicrucian synthesis of the Northern Alliance with England. Left to its own natural development, the Protestant/Rosicrucian synthesis would not necessarily have produced the toxic viruses of Neo-marxism, but it has proven too weak to resist them. However, it is also true that Juan Carlos has sold out Spain to global socialism, so there is no permanent resilient form of European politics. We must create one.

On Codreanu. Legionarism. Spiritual racism and organization for action. Count us in. The fundamental task is the creation of the New Man. The New Man has been born and is taking his first breath. Once you find your correct identity and break the trance of multicultural Marxism, the path is open. Requirements for joining the Iron Guard.

Finding a reason for optimism. Take it where you find it. We are oriented toward building from the ground up, from the pockets of white pain, but various “elites” may recognize that corrupt modernism is crumbling.

We are the future. Suggestions for further reading.

Cordelia’s library. You are a librarian. What will you preserve from the liberal barbarian hordes?

Evola on the occult war.

Based on our research, we’ve closed down on many topics that Cordelia leaves open, but we recognize an ally when we see one. We are willing to enter this territory open minded. We are practicing and advocating mental discipline. The point is not to raise fine questions, the point is to find spiritual support.

There are two traps. First, do not react to some single idea or source on this blog and post a comment sharing your particular idea. This is NOT the time for debate, it is the time for finding your identity and finding your allies.

Second, please do not get swept up in some symbol or cultural ideal and fall into the fallacy of Jungian fantasy nostalgia for “positive archetypes.” It is very easy to fall into fantasizing about imagery, that is the fate of the masses. No symbol worship. This is about cleansing false identity through image replacement. It is not about wallowing in fantasy imagery.

medieval.jpgWe happen not to care a fig about Teddy Roosevelt or Edgar Allen Poe, and we love knights. But, being stirred by the knight image is of little practical value in the age of hi-tech weapons. We aren’t playing some video game.

A new identity is about a complete Undoing.

Western history is pagan and Christian and occultist and secular, it’s all mixed up and dynamic and expasionary and extremely introverted and owes debts to outsiders. Get over it. The point is not to find your particular formula and reject the rest and expect everyone to listen to your preferred version. The point is to ally yourself with traditional values in the war against the Commie takeover, and form networks of resistance.

We don’t need to look back to American history to find our superior models and our superior values. The better heritage lies in the deeper centuries of our ancestors. Most of our families weren’t even here at the time of the founding of America, why should we make our identity out of the shallow ideas of Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson?

Inform yourself, but no wallowing. The time is urgent. Survival of the white race is at stake. Don’t make me have to go over there and drag you back.

Of interest:


Wilson Revolution Unplugged

About Medieval History

Now that we are a couple of years removed from having written The Hidden Masters, we realize we gave you everything you need except the positive role model. Our next few posts on finding your true identity will correct that. For today, we want you to plunge in. We’ll give you the theory of cleansing in future posts, after you have rejected your mass conditioning images and changed a little for the better with a medieval outlook.


About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


4 Responses to “Spiritual racism”

  1. I’ve just clicked on your links and the Cordelia For Lear blog appears to have disappeared. Any ideas as to what happened to it? Has it moved elsewhere? Is it archived anywhere?

    Great site by the way.

    Cordelia just went down one day and I don’t know why. I miss it. I’ll try to post on some of his important writers. Cheers.

  2. My name is Emmanuel sangana am from Tanzania i want to be a freemason member

    You should aim higher, for a leadership position. The members just do the donkey work.

  3. 9/11 says:


    Bitter sweet blog, right on! How long does it take to make something like this?…

    9 years, and then a few days.

  4. Terrific work! This is the type of information that should be shared around the web. Shame on the search engines for not positioning this post higher!

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