Something for the ladies

NWOU runs a tight classroom. We don’t allow girly men, feminists, or environmentalists in our classroom, and we don’t allow smoking dope in class. We give you the truth in concentrated doses, and we understand that this can be hard to take, even confusing, as you try to relate new information to the old stuff you believe. Those who would prefer a softer approach can explore a gentler, feminine website, Living Outside the Dialectic. This is a personal journal website that includes human interest stories about daily life in Alaska as well as anti-New World Order information. Niki Raapana approaches the New World Order through Communitarianism. Communitarianism is socialism justified by the “social sciences.” Communitarianism is soft Neocommunism, Bill Clintonism. We say it’s Communism and the hell with it, but there we go again being brutal and frank.

If you would like your New World Order conspiracy information with photos of flowers and smiling children, check out Living Outside the Dialectic. Raapana covers stories we don’t cover, such as homelessness in Alaska, living in a yurt, Sustainable Seattle, the role of the World Council of Churches, and various Community Planning groups that are in on the takeover. Raapana will take you into networks that we don’t cover. One big problem, and a story we don’t cover, is how the local takeover groups profit from the initiatives and directives from the United Nations organizations.

Niki doesn’t give you the deep New World Order history, just the Communitarian part, the recent history. But that’s enough to get you started on the right track to identifying the enemies who want to control you.

We’re going to keep our eye on the big picture, the global economic war against the U.S. criminal banks, the wheeling and dealing at international summits, the criminals in power, how they get your money, how they fool you, how you might resist. We’re going to take on increasingly difficult topics, such as the gender and racial takeover, that might make the nice ladies faint.

Niki Raapana may be ahead of us in thinking about better alternative futures for those who are being squeezed out of the system. One thing you can do is move to Alaska and live in a yurt. But you really should own a piece of land to make this work. You can make it outside the system. Niki Raapana has the journal and the photos to prove it. Enjoy.

Related: Anti-Communitarian website in the UK. In the UK the weasels call themselves Common Purpose.

Also: Keep up with how the United Nations controls land use inside the United States at Amerikan Expose.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


One Response to “Something for the ladies”

  1. Niki Raapana says:

    Hello! Thanks for posting information about me and my personal blog. I’d like to add that my blog is not the only website I maintain. I’m also not nearly as feminine or fainthearted as you make me out to be. My blog does include photos of things I love, but if you took the time to read through the sidebar links or glanced at my archived posts you wouldn’t be so motivated to paint me as the gentler, incomplete feminine version of nwo research.

    The Anti Communitarian League website is where my historical, legal and whole systems research is posted. I see you have no opinion on that site, which is the primary source for all things anti communitarian. My Anti Communitarian Manifesto includes the history of communitarian thinking and highlights events which led us into the final stage of Hegelian induced human social evolution.

    Communitarianism is the synthesis between capitalism and communism. This is the “perfect balance” between the far right and the far left. Unlike socialism, the theory of rebuilding community includes all extreme political positions. This is why so many right/conservative/Christian Americans endorse global communitarian solutions.

    One purpose for my writing about communitarianism is to show how easily capitalism fits within global communitarian designs. As long as people do not understand what the new system is called, it progresses without impediment. The idea of “community” is the key to understanding the new world order.The right versus left “conflict” leads the world into the communitarian solution. What part of communism includes capitalism?

    Thanks for your note. I endorse all of your website including the communitarian analysis. The “for the ladies” tag occurred to me because I was next turning to the topic of men coping with feminism and wanted to use vulgar language in my posts addressing men only.

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