Slouching toward Prague

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown returned to England after his meeting with President Obama with the outline of new proposals to regulate the world financial system. Brown wants to close tax havens, set limits on corporate bonuses, and create an “early warning” system signalling financial troubles. The story is at the Guardian.

This agenda doesn’t sound too bad, but of course it is just part of the story.

Reuters reports that U.S.-NATO initiatives will be discussed in Prague as well as the skeleton framework of the new global financial system. The devil is in the details. Those details may not even be announced at Prague.

The Daily Express reports on planning for street riots in England, timed to coincide with the G20 summit. The British Army is going to provide back-up security as it is expected the crowds will be too large for police to handle. This creates an interesting picture, the English working and middle classes in the streets protesting job losses, held in check by the army. Some worry these protests will provide the government with an excuse to postpone the scheduled elections.

In June all of Europe is going to vote on the European Parliament. EurActive reports on a poll about quotas for women politicians in this election. Only 10 percent of women and 12 percent of men favor these quotas, but Europe’s leaders support feminist quotas. This split between the public and politicians should not surprise you. Commission Vice-President Margot Wallström opined that “A democracy which does not make enough room for 52% of the population at the decision-making table is no real democracy at all,” thereby dismissing centuries of Western democracy as undemocratic. This is very amusing. Nothing is more undemocratic than to assert that it takes a woman to represent a woman. By extension, this logic leads to “it takes a Negro to represent a Negro” and so on through every possible identity one can conjure up. If women representatives are representing women, what about the men in her district who remain unrepresented by this woman representative? And so on, through every possible identity one can conjure up. Feminism makes representative democracy impossible. Maybe Europe can figure it out before June. Actually, the European Parliament isn’t democratic, anyway, though it does sort of take the form of a democratic institution. Pay close attention to the feminists’ weasel words in this article and you can inoculate yourself against Communist brainwashing.

An estimated 50,000 protesters took to the streets in New York City to protest the new state government budget, which cuts state jobs. Unfortunately, Hazel Sanchez does not report who organized the protests. Hmmm. We’ll assume the government employees in New York are lefties, and the protests were organized by unions. So far all the European street protests have been organized by Communists. The Right can’t draw a crowd. Such protests are simply noise. There is no justification for socialist government and no justification for preserving socialist jobs. Socialism is just a takeover of capitalism and democracy. Socialism produces nothing.

The euobserver notes that Secretary of Sellout Hillary Clinton called for a “green new deal” in Europe. The Green/feminist agenda is, of course, depopulation, and it’s working rather well right now, even without a revived global raw deal. Clinton’s statement means there is more to Brown’s agenda than “global financial security.” Brown’s argument that banks in one country should insure banks in another country is sheer folly. It was the global linkage of finance and trade that caused the crash to be global in the first place.

Finally, Charles Krauthammer’s column on Obama’s deception is getting TV talk. Read it at RealClearPolitics. Short, simple, clear. Even a liberal can understand it.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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