Restructuring global finance

Joan Veon has an informative article on how the global bankers are restructuring the world financial system at NewsWithViews.

“There are so many working groups which now comprise a new level of regulatory oversight operating internationally that it is almost impossible to go back to the power of the individual nation-state. The number and the oversight of these groups will make your head spin. Can we go back? Any country who would dare say no would be completely destroyed—ask the 5 Asian countries that chose to say no to the WTO Financial Services Agreement in the mid-1990s.”

As usual, it’s a network of committees meeting privately to negotiate new global agreements. No nation will be allowed to escape global control and return to economic nationalism. The Financial Stability Board will have the power to manage “cross-border crises.” This means, intervene in any nation’s financial affairs. After the agreements are signed, we can expect real movement toward a global currency.

Inside the United States, a transfer of power to the Federal Reserve banks must occur to align the powers of the Fed with the global controlling agency, the FSB. Part of this restructuring will involve combining all U.S. government regulatory agencies into one agency subject to international control. President Obama is on board with the restructuring plan, and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is the point man coordinating the change in U.S. regulatory structure to conform to the international blueprint.

If you have been wondering why U.S. regulators have been so lax in bringing the capitalist criminals to justice, if you have been wondering why there has been so little reform of the practices that caused the global financial crash, if you have been wondering why the U.S. government has been propping up corrupt banks, if you have been wondering if there is some hope for an honest financial system that actually benefits citizens, now you know the answer.

Actually, as Veon points out, this regulatory financial network is one of the last pieces of the global takeover puzzle. The takeover is so far advanced that undoing it is impossible. We are not going to elect an honest government that undoes the free trade treaties, the United Nations, and the ever-mutating network of global committees devoted to controlling us. If you are still thinking in terms of Left versus Right, understand that the global bankers are entirely comfortable with Communism and socialism. It’s really one integrated global financial system now. No nation can afford to buck this system, especially one that is as much in debt as the United States.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


One Response to “Restructuring global finance”

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