
Let’s say that you are a materialist atheist Marxist liberal. You have put your faith in scientific materialism leading to theoretical truths that are superior to any other form of investigation and thinking. Even though the theories and the consensus about them keep changing. You believe that science can be applied to history and society, and all previous human values can be ignored as superstition under the scientific dictatorship. Marxism or Neomarxism is that authoritative study. You follow the party line, believing that more government exerting power over economy and society is a really good thing.

You can’t wait for any dissident thinking to be eliminated. How great everything is going to be as the regime of social justice applies its hammer to every out-group. You believe that everything is going to be arranged more efficiently under the police state. You are just a small cog in a great machine lurching inevitably toward the Final Solution. When old institutions are eradicated, the new systems will basically just “run themselves” under the control of a central computer that knows everything.

History is the outcome of material forces, great men are irrelevant, human cultural diversity is an unfortunate stage of history. Individuals don’t really matter, it is the superior collective that triumphs over the weaker forces. Men don’t have souls or selves, and it doesn’t matter what they think because all social thinking is conditioned (except for the leaders who are giving you the party line).

Today the whole planet is facing extinction of species, variations in temperature, and the threat of corporate pollution. This is unacceptable. The whole planet needs to be controlled by some super-scientific body that will automatically agree on the right policies of total control.

Your goal is to subordinate your life to these superior authorities and feel superior while the directives are carried out on those of inferior consciousness.

Since human life is merely a collection of molecules that arose by random genetic mutations from existing monkey forms, it would be wrong to assign human life any greater value than other species. Except maybe mosquitoes. You still haven’t made up your mind about mosquitoes. And bubonic plague.

Smart people should be squashed down to your level. It’s wrong for anyone to have more stuff than anyone else, except for your leaders, who need huge fortunes to keep thinking up new strategies for global takeover.

Man now has the opportunity to take control of his own evolution, to replace random harmful genetic mutations that give rise to monstrous life-forms we can’t find in the fossil record with controlled genetic replacement and selection to produce a future race of supermen who will be nice people, smarter, stronger, faster, healthier. You believe in equality, of course, so they should all be equally smart, strong, fast, and healthy. You trust the bioengineers to take care of that.

Nature needs to be left alone to go its own way and evolve as it will, except for humans, who need to be controlled.

You live in a physical universe that arose by accident and operates according to random chance, but had built into it certain mysterious laws that inevitably caused present circumstances, and it’s better if the state controls everything.

The earth has too many people. This causes poverty, except in the large cities where people have the highest standards of living for some crazy reason you can’t quite figure out. Poverty causes crime, except in rural areas where crime rates remain low for some unknown reason. Eliminating the excess people will give everybody an equal standard of living, and freedom from discrimination for the survivors, except for white males.

You are free of superstitions and self-interest. You don’t mind sacrificing for the greater good of the global control system. Why would you want to take up space after you die? That space could be used to plant crops or make a solar-powered community with a junior college.

Good news, they have invented a way for you to die ecologically and recyle the chemicals that happened to be you for industrial use. Today’s new word is resomation. It’s how greenies turn dead bodies into fertilizer. It’s how they want to recycle all the surplus people into earth-friendly chemicals. Mother Nature approves. Death is now one more thing you don’t have to worry about, you will be efficiently recycled.

We hope this resomation doesn’t turn out to be another Prius scam or ethanol scam, consuming more energy than it saves. That wouldn’t be efficient.

This article fails to discuss whether there might be a small ceremony to remember your life right before you get resomated. A short Marxist funeral, if you will. Our idea is to play Led Zepplin’s Stairway to Heaven right before the recycling. You could sell it to the liberals under the slogan, Resomation Rocks. Cool, dude. LIberals will buy anything endorsed by a satan-worshipping celebrity.

Yes, we have a sense of cosmic irony. We learned it in public schools, along with science worship, efficiency worship, pure earth nature worship, and rock ‘n roll as the authoritative radical culture. It was only years later that we grew up and started to educate ourself. Now we reserve our sense of cosmic irony for the brainwashed liberal death culture.

What will these recycling geniuses think up next? We think the next socialist control campaign is going to go something like this: “Live Poor, Believe What We Say, Die When We Tell You, Recycle Yourself.” Or, “Stop Breathing, Save the Planet.” Or how about this one: “Double Up with a Roommate, There Isn’t Enough Room.” It’s the logical way to think once you accept their other assumptions, isn’t it?

Mundus vult decipi, ergo decepiatur. The world wants to be fooled, thus it is fooled.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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