Resisting chip implants

We The People Will Not Be Chipped is a website devoted to resisting chip implants. Chips today are being implanted for medical reasons, to aid hearing loss and blindness. They are also being implanted in pets and children for tracking. The planners expect ordinary people to accept chip implantation in the future, for a variety of reasons. This movement is called transhumanism. The transhumanist movement already has a long history and a literature of justification and speculation about the future. Think tanks promoting transhumanism are part of the New World Order takeover.

Yelena Michaels offers a brief history of the microchip at this site.

“Throughout Europe Big Brother Is Watching” offers a brief history of European surveillance of the public.

DARPA is the central planning agency for chip use in the military. DARPA is also the world’s central planning, financing, and support agency for the development of all new technologies.

Verichip is the main chip manufacturer in the U.S. Verichip proposes chip implants for a variety of purposes, mainly human tracking.

One article on We The People Will Not Be Chipped caught our attention, “Fed Approves Chinese Bank CCB to Open Office in U.S.” The Federal Reserve Bank has authorized a Chinese bank, the China Construction Bank, to open for business in the United States. It turns out that Bank of America owns 20 percent of CCB. When Bank of America is investing in Chinese Communist banks, and the Federal Reserve authorizes Chinese banks to do business in the United States, the integration of the United States and Communist China can’t be far off. CCB is the fourth Chinese Communist bank to be authorized to do business in the United States. The Federal Reserve is coordinating the integration of Communist China and the United States.

A second article caught our attention, “California Pension Funds Close to Bankruptcy.”

Actually, the title is misleading. Calpers is not close to bankruptcy, but the total value of assets has declined from $260 billion to $186 billion. One would expect its assets to decline with the global crash, when all markets declined around the world. Calpers is attempting to create a crisis mentality over these losses and to seek increased contributions from participating state agencies. The alternative would be to cut retirement benefits for California state employees.

“If I were to retire, my retirement would be one-quarter of what I make today for the rest of my life.”

Actually, cutting retirement benefits for state employees would be just fine, because every California state employee who serves the minimum number of years receives their full employment salary when they retire. This fact is rarely disclosed to the public when discussing California state retirement benefits. There is no reason why California should pay its public employees a full-time salary when they retire. One-fourth would be just fine.

This is how they fool you into feeling sorry for the sad state of California government. Actually, California has been debating a new budget for months now. The Democrats simply will not compromise on spending cuts, so the budget remains in turmoil. Why won’t the California Democrats cut unnecessary state spending? For the same reason the national Democrats won’t–because government spending is how the parasites on the Left live off the taxpayer. Notice that, when the Democrats took power in Washington, D.C. this year, the first thing they did was to propose a pork bill disguised as an economic stimulus bill. The scandal of this bill is now being debated daily in the news. The Democrats just can’t help themselves. As soon as they take power, they can’t hold back from looting the Treasury of money it doesn’t even have. Why do so many people vote Democratic? So that they can live off the productivity of others and earn incomes greater than they deserve. How can we possibly fix our economy with such parasites in power?

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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