Planned social destruction

The agenda of social destruction began a couple of centuries ago, but most historians read the history of the nineteenth century as economic progress rather than social destruction. Social destruction really gains momentum under feminism. Feminism is the most efficient destroyer of societies except for the Communist dictatorship engaging in mass murder. We expect the global recession to accelerate social destruction, and the plans of the socialists should finish us off. Feminism plus integration for multiculturalism plus hard economic times is a perfect equation for social breakdown. That’s why the Left is in no hurry to stimulate new business growth or job growth. Without new job growth and business growth, family destruction accelerates. They are not going to undo preferences for feminists, blacks and gays. They have found their perfect moment of power. They can accelerate family destruction simply by maintaining present laws and increasing funding for radical groups.

On Negro social destruction:

One cannot build anything of human value on multiculturalism or diversity. These policies are pure destruction, even destroying the naïve ideas of socialist utopians. Utopia is not diverse. But socialist utopians really have no role in socialist politics, which is entirely about power.

The purpose of identity politics is to destroy all identifications except the identification with socialism. Identity politics destroys moral judgment and every human value.

The 1954 Supreme Court decision forcing integration of schools was based on the scholarship of Gunnar Myrdal. But Myrdal’s racial study An American Dilemma predicted that racial integration would destroy the Southern Negro middle class. This was fine with the socialists because socialism intends to destroy the middle class of every race.

Myrdal and the other Socialist Fabians put forth the false idea that social and environmental factors explain human differences. This false idea continues to be held by all factions of the Left as the dominant justification for multicultural integration into the Marxist mass pseudo-society.

The Veritas Foundation, a group of Conservative Harvard alumni headed by Teddy Roosevelt’s son Archibald, published two excellent books documenting the infestation of Fabian socialism into American universities: Keynes At Harvard (1960) and The Great Deceit (1964).

The Marxist Franz Boas trained many of the most extreme environmentalists, including Ashley Montagu, Ruth Benedict, and Margaret Mead. Boas was active in Communist fronts, in association with John Dewey, Charles A. Beard, economist E. R. A. Seligman, and the socialist sociologist Franklin H. Giddings. New Deal funding helped to get their books into libraries. Cultural determinism then infected history, economics, sociology, political science, and philosophy, like a virus. All of the social science disciplines were taken over with cultural and environmental determinism characterizing racial identities as “constructed” by particular circumstances. The purpose of the Marxist bureaucracy is to provide the “right circumstances” that erase cultural and racial differences. But this is very difficult to do as racial identity trumps socialist brainwashing.

The main propaganda point was, race is only skin color. Inside the skin envelope, everyone was assumed to be an equal blank slate. Colonizing everyone as “equal” in the public education system meant that the deficiencies of Negroes were not specifically addressed in lesson plans, so Negroes did not do well in public schools, even when they associated with white role models.

Refusing to deal with racial differences in a meaningful way meant instead a series of challenges on teaching methods and assessment methods designed to eradicate meaningful measures of achievement and dumb the other kids down.

The Left cannot solve the problem they have created without abandoning socialist theory. That is why the public schools are dysfunctional under control of the Left. Even when the obvious solutions scream for attention. The Left sacrifices Negro well-being to socialist orthodoxy, but this stance should surprise no one as it is entirely consistent with the history of socialism.

The Marxist social scientists and educators trump the power of Congress. Congress is not interested in social preservation.

In contrast to Negroes in America, African tribes have very little crime. Criminality in Negroes in not inherent in the Negro race, it is inherent in socialism.

The monetary disbursements of the welfare system provide a rational motive for the breakdown of the Negro family. There is no inherent “family dysfunction” in the Negro race leading to matriarchy.

Individual Negroes are powerless to fight back against their colonization under socialism, even if they recognize that the black power agenda is misleading propaganda designed to destroy the Negro middle class.

Negro separatism has similarly been preempted by Communism. This leaves aware Negroes nowhere to go but toward white conservatism. There is a certain logic to this intellectual migration because Negroes do better by adopting white institutions than by adopting African tribalism. However, they do lose their cultural heritage by adopting white conservatism. The question for every Negro is whether their cultural heritage has anything worth preserving. Getting stuck on the horns of this dilemma is too big a challenge for any Negro to overcome, even if he is sophisticated and well educated. Their fallback position is, adoption of contemporary American Negro culture. But this “uneasy alliance” of consuming Negro jazz and Negro novels while participating in white institutions and learning white knowledge does not provide a baseline for a future blossoming of a Negro civilization. This could only occur under conditions of Negro self-determination, that is, holding control over land, economy, and government.

A very brief introduction to black separatism, which was the agenda of Malcolm X and the American Communist party. If blacks had gotten a separate state, as the American Communist party wanted, would the rest of America be as threatened by it as we are now by the black agenda taking over the federal government?

The anti-white agenda is now playing out in South Africa. Tune in. It’s a global anti-white agenda.

Those young folks who were so excited about Obama are experiencing a very high unemployment rate, over 50 percent. The New York Post calls these youngsters the “dead end kids.” No future. Post-election interviews with Obama voters reveal that most of them are very poorly educated. They can be duped by images and slogans into voting for a bad future for themselves.

Black power advocates such as Cornell West and Tavis Smiley are noticing that Obama hasn’t done anything for poor blacks, so they are out in public urging him to do more. More what? More welfare payments, more preferences, more anti-white policies? What exactly is the agenda of black power for blacks? The black family has broken down, so the formula is black socialism. You want to pay more taxes for this, don’t you?

On white social destruction:

Sarah notices the media’s race agenda in reporting murder stories. We’ll have more on this topic in future posts. Today we’ll just note, the growing rate of crimes against whites are part of a program of social destruction aided by media cover-up. The race war against whites means, whites should not go out in public alone. Travel in packs, with self-defense uppermost in mind.

CNN makes a survey of a few U.S. cities where foreclosures are accelerating. Statistical foreclosure reports don’t reach the level of individual pain, but more foreclosures will mean more broken families.

Detroit’s city auction has failed to find buyers at bargain basement prices. Detroit is the poster city for New World Order social destruction. Free trade agreements plus high union wages and benefits plus black Democratic socialism equals economic and social destruction. One measure of worker ignorance would be, could Bill Clinton show his face in Detroit after all the economic and social destruction he has caused U.S. workers by passing the free trade agreements? We believe Detroit’s workers would continue to welcome Clinton even though he has sold them out. Michigan continues to vote Democratic despite the unprecedented carnage the Democrats have caused.

The level of liberal ignorance is so deep that you cannot afford to associate with them. By which we mean, do not look to move to Detroit and snap up foreclosures unless you are part of a group that is going to take it over. You will simply take your place in their “economy” and be brought down to their level.

It is interesting to ask, would Dumb Democrats vote again for Bill Clinton if they knew the outcome of that vote would be to send their jobs overseas and turn Detroit into a Third World ghetto? We don’t know the answer, we are just rhetorically probing the level of liberal stupidity. We think the level of stupidity is so thick, many of them would just repeat the same lemming behavior.

Do you really want to associate yourself with this level of ignorance? Factor that into your planning for your future.

What can a poor boy do when there are no jobs? Join the army. Note that most new recruits believe they won’t have to fight. These nasty wars accelerate family destruction and kill off our best people. But white guys may no longer be welcome in the armed forces as hate speech laws will disqualify them.

Now that the Left has taken over the military with feminists and gays and are waging foreign wars to control the heroin trade, why would you want to participate in the military? How would you explain this to the family you left behind?

In our historical research we came across the problem the Romans faced when their Empire became really degenerate. As family formation declined, Roman men did not want to go to war to defend Roman promiscuous sluts. Today this plays out as, the Left refuses to join the military because they know feminists aren’t worth fighting for, while the conservative white guys go to war for the American Empire, which ends up destroying their families.

The U.S. military is one of the corrupt institutions on the planet, right up there with the UN and the Chinese Communist party. The corruption is so pervasive we don’t document it because we don’t have time to cover it in detail. It is also the location of the leading transhumanist think tank, DARPA, devoted to creating the perfect global police state. The U.S. military under control of political correctness is the model for the entire secular “society,” the top-down slavery pyramid of control promoting family destruction.

Washington, D.C. is cutting $20 million from its budget to provide services for the homeless. The Democrats care about the poor, right? Wrong. If they cared about the poor, the Democrats would cut bureaucratic salaries, which average twice those in the private sector, and increase aid to the poor.

Where are the poor going to go? We don’t know. But we think the big Democrat cities are not a good place to be. Eventually the whites will flee from the big cities.

Sanctuary cities are becoming havens for ethic gangs. San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors recently passed a law that prevents San Francisco police from turning immigrant juveniles over to immigration authorities unless the crime is a felony. More protection for illegal immigrants will translate to more gang violence in the big Democrat cities. Cities are not communities, they are arenas of racial gang violence promoted by the Left. Don’t locate your family there.

A little something about the black agenda. It isn’t about “equality,” it’s black power. You know, forces intent on maintaining racial dominance. Over you, white boy.

You will never hear the phrase “black agenda” used on TV. Instead you will hear “black community,” “Hispanic community,” “gay community,” etc. You will never hear “white community.” Then, when referring to an actual location rather than an imaginary radical community, the language will switch away from their preference groups to the false idea of the interest of a “community as a whole.” How can a community have a united interest when everyone is colonized according to racial preferences? Racial identity politics destroys communities.

More importantly, Democrats have adopted the idea that certain political offices are reserved for blacks, there has to be a radical black on the Supreme Court, and so forth. They carve up the political structure with racial preferences. This has nothing to do with community democracy or any theoretical “‘will of the people.”

Cities, towns, counties, and states are not communities. There are no communities. There are only bureaucrats and real estate developments.

The idea of the civil society replaces genuine societies. Civil society means, no society, social destruction, colonization under Enlightenment slogans and Marxist racist preferences.

Genuine communities are cults. The civil society is the wasteland. If you live in the civil society, the socialist criminals are taking your money, discriminating against you, and killing you off.

Obama’s plans to integrate white neighborhoods with government housing for blacks. Obama plans to finish off the social destruction caused by the Warren Supreme Court decision forcing integration in schools by forcing integration everywhere. With racial preferences.

How Obama’s racial policies are destroying NASA.

Flash mobs in Philadelphia. Internet promoters of virtual communities are really promoting radical street mobs. Virtual communites are pseudo-communities exploited by the Left for anti-white street violence.


Children adopted by gays are traumatized. So much for “best interest of the child.” Gays raising children to be gay is a symbol of social destruction.

How Massachusetts is cooperating.

Herpes infection rates by race and gender. Dating a Negro is a very risky proposition. Half of Negro women are infected with an STD. Want to join a “negro community”? Don’t worry, they are going to be joining you. Forced integration at every level. Be careful whom you party with.

The American Dream has moved overseas. We recall Catherine Fitts remarking that it would be better for a young person to learn how to build a house than to take out a mortgage. Home ownership is increasingly a trap. The reason is, you don’t control any community. Real estate agents and mortgage brokers do. They are not honest, and they don’t have your interest in mind. Capitalism is increasingly a license to rape communities for profit. Think about it. Why would you want to marry, form a family, and buy a house? The only people who do this are naive youngsters who don’t understand the powerful forces cooperating to victimize them. Family formation really doesn’t make sense any more, except to naive young people who think they are going to live the American Dream in the era of global socialist crisis.

A perceptive Brit notices what is happening in her village. It’s not just social destruction, it’s community destruction. How will people orient themselves when there is no point in visiting the downtown and everyone hates the government? Add job loss and you have a large pool of nice people who are ripe to form something new that will work for them.

How do we form genuine communities now that Pandora has loosed the twin evils of exploitive capitalism and anti-white socialism on America? It’s not an easy task. It may not even be possible.

We are approaching the problem in steps. First, at least recognize that society doesn’t exist here, and U.S. foreign policy coordinates with UN goals to foster social destruction around the world.

Second, we will post on how to make yourself into a person who is capable of living in a real society. Not a capitalist exploiter or a socialist zombie.

Someone has to separate the sheep from the goats. It starts here.

Next, how to promote real family formation, get territory, and defend it from the invasion of the liberal zombie creeps. Stay tuned if you’re up for the challenge.

Where can you form a free family and preserve the white race? White Village.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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