News for November 29, 2020

Posted By on November 28, 2020

This David Icke interview reveals that the vaccine agenda is merely the first step to chipping all species and replacing all natural life forms:


Catch up with election lawsuits and court rulings at Epoch Times.

Governor and secretary of state in Georgia took money from China to steal the election.

Sidney Powell was never part of the Trump legal team.

How to understand the Sidney Powell lawsuit.

Pennsylvania state legislature will file resolution to invalidate election results.

Antifa and BLM continue to vandalize stores in Portland.

Now black BLM wants to separate from white Antifa.

Not everyone respects these Communist activists:

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lockdown meme

Johns Hopkins publishes study showing there is no increase in death rates under the covid pandemic.

Court in Portugal rules covid tests are 97 percent unreliable.

Profusa is manufacturing the chips inside the covid vaccines.

UK government expects lockdown to last a year, and multiple vaccinations will be required.

British employers can make corona vaccine mandatory.

British spy program called Covid OneView is gathering personal information to predict who will violate quarantine.


Business owner in New York drives off police trying to shut him down.

LA county issues 3-week lockdown order.

Thousands defy California governor’s order to stay home after 10 pm. You will have to protest these lockdowns or accept Communist takeover.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. leads protest against the Bill Gates vaccine in Berlin.

Massive lines at food banks in New York.

New Mexico governor shuts down grocery stories for 2 weeks due to covid.

Apple’s new iOS will track and report every app you open:

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U.S. and UK intelligence agencies are trying to suppress alternative media.

Senate committees release new evidence of Hunter Biden corruption with China and Russia.

Jack Posobiec believes the Republican base is ready to leave the Republican party. Well, they won’t if Trump wins. If he loses, a few more might come our way.

Ron Ewart makes the case that we can’t vote our way out of white genocide.

Japanese minister announces plan to turn Japan multi-ethnic.

Communist China paid U.S. newspapers millions to publish their propaganda before the election. Isn’t that foreign interference?

Daisy Luther notices that conspiracy theories are turning out to be true. Everybody has his own timeline for figuring it out. Takes some people longer than others.

CIA officer killed in Somalia. This is fake news. The CIA officer was killed trying to prevent the seizing of the Dominion server in Germany.

Tucker Carlson video shows him wearing a Cabala bracelet (red thread). We don’t follow Tucker, but, as we recall, he was talking multiculturalism and feminism as constitutional mandates.

Camile Paglia on transgenders. The problem is, when you emphasize degeneracy as part of a historical cycle, you tend to ignore the ((people)) who are pushing it.

“This world is nothing but the arena of a play at which the being is taught and tested for higher mission and harder tasks.”

An introduction to Dragos Kalajic. His moral aphorisms tell us how to prepare ourselves to fight. We don’t pay enough attention here to discussing the moral and spiritual teachings of racial conservatism.

The greatest sin—racism—is actually the ultimate virtue.

Get to know your jewish actors. Better yet, just leave Hollywood behind.

Study shows liberals have much more mental disease. This is not a new idea.

“In 1938, Antonio Vallejo-Nájera, head of Franco’s Military Psychiatric Services, was commissioned to study the personality and psychology of Communist prisoners. Although Vallejo-Nájera did not consider Communists to be innately mentally ill, he identified that the majority of subjects had innately “mentally inferior” and degenerative psychological characteristics. This included poor temperament, mediocre intelligence, schizoid tendencies, clumsiness, and a lack of spontaneity and initiative. Similarly to Kaczynski, Vallejo-Nájera noted that envy, social resentment, and frustrated aspirations formed the foundation of the Marxist worldview. Interestingly, he observed that these negative psychological traits appeared to be amplified in female Leftists, a trend that certainly parallels our own era. After years of study, Vallejo-Nájera concluded that the chance of changing the political attitudes of Leftists was extremely low.”

[See: The Biopsychism of Marxist Fanaticism (1938)].

How Israel is dealing with its immigrants:

A tour of the headquarters of Scottish Rite Freemasonry in Washington, D.C.:

Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes, 2020:

News for November 22, 2020

Posted By on November 21, 2020

Our other website, World Depopulation Agenda, was hacked and taken down. This site will disappear soon. This is the age of censorship. If you find something of value here, download it to your computer now.

Google, Facebook, and Twitter coordinate with each other on their censorship policies.

Trump legal team press conference on Thursday, November 19. Since they presented so much information, we won’t be linking to stories reported earlier in the week that they covered. The situation is still fluid.


Eric Coomer, Dominion engineer, says “I made sure Trump’s not gonna win” in a call with Antifa.

Trump’s ace in the hole: If he can prove foreign interference in this election, Trump can freeze all their assets and prosecute them, according to Executive Order.

A Las Vegas oddsmaker talks about the election.

A former project manager at Dominion is now a Michigan mayor.

11 congressional races are still not counted.

Matt Bracken discovers what the Communists have planned for us.

Chinese consulate in Houston was printing phony election ballots:

Proud Boys stomp Antifa in last Saturday’s march in Washington, D.C.

China forms a regional free-trade group with 15 nations. This is going to push China to a position of global economic power.

Rural Oregon wants to join Idaho. Great! Split up the Communist states through secession and realignment.

Antifa joins German police in suppressing a lockdown march in Frankfurt.

FBI Director Wray profited from Hunter Biden deal with China.

UN launches biometric digital ID wallet. The move to force all financial transactions to be digital (abolishment of cash money) may happen very quickly, in January.

Boris Johnson says Britain will ban gasoline and diesel cars by 2030.

Canada’s Communist prime minister says the covid pandemic offers an opportunity to impose totalitarian rule faster.



We reported previously that Canada is establishing remote quarantine camps. Now it surfaces that they have ordered guillotines “in support of their covid policy.”

New Zealand has established mandatory quarantine camps for covid.

Klaus Schwab says humanity will have a new identity after the Great Reset implants microchips that can read your thoughts.

An investment club for billionaires who want to invest in environmental technologies.


Pfizer’s claim that their new vaccine is 90 percent effective is not supported by peer reviewed medical journals or the WHO.

Covid contact tracing has been a monumental failure. This is a good thing. It means their technology is not sophisticated enough to track us all yet.

San Francisco plans $1,000 fine for people smoking tobacco or cannibis in their apartments.

Kyle Rittenhouse is free on bond.


How the Sabbatean/Frankist doctrines of the Illuminati translate into the modern program of the Left. Karl Marx, Antonio Gramsci, the Freudian Left, the feminists, and the Frankfurt school of Cultural Marxism all made contributions to Illuminism, but the core of the plan for jewish tyranny over the world remains from the 1700s.

Hitler’s speech in 1936 explaining the national socialist opposition to the Sabbatean/Frankist bolshevik jews.


What if the whole of modern American history you know is wrong? Short article at Freedom Bunker. Learning that what they taught us of American history was wrong was our motivation for starting this website and writing The Hidden Masters. Anthony Sutton’s books are recommended. We knew Dr. Stan Monteith when we started this project. Feels like we’ve come full circle. We tried to warn people, but it didn’t work.

More good news: A study says that work-from-home is making people more racist. Be responsibly racist, the white race is under attack.

Jews plan barbaric religious ritual at Temple mount site:

Greg Johnson proposes 90 percent white nationalism. Something to argue about while Western civilization gets smothered under multicultural socialism.

We haven’t heard Rush Limbaugh for many years, but we caught this post where a caller talked with Rush about Republican officeholders’ failure to support President Trump. Moving.

Bob Kudla has some economic predictions for 2021:

Morgoth has an interesting video on the Twitter phenomenon:

Dave Cullen summarizes the current state of affairs and offers optimism:

Hitler finds out Biden won the election:

News for November 15, 2020

Posted By on November 14, 2020

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Federal Election Commission calls election illegitimate.

Michigan: Dominion software flipped 138,000 Trump votes to Biden.

Fraud in Detroit: Interview with a whistleblower.

450,000 ballots have a vote only for Joe Biden.

Giuliani says 650,000 votes in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia were counted illegally.


Examination of Dominion software reveals vote fraud in several states.

State by state log of votes switched from Trump to Biden.

Biden victory in Pennsylvania is statistically impossible.

But Pennsylvania will not order a vote recount, Trump’s lawyers withdraw lawsuit. This should be enough to tip the election to Biden. The only remedies now are a Supreme Court decision demanding recounts supported by proof of massive fraud or state legislatures invalidating election results based on proof of massive fraud. Unlikely. Trump has not won fraud lawsuits in state courts so far.


Georgia orders hand recount. It doesn’t matter if they only count the votes a second time. The election needs to be audited.

Swiss report sheds light on CIA’s use of voting machines to fix elections.

Nancy Pelosi’s chief of staff is chief executive at Dominion Software.

Dominion shares floor space with George Soros organization in Toronto.

Mike Adams thinks Trump is preparing the military for domestic use. But it won’t be any good if he loses.


How the Left is thinking about the election.

Norway will put people in jail for hate speech against gays and trannies.

Italians face 6 years in prison for breaking quarantine.

Italian man fined 400 euros for kissing girlfriend.

Greeks must ask the government for permission to leave home.

Britain may make vaccination certificate mandatory for admission to bars, restaurants, workplaces.

Hungary proposes outlawing gender transition for minors.

Austria will make it a crime to spread political Islam. Too little, too late. Islam is political.

“Jair Bolsonaro, the proudly homophobic president of Brazil, has said his nation needs to stop being a country of fags in dealing with COVID-19.

“I regret the deaths. I really do,” he said, according to a translation by PinkNews. But we’re all going to die someday. There’s no use fleeing reality. We have to stop being a country of fags. … We have to face up to it and fight. I hate this faggot stuff.”

Bolsonaro talks war with America if Biden becomes president. We could all move to Brazil.

A look at opposition to the lockdown in Italy:


Klaus Schwab promises the world will never return to normal.

“As of yesterday, all borders on the continent have been sealed; militaries are engaged for contact tracing in England, France, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland; a friend of mine with both Swiss and EU passports is now stranded in Berlin because they are not even allowing departures from EU nations. Hotels have been ordered “not to take new reservations” until November 30. (Note: not “to close.”) There are massive, spooky-as-hell, fully empty “apartment complexes” (i.e. prison complexes – literal bars over the windows) already built in remote places in Europe. But these are not for normal people: they are housing built by and for the elements of corruption in Europe, at least, that will be exposed. I expect something similar to follow in America.

The Great Reset is underway.”  Vox Populi

Rumble is attempting to replace You Tube. Gab is trying to be an alternative news site.

Video Rebel outlines the worst-case scenario.

Rural Californians seem prepared for civil war.

Why it’s OK to sometimes be interested in other cultures:

She never saw it coming:

News for November 8, 2020

Posted By on November 7, 2020

Is it possible the Democrats engaged in widespread voter fraud? Of course it is.

Here is Joe telling you they engaged in voter fraud.

How the Democrats stole Georgia.

How the Democrats handled Detroit:

Michigan poll workers ordered to backdate late ballots.

Voting fraud discovered in Michigan, called a software “glitch.”


Overnight vote dumps go entirely for Biden.

89 percent turnout in Milwaukee? Doesn’t sound right.

More votes than voters in Wisconsin.

Backdated ballots in Michigan.

Hundreds of cases of ballot fraud.

138,000 ballots discovered in Michigan, all for Biden.

Software glitch discovered in Michigan.

Georgia mandates vote recount.

General McInerny is the source on the Democrats’ use of Hammer and Scordcard software to change the election results. This guy knows a lot about stolen elections in the past.

Bannon and McInerny:


Trump’s lawyers believe that manual recounts will be necessary in 30 states. But they have to expose the fraud with solid evidence.

Statistical anomalies in the vote results.

Cliff Kincaid editorializes about CIA interference in our elections.

Trump has the power to declare cheating states as being in a state of insurrection, and he can strip their electoral college votes. But does he have the guts to do it?

Republicans control the assemblies of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona, and state assemblies have the final word on which electors go to the electoral college. This gives Trump a firewall of support, providing he makes clear the evidence of election fraud.

Canadian politician reveals the next stages in the global takeover agenda. Expect lockdowns to continue, and expect a new type of covid infection to spread next year.

David Dubyne says the financial Great Reset begins in January. This one is all about high finance and the problems they are going to have switching over to new systems.

Senate Homeland Security committee verifies Bobulinski testimony on Hunter and Joe Biden.

The Sunrise movement to take over the White House includes government employees, not just Antifa and BLM.


UK media report Putin stepping down in January. This is false. Putin is not stepping down.

UK bans covid protests.

Brits flee London covid lockdown.

Brits could be fined for leaving the house without an excuse.

Michigan Governor Whitmer demands names, addresses for all who visit restaurants in Michigan.

Why covid tests produce too many false positives.

Vast majority of nations vote to sanction Israel.

4 Proud Boys stabbed near White House Nov. 4.

They don’t just censor our TV, search results, and social media: How Israel censors the internet:

Psychiatry is a scam

Posted By on October 31, 2020

If you don’t know that psychiatry is a harmful pseudoscience responsible for millions of deaths, you need to watch this video.

Hat tip Silver Bear Cafe.

From Overlords of Chaos:

“A psychopolitician must work hard to produce the maximum chaos in the fields of ‘mental healing.’ You must work until every teacher of psychology unknowingly or knowingly teaches only communist doctrine under the guise of ‘psychology.’ You must labour until every doctor and psychiatrist is either a psychopolitician or an unwitting assistant to our aims. You must labour until we have dominion of the minds and bodies of every important person in [America]. You must work until suicide arising from mental imbalance is common and calls forth no general investigation or remark … you must dominate as respected men the fields of psychiatry and psychology. You must dominate the hospitals and universities … you can come and take your instructions as worshippers of Freud … psychopolitics is a solemn charge. With it, you can erase our enemies as insects. You [psychologists] can change their [leaders] loyalties by psychopolitics. Given a short time with a psychopolitician you can alter forever the loyalty of a soldier … or a statesman or a leader in his own country, or you can destroy his mind. Use the courts … the judges … the constitution … its medical societies and its laws to further our ends … by psychopolitics create chaos. Leave a nation leaderless. Kill our enemies. And bring to earth, through communism, the greatest peace man has ever known.”

Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria (1899-1953), Jewish-Russian Bolshevik, Head of the Lenin School of Psychopolitics, Soviet chief of secret police under Joseph Stalin. The terror organisation Beria headed was euphemistically called the Peoples Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD). Beria was also a mass murderer who was later executed by his associates for “anti-state activities” in the power struggle following Stalin’s death. The quote is from an address to a group of American Marxist psychology students (1933).

News for November 1, 2020

Posted By on October 31, 2020


FBI confirms Hunter Biden laptop emails are authentic.

Hunter Biden financed Chinese state-owned enterprises.

Hunter Biden audio file confirms he was partner of China “spy chief” in Hong Kong.


What China got from Joe Biden for all that money: Identification of CIA agents inside China.

The Democrats selected Joe because he is completely compromised and will never go off course. They might decide to replace him, anyway, and they have so much on him he can never resist.

Lude says Obama took $1 billion bribe from China for not opposing China’s buildup in the South China Sea.

More on the Obama story here.


The Hunter Biden sex videos from his laptop are posted here. We think. We don’t want to watch them so we just assume they are there.

China has targeted Taiwanese leaders for propaganda and bribery, just as they targeted U.S. officials.

30 police officers injured in riots after Philadelphia police shoot knife-wielding man.

Police in Philadelphia were ordered to stand down to let them loot and riot:


Shut Down DC will be in the streets to shut down DC on election night. What they hope to accomplish: Take over the White House or A Trump overreaction.

Tens of thousands flee from Paris as lockdown takes effect.

Moslem protesters take to the streets to declare war against France.

Moslem scholar says Moslem armies coming to crush France. We are starting to think open warfare in France against Moslems would be a good thing.

An interview with Alain de Benoist on Macron’s Moslem dilemma. Suddenly Macron has figured out what everybody else knows: Islam is at war with France.


Why mask mandates don’t stop the spread of coronavirus. Every European nation suffering an uptick in cases had a mask requirement.

New research paper says coronavirus outbreak occurred in PLA hospital in Wuhan.

Peter Breggin catches up with our reporting last spring: Fauci financed China’s weaponization of covid.

84 percent of covid deaths have occurred in Democrat-run territories.

Biden promotes anti-religious LGBT agenda.


Trick or treating forbidden in England’s hotspots.

California requires Thanksgiving to be held outside.

UK police will break up Christmas gatherings if social distancing is violated.

A look at locked-down London:

Spain declares emergency until May 9.  Doctors in Spain go on strike to protest new lockdown requirements. There is going to be a lot of protesting in the months ahead, and the lockdowns will continue indefinitely.

Scotland will prosecute hate speech reported from dinner conversations.

Joe Rogan interviews Alex Jones. We haven’t figured out why Joe Rogan is popular, he obviously isn’t bright, but Alex is good here.

Satanic ritual murder in Argentina. We are reporting this because satanic ritual murders are rarely reported in the press.

Thomas Chittum, the man who predicted the civil war of 2020.

Alison Weir covers the World Zionist Congress. Because nobody else does.

Hail Victory has put together a video linking behavioral psychology experiments with the anti-white agenda. These evil psychologists are rarely discussed, and never discussed within the context of the anti-white agenda. But their dehumanizing research is one line supporting the Cultural Marxist propaganda we face today. Hat tip for excellent research.

Anti-communists escort Biden/Harris out of Texas.

News for October 25, 2020

Posted By on October 24, 2020


How Hunter Biden was compromised by the Chinese Communist Party, a report from China not connected to Hunter’s laptop.

Rudy Giuliani turns over Hunter’s hard drives to Delaware police, who punt it to FBI. Who will make sure nothing happens.

Backstory on the Mayor of Moscow paying Hunter Biden $3.5 million.

Underage girl photos on Hunter’s laptop were of Biden family member.

Who is Tony Bobulinski? Hunter’s business partner cooperates with the investigation.

Chinese energy company gave Hunter a $5 million loan. More on Biden/Bobulinski business here.


Hunter helped China acquire U. S. military manufacturer.

FBI supposedly investigating Hunter for money laundering since 2019. The FBI, where corruption cases go to die.

Senate opens investigation into Hunter’s business dealings.

Second Hunter Biden laptop found in Ukraine and turned over to authorities.

None of this is going to amount to anything unless the Democrats decide to use it to remove Joe Biden from office after he is elected president.

Republicans are very cheerful about the latest polls, which show Trump winning, or very close to winning. But the polls don’t matter. What matters is whether the Democrats are going to succeed in stealing the election. Michigan, for one,  is already set up to commit voter fraud, as recorded in the audiotape below. You can be sure the same fraud is going to happen in closely contested states controlled by Democrats.


China sets up website for Antifa and BLM to gain addresses of Trump supporters. And here.

The post-election timeline of the Left includes street protests November 3-7, then a “no more business as usual” shutdown of Congress and the White House.

Tucker warns about Truth and Reconciliation tribunals after the election:

Riss Flex accesses portions of Mr. Lude’s video from inside China revealing elite relationships and the extent of the Biden family corruption. (Lude’s broadcast here.)

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This is Canada’s Minister of Defense. Not kidding. Harjit Sajjan has words of warning for any white supremacist who seeks to join Canada’s military. How the foreigners will rule us.

Evil Pope Francis renews 2018 agreement with Communist China allowing persecution of Catholics. This pope also approved same-sex unions this week.

Madagaskar president claims WHO offered him $20 million to poison the covid cure his country invented.


Ireland locks down for 6 weeks.

Record cases in Czech Republic.

All of Poland is a red zone.

70 percent under curfew in France.

World lockdown plan includes universal basic income, debt forgiveness, required vaccination.

“Canada’s federal government will offer to eliminate all personal debts (mortgages, loans, credit cards, etc) which all funding will be provided to Canada by the IMF under what will become known as the World Debt Reset program.

“In exchange for acceptance of this total debt forgiveness, the individual would forfeit ownership of any and all property and assets forever.”

Canadian whistleblower reveals plan.


Alberta moves to repeal Canadian government’s excessive emergency powers law.

What happened at the World Vaccine Congress.

Canada is building covid quarantine internment camps:


Court overturns order locking down Berlin’s bars.

Wales: Everybody stays home for two weeks.

CommonPass covid passport system for airline flights goes into effect.


France shuts down 70 mosques, expels Muslim radicals after beheading. Whatever happened to “diversity is our strength”?

Greece arrests ngo members involved in illegal immigration.

UK government pays covid tracking experts $10,000 per day.

UK establishes social bubbles, bans sex.


Facebook uses Chinese nationals to monitor hate speech.

Department of Justice files antitrust lawsuit against Google. This won’t be settled for years and may amount to nothing.

At least 118 police officers have left the Seattle police force.

Norwegian anti-Islam leader found dead.

French court fines Alain Sorel for anti-Semitism.

ADL is behind recent wave of censorship.

A statistical study of U.S. unemployment rates by state.

Suddenly, there’s Laurence Fox.

Wotansvolk has put together a 3-parter on who’s who in Satanism. Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.

Why you need to be more careful at the gas station: