News for January 16, 2021

Posted By on January 15, 2021


Pelosi, McConnell refused Washington police chief’s request for national guard troops on January 6.

Joint Chiefs of Staff issue memo confirming that Joe Biden will be the next commander-in-chief.

Daily Mail is reporting a Trump–Giuliani split. Also here.

Peter Navarro has put together a report on election fraud, Part 3 is here, you can find the other parts if interested.

Trump’s last days in the White House. And here.

Inside Big Tech’s censorship push.


Delta airlines throws Trump voters off plane.

Trump reorganizes military to put Israel in CENTCOM.

Post-Brexit, Dutch customs officials are confiscating food from England.

Helmets are coming to the dentist’s office.

UK hands out massive number of covid violation fines.

UK considering even harsher covid lockdown rules.


University of Alabama under investigation for connections to Wuhan lab.

Aidan MacLear, We lost, now what? An exploration of alternatives.

Spencer Quinn says what a lot of you have been thinking.

Thomas Dalton analyzes the events of January 6 and concludes that America is finished, secession is the answer. More Dalton secession theory here.

Texas considers secession:


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The Communists already have in place a “domestic terrorism” bill. Aimed at you.

The Pentagon is worried that white nationalists are reaching out to recruit members of the U.S. military. This is important because our next leader needs to come from the military, not the business world.

UK is attempting to undermine nationalist groups by infiltrating them with satanists. And while we are thinking of it, we should remind you that alt news sites on the web are up because the deep state lets them stay up. Most are compromised limited hangouts.

A list of corporations cutting ties with Trump supporters.

How Leftists take over small towns.

25 percent of Americans believe it’s time to split into two countries. This number is going to grow. But the Left wants it all.


The World Economic Forum has its own organized Antifa called Global Shapers. If you meet a global shaper, feel free to reshape them.

Who is putting up “No White Guilt” signs, and why would they do that? It’s disturbing some people. Hope you don’t see any of those signs in your area.

Homelessness in Los Angeles predicted to double in next four years.

After signing a peace agreement with Israel, Dubai becomes a destination for Israeli sex tourism.

Alert Reader digs down into the root the problem and finds Zionists and Freemasons.

When Anthony Ludovici met Adolf Hitler.

Gilad Atzmon, The Fascist Scale Revisited. We have been wondering why so many “conservatives” characterize modern Communists as Fascists when the historical reality is that the Fascists were the last to oppose the Communists. Of course there is widespread misunderstanding about the Fascists since the USA sided with the Communists to oppose the Fascists in World War II. Lots of conservatives consider the Fascists to be the bad guys, not the heroic resisters of jew bolshevism. Atzmon sheds light on this confusion by revisiting the Cultural Marxists’ fixation on the “authoritarian personality” and their determination to pin “authoritarianism” on the Fascists while excluding their Communist comrades from being so characterized. Nice work.


Remembering Richard Edmonds, English white nationalist.

Soviet system a copy of the Jewish Kahal

Trump’s Russia ties are really Jewish ties. This report has little to do with Trump, it’s an outline of jewish mafia influence.

Remembering Anthony Bourdain:

Jews in the marijuana business.

Andy Ngo’s new book on Antifa.

At least we’re not getting Bill and Hillary again:

News for January 10, 2021

Posted By on January 9, 2021


Yes, the Democrats cheated. They always cheat. Maybe somebody should have done something about it before the election.

Pence issues memo explaining his role in the vote certification. The Democrats could not afford a 10-day investigation of election fraud as it would have revealed election fraud. Sending the issue of split electoral slates to the state legislatures would have overturned the election result. The Democrats could not afford any outcome but ratification of Biden on January 6, so they signaled for the break-in of the capitol to start in order to scare the Congress into a rapid certification of Biden electors.

Storming the capitol:

A witness to the shooting of Ashli Babbitt.

Violence by Antifa on the south side.


200 big corporate CEOs urged Congress to certify Biden as president-elect.

Video shows police removing barriers to allow protesters into capitol building. And here.

Video of Antifa breaking windows at the capitol.

Founder of BLM was filming inside capitol building.

Viking guy photographed inside the capitol building was previously photographed at a BLM rally.

Viking guy also photographed with Michael Vos, Nancy Pelosi’s son-in-law.

Nancy Pelosi organized the Antifa invasion of the capitol. We are not sure why Trump wanted a protest march on January 6. Protests don’t stop Congress from certifying electors. But whatever the reason, Pelosi outfoxed Trump, using Charlottesville as a model.

An eye-witness account of the events of January 6.


Antifa member takes credit for capitol invasion. Former FBI agent reports Antifa participation.

Gaetz, Brooks name Antifa as hijackers of the march. Pam Geller report.

Trump supporters active at 17 state capitals. A report from Washington state. More here. Trumpsters, what did you think you were going to accomplish by protesting at state capitals? Protesting is weak.

DC police arrest dozens. Antifa founder was detained and released. FBI finds no Antifa involvement.

We have rumors that Trump has been removed from Washington, D.C. to a military command center in Abeline, Texas, to ensure the military chain of command in the face of the threat to remove Trump from office using the 25th amendment. However, the situation is murky, fake news is everywhere, most sources have been taken down, and we trust no one.


Trump wants to indict Zuckerberg and Dorsey. But does he have anybody left on staff who will actually carry out his orders?

President Trump joins Parler. Google and Apple threaten to take down Parler unless they enact censorship. Google bans Parler app from downloading. If Trump tweets from Parler, be suspicious. It might not be him.

You Tube bans Steve Bannon’s war room podcast.

Twitter bans Trump, thousands of supporters.

Rush leaves Twitter.

Trump campaign banned from using email.

Pence chief of staff has been banned from the White House.

Pence calls for Trump’s arrest. (We’re not too sure about the accuracy of this report.)

Iraq issues arrest warrant for Trump.

Big business CEOs vow to fire Trump protesters.

McInerny says there were multiple operations on January 6, and military ops got Nancy Pelosi’s laptop from the capitol building. That is why the Left is so anxious to censor Trump and his followers. You can get the whole pro-Trump narrative in the video below.


Trump’s sons declare war against Republican party. The Trumpsters and the Repubs are going two different ways.


Trump faced rejection in the courts and never found a public forum to present his case for election fraud. Instead of creating a special investigative committee and publicizing its results (and arresting perpetrators of fraud), Trump dithered until the January 6 vote and then got painted into a corner. Adolf Hitler would never have allowed this to happen. He would have seized the evidence right after November 3rd and prosecuted the fraudsters.

Trump wasn’t up to the job when the decisive moment came.


Brazil rejects Great Reset at UN meeting. Brazil could be a destination.

Jimmy Carter will not attend Biden inauguration.

Abigail Shrier investigates why so many young girls want to change their gender. One point: Young girls who watch porn videos become afraid of intercourse because the depictions are so violent, so they see gender transformation as a way to avoid having sex with men.

UK lockdown: Fines for leaving your home. UK police will stop people on the street, target anti-vax protesters.

Democrats in New York want to establish covid quarantine camps.


China is planning to expand its weather modification projects.

The polar vortex has split in two, possibly leading to more severe winter weather.

China suffers cold weather blast. Spain sees heaviest snowfall in 50 years.

How to buy a small bullet-proof house.

Spencer Quinn reviews The Russian Roots of Nazism at Counter-Currents. This appears to be a pretty thin book that makes one good point: Nazism was influenced by White Russian refugees in Germany warning about the dangers of jew bolshevism. But the Nazis didn’t need Russians to warn them, they could see Germany filling up with jew bolsheviks.

News for January 3, 2021

Posted By on January 2, 2021

“What are you faggots going to do when election comes and the polls are right and Trump loses? Off yourselves? Riot? Leave the country? Start the civil war you’ve been whining about since 2008? Oh, that’s right. You won’t do shit. You never, ever do. You will cry about the white race and say the election was rigged, but you will do nothing. Just like daddy Donnie. Meanwhile we will take your guns, we will indoctrinate your children and we will breed out the white race. It’s over this time. Really. And you won’t do shit. You never, ever do.” –internet discussion board


Jason Meister says Vice-President Pence has the power to disqualify electors from states that are contested due to charges of fraud.

But Vice-President Pence has refused to join Louis Gohmert’s lawsuit stating that the vice-president has the sole power to determine which electors Congress shall count. Mr. Gohmert’s lawsuit has been dismissed due to lack of standing.

Pelosi and McConnell are working on a deal to block objections to electors on January 6. Our money is on Pelosi and McConnell.


Vice-President Pence has announced that he will not run for any political office in the future. The man announces he has had enough right before the biggest day of his life. Not a good sign for Trump.

Lin Wood says that Vice-President Pence should be arrested and executed for treason. This is a stunning comment. Lin Wood might know something we don’t know, or he might be out on a limb. Either way, he will be first into the gulag.

Only eleven senators have come forth to challenge the electoral slate presented to Congress on January 6. This does not look good for Trump. He should have 50 senators.


What happened in 1876.

The law code governing counting of electoral votes. Even if the Trump camp presents overwhelming evidence of election fraud to Congress, it won’t matter because they don’t have the votes in the House to reject slates of electors from disputed states. Do you think that evidence of fraud is going to persuade Democrats to vote for Trump?

If you want to go to Washington, D.C. for the 6th of January march, check out this website. And, pay attention to these warnings.

All Western media have accepted dinners and trips from the Chinese Communist Party. Mike Adams has a list of the perpetrators. A few years ago, when the Left announced their strategy of taking down Alt Right websites and censoring the news, we didn’t think they would be able to pull it off. They pulled it off. That is a good measure of how far gone America is.

Antifa has been derailing railroads in Washington. Not sure why they would want to do that, but the point is that Antifa is capable of bigger terrorist acts than burning buildings and closing roads.

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WHO chief scientist says there is no evidence that any of the vaccines will prevent covid infection.

Fewer than 40 percent in Europe want the vaccine.

Neal Ferguson admits the lockdown policies were inspired by Communist China.

UK’s covid response was rife with graft and corruption.

Light kills coronavirus.

Australia will fine anyone who posts “abusive content” on the internet $100,000.

Poland will fine social media companies that censor lawful speech.

Collins Aerospace has partnered with Communist China.

Senate investigation concludes that Obama illegally funded ISIS.

“It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unorthodoxy.”
1984, George Orwell

UN feminists present their ideas about gender utopia. How is it that the feminists are getting away with it unscathed?

Doug Kass has 15 surprises for 2021.

Robert Henderson notices that the liars do most of talking, and the trendline is for even less truth in the future.

Jordan Peterson talks about creativity.

There is a coalition of countries who consider themselves to be the captives of China. Pretty soon this is going to be a very large coalition.


Irish Savant suggests that secession in America should be done by county. We are all for secession, but it can’t be done by county or the higher levels of government will intervene. Secession is a formality that can only be accomplished when whites have crowded into predominantly white states and taken political control. White states should secede en masse, like the confederacy. The new political unit must have military power and the ability to defend its borders, as well as economic plans that have accounted for globalist corporations that will want to leave. They also need a rough agreement on what will replace the constitution. Secession is very far off, but huddling together for self-defense is immediately urgent.

Morgoth has some ideas about the dilemma internet populists face.

Morgoth interviews Guessed Worker on ethnic nationalism. Things look a little different over in England.

The English white nationalists are waiting for their lion:

But their lion already came and the jews took him down. England, France, Germany, Sweden, and Netherlands are gone. Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are gone. The only safe places for white people are Eastern Europe and Russia. White people might survive for a while in a zone from the northwest, east of Portland and Seattle, extending south to Texas. You are going to need military leadership and bigger weapons to survive the attacks.

Alfred Westingwood explains why building a conservative political movement in the United States today is impossible.

“You guys seriously think you will win a civil war?

We’ll set the minorities against you and guess what? The future is brown.
We have MS-13, The Latin Kings, and almost all of the gangs on our side.
Mexico will be helping us, not you.
All the Chinese and Indians in Canada will be helping us, not you.
The police and military may be mostly right wing, but a lot are left wing and most of them will just follow orders and do as they’re told. The Portland and Charlottesville police were defending us, not you.
We control most of the FBI and CIA. We’ll infiltrate your groups and sabotage you.
We control the media and academia. We get more soldiers every year while you guys are dying out. We control the flow of information. The non-involved will think you’re all terrorists and work against you.
Do you think the Chinese and Russians will stay out of this? They’ll be helping us, not you. They might not get fully involved, but they’ll send in special forces and supplies.
You think your religion gives you strength. It holds you back. Keep turning the other cheek idiots.
You guys talk tough, but you never do anything. Antifa gets it’s way and you right wingers take it like little bitches.

Lol, we shove you scum around and you do nothing. We pump and dump your daughters and you do nothing. We’re taking over your countries and you do nothing. We tear down your statues and re-write your history and you do nothing.” –internet discussion board

News for December 27, 2020

Posted By on December 27, 2020

Patrick Byrne was present at the White House meeting last weekend, he explains what went on:


Georgia senate committee recommends decertifying electors. Arizona may also decertify. But that’s not enough to make the difference.

Trump will not use martial law to investigate election fraud. U.S. Army rejects martial law option.


How Trump could still win.

Pence is prohibited by law from accepting fraudulent electors.

Mike Adams issues daily reports on the election. On December 24 he was particularly critical of Vice-President Pence. Trump’s pathways to a second term have narrowed.

Mike Adams says the explosion in Nashville was a missile that destroyed AT&T and NSA connections. Weaver says AT&T got a contract to audit the Dominion voting machines, and he blames the explosion on the Left.

We are not a big fan of Robert David Steele, but he is a connected spy with something to say:



United Kingdom expands tier 4 lockdowns, announces covid mutation. This mutation was known in September, but they waited until the lockdown announcement to let the public know about it. Brits will be fined for attempting to leave tier 4 quarantine.

Meanwhile, there was a huge crush to get out of London before the tier 4 lockdown took effect, but European nations blocked entrance to nearby countries for anybody fleeing from England. With borders closed, England is facing food shortages. Globalism: the promise to destroy each other’s economies.

Thousands of trucks stranded in UK. Stranded truckers clash with police.


Aangirfan has a long piece on covid news.

Half of U.S. states want to prioritize vaccine shots for minorities. Are you still living in one of those states? Why?

French citizens who refuse the vaccine may be banned from public transportation.

Oregon’s governor extends covid lockdown until March.

WHO admits PCR tests are vulnerable to false positives.

Thousands of people have been incapacitated by the covid vaccine.

Patriot group protests against covid lockdown at Oregon capital. It’s going to take a lot of protests to get these lockdowns lifted.


China spies on Americans using Zoom.

Hundreds of Chinese Communist party spies are embedded in U.S. corporations, including IBM, Pepsico, and 3M.

Chinese cities lose electricity as tariffs on Australian coal backfire:

Trump offers Indonesia billions of dollars to sign peace treaty with Israel.

Israel’s government collapses. No big deal. No change in policy.

Before Attorney General Barr left, he indicted 8 people for funneling foreign donations to Democrats.

Commie de Blasio says his mission is to redistribute wealth. Got it.

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Antifa leader says Biden will fund Antifa’s control over U.S. suburbs.

Head of California retirement fund linked to Chinese spy organization.

Christian Rakovsky, The Red Symphony, is testimony from a Soviet Trotskyite who was arrested and presumably executed by Joseph Stalin. Rakovsky confirmed that Communism is controlled by the Rothschilds and their banker friends as the vehicle for establishing a totalitarian New World Order.

Charles Bukowski reads his poetry. We read Bukowski back in the 60s, when we were interested in the Beatniks. Bukowski was a man’s man. Decades later, there is still something about him we like. He kept after it and found some success. Here’s to the poets and the artists, they give us meaning.


If you want to Boogaloo, why not Boogaloo Down Broadway?

News for December 20, 2020

Posted By on December 19, 2020


The electoral college met on Monday. We believe 7 states sent two slates of electors, one Democrat and one Republican. This means the electoral college vote is not decisive. The decisive vote will occur January 6 when congress meets to count and ratify the votes. Republicans will challenge the Democratic electors from the 7 states, which will be followed by discussion, then voting on which slate to recognize. Since Democrats hold a majority in the House, we would expect the Democrat slates to be recognized and ratified.

The patriots around Trump seem to believe that something is going to upset this scenario, resulting in a Trump second term.

Several patriots are calling on President Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act. This act requires the head of national intelligence to file a report by December 18 outlining the evidence that foreigners interfered in our election. This report has been officially delayed. We are not sure whether this delay is obstruction by deep state intelligence operatives. However, the head of national intelligence, John Ratcliffe, has said that there definitely was foreign interference by China, Iran, and Russia. If the report is filed and contains persuasive evidence, President Trump can release it, then arrest and prosecute the perpetrators of election fraud.

The scenario would go like this. President Trump releases the evidence of fraud, then declares partial martial law in the states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and any other state with widespread fraud. The military seizes all voting machines and materials. There is a vote recount, or possibly new elections. The military damps down BLM/Antifa riots to preserve order. New electors are chosen and sent to Congress January 6. Big Tech companies are prosecuted for election interference, and high-level politicians are arrested and prosecuted in military tribunals.

President Trump has called for a patriot rally in Washington, D.C. on January 6.


Here is Mike Adams’ report for December 17. Mike seems to think that the Ratcliffe statement foreshadows the filing of the report and will serve as the trigger for activating the Insurrection Act.

Trump has been purging the military. Stories here and here. Cutting the Biden campaign off from contact with the military could be a hint of big things to happen.

The Supreme Court will not take up the Sidney Powell Kraken lawsuit until January 14. Obviously the Supreme Court has punted the issue of election fraud. Which part of this great republic is worth saving, please?

Lin Wood suggests that John Roberts was a guest of Jeffrey Epstein. Maybe yes, maybe no. There has been a lot of chatter about John Roberts being compromised by the Epstein Mossad cabal.

Report on election fraud in Michigan:


Mitch McConnell took campaign contributions from voting software companies before blocking election reform.

Solarwinds verifies election results for a majority of U.S. states. They also supply security patches for all of the U.S. government’s software. Yes, they have foreign connections and shady dealings. Ric Grenell talks about the hack on Solarwinds on Thursday that affected every government department.


The hack is being blamed on Russia, but we believe that is a rush to judgment by the deep state.

Deputy Attorney General (Acting Attorney General) Jeffrey Rosen offers a few remarks on election fraud. Unfortunately, Jeffrey Rosen is cucked and useless.

Populist Press has put together a report on the details of the election fraud.

Mark Dice has some news for the week. Entertaining.

Joe Biden talks with black Communist leaders. These folks are keen on taking positions of power without having any qualifications for doing so.


40 percent of staff at one hospital refused to take the covid vaccine. 40 percent of UK health workers may refuse the vaccination. Don’t take the shot.

Is this a fake vaccine shot? They have several ways to fake the shot. This video has already been taken down.

Scientists in Germany are opposing the government’s approval of the coronavirus test and the lockdown policy. Lots of bad science and corruption behind the pandemic policies.

Spiro reports that 13 people have died in the vaccine trials.

Covid lockdown as preparation for the Great Reset: 61 percent of the countries in the world have curtailed civil liberties, using the pandemic as justification.

Edelman is the marketing arm of the World Economic Forum. More here.

Lord Malloch Brown has been chosen to run the Soros empire.

Europe generally is experiencing peak infection and death rates and drastic lockdowns. Some are blaming mutations of the virus, making it more virulent.


Brandon Smith (NWO savvy) says 2021 will be worse due to covid lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and economic problems. Seems like an obvious extrapolation of present trends.

David Bern discusses the five dumbest woke ideas of 2020. Only 5?

Will the Republicans go the way of the Whigs? Good question. The time is definitely ripe for a new political party.

Rooftop Koreans meet Antifa, BLM. Self-defense organization is spreading rapidly thanks to last summer’s riots.

Australia is reporting that 2 million Communist Chinese party members are embedded in Western institutions as spies. The deep state has a strong Chinese component. More here. And here. Mike Adams is reporting that Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, and AstraZenica have been infiltrated by Communist Chinese as part of China’s strategy to take over America.

Huge sex abuse scandal revealed in New Zealand.

Paul Skallas notices that the culture is frozen. ((Who)) do you think froze it, Paul? We need a white culture renaissance, and it won’t come from Hollywood or the music industry.

TEVUS is a government-funded database of violent crime activity. A former CIA counterintelligence officer examined the database and found bias, minimizing Islamic, black, and left-wing violence while overstating white and right-wing violence. That is why the Communist TV stations keep saying there is a problem with right-wing violence. The database is corrupt.

Unconscious racial bias training has been abandoned because it doesn’t work. Carry this story with you into your next corporate brainwashing session. There is nothing wrong with racial bias, conscious or unconscious. The future of your race depends on it.

Doug Casey talks about secession, civil war, and economic trends:

2020 Peaks

More secession and civil war talk.

Aangirfan documents the jews around Mao and their economic policies.

The Talmud forbids the jews to go to Palestine. Schlomo Sand destroys the myth of a jewish people and a jewish homeland. Zionism is the project of the Rothschilds.

Steven Greer talks about alien disclosure. We are trying to set you up for the revelation that governments have been working with aliens to develop high technology.

News for December 13, 2020

Posted By on December 12, 2020

Karl Marx wrote, “The French Revolution gave rise to ideas which led beyond the ideas of the entire old world order. The revolutionary movement which began in 1789 in the Cercle Social, which in the middle of its course had as its chief representatives Leclerc and Roux, and which finally with Babeuf’s conspiracy was temporarily defeated, gave rise to the communist idea which Babeuf’s friend Buonarroti re-introduced in France after the Revolution of 1830. This idea, consistently developed, is the idea of the new world order.”

Marx forgot to add that the project of Communism is jewish rule over the entire world, but other jews have come forward to explain this.

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The U.S. Supreme Court has thrown out the Texas suit against 4 states. This appears to be last best legal challenge to the election results and hands the election to Joe Biden.

Mike Adams situation update for December 11 has a great summary of election fraud and what comes next.

Jim Hoft, What Now? Enumerates various pending court election cases and hopes for a Supreme Court ruling.

A statistical analysis of ballot dumps shows how unlikely it was that Biden won.

Georgia Governor Kemp awarded Dominion a vote-counting contract two weeks after meeting with China’s consul general. Previously we reported that Governor Kemp was bribed by Communist China to throw the election.

Governor Kemp shills for Communist China.

China says they own Biden. And many other U.S. politicians:


Finally the news media are reporting that the USA is full of Chinese spies. Darrell Issa confirms. The same is true of Israel, but people generally do not think of the jewish population organized into intelligence-gathering cells.

Pentagon cuts support for CIA counterterrorism. This really means the military is not supporting, and likely is actively opposing, CIA assassination squads. This is a great development.

Governor Kemp’s daughter’s boyfriend was killed in a fiery car wreck. Yeah, that kind of “counterterrorism.”

Dr. Igor Shepherd says that corona vaccines are weapons of mass biological destruction.


21 things to consider before taking the vaccine. Many of the links in this article were previously posted here.

mRNA vaccines are not really vaccines. mRNA vaccines modify your cells to manufacture the toxin.

Are news reports about the number of corona cases true? Are hospitals filling up? We have trouble believing the fake news, even CDC-sponsored news, but we are not in a position to dismiss the numbers as a total hoax. However, Cambridge University tested 9,000 students for coronavirus, and all of those who tested positive were found to be false positives.


How they fool you with statistics: The news reported that Pfizer’s vaccine is 95 percent effective. Actually, their tests show that the vaccine has only a 1 percent advantage over no vaccine. See Bill Sardi’s report at Lew Rockwell.

Germans who refuse covid quarantine will be forced into hospitals.

New York Department of Health will send out “mask squads” to enforce masking and social distancing.

Oregon doctor who spoke against masks got his license revoked.

Virginia county rebels against governor’s lockdown. A model for resistance.

Patriots vs. Antifa in Olympia, Washington, December 6:

Elon Musk explains NeuroLink and the push to merge humans with chips.

Do you remember the Imran Awan scandal from a few years ago? Did you wonder why the scandal disappeared? Because the Democrats paid him off with an anti-discrimination lawsuit settlement. This is really disgusting.

A look back at CIA connections with the Bilderbergs.

churchill rothschildPorn businessman explains that jews control the porn industry.

Who is behind European genocide?

Aangirfan says the jews owned Winston Churchill, and he was involved with Aleister Crowley.

The Holocaust debunked once and for all. Renegade Tribune is starting a Holocaust debunked series, check it out.

Wilhelm Marr, The Victory of Judaism over Germanism, published in 1879. This podcast is an oral book review of a remarkable prophetic book, though the author was not a religious prophet.

Gregory Hood argues for better-organized white localism.

Former head of Israel’s military space division says aliens have contacted the United States and Israel and have made “agreements” with our government. More here. Canada’s former defense minister Paul Hellyer also reported that aliens were in contact with earth governments. We are inclined to believe they know what they are talking about.

Joe is so status quo:

News for December 7, 2020

Posted By on December 6, 2020

J.E. Dyer summarizes the current electoral situation so far.

Jeffrey Prather, former intelligence agent, also has a good report on the current state of affairs with regard to the election:


The Trump campaign is not doing well in the courts, but Rudy Giuliani says the courts don’t matter, the state legislatures should decide who the electors are. The problem is, so many state legislatures have certified the election result that Biden has won. How are you going to undo state certifications?

Patrick Basham points out electoral irregularities, for normies. Joe Biden won only 17 percent of U.S. counties. It was a Trump landslide.

State of the Nation urges the president to invoke the Insurrection Act and arrest the perpetrators. He might. This would involve arresting all the fradulent perpetrators on criminal charges. Even if Trump did this, it is unclear how it would affect the Electoral College vote.

General Flynn, who is advising the Trump legal campaign, also has called on President Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act.

Here is the Trump campaign statement on Dominion Voting Systems.


A list of Republicans who have called on Trump to concede.

Communist China bought Dominion Voting Systems in October. There’s your foreign interference, sufficient to make every election fraudster part of an illegal insurrection against the United States. That includes state governors who certified the election results.

China prints fake ballots.

What is Staple Street? It is interesting that none of the Dominion software engineers has come forward to defend the integrity of their election systems.

John Solomon reports that Mark Zuckerberg gave $350 million to judges in Democratic areas. Also here.


Although Attorney General Barr has said that he has found no important cases of election fraud, CD Media have word from the Department of Justice that special counsel Durham is investigating election fraud.

Representative Mo Brooks from Alabama says that sentiment is growing in Congress to challenge the legitimacy of individual state electoral slates.

This is still a fluid situation, but time is running out on the Trump campaign.

Pfizer CEO “not certain” their vaccine will stop the spread of covid. Also, Dr. Fauci says we will have to continue to wear masks indefinitely because the vaccine is only 90 percent effective. Meanwhile, the vaccine has nasty side-effects, and they are panicking because first responders and nurses are bailing out ill after getting the vaccine jab.

Bill Gates explains that the vaccine will change your DNA:

A prediction about DNA-changing vaccines from 2014. This is important.

The vaccine is here. This is what your compliance card looks like. Notice that you will need more than one vaccine jab.


Parts of California are now locked down for 3 weeks.

Mayor Garcetti bans walking around in Los Angeles.

Bars, restaurants, cinemas, sports events will turn away anyone not vaccinated in Britain.

Despite severe lockdowns, only 4 British hospitals are busier now than last winter. Doctors blast government for manufacturing a covid fear campaign.

Trudeau calls on military to distribute vaccine in Canada. Military coordination is the desired distribution pathway because they fear protests and refusals.

British military intelligence unit will combat vaccine disinformation and tamp down protests.

France calls upon military to distribute vaccine.

Alex Newman reminds us of the Great Reset agenda:


Tom Luongo muses about Orban and Moraweicki  standing up to Brussels, and Europe’s readiness for the Great Reset.

Kissinger Race War No Dot(2)

Trump purges the deep state jewish mafia from the Pentagon Advisory Board. Madeleine Albright, Henry Kissinger, etc. Trump might have cooled on support for Israel when Netanyahu congratulated Biden on winning the election.

CNN anchors and Biden advisers attend Chinese Communist Party conference.

Protesters in France burn central bank. France looks ripe for total meltdown. Multiculturalism and socialism, what a mess.

School buses are being modified to become spy platforms.

In Seattle, “sovereign citizens” are trying to steal people’s homes.


James Lindsay traces the historical development of “wokeness” from Marxism, Cultural Marxism, and critical theory. It’s a little nerdy, but political theory is our background.

Jef Costello thinks the election fraud and the covid lockdowns are going to redpill millions of Americans. Not likely, they will need a short course on jewish history to take the redpill. But it will push a few dems toward the center.

Amazon discovers that Alexa is “anti-Semitic.”

Ann Coulter gets redpilled:

Introducing Coldwar Steve: