News for March 7, 2021

Posted By on March 6, 2021

Putin declares Russia free from the influence of the Rothschild-controlled U.S. dollar. Russia has expelled Jacob Rothschild’s New World Order banking cabal from Russia and has paid off the last of its loans. Finally, a world leader as great as Hitler.


Russia announces it will shoot down any Israeli warplanes attacking Syria.

There is a drinking water crisis in Crimea, and if Ukraine and the U.S. continue to block relief efforts, Russia will have no choice but to take military action against Ukraine.

President Biden ordered the bombing of Syria, then called the Joint Chiefs of Staff into his office to demand they send 50,000 troops to Syria. However, the military refused to send the troops. Afterward, a bipartisan group of senators introduced a bill to strip President Biden of his war powers. For the moment, Biden has stepped back from resuming Obama’s wars.

Interview with Russian foreign minister Lavrov on the state of relations with the European Union. Poor.


The Great Reset is coming at us like a freight train. Up next, second quarter of 2021: Inventory shortages, supply chain disruptions, economic instability. Third quarter of 2021: Military stationed in the big cities and at transportation crossroads to limit travel.

The Davos controllers are bragging that the lockdowns have led to CO2 reductions, and lockdowns are needed every two years to continue this “progress.” New strains of covid will provide the justification for future lockdowns.

Tens of thousands of Pentagon Microsoft servers have been hacked. The Pentagon is blaming this hack on China, but Microsoft is an Israeli company. That’s right, Israeli. Israel has been selling its U.S. technology transfers to China while providing national security leadership and software to the U.S. military. The hackers might be Israel, it’s a trivial matter because they have backdoor access to Microsoft software.

Jose Nino has written a great historical survey supporting the idea of secession. The idea that the Articles of Confederation were superior to the U.S. Constitution has now become a building block of our thinking going forward. Read this to keep up.

Oklahoma passes a bill allowing the Attorney General and legislature to nullify Biden’s executive orders. Many other states are following suit or outright refusing to follow executive orders. As the focus of politics shifts to the states and their resistance to the federal government, it will bring into focus how much better the Articles of Confederation were than the Constitution, and this will pave the way for state secession and perhaps a new confederation of conservative states. Florida and Texas reopening and abandoning the mask mandate are steps in this direction of decentralization of power to the states.

Home page of the Texas secession movement.


We could say this in our own words, but Bayou Renaissance Man says it well. We are not going to vote our way out of this mess. Republicans who are looking forward to the next election are chasing a pipe dream and holding onto the past. From 30,000 feet it is obvious that the federal government is a mess that can’t be fixed, only abolished. This Left is never going to allow Republicans to take power and prosecute them for their crimes. This is a fight for survival, and fighting through the election process is a recipe for failure.

FBI involved in election fraud. And while we’re thinking of it, whatever happened to all that evidence the FBI collected from Jeffrey Epstein’s private island?

FBI director accuses Trump supporters of domestic terrorism. We are not going to shake the “domestic terrorist” label by attempting to prove innocence.

Trump administration spent $10 billion in hospital funds to finance operation warp speed.

Interview with Lin Wood. This is the famous “whistleblower interview.” We regret that Mr. Wood published these allegations without providing any evidence. We are of two minds about linking to it. We think we should just ignore it until Mr. Wood furnishes the goods. However, even though these allegations are unproven, Mr. Wood might be providing the naive with behind-the-scenes information that is available nowhere else. Keep this information in your brain buffer until confirmed. If not true, this is slander.

WHO insider exposes Gates pandemic conspiracy. When insiders get disgusted and tell the truth, we can get a grip on their conspiracies.



Covid vaccine was developed before the disease reached the United States.

How U.S. scientists covered up the virus’s origin in China.

One-fourth of NHS staff refuses vaccination. Many are refusing, we don’t have to report all the stories for you to get this.

Dozens of teachers fall ill after taking AstraZeneca vaccine. Many more stories like this. Don’t take the jab.

Death rates skyrocket in Israel after Pfizer vaccine jabs. The Pfizer vaccine looks to be particularly dangerous.

Pfizer says Israel is the world’s covid lab.

President Biden is going to make vaccination mandatory for the U.S. military. Those who refuse will be discharged. Biden thinks this is the easiest way to get conservatives out of the military.


Supreme Court rejects Sydney Powell’s lawsuits.

Gab has been hacked. We support building alternative institutions, especially alternative media, but prepare to be attacked.

Sky News Australia reporter calls out the Great Reset. Not something you see on TV every day.

Thorsten Polleit figures out that the digital euro is part of the Marxist takeover. Digital euro coming soon, followed by the digital dollar. No more cash.

China labels homosexuality a psychological disorder.

How Q theories are affecting Christian churches. Christians are in a particularly difficult position in the age of identity politics. They identify with their religion above their race and their nation. Christianity is universal, so Christians don’t really have an ethnic nation as an ideal. Eliminating Christianity is goal one of Marxism, and the Far Right doesn’t like Christianity because Christians don’t support the ethnic nation. Christians are stuck supporting the Constitution and the federal government, even though the former has disappeared and the latter is a Communist swamp.


Kevin Alfred Strom, Conservatism is for Losers. Conservatives have proven to be too weak to resist the Left. See Christianity above.

Neo-Nazi vandalizes synagogue. Hey, Richard, the swastika is a holy symbol of the Aryan race. Don’t spray-paint it anywhere, and especially not on synagogues. Accomplishes nothing. The jews in the synagogues are not the leadership.

German lawyer prepares “second Nuremberg Trial” against perpetrators of covid 19 hoax.

“A second Nuremberg tribunal is in preparation, with a class action lawsuit being set up under the aegis of thousands of lawyers worldwide behind the American-German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, who is prosecuting those responsible for the Covid-19 scandal manipulated by the Davos Forum.”

We support the lawsuit, but only because it might focus more publicity on the controlling cabal. The likelihood of accomplishing anything else is about zero. And, don’t call it a second Nuremberg.

Adrian Arcand writes about the Nuremberg Trials. They were show trials put on by jews prosecuting invented crimes with false evidence, forced confessions. The Nuremberg Trials are not a model for anything except understanding jewish duplicity.

Carlos Porter reviews some of the tall tales told at the Nuremberg Trials.

Yugoslavian woman warns America about the socialist takeover.

Understanding how identity is used to split people is a key to making the right decisions for you going forward.

Jewish rabbis explain why they are obligated to destroy Western civilization. Their god Yahweh tells them to do it. Christians, please take note.

“The deepest secret of Judaism: success rests on their ability to make Gentiles believe that the national god of Israel is the God of Heaven who happens to have a preference for Israel.

“It is known to biblical scholars that, in the oldest strata of the Bible, Yahweh appears as a national, ethnic god, not the supreme God of the Universe.”

Laurent Guyénot in The Saker’s Blog

Time for whites to rise up.

News for February 27, 2021

Posted By on February 26, 2021

British newsman loses it.

Florida Governor DeSantis explores Florida secession.

People’s militias in Georgia are making alliances and advocating secession.


Nearly one-third of Americans want to break up the country. This is great news. As the Biden policies begin to bite, more will favor splitting apart. The problem with state secession is that states remain multi-racial, but white people will get a better deal from states that reject socialism and Marxism.

As more lefties attack white people and promote transgenders, more will come to our side.

New York school principal tells white parents to become white traitors.

California bill will fine retailers for having separate boys and girls sections.

More outrageous gender stuff in the Equality Act.


What is going on in the U.S. military with regard to the “problem” of white nationalism.

What happened in Canada when students tried to form a white students association.

Biden, EPA screwed Texas during cold snap. More here.

Manlio Dinucci analyzes the new Italian government.

China is buying England’s private schools.

France bans Generation Identity.


France is discussing vaccine passports, and seems divided about the issue, but the rest of Europe favors vaccine passports and the airlines like them, so expect them to become mandatory for travel.

France is falling behind in its vaccination schedule because so many health workers are having negative effects from taking the vaccine. Britain is leading Europe in the number of vaccinations, and Israel is leading Britain.

Pfizer is demanding that governments give them immunity from prosecution for vaccine harm.

Federal law prevents making vaccines developed under emergency use mandatory. But watch this law get ignored.

Pandemic aid has seen billions of dollars in economic fraud.

Brazil’s foreign minister says climate change is a Marxist plot.

Brazil’s foreign minister rejects UN lockdowns, censorship.

Poland considers banning LGBwhatever pride marches.

General Flynn says there is no insurrection act, no military plan.


Intelligence reports have Antifa infiltrating capitol march Jan. 6.

Best Biden meme.

News anchors are worried about fake news.


Al-Jazeera announces new conservative programming called Right Now.

How the globalist elites brainwashed America.

Taylor Day has some tips for resistance to Communism.

“They just walk right in, get whatever they want, and leave.” The current state of San Francisco.


Review of Stephen R. Soukup, The Dictatorship of Woke Capital.

Review of The Enemies of the National-Socialist Worldview and their Doctrine of the Equality of Humanity.

Britain’s elites were split into pro-Nazi and anti-Nazi factions before World War II. Who ended up controlling Churchill’s anti-Nazi faction?

Aangirfan has some good “Holocaust” videos.

How the Zionists supported the Nazis and the Nazis supported the Zionists.

Comparing the jews’ control over Germany in the 1930s with the jews’ control over America today.

Black Pigeon features a few old headlines.


Judaism: The Religion of World Domination

News for February 20, 2021

Posted By on February 20, 2021


The Trump impeachment “not guilty” verdict was important because the Left was going to use the capitol break-in as justification for prosecuting all conservatives as terrorists. They will try to do it anyway, but with less justification. The capitol break-in was an FBI operation. And here.

6 Washington police officers have been suspended for their role in aiding the break-in.

Antifa, BLM caught changing clothes to look like Trump supporters.


Travis LeBlanc has a meditation on the capitol break-in and Q-anon.

Volodin: Russia is the last island of freedom. We agree. If you want to save the white race, move to Russia. Putin also has recently been speaking out against the Left’s censorship in the United States. Russia was Communist, they know what is at stake.

Russia prepares to cut ties with European Union.

“One wonders if insouciant Americans are capable of a revolutionary temperament.”

QUERDENKEN is a revolutionary mass movement arising in Europe. It is anti-American as well as anti-covid-lockdown. Querdenken is attempting to organize in every European nation. We are keeping an eye on it, this could be the counter-revolution that saves the white race in Europe. The group Civitas is also organizing anti-lockdown protests.

Insouciant Americans invade Trader Joe’s:

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The CIA has a new logo. Don’t know what it means.

The CIA runs pedophile rings.


Michael Snyder offers statistics on the tremendous increase of violence by “young people,” meaning mostly black people. Encouraged by the corporate funding of Black Lives Matter by over $2 billion, and the set-up of bailout funds for those arrested. Judges are lenient with offenders, police departments have been attacked and defunded, and most of our major cities look like war zones. Michael notices that nobody has a handle on how to fix this. Even if we were able to wreck all the Communist support systems, blacks would still commit a lot of crimes. The best idea we have is to separate from blacks as much as possible. As Martin Luther King said, judge them by their character. Blacks are dangerous, and they vote 94 percent Communist. It’s not like they are contributing anything to our lives.

20 quotes from Rush Limbaugh. We haven’t listened to Rush for years as he preached vanilla civic nationalist conservatism and never mentioned the jew, but give him credit for arguing against the Left.

On the price of energy in Texas. We think this is the beginning of the new Ice Age.

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Time to scrap black history month, written by a black guy. Its purpose is to project undeserved black pride. Well put.

Black Lives Matter activist fired from library job for burning conservative books.

New York high school takes the lead in abolishing whiteness.

Covid cases are plummeting in the USA and Europe, but England is locked down until March 31. Most European nations are refusing flights.

vaccine ban corona

Second vaccine dose is not needed. Don’t take the first jab either.

Second jab blamed for deaths of elderly in Germany.

University of Hamburg researcher identifies Wuhan lab as source of covid. As we reported last March, the virus was weaponized in a lab.

Czech microbiologist says second- and third-wave strains were artificially engineered.

Pfizer withdraws its vaccine from India after government demands a safety test. The vaccines haven’t been safety-tested.

Israel sets up censorship unit to suppress information about the vaccine.

Weaver informs us about hospital staff in Britain taking sick leave during the pandemic, leaving hospitals at about half staff. Outrageous.

Instagram increases its censorship, cooperates with law enforcement instead of just banning speech.


any-mental-illness-ron-swanson-family-government-resolve-issues-createdGab says, it’s time to build our own economy. Sure. Separate from the other races, claim land, build a white civilization in your local area, and prepare to defend it. Don’t waste time trying to reform a corrupt system. America is in decline, and the Democrats will accelerate the decline. Democracy has allowed the Left to infiltrate and take over all our institutions. No one is going to fix this. Just start over and create new systems.

“The white race will be reborn, then, not by electing Congressmen, hiring lobbyists, and participating in a system that seeks its destruction, but by returning to its original self—and to the challenge of creating a new elite, a revolutionary vanguard morally and organisationally armed to stand against the Jewish age—so that when the foul system supporting it collapses in decay, there will be someone around to fight for our fair share of the spoils. It’s in this way that the nobles of blood and spirit are born and come to rule.”

Michael O’Meara, Counter-Currents, July 17, 2012

Clif High talks about woonomics. The big picture is, systems are failing, people are dropping out of failing systems, and new systems are being built. You might want to locate yourself in terms of these dynamics and plan accordingly. We love the little parachute drawing. Find your parachute.

The Onion looks at the same phenomena of decline from a slightly humorous perspective.


How England’s King Henry II dealt with the jewish problem. A nice piece by Morris V. de Camp.

Jews seem to be pretty open about their anti-whiteness on Twitter, but if you criticize them for anything, it’s anti-Semitism and gets censored.

Who Are the Enemies of Western Civilization? by Jared Taylor. Updates on sources of anti-white rhetoric.

Tom Sunic, The Origins of White Guilt. We respect Tom Sunic. This piece lightly touches the bases of anti-white feeling, from the Frankfurt School, to the (jewish) anti-German persecutions following World War II, to the Christian founding fathers.


Caitlin Johnson links conspiracy theories with government secrecy policies. There’s a bit more to it than that. Ever since the CIA labeled any questioning of the Warren Report as a conspiracy theory (implying that it should automatically be discredited as all conspiracy theories are false), the brainwashed masses have been on guard against proposed conspiracies, as if conspiracies never happen. Actually, political parties are conspiracies, corporations are conspiracies, sports teams are conspiracies, all governments are conspiracies, wars are conspiracies, and any two people who agree to take some action are engaging in conspiracy. The CIA was using the term “conspiracy” to distinguish organized plots from their favorite way of covering up how they do business, the lone wolf narrative. Of course the CIA is going to withhold information and lie. So do all the other intelligence agencies in the world. They are conspiring to do things that most people would not approve of, and they need to make up false stories to cover their guilt.

Evidence that human DNA was designed by aliens. This video does not offer conclusive evidence, but it’s interesting. The appearance of the Rh negative blood type in Europe is one of the great mysteries of human evolution and a rebuttal to the out-of-Africa theory. We lean toward the alien intervention theory because of the Sumerian scriptures, not from numerical improbabilities.

Pentagon admits it has been testing wreckage from UFO crashes. There is supposed to be official alien disclosure this summer (required by Trump), get ready for it.

News for February 13, 2021

Posted By on February 13, 2021


Tom Luongo has a nice piece on Putin’s response to The Great Reset at Davos. The effect of The Great Reset will be to unify Russia, China, and Iran in opposition to the United States and the European Union and shift economic growth to those countries and their partners linked by the Belt and Road. It’s nice to see Putin mocking the Great Reset WEF crowd.

However, there is presently a kink in this scenario. China has now united with Pakistan in a war against India, and this unification and threat is coming as China has failed to successfully attack Taiwan militarily. This situation leaves Joe Biden as the protector of India and Taiwan (and Japan and Australia as well). Joe has increased U.S. aggression in Syria and Afghanistan while reaching out to Iran and snubbing Russia. Having personally sold out financially to China, could Joe find the balls to use the U.S. military against China?


Burning Platform, Strange Game, Part 1. A pretty good explanation of the dilemma we are in. Part 2. Individual acts of resistance.

C.J. Hopkins explains that the war against white domestic terrorism is just an expansion of the war on terror.

Now that the USA has been taken over by Communism, writers are going to write a lot of how-did-it-happen pieces. We enjoyed this one, Alana NewHouse, Everything is Broken.

Biden administration begins to purge all Trump-appointed U.S. attorneys. Trump should have purged all the Obama-appointed U.S. attorneys, but he didn’t.

Mike Lindell’s Absolute Proof documentary. The voter fraud evidence, for the record.

This documentary, Unmasked, offers proof of voter fraud if you need more.

Republican arrested in Washington for running pedophile ring.

Fauci shows the hidden hand Freemasonry symbol. You are not going to get this conspiracy if you don’t get the symbolism they share, so check this out.

Patrick Wood chimes in with the observation that Big Tech is under the control of scientism. Sure. We called it the scientific dictatorship in The Hidden Masters. Same thing.

“Mired in technological and technocratic sludge, modern life under neoliberalism has become flat, gray, and etiolated, as historical conditions have been radically altered in ways Marxists could only have dreamed of.”


Matthew Omolesky informs us about the similarities between Communism and liberalism. Yes, we are trying to urge you off of your liberalism. Look what it has resulted in.

Harry Vox nails it. It’s a black pill, but you should know where we stand.

French President Macron’s strange switch of position against Islam and social justice warriors. Did he just suddenly sober up, or did he figure out that Islam and social justice will mean the end of France?

India PM says they have embraced The Great Reset digital currency and health records program.

In Germany, green jobs have declined by 50 percent over the past decade. Don’t believe those promises of green jobs.

A few remarks on the Trump impeachment. We expect this one to be over quickly.

More evidence the corona vaccine is dangerous to health.

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10-day mandatory quarantine in the UK for new travelers, with a $10,000 fine for noncompliance. More here.

What do woke Communists do to advance their agenda? They form a SPAC and issue an IPO.

The jews are behind the transgender push.


Tired of black history month every year? Seems like every month is black history month, and they would soon run out of black accomplishments because there aren’t that many smart black people. Actually, most of the “black inventor” stories are lies. See Black Invention Myths to figure it out. Don’t forget to be racist, preserve the white race.

Sissy-hypno porn to feminize men. Somehow we missed this one.

Six signs your favorite celebrity or politician is mind-controlled.

Clif High, Fog of Woo. We want you to watch this for two reasons. Discrediting of Q and followers, and to get you ready for the coming ice age. The ice age should be appearing in the USA right about now. Clif isn’t right about everything, but he is smarter than us about computers and physics.

A brawl at a basketball game, because violence is entertaining.

How to handle things at your local school board meeting.

Time for some cringe humor:

News for February 6, 2021

Posted By on February 6, 2021


Time magazine ran a piece claiming that the election was rigged. We didn’t read it, but National Pulse did, and their analysis has a lot of information about the election fraud conspiracy we didn’t know. The election fraud is one of the most elaborate conspiracies we have encountered.

Patrick Byrne, How Trump Lost the White House, Part 2. Part 3. Trump had his chance but failed to pull the trigger.

We have it that 147 people have been arrested for the Jan. 6 capitol break-in. Profiles of several here. The Democrats are going to build a case for Trump’s impeachment out of these arrests. And then justify the mobilization against the conservative population.

Florida cracks down on Big Tech censorship. Florida and Texas are emerging as conservative destinations. The migration flow is already under way.

Sage of Quay explains that Q was a psyop:


TwelveRound, which is a new blog to us, explains that no one is coming to save you, otherwise known as the black pill. We are not trying to make out the present situation as hopeless, only that all the institutions have been taken over, so you are going to have to rebuild white civilization among like-minded friends in a guarded space.

Rumor mill: We have it that the Canadian military has overthrown Prime Minister Trudeau because he ordered them to provide training for Chinese troops stationed on Canadian soil. We don’t have a second source for this, and remember, we are living in the age of disinformation.

Boris Johnson quote

Lee Smith has a mildly interesting take on the current set-up.

France has rejected a third lockdown, but Britain remains closed until March 8. France will not vaccinate its seniors, but Britain believes vaccination of the elderly is a prerequisite for opening.

Spanish magazine: 17,000 FEWER people died in Spain in 2020 than in 2019 and more than 26,000 fewer than in 2018. Other countries are reporting similar death statistics. Shouldn’t more people be dying from the coronavirus?

Germany has ratified Agenda ID2020. Switzerland next. This is part of the Great Reset.

A video summary of known adverse reactions to the corona vaccine as of Feb. 4:


53 dead in Gibraltar from covid vaccine.

Russia’s Sputnik vaccine has been proven safe. The American vaccines are not.

corona vaccine care home deaths

Peruvian court rules Gates, Soros, and the Rockefellers planned the pandemic.

China is trying to collect people’s DNA using the corona test as a front.

ROXANNE is a new software program that will monitor social media for hate speech and create profiles for law enforcement.

A survey of the status of populist parties in Europe. The lockdowns and the bad economy are creating more populists.


David Icke explains how the pyramid of power works. Mercifully, in a few words:

Occult and the Hidden Hand, a report on the present state of affairs:

News for January 30, 2021

Posted By on January 29, 2021


What the fake inauguration actually looked like.

Biden administration is organizing Navalny protests in Russia.

Catherine Austin Fitts, Planet Lockdown

Biologist explains why there are going to be many deaths resulting from taking the vaccines. (Sound is missing for first minute or so.) Vaccine deaths are going to be a huge story in the future. Don’t take the vaccine.

Europe and Eastern Europe are locked down for the foreseeable future. British government wants to use GPS to track all citizens.

The New Normal, a documentary about Britain’s lockdown.


Weimar court rules Germany’s lockdown order is unconstitutional.

Silviu Costinescu believes that the EU is in danger of breaking up now that governments are shutting their borders due to covid and the Rothschilds have tilted away from Europe to China. But we expect them to find common cause in the Great Reset.


John Kerry: Zero U.S. emissions would not affect climate change. But the Biden administration is going to invest billions in unproved green projects anyway.

Germany went all in for green power. Now they are rationing electricity.

Why electric vehicles are not better for the environment than gasoline-powered vehicles.

French President Macron at Davos: “Modern capitalism can no longer work.” Linking the covid pandemic with the necessity to restructure the economy makes no sense, but this is the theme of the Great Reset, and Macron is on board.


Pentagon declares that climate change is a national security issue. The statement makes no sense. Is this the same military that is supposed to be supporting Trump?

The Federal Reserve has joined with other central banks around the world to “green the financial system.” Not sure what that means, it probably involves making loans to green projects and moving to a digital currency.

Patrick Byrne writes about his association with Donald Trump during his last days in the White House. Look for future parts of this memoir by Byrne if you are interested in why Trump betrayed us.


Patriot Party gets 25 percent of vote in early polls. Trump is not supporting or founding the Patriot Party.

The woman who was accused of stealing Nancy Pelosi’s laptop doesn’t have it.

Proud Boys leader admits to being FBI asset. Investigate carefully before you join any Alt Right organization. They are infiltrated, monitored, and manipulated by the FBI.

Texas introduces legislation to allow a vote on secession. The resistance is going to have to focus at the state and local level now that the Communists control the federal government.

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Raconteur explains why secession is impossible: States are a mix of races and political beliefs. That is why we advocate grouping in the whitest states and letting the opposition know they are not welcome.

Ricky Vaughn arrested for spreading Hillary Clinton vote meme. We expect the Left to purge the internet.

Twitter charged with aiding child sex trafficking. But there is no advocate for children at the national level that can do anything about it.

“…[the Jews are] such a pestilential,
leprous, and publicly dangerous race
that they deserved to be rooted out
and destroyed even before their
birth.” Giordano Bruno (Spaccio 30, I, 39, 440)

How does QAnon relate to anti-Semitism? We must confess, we have never thought much about Q so we missed all the subtext. Eric Striker does a much better job of explaining why the jews who are pushing acceptance and legalization of pedophilia found Q to be a threat and want Q material censored.

Marcia Christoff compares today’s “man of the Right” with the cultural innovators of the early twentieth century and bewails the lack of conservative culture. We agree that our predecessors cut a bigger swath, but Marcia, the jews didn’t control all the media in those days. Conservative culture will flourish when conditions are better for white people. Right now we just have to figure out how to survive.

“Played golf with Joe Kennedy [U.S.
Ambassador to Britain]. He says that
Chamberlain stated that America and
world Jewry forced England into World
War II…” James Forrestal, U.S. Secretary of the Navy (Diary, December 27, 1945 entry)

Jeffrey Epstein was more than a child trafficker and blackmailer. He was at the top of the pyramid of the transhumanist agenda. You can feel comfortable linking transhumanism, Big Tech, and pedophilia into one common cause promoting Satanism.

“Jeffrey Epstein is a former member of the Mind, Brain and Behavior Committee at Harvard, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the New York Academy of Science and a former Rockefeller University Board Member,” his website proclaimed. “Mr. Epstein is also an active member of the Edge Organization.”

Gun shop owner refuses to sell to Biden supporters. Nice idea, but we wonder how long that is going to last? Don’t we have to bake cakes for gay weddings now?


Black woman beats 3-year-old white child to death. They are all hopped up on anti-white propaganda, stay away from black people.

“A separation of the races is the only perfect preventive of amalgamation [i.e., intermixture]. … The enterprise [i.e., separation of the races by the resettlement of the American Black population in a separate country of their own] is a difficult one, but where there is a will there is a way. … Let us be brought to believe it is morally right … and we shall find a way to do it, however great the task may be.” Abraham Lincoln in debate with Stephen Douglas at Springfield, Illinois, June 26, 1857

Cartoon Alex Jones. We still enjoy listening to Alex once in a while. How has he managed to survive so long? Is he too big to assassinate or deplatform?

News for January 24, 2021

Posted By on January 23, 2021

Excellent interview with Robert Barnes on Trump’s last days in office and his last few errors.


We have been wondering what Donald Trump was hoping to achieve by calling his followers to a protest rally in Washington, D.C. on January 6. Did he hope to affect Congress’s count of the electoral votes? That wasn’t going to happen. Was he looking for a public forum to present evidence of election fraud? Well, that wasn’t the right forum, and it was too late. Trump should have set up an official government commission to investigate election fraud, not rely on his personal lawyers. The fraud statistics that Trump quoted in his speech are lost in the wind. You need some sort of public forum, such as a court of law, to present and judge evidence to preserve a public record.

By calling his followers to a protest rally, Trump appeared weak and desperate. Regardless of his intention, he set himself up for being played by the opposition and charged with insurrection. Obviously the march ended in a public relations disaster for Trump when protesters broke into the capitol building. He is facing a second impeachment as a result. Not a good way to end your presidency.

Trump’s supporters probably believe that there was no intention by Trump’s followers to break into the capitol, but there is some evidence that Trump supporters did plan to break in. For example, Oath Keepers militia members charged for conspiring to breach the U.S. capitol. Also, Supporters’ words may haunt Trump at impeachment. The Department of Justice believes that Capitol rioters had intent to capture and assassinate.

General McInerny told us that military ops were part of the capitol break-in, and they captured Nancy Pelosi’s laptop. Supposedly there were emails on her laptop showing that Pelosi conspired with Communist China to fix the election for Joe Biden. But since that report, we have heard nothing more about Nancy Pelosi’s laptop or incriminating emails. Disinformation?

John Sullivan of Black Lives Matter was arrested for provoking violence at the Trump rally. He was then released. If he goes to trial, we may learn more about BLM hijacking the capitol break-in. But we may never know about all of the parties involved in the break-in.

jwo-jew-world-order (4)(1)

McConnell, Pelosi refused security for the January 6 protest. Were they involved in aiding the break-in? It’s unlikely we will ever know for sure.

A quick look at the Q followers and their disappointment. The Q followers were expecting President Trump to activate the Insurrection Act and arrest the people involved in election fraud. Never happened. Trump failed to support the Republic at his moment of truth. But Q followers aren’t giving up. They will fasten on every slim hope that the U.S. military is in charge and is just waiting to make arrests and reinstate Trump as president.

A reporter for Vanity Fair who was embedded with DOD Acting Secretary Chris Miller found zero support for the Insurrection Act and a lot of confusion around the issue of security for the capitol. Moreover, reporter Adam Ciralsky found that Miller believes the U.S. military is in a very defensive posture with regard to their own departmental prerogatives. See the entire article here.

“The president threw us under the bus. And when I say ‘us,’ I don’t mean only us political appointees or only us Republicans. He threw America under the bus. He caused a lot of damage to the fabric of this country. Did he go and storm the Capitol himself? No. But he, I believe, had an opportunity to tamp things down and he chose not to. And that’s really the fatal flaw. I mean, he’s in charge. And when you’re in charge, you’re responsible for what goes wrong.” Ezra Cohen

The perception of Trump now is that he was a purveyor of chaos on January 6, and that perception has clouded his achievements during the previous 4 years in office as well as anything he might do in the future.

Jared and Ivanka are facing a rough future. Also, we have it that Melania is going her own way.


Daniel Alan Baker arrested for plotting to murder Trump supporters, financed by George Soros.

Biden and Big Tech will target Hungary and Poland with color revolutions, but Europe is not inclined to support Big Tech.

Biden’s new CIA director Bill Burns has a long history of cooperation with the Chinese Communist Party.

Biden gives Communist China access to U.S. electrical grid.

Biden admits his campaign promise to focus on eradicating the coronavirus was a lie.

Biden tells black Communists they are going to have to learn to negotiate with beaners after the whites disappear:


Glen Greenwald has some intelligent things to say about the coming war against domestic terrorism.

“Why would we want to take possession of a cesspool government and rule over so many who hate us? Secession and liberty, not insurrection and revolution, are the goals. Leave the present government to the corruptocrats, their minions, and their dependents.”

Robert Gore has an editorial for folks who are angry about losing Trump.

Facebook censors Catholic archbishop for accusing Bill Gates of ushering in New World Order. Guess they don’t want you to know that Bill Gates is ushering in the New World Order. Now called the Great Reset.


The Left wants to organize a citizen army to spy on you. 

Republican states can halt Big Tech censorship.

How to respond to tech censorship right now.

Good news: Dutch government resigns. 

CIA pressured intelligence agencies not to release report on China interfering with U.S. election.


Thousands of elderly and nurses refuse vaccination in New York.

Scientists predict 1 million excess deaths over 15 years due to covid lockdowns.

Over 50,000 restaurants declare “I am open” to defy lockdown in Italy. Many protests in Europe. Boris Johnson says England may be locked down past summer.

Nurse says covid crisis is planned for next week:

Out of Shadows is the best documentary we have seen on MKULTRA mind control, CIA control of movies and TV, and Satanism in high places. It took us years to research and write the material you can view in minutes on video. Hat tip, 5 stars.

Robert David Steele doesn’t always have accurate intel, but we think his heart is in the right place:


Quo warranto: How Donald Trump can legally become President of the United States through a court ruling.

Coming next: Dog collars to enforce social distancing.

Chairwoman of Centers for Disease Control committee: We’ll just get rid of all the whites in the United States.

“Tradition is not an aggregate simply describing historical facts, but an absolutely living thing that is outside time and space. He who is able to reveal its secrets, changes not simply in the sense of broadening his knowledge, but is transformed within.”

Alexander Dugin, Herman Wirth and the Aryan Hyperborean Homeland. A hidden work of historical scholarship.