News for April 17, 2021

Posted By on April 17, 2021

U.S. Navy averts war scenario by calling back two warships from entering the Black Sea. Biden calls Putin, proposes a summit meeting. Putin demurs.

Biden declares national emergency over Russian “threat.” Biden expels Russian diplomats, adds new sanctions against Russia.

Russia to establish 110,00 troops at Ukraine border within a few days.

We still have no idea what Biden is trying to achieve by attacking Russia.

Russia outlaws same-sex marriage, bans trannies from adopting children. Protecting society from perverts.

Russian feminist arrested for distributing pornography. Russia is pretty based.

Israel launches cyberattack on Iranian nuclear facility at Natanz. Mossad admits to attack.

Two days after Natanz, Iran attacks Israeli ship.

Founding member of Oathkeepers will plead guilty to organizing capitol break-in on January 6. This will help the case for labeling Trump populists as domestic terrorists.

BLM rioters in Minneapolis attack woke corporations financing them. But we think the corporations will stay woke until boycotts bite their bottom line.

Watch BLM and Antifa rioters live on

Mattel bans 400 words from Scrabble. They are coming after the children.

Moslems turn Paris into a shithole. Not exactly news, call it an update.

Macron gives up fighting Islamic takeover in France. This was all about positioning Macron for the next election.

Trudeau’s Great Reset plan for Canada leaked.

Jews are behind Great Reset.

Sweden legalizes child marriage for Moslems. That was nice of them.

UN gives names of Chinese dissidents to China’s Communist Party before they can testify against the regime.

Way back around 2009 we reported that the illegal Mexican immigrants were sponsored by La Raza, the Mexican Communist Party, and were motivated to take the southwestern states back for Mexico as there once was an Aztec settlement in the southwest. Now California has proposed a new curriculum encouraging students to chant to Aztec gods. You see, the Communist Democrats in California were in on the takeover plan and knew exactly whom they were encouraging to migrate.

David E. Martin investigates the Big Pharma patents for coronavirus. Accuses Dr. Fauci of criminal virus manipulation. Must watch.

The EU timeline for rolling out vaccine passports. This started many years ago.

More warnings about vaccine medical tyranny.

Russia is underreporting corona cases.

Bill Gates speaks about population control.

Ranking states by percentage of population vaccinated. Most states are at around 20 percent.

Hank Azaria apologizes for playing Indian character Apu on the Simpsons. Because comedy is “structural racism.”

John Cleese mocks Hank Azaria’s apology for playing Apu by apologizing for insulting white people in his Monty Python sketches. Free speech means comedians get to make fun of everybody, that’s why the Left opposes free speech.

When the only person challenging the illegal immigration of millions into America is Alex Jones, it’s time to admit America is lost.

Iowa governor refuses to take more illegal immigrants. Ditto for North Dakota.

A small act of resistance by a British lady in a drugstore. Great video.

Racism, it’s always appropriate and often funny.

When Moslems debate:

The Folkish Resistance Movement.

Immigrants from Africa get free flights on Delta and United Airlines.

German government approves pedophilia experiments. Because your elites are perverts.

Green Party in Germany pushes for wind turbines in Black Forest. Whatever happened to conservation?

Child sex exploitation and torture ring run by the state got busted in New Hampshire.

The famous speech by China’s Minister of National Defense General Chi Haotian stating that China plans to colonize the United States can be found here.

The Battle of Tinhorn Flats, a story of resistance to Communism in California.

White Lives Matter organization rallies in Huntington Beach, California. With videos.

University of Washington students want the power to put professors on trial.

More charges filed against Ghislaine Maxwell.

HBO filmmaker claims to have found Q.

Peachy Keenan, How To Woke-Proof Your Kids.

ADL calls for Tucker Carlson to be fired. Did Tucker get too close to naming the jew?

A look at a jewish-run Democratic Party PAC.

Israel stops to remember the Holocaust. Which is a great trick because there was no Holocaust. But the jews are special at remembering events they made up.

This video took us by surprise. Somebody named Matthew North takes a video camera with him to ask questions of the leading jewish conspirators to control the New World Order. Hat tip Matthew North, wherever you are.

Covid protest song by RogerSings NWO News:

News for April 10, 2021

Posted By on April 10, 2021


The war in Ukraine has started. “Within the last 24 hours, more shelling has erupted in eastern Ukraine.  According to the Ukrainian military, mortar fire was reported close to the village of Nevelske…video footage posted on social media shows “heavy shelling” near the city of Avdiivka.” Military build-up.

March 24 declaration by Ukraine President Vladimir Zelensky reclaiming Crimea for Ukraine. This is a declaration of war with Russia. Why would Biden promote war between Ukraine and Russia? We don’t really know what Biden is hoping to gain, but it might have something to do with the expected completion of the Nordstream pipeline from Russia to Germany in the next 50 days. Germany wants cheap natural gas from Russia and will support the pipeline. What does Biden want, to sell U.S. natural gas to Europe? That issue could be settled by negotiation and becomes very complicated during war.

Ron Paul also wonders why Biden wants war.

Russia’s Foreign Minister Lavrov: “Crimea’s future is to be with Russia forever.” Russia isn’t going to back down over Crimea. The election in Crimea that made Crimea part of Russia was entirely legal under international law, and a huge majority voted to join Russia.


NATO holds wargames to prepare for war with Russia. Russia does the same. Although Ukraine is not a member of NATO, NATO controls Ukraine’s military. However, NATO is not exactly unified. For example, Hungary is very concerned about the safety of Hungarians in Ukraine and probably won’t cooperate with NATO.

Some background on the Russia/Ukraine struggle from James Sherr, written from the point of view that Russia is about to invade Ukraine. Russia is not going to invade without military provocation. Some details might be informative in this piece.

Ukraine’s energy supply.

Last Monday, Zelensky met with Erdogan. One possible outcome of this meeting is the transfer of Islamic radicals to fight against Russia in Ukraine.

Biden has ordered that two U.S. warships enter the Black Sea on April 14 or 15. This entry would be contrary to international law and would be considered a war provocation by Russia.

Leader of the free world Vladimir Putin to give important speech on April 21.

Israel attacks Iranian ship.

How things are going in Israel.

Janet Yellen proposes global tax on corporations. To finance the globalist takeover.

BLM intimidates Asians in Milwaukee:



Are you expecting the riots to begin after the Floyd trial? The looting has already begun.

“Hundreds of looters targeted businesses in the Mag Mile and River North areas late Sunday into early Monday, clearing out stores as 100 people were arrested and 13 police officers injured during skirmishes throughout the night. SWAT team members with rifles descended on Garfield Park near Madison and Karlov Monday afternoon after more reports of looting, and an officer was injured. CPD Superintendent David Brown said social media posts following a police-involved shooting in Englewood Sunday afternoon sowed the seeds of chaos.”

200 corporations join fight against election reform. Do you remember believing the big corporations were on our side?

Deagle, an intelligence-gathering company that sells intel to the U.S. government, predicts a sharp drop in the U.S. population between now and 2025. Check out their predictions here. Sobering.

D3 tech summit scheduled for April 24-25. We desperately need a tech sector on our side, we are hoping something comes out of this.


The Endocrine Society, an international organization of medical specialists, declares there are two genders, male and female.

Centers for Disease Control will study racism as a public health threat. The CDC is a private, for profit organization and is not part of the government. With this public statement it is signaling that it is part of the medical tyranny agenda connected with Bill Gates, the World Health Organization, Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum, and the Biden administration.

“The four companies that make virtually all of the recommended vaccines are all convicted felons. Collectively they have paid over $35 billion since 2009 for defrauding regulators, lying to and bribing government officials and physicians, falsifying science, and leaving a trail of (incurable chronic illnesses) injuries and deaths from products they knew to be dangerous and still sold under pretense of safety and efficacy.” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Alex Krainer, a former hedge fund manager, commodities trader, and author points out that Belarus’s president, Alexander Lukashenko, revealed that his country was offered an IMF loan on the condition that it implemented “a strict Covid 19 lockdown policy and a curfew.” (Lukashenko rejected the offer.) Krainer suggests that other countries may have received similar conditional offers and accepted them. He writes: “As of April 2020, 85 nations have requested financial assistance from the IMF. Deeply in debt and with severely damaged economies, most governments worldwide needed loans, making them prey to the dictates of money power. To secure the needed funds they may have agreed to shutting down their economies, restricting their population’s freedom of movement, created stasi-like contact-tracing structures and closed down the schools.” If Krainer is correct, this would help explain why so many countries responded to Covid-19 in almost identical ways.


New York will give illegal aliens $15K.

Human smugglers advertise on Facebook.

European Court of Human Rights rules that mandatory vaccines are legal.

246 vaccinated residents of Michigan are diagnosed with covid. 3 deaths.

Disney arresting guests who refuse temperature check.

Klaus Schwab declares unvaccinated people a threat to humanity.

Merkel changes mind, calls for national lockdown.

Italy says all healthcare workers must get the jab.

UK planned for vaccine passports before the vaccines were ready.


Las Vegas planning vaccine passports.

Fauci and NIH associates caught in financial irregularities.

Fauci financed gain-of-function research at Wuhan lab. We reported this months ago, now Epoch Times catches up.

Nurse exposes hospital care in New York, calls it murder.

Christian prayerbook for blacks includes the prayer “to help me hate white people.”

Two Oathkeepers indicted for capitol break-in.

Which world leaders are controlled by jews?

jewish vatican eustace(4) copy

The Neuralink brain implant developed by Elon Musk has been implanted in a monkey’s brain. The monkey can now play Pong without using a joystick. The future is going to be very different from the past.

We don’t care anything about Prince Philip, but we were amused by this collection of his public conversations. It reminds us of the time when we had freedom of speech.

A virtual tour of the temples of Baalbek.

Rabbis explain why Hitler was right to get rid of the jews:

The covid conspiracy

Posted By on April 9, 2021

Alex Jones exposes the covid conspiracy as revealed in the document The SPARS Pandemic 2025–2028. Everything you have seen happen last year and this year has been planned. There has never been a vaccine for the common cold (covid), but the world is being led to vaccination by a well-planned marketing campaign.

Here is the link to the planning document at Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.

Video also available at

News for April 3, 2021

Posted By on April 3, 2021


Europe, Biden agree that Putin has to be removed for Great Reset to move forward.

Putin moves Russian military forces to Ukraine border.

Britain sends military carrier to South China Sea, will expand nuclear capability.

Biden administration is giving illegal aliens amnesty and social security.

Texas Attorney General: Illegal aliens cost Texans $850 million each year.

Biden’s infrastructure bill includes $20 billion for tearing down highways that separate minority communities.

Biden will allow banks to discriminate against Republicans.


Nancy Pelosi’s treasonous phone call asking the military to overthrow Trump.

Jen Psaki worked for an Israeli spy company.

Christian professor wins court case after refusing to call students by their preferred pronouns.

Another reason to hate the Republican Party: The Texas Republican Initiative.

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism:

How China Tracks Everyone:

VIRUS GATES (1)“No one recovers until everyone recovers”: World leaders plan global treaty to fight nationalist responses to covid pandemic.

A look at global track and trace programs.

Dozens of vaccinated people are catching covid.

Former Pfizer vice-president: Vaccine could be used for population reduction.

Pfizer vaccine causing high death rates in Israel.

London records first day with zero covid deaths.

Boris Johnson says Brits cannot meet indoors because vaccination is not 100 percent effective.

European courts are finding that lockdowns are unconstitutional.

A priest warns about the coronavirus conspiracy:


Jarrett Stepman notices that Americans are self-segregating by race. It’s a good thing, Jarrett. Races didn’t evolve to put up with other races and then disappear into a mud-mix.

Who the cancel culture is going to target next.

Interview with Pavel Tulaev, editor of The Athenaeum. Russian identitarianism.

Second interview.

Grant Havers points out one unforeseen consequence of the Left’s shift from Marxist class warfare to race warfare: The problem of multiracial whiteness.

Stella Morabita has another of those “how did it happen” posts, this one is about propaganda, brainwashing, social psychology.

Cass Sunstein joins WHO, conspires to discredit conspiracy theories.


Which reminds us, France is struggling to suppress Q-anon followers.

A quick look at John Coleman’s Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300. We never read it, but the quotes sound OK.

How German concentration camp workers were paid.

Why the Germans were the true victims of a holocaust.

Eisenhower’s Rhine death camps:


A look at inappropriate comic book characters. Why not make up your own?

Hitler gets coronavirus:

News for March 28, 2021

Posted By on March 27, 2021


Biden arming Ukraine for war with Russia. Biden doesn’t want to attack Russia with the U.S. military, he wants to use Ukraine as a proxy.

Lavrov says Russia has no relations with Europe. Also no relations with the United States.

Russia looking for wide partnership to resist sanctions. Russia will likely find a few small anti-U.S. countries to join a coalition, but the big move here will be to drive Russia closer to China. This is actually a worst-case scenario for Biden’s foreign policy. You don’t want the two global powers working against you.

Russia will abandon the dollar and refuse to use Western international payment systems. China is working on the same project, and this will mean the end of the U.S. dollar as the supreme world currency.

Why Israel’s betrayal of the U.S. military is changing the balance of power in favor of China. We are worried that China wants to take Taiwan so that they can control Taiwan Semiconductor, the most advanced chipmaker in the world.



SOTN suggests that ship stuck in the Suez canal is a NWO operation to dramatize the need to abandon oil. But we don’t have anything on this to confirm.

Syria complains that the United States controls $92 billion of Syrian oil. That explains why Biden is continuing the U.S. role in Syria.

Democrats vote to give MS-13 gang members amnesty and benefits.

Minnesota prepares the way for counties to secede legally from Minnesota. Secession sentiment seems to be growing.


Florida is the home to the second-most hate groups in America. Go to Florida.

DHS and FBI recruit a member to spy on Oath Keepers. He recorded it.

Homeland Security will hire private contractors to compile dissident and no-fly watch lists.

Kyle Shideler on how the government is going to target the mainstream Americans as dissident extremists.

BLM mob traps 100 people inside store in New York. BLM is still active. Protect yourself out there, stay away from blacks.

Gregory Hood asks why white people should try to save the American Empire from itself. We agree, America has failed. Your “American” identity is of no value. Your white identity is what matters. Try to save the white race.


Britain extends emergency covid powers to September despite falling death and hospitalization rates.

Worldwide Rally for Freedom: Tens of thousands protest covid lockdowns. This was effective in getting Merkel to back down from her lockdown plans.

Oregon wants to make all covid restrictions permanent and track vaccine deniers. The Communist Great Reset plan.

Google and Oracle will track vaccinated folks for two years.

Britain will require vaccination passport to enter pubs. It’s against the law to leave England.

Vaccinated death toll: 1739 domestic, 3964 European.

Massachusetts recognizes multiple partner partnerships. That guy in the middle looks like he just gave birth. The Left continues to get more degenerate. Legalizing pedophilia is next.

Father in Canada arrested for calling his daughter his daughter. Tranny takeover.

Canada legalizes carbon tax.

Frank Salter, the costs of multiculturalism.


Founder of Gab advocates “silent secession.”


Bright Green Lies, book review. Demolishes Green Agenda claims.

Organic Prepper says it’s a revolutionary act to grow a garden.


Guillaume Durocher on politics in Paris.

Karl Haemers researches who exactly is running the World Economic Forum. Big bankers, big corporations.

Tel Aviv’s museum celebrates jewish criminals.

The Jewish War Against Germany.

How jewish women deceived white people in the second jewish-German war.

Francis Parker Yockey and conservative revolution. The Enemy of Europe.

Jonathan Adelman, The Soviet Union’s Forgotten Role in the Creation of Israel. Stalin provided the crucial votes in the UN needed to pass the resolution creating the state of Israel.

News for March 20, 2021

Posted By on March 20, 2021


Biden sends air force bombers above Arctic Circle to threaten Russia.

Biden is still putting out the story that Russia influenced the 2020 election.

Homeless camp forms outside White House.

Biden funds Ukraine for war with Russia.

Biden says Putin is a “killer with no soul.” Russia withdraws its U.S. ambassador. Putin challenges Biden to a debate. Won’t happen.

NATO war gaming shows Russia crushes NATO forces within days. We hope Joe keeps poking the Russian bear. He will lose.

Russia and China recruit other nations to form “The Group” to oppose U.S. aggression.

Russia will install a domestic search engine on all Russian computers. Because you can’t trust Google.

Trevor Loudon on Communist infiltration.


China is sending in shipments of tainted meat. Check your meat source before buying.

Study shows very few capitol rioters were right-wing.

Why the FBI pipe-bomb plot might not add up.

Five counties in Oregon will vote to join Idaho.

Green New Deal will be more expensive than Joe thinks.

deaths ireland corona

U.S. is attempting to discredit Russia’s vaccine. Welcome to the vaccine wars.

We have been warned that the illegal aliens crowding in are carrying covid. Democrats block bill to test immigrants before entering the U.S.

European drug administrator calls emergency vaccine meeting to discuss AstraZenica vaccine failures.

Corporate media cover up: Australian navy incapacitated by vaccine.

Gadaffi warns about vaccines:


A study of the relationship between 5G and coronavirus illness. Are telcoms pulling back on 5G rollout? We’re not sure.

The CoVid Con Dismantled. Rebuts the most common claims about vaccine and mask effectiveness.

More than 20 countries halt AstraZenica vaccine.


Macron announces new month-long lockdown for one-third of France.

Why you can’t trust the FDA, the WHO, or Big Pharma.

You Tube takes down 30,000 videos on vaccines and covid.

U.S. state department lead investigator says covid may have been developed in a lab. Yeah, like we wuz sayin.

The urban sun is a new invention, endorsed by the World Economic Forum, to disinfect public spaces.

Black Lives Matter harasses little white kids over privilege:


Riots in France:

Evanston, Illinois decided to give reparations to black people. Guess what happened? It’s not enough.


Substack is a new free-speech site.

White collar visas take two-thirds of tech jobs each year.

Sydney Powell says staffer assassinated in Georgia.

Tobias Langdon, Mediocre Meghan.

To keep up with occult influences on pop culture, see The Vigilant Citizen, Symbolic Pics of the Month.

Paul Kindlon, The Origins of Russian Freemasonry.

An Introduction to the Trifunctional Process. You need to know what the trifunctional process is because you are so far separated from your ethnic origins. This will be on the final exam.


Paul Craig Roberts, The Lies About World War II. More lies have been told about Hitler and the National Socialists than any other subject in history. Why the Allies were not the good guys. If you can’t throw off the false WWII myths, you will be stuck in the bog of American patriotism, and the bog will pull you down as America falls.

Auschwitz Survivors Forget the Plot.

We just learned about the First Anti-Jewish Congress, held in Dresden, Germany, in 1882. The jews were such a menace to Europe in the late 1800s that leading Christian citizens called a conference to warn about it. They were savvy about the Rothschild bankers and jewish control of the press. Their document was called “Manifesto to the Governments and Peoples of the Christian Nations Threatened by Judaism.” In retrospect, this sort of appeal, to legal measures, is exactly the wrong approach as the jews only continued to gain further control and influence until the National Socialists took power.

Berkman Center at Harvard is at the center of Left fundraising and organizing.

The core mechanics of the Color Revolution model.

We are getting a lot of reports that the White House is empty, and Joe’s oval office is a movie set located somewhere else. We’re not sure what’s up, but Richard also is convinced the White House is shut down, and he offers this report:

If you missed the Oprah interview with Harry and Meghan, you can watch a short summary here:


News for March 13, 2021

Posted By on March 13, 2021


Israel plans to strike Iran. If they can’t get Joe to do it.

Russia strikes oil refineries in Syria for confiscating and selling Syrian oil. And here. Israel needs to be sneakier in their aggression.

Israel is selling U.S. technology to China. After they have sucked the U.S. dry, China will be Israel’s preferred partner. That Belt and Road is going to want to buy Israel’s spyware.

Robert Wheeler reports on the Texas freeze and the power problems, which are now utility bill problems and failing utilities.

Supreme Court rules that students can sue colleges over speech zones. Good, get suing.

How the capitol break-in prosecutions are going.

Arizona is now open. No more lockdowns. Arizona nurse says nearly all new cases are illegal aliens.

Screen Shot 2021-03-06 at 10.42.21 AM

The recently passed “covid relief bill” ($1.9 billion of pork) contains a requirement that states may no longer cut taxes. Those Communists are clever.

Anti-white diversity officer is among the fastest-growing careers. Let’s keep track of these people, just for fun.

Mike Lindell announces a new free-speech media platform. That’s how you do it, build alternative institutions and drop out of the Communist institutions. It takes a few rich guys to help us.

China is about to issue a digital yuan. The other central banks are going to have to follow quickly or get left behind. Your currency is going digital soon.

China hacks 30,000 organizations using Microsoft mail. Get away from Microsoft.

Why telecoms are telling their customers to shut off 5G.

Moderna executive says mRNA vaccines are designed to “hack the software of life.” Bill Gates has approached vaccination as a software program for human biology.

New York will require virus passport to enter stadiums and theaters.


Bill Gates foundation mines DNA from covid tests. Just another plank in the Gates global conspiracy.

Australia is 10 days without a new covid case.

Let’s encourage the Return to Africa movement in every way we can.

In Israel, no vaccine proof, no food. Israel is the model for the takeover. You will have to rebel in some fashion to avoid this takeover in your area.

Spiro discusses the first court case challenging mandatory vaccination.

As the George Floyd trial begins, only 38 percent believe Floyd was murdered. We are looking for more Black Lives Matter riots soon.

In St. Louis, 92 percent of homicide suspects were black. Never relax around blacks.

10 Bay Area Walgreens close due to legalization of shoplifting. To be expected, unless you’re a dumbass socialist.

What happens when you don’t wear a mask in a store:


Jen Psaki is a member of the black-eye club. What is it? Maybe this. Drugs, demon possession, we don’t know. NWO conspirators get the black eye. Do more research.


The Revolt of the Public and the rise of populism. We are past populism, but we like the populists. Just white folk wishing their republic could be saved. But populism has failed, and it’s time for something with a little more muscle to it.

Mask burnings break out in Idaho. Good idea.

What happens when brainwashed socialist girly men don’t buy into the Great Reset? As if the United Nations has democratic legitimacy. Amusing. As if there were a climate crisis. Pathetic. Girlyman should do more research into the elites who actually own and control these international corporations. They are entirely on board with green initiatives, Cultural Marxism, anti-white policies, spying, tracking, and control, social credit as a requirement for food and medicine, the whole Communist agenda. Have you seen a major corporation speak out against any of Biden’s policies, or Communist China’s infiltration of U.S. institutions, or against Belt and Road?


Mathew Maavak calls Artificial Intelligence technological voodooism. So little is written from this point of view this light piece deserves a read to get the point.

So few people are even recognizing that the republic is corrupted in every feature that we are linking to Kurt Schlichter at Townhall. Democratic republics are not a good form of government. They are full of holes and get corrupted quickly.


China has already infiltrated U.S. institutions. Who is going to kick them out?

The big corporations profiting from sexual exploitation.

Documentation of the European Union extending rights to African foreigners. Once the EU did this, the U.S. government extended these imaginary global rights whenever the Left controlled the government. That is their intellectual justification for the white replacement migrations.

A debate about secession. Quite witty. It starts at Twelve Round and then moves to Raconteur Report and then back to Twelve Round and then back to Raconteur Report. Picked up by Cold Fury. We expect secession sentiment to increase after the first wave of civil war violence. Could be the Floyd trial, could be gun seizure, we think it’s coming soon.

israeli-pm-calls-jews-the-22master-race22 copy

Upon being confronted with the reality of the jewish plan to take over and enslave the world, the first question somebody usually asks is, what about this jewish guy I know? He seems pretty normal to me. Is he behind the anti-white genocide? Well, probably not, but…

What is a Sayanim? Basically, a spy for the jews. How the jews organize into spy networks in every community.

The Making of a Sayanim

Jewish Sayanim and the “Synagogue of Satan”


The Power of the Little Known Jewish Sayanim

How a Few Thousand Jews Can Ruin a Country


Scott Spencer, The History and Significance of the New World Order doesn’t cover the entire history of the idea and phrase, but it does put to rest the false claim that the Nazis wanted to create a New World Order. The New World Order is Communist.

More evidence: Adolf Hitler on Defending Europe


Martin Odoni, What Is the Real Reason the USA, Europe and Britain Keep Defending Israel? Excellent piece of historical analysis.

“…most of the memoirs and reports [of ‘Holocaust survivors’] are full of preposterous verbosity, graphomanic exaggeration, dramatic effects, overestimated self-inflation, dilettante philosophizing, would-be lyricism, unchecked rumors, bias, partisan attacks…”
—Samuel Gringauz, “Jewish Social Studies” (New York), January 1950, Vol. 12, p. 65.

Check out the website Elie Wiesel Cons the World for more exposure of the Holohoax. The Official IRC (Red Cross) records reveal the total jewish death toll in Concentration Camps was 271,301.

Dendera temple restored.

The joke that got a comedian fired.

Jews offended by racism prompt FBI to arrest comedian.

Time for some pop culture: