News for June 5, 2021

Posted By on June 5, 2021

Russia claims NATO is smuggling arms to Ukraine under cover of the Black Sea drills. It looks like Biden wants war with Russia. Be careful.

Russia will send military units to European borders in response to Black Sea drills.

Russia cuts dollar holdings by $120 billion ahead of Biden summit. We can’t imagine why Putin would want to meet with Biden after Biden has withdrawn from so many treaties with Russia.

Yair Lapid will form a coalition government in Israel to oust Netanyahu. But Crime Boss Bibi will not be easy to get rid of. This is good news, but we don’t expect Israel to change much.

The Saker, How Hamas Defeated Israel.

Gaza Conflict Shows Trump-Netanyahu Peace Initiatives Have Utterly Failed.

China has signed a massive free trade deal with 15 Asia-Pacific nations, called the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership. This is now the world’s largest trading block.

The Great Reset for dummies:

UN report says porn is good for kids. Were you wondering if the world is run by satanic perverts?

BLM activist charged with molesting 62 kids:

How the racial civil war is going: 29 whites murdered in April.

Black speaker at Tulsa rally: “We will kill everything white in sight.”

Photos of members of Antifa. You can see why they would wish they could be made equal to somebody else.

A reminder, Wikileaks told us of the extent of CIA hacking programs.

Boris Johnson marries into the Rothschild dynasty.

How the Rothschilds will benefit from the pandemic:

“Rothschild’s Sanofi-Aventis-Connaught is perhaps the largest manufacturer of vaccines in the world. If a few members of this elite group stand to benefit from the sale of COVID-19 (or other) vaccines, their close media partners will cooperate to heavily promote vaccinations, while elected officials will legislate them as compulsory, with their controlled governments scheming ‘vaccination passports’ to ensure sales (one of the ‘benefits’ of democracy), while relieving the vaccine makers of all liability. They will heavily pressure poor governments into the purchases and will utilise every portion of the UN, including the World Bank and IMF as well as the WHO, to tie loans and other assistance to these purchases – while stipulating the avoidance of such vaccines not manufactured by their group, such as those from China and Russia, the media helpfully denigrating these as ‘untested’ and ‘ineffective’, with the UN and various Western governments helpfully withholding approvals. It’s a very small club.”

From The Saker, Propaganda and the Media, Part 3.

Fauci predicted a coronavirus outbreak in January, 2017. How did he know? Fauci emails with China’s CDC director will end his credibility. Fauci and Bill Gates will be exposed and take a fall. But not prosecuted.

Wuhan lab director reveals there was “no regulation” on gain-of-function research at the lab. Which would be quite appropriate if you wanted to start a pandemic.

FDA says there is no such thing as natural immunity to covid, you must take the vaccine. Is this really science or something else?

Pfizer: 4 out of 5 children over 12 complain of vaccine side-effects.

How to buy Ivermectin if you get covid.

Coverage of freedom protests in London. There is a lot of push-back against covid lockdowns in Europe.

Ice Age Farmer reveals how the World Economic Forum is going to transform forests into global surveillance grids.

24 fires are set every day in Los Angeles, half of them by homeless people.

George Floyd memorial coming down.

Who is Somerset Belenoff? Click on the Occult heading for the good stuff.

Don’t take the gay stairs:

Life in a Russian village. Russia is the future of the white race.

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh explains why democracy is the worst form of government.

News for May 30, 2021

Posted By on May 30, 2021

Biden withdraws from open skies treaty with Russia. The open skies treaty allowed Russia and the United States military to make occasional flights over the other country to check on military movements or buildups as a way of assuring each other that no secret military actions were being taken. It is difficult to figure out what game Joe Biden is playing.

UN Human Rights Council puts Israel on trial for war crimes against the Palestinians. What this really means: Israel isn’t popular.

AG Bill Barr quashed investigation into 2020 election fraud.

George Floyd family offers Communist salute after meeting with Biden at the White House.

Shootout at the George Floyd Square. Surprised?

A little squabble between Black Lives Matter and Antifa.

Who invited all those Moslems into Europe? Oh, that’s right, it was the jews.

Remember when President Trump came on TV and recommended Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin as treatments for covid? Then these treatments got trashed by the media in favor of vaccines. Why would you take a vaccine for a covid variant with lower than 1 percent death rate? The “vaccines” are not really vaccines. Nick Corbishley reports on the struggle to get Ivermectin recognized as a cure.

Suppression of Ivermectin cost half a million lives.

Google and Oracle are tracking all Americans who took the vaccine, for up to two years.

Millions of Brits secretly tracked by phone after taking the jab.

A few words from Bill Gates:

UK plans to use covid as a steppingstone to a single-identity digital identity to access all government services.

Bill Clinton invited Chinese PLA members to join U.S. military bioresearch labs.

Facebook whistleblowers leak documents showing effort to censor information about vaccines. There is something about the vaccines the controllers don’t want you to know.

Covid infection models have not been correct so far, but Joshua Gans publishes some models showing massive covid outbreaks in the late fall of 2021 and 2022. This might not seem realistic now as cases are diminishing, but the elite microbiologists are working with these models and using them to justify giving more power to the WHO to control future outbreaks. Covid Commission Planning Groups have already formed.

Study shows covid hospitalization rates for children were overcounted.

Aangirfan has data showing that the countries with the highest vaccination rates also have the highest new infection rates. This has led to a certain fear that the vaccinated might be spreaders.

CDC changes tests to minimize number of vaccinated cases of infection.

Kary Mullis, inventor of PCR test and critic of Anthony Fauci, died in 2019.

House Republicans launch probe into Fauci’s Wuhan lab grant. We reported over a year ago that Fauci financed gain-of-function research at Wuhan. Nice to see Rand Paul and the Republicans catching up.

Nobel Prize winner says the vaccines are creating the variants.

160+ health experts warn about the dangers of the covid vaccines.

“All vaccinated people will die within 2 years.”

Australia locks down the state of Victoria over a few new cases.

You can get covid pandemic news at ChemicalViolence and from Sixth Sense at Bitchute.

Biden shut down the Trump administration probe into the origins of the coronavirus in China. Hmmm, why would he do that?

AT&T sets up private 5G network devoted to cancer patients. Because cancer is going to be the next health focus after covid dies down.

Greg Johnson, Remembering Julius Evola, a list of articles published at Counter-Currents. Evola is our most important thinker.

Jews behind Communism, a short video.

The Russian Revolution wasn’t Russian:

Two women are interviewed in the 1950s when their suburb gets racially integrated. Pay attention to how stupid these white women are. Blacks vote 95 percent Communist, but both women welcomed the infiltration into an all-white, and very safe, neighborhood. In the white ethnostate, women will be forced to study the history of Communist racial subversion and will be taught that there is no higher morality than loyalty to one’s race.

News for May 23, 2021

Posted By on May 22, 2021

Biden cancels sanctions on NordStream 2 pipeline. Because he wants to keep Germany as an ally.

Aangirfan reports Israel created Hamas, footage of rockets fired into Jerusalem are faked. Israel lures Palestinians into tunnels, then bombs them. Bombing a journalism office is a crime according to international law. Israel announces cease-fire, how long will it last?

Palestine before the Zionists stole it.

China says U.S. foreign policy is controlled by wealthy jews. Israel screams “anti-Semitism.” But they can’t deny it.

The Pentagon is running a spy program 10 times the size of the CIA.

Europe approves vaccine passports.

World Economic Forum cancels Singapore meeting due to covid outbreak. Meaningless. The WEF can do plenty of damage without traveling to Singapore.

UN says world government will prevent future pandemics. If you believe that…

Chinese Communist professor says that China defeated the United States in 2020 with biological warfare.

Chinese Communist professor suspected of weaponizing covid is elected to American Academy of Microbiology.

Wuhan lab deleted Fauci’s gain-of-function research from its website in 2021.

Johns Hopkins confirms that self-spreading vaccines are real.

Covid cases decline drastically in India due to Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. No vaccine needed. Cases spiked when the vaccine was introduced.

England allows 20,000 travelers from India. Strange. Lock down your country but let the foreigners in?

Sweden reports 30,000 cases of side-effects from AZ vaccine.

Doctors are refusing to treat vaccinated patients complaining of side-effects due to fear of challenging the CDC claims that the vaccines are safe.

Toxicologist calls on the government to halt distribution of vaccines. But that would stop vaccine companies from making enormous profits.

About 50 percent of healthcare workers are refusing to take the vaccine.

Death statistics show the vaccines are toxic.

In-depth profile of Klaus Schwab.

In-depth profile of Anthony Fauci.

Fauci’s researchers in Wuhan.

A graph showing the planet is starving for CO2.

New York Times admits Steele dossier was fake. That was nice of them. Everybody else knew years ago.

Walgreens closes l7 stores in San Francisco because the Communists have legalized shoplifting. These commies aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed.

How residents of Oakland, California are upgrading their homeless camps.

Five counties in Oregon vote to secede and join Idaho. Go for it.

One nice thing about the Bill and Melinda Gates divorce is that it has focused attention on the relationship between Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein. According to this report, Melinda Gates has communicated to Donald Trump that Bill built a child dungeon beneath his Irma Lake Lodge property, and Navy Seals have raided the property. One source, unconfirmed.

Scientists have come up with a theory about how LSD affects the mind.

David Sheen explains how the various sects of jews think, and how their thinking has coalesced into “Messiah mode.”

James J. O’Meara suspects that gnosticism is jewish.

Founder of private jewish police force is charged with child rape. Why are there private jewish police forces?

Affirmative Right believes that wokism will die and offers reasons. If you can get corporations to support you, you have staying power.

How France got rid of their jews, 80 years ago.

A short video on the Soviet Union’s genocide against the Christians.

The Pythagoras cave on Samos.

News for May 15, 2021

Posted By on May 15, 2021

What started the violence in Israel? The planned evictions of the Palestinians. More here.

Netanyahu rejects Hamas peace offer in favor of invasion of Gaza.

Putin is close to Israel, but he calls the current crisis a “direct threat to Russian security.”

How the mainstream media hide Israel’s aggression.

The jews took over world control 130 years ago.

Israel was founded as a terrorist state. Hasn’t deviated from their original plan.

Why would people want to upset the jews in the United States?

Don’t these people know Israel is somebody’s best friend?

Why would somebody in Alberta fly the Nazi flag? Don’t they know this is upsetting their neighbors?

How could a nice young queer get mistaken for a Nazi in England?

France’s military chief of staff says that those military leaders who wrote an open letter to Macron warning of civil war need to resign. In other words, if they resign, they get the right to free speech.

Now 124 retired military in America have penned an open letter warning of a Marxist takeover. Seems like a waste of time to us. Everybody knows the score. If you’re going to do something about it, do it, don’t write letters.

Now that Russia has withdrawn some troops from the border with Ukraine, NATO takes over Black Sea for military exercises. Much ado about nothing. Biden has called off the Ukraine war.

Biden has given the order to destroy grain silos in Syria to starve the population.

Nephew of prime minister of Italy charges that the CIA was involved in U.S. election fraud.

Russian IT expert says the Colonial pipeline shutdown was the work of the CIA posing as a group of hackers.

Alex Jones blames Biden for the pipeline shutdown. See above, Alex.

Chinese military started weaponization of coronaviruses in 2015, in cooperation with U.S. scientists.

Discussion of this report on Australian TV:

The Nicholas Wade article that examined the origin of covid and made it to TV coverage.

Another report that Fauci funded gain of function research at Wuhan lab.

New World Health Organization group to recommend global health measures. These guys are never going to quit trying to control us.

A report on European probes into the safety of the vaccines.

New mRNA vaccines are causing an eruption of eye problems.

EU will not renew AstroZenica vaccine:

Doctor says many patients have vaccine regrets.

A plan to corner the vaccine market.

British interpreter describes life in Afghanistan.

Wall Street Journal wonders where those extra troops are going to be placed after the United States withdraws from Afghanistan.

Red feminism.

Adam Piggott has a few words about feminism. Not nice words.

There is a fix for feminism:

As part of the Great Reset de-beefing, you will be asked to eat powdered worms.

Australia forms new NO 5G political party.

Many content creators have been banned from You Tube. Here is where they went.

A few white victims of multiculturalism. We are not even mourning our losses. Time to remember what the jews have done to us.

Whitney Webb exposes Carbyne. More here.

How the Green commie crooks swindled $60 billion from the U.S. government.

Intellectual Froglegs is a new site for us. Folksy Trumpism with clever video editing. We are not civic nationalist, and we have no faith that Donald Trump will accomplish next time what he failed to accomplish last time. But, if we manage to save the white race, a lot of them will be Trumpers, so we have to keep them in mind as we aim higher than clever folksy videos and election politics.

News for May 8, 2021

Posted By on May 7, 2021

Now that Russia has withdrawn troops from its border with Ukraine and the border area has calmed down, 10 nations plan naval war exercises as a warning to Putin. Putin needs to bend to the Great Reset and stop the pipeline construction. We don’t think he will.

Biden denies prisoner swap deal with Iran. Swiss diplomat representing America to Iran dies in suspicious “fall.” These two stories are related, but we are not sure exactly how. Anyway, international diplomacy is a risky business. You can’t be suspected of telling the truth.

Turkey to build new base in Iraq. Turkey is becoming a new target of the Biden administration as it gains power. Several nearby nations are turning to Iran for support because of potential threats from Turkey-backed terrorist groups. Turkey and Iran are reshaping the Middle East. We expect Israel’s influence to wane.

Honeywell caught sending F-35 drawings to China. Their fine: $13 million. It’s bad when your defense contractors are cooperating with the enemy. Do you think anybody can fix this level of corruption?

How the transition to electric vehicles will cost jobs, the case of Germany.

Five digital dollar pilot programs are being launched. The digital dollar is coming to you soon. No more cash.

Watch Communists march in Austin, Texas.

Vaccines now mandatory in New Zealand. Or you can pay a $4000 fine.

Florida will fine any organization $5000 if it requires a vaccine passport. A little good news.

Pfizer admits vaccinated people shed infectious particles, which leads some to conclude that the vaccines are the bioweapon.

Salk Institute issues a report: The vaccines are causing disease in those who take them. Don’t take the vaccines. A similar report from Israel.

“New mutations” of the virus are being blamed for outbreaks in India and Brazil. “New mutations” are part of the Great Reset master plan, to allow a period of freedom followed by a more severe lockdown. Microbiologists observe that new mutations are rarely more virulent. The “new mutations” could be lab-produced, or higher infection rates may be caused by vaccine shedding.

State of the Nation opines that India was targeted by the global elites and vaccines have spread the disease. Genocide?

Mike Adams at Natural News believes the vaccines are designed to reduce world population, and we respect Mike. Mike also thinks the CDC is releasing more virulent covid strains.

Microbiologist says vaccines will decimate the world population.

Gates Foundation and World Health Organization cover up vaccine-related deaths. Bill Gates funded the phony virus contagion models.

India has a vaccine czar who is profiting from the rollout of the vaccines, and he has been forced to leave India because of threats against his life.

Instagram pays influencers to get you to take the vaccine:

Dr. Yan says the virus was weaponized by China to destroy its enemies. Trevor Loudon agrees.

We were hoping Melinda Gates divorced Bill because she found out he was running a genocidal vaccine scam, but it probably has more to do with Bill’s visits with Jeffrey Epstein and a certain Zhe Wang. Melinda can’t afford to spill the beans, too risky.

Jon Rappoport thinks the covid vaccines are a kind of gmo for humans instead of for crops. Analogies are never reliable building blocks of thought, but we are seeing scientific progress in genetic manipulation being applied to many fields.

The Great Reset commies are linking green energy policies with defunding the police. We don’t try to keep up with their logic, but it is all coming to you as a pre-prepared package.

Campus Insanity is a website where you can keep up with the progress of instilling the woke curriculum and the opposition to it. This war is going to come down to a lot of local battles.

Donald Trump has been banned from Facebook and Twitter, so he started a new website, here.

Black Lives Matter stuff has been banned from the Tokyo Olympics. A small victory.

The increase in cases of blacks attacking Asians has led to a corresponding increase in Asian contributions to the Proud Boys. More generally, as crime increases under the Biden administration, more people will be looking to local militias to protect them, and we should be capitalizing on this need. This is how Hitler built his movement, from the increase of Communist violence in Germany and the threat of their total takeover.

This CIA recruit is being used as marketing. It’s way past time to abolish the CIA. Wonder what kind of assignments she is getting—assassinations? overthrow of governments? drug trafficking?

ABC News endorses Satanism.

The complete list of the 1,030 expulsions of the jews in history.

Rick Heskey suggests that white pride is the correct answer to the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan to eliminate the white race.

How the commies turned San Francisco into a third-world shithole.

News for May 1, 2021

Posted By on May 1, 2021

EU Parliament approves sanctions against Russia, recommends halting NordStream 2 pipeline. It looks more and more like the Ukraine declaration of war against Russia was about halting Nordstream 2.

Belarus President Lukashenko reveals details of the U.S. plot to overthrow him.

Italy reports huge ISIS methamphetamine drug bust.

Trump supporter found guilty of threatening to kill members of Congress on January 6. This is bad news because it bolsters the case the Biden administration wants to make, that Trump supporters are domestic terrorists. What was Trump thinking when he called that rally?

UK will issue vaccine passport app. Big protest march in London.

Study finds Pfizer vaccine not effective against covid variants.

EU will sue AstraZeneca over failed vaccine.

Wuhan lab was instructed to search for new viruses 9 years ago.

Vitamin D deficiency responsible for most covid infections.

TV presenter slips up:

The Deagle website predicting a massive decrease in the U.S. population over the next couple of years has been taken down from the web. Our old website, World Depopulation Agenda, was hacked and taken down. Somebody doesn’t want people to think there is a depopulation agenda.

Here’s a surprise: Miami private school will not employ teachers or staff who have been vaccinated. But we don’t expect this to become a trend.

CDC covid data daily tracker.

Jeffrey A. Tucker believes the lockdown paradigm is collapsing, but we believe it will continue under those governments most dedicated to the Great Reset.

Covid cases now growing the most in lockedown states.

West Virginia will pay young people $100 to get vaccinated. Many companies are paying their employees to get vaccinated, and threatening those who refuse with termination.

Yes, there is a book titled Covid 19, The Great Reset

BLM supporter accused of murder, admits “we are killing our own people.”

U.S. government allocates $300 million for propaganda.

A history of Israeli false flag operations. (Video)

Justin Deschamps, The Khazarian Mafia.

A short video on satanic ritual abuse of children.

Police officer requests advice from LeBron James.

A brief history of the white race. There is more to it.

Interview with Paul Wallis, author of The Scars of Eden:

Jews dominate the sex industries.

State-funded rabbis in Israel teach their students that non-jews must become jewish slaves. This isn’t something the jews invented yesterday.

The role of the jews in the Ukrainian holocaust. Stalin confiscated the Ukranian farm output and sold it for foreign exchange, leaving the people to starve.

Revolver has a nice piece on the similarities between Lenin’s Red Terror and the woke agenda in the United States. Useful for predicting what the commies will do to us next.

France under German occupation vs. France under jewish occupation. Great videos.

Thomas Dalton advises us about how to confront the judeocracy and overcome normie brainwashing.

How one nation roused its people to fight against jewish Communism:

News for April 25, 2021

Posted By on April 25, 2021

UK sends 6 fighter jets to defend Ukraine, and 2 warships to the Black Sea.

France, Germany meet to discuss Ukraine, exclude Biden.

Ukraine calls up reserves as Russia removes some troops from border.

Russia foils U.S.-backed coup in Belarus.

Analysis of Putin’s state of the nation address is here. Doesn’t break any new ground.

Putin’s Ukranian Judo by The Saker is a long piece about Ukraine but doesn’t involve Putin doing judo in Ukraine.

How Russia can paralyze the United States if war breaks out.

Biden’s propaganda machine is rehabilitating Islamic terrorists in Syria.

After Derek Chauvin guilty verdict, BLM protesters say they will never be satisfied, “burn it all down.”

White visitors to George Floyd Square are asked to “decenter.” We don’t even know what it means to decenter. Maybe set aside your rational faculties?

BLM protesters demand that white restaurant owners leave New York.

Study finds that murder rates increase after BLM protests. No kidding.

A microbiologist warns about the dangers of taking the covid vaccines. A detailed explanation of what happens in your body when mRNA vaccines enter the bloodstream. Everybody needs to know about this.

Natural News warns about female sterility from the covid vaccines.

The CDC’s deep ties to the Chinese Communist Party. CDC Leadership Director: Rochelle Walensky (Jew). Deputy Director: Anne Schuchat (Jew). Chief Of Staff: Sheri Berger (Jew). Chief Medical Officer (Mitchell Wolfe (Jew). Director Washington : Jeff Reczek (Jew). Pfizer Ceo: Albert Bourla (Jew). Moderna’s Vaccine Creator: Tal Zaks (Jew). Johnson & Johnson Ceo: Alex Gorsky (Jew). Astrazeneca Ceo: Pascal Soriot (Jew). Secretary Hhs: Xavier Becerra (Jew). Ass Sec Health: Rachel Levine (Jew).

Covid has driven more Germans to the Far Right. Finally. Still not enough.

Facebook, Google, Federal Trade Commission engaged in criminal conspiracy.

The Windows 10 “speech, inking, typing, and privacy FAQ” section admits that when a user interacts with a Windows device by “speaking, writing (handwriting), or typing, Microsoft collects speech, inking, and typing information – including information about your Calendar and People (also known as contacts).

European Union releases photos of next generation of Europeans. Nonwhite.

Chechens vs Kurds, streetfighting in Belgium.

Big protest in Italy to stop 5G deployment.

Ontario has gone Communist.

Released records show the FBI and DOJ covered up for Jeffrey Epstein.

Doug Casey comments on the Deagle estimates of the predicted depopulation of the United States. The missing link here is, we don’t know, and Doug Casey doesn’t know, if the depopulation estimates are based on old rhetoric from decades ago or are based on some recent intelligence. Our fear is that the covid vaccination program is a depopulation program, but this remains to be seen.

The Catholic church is funding construction of mosques in Europe. This pope has merged the Catholic church with Islam.

Pope pledges allegiance to global takeover.

Speaking of pedophiles, here is a short video naming some of the elite pedophiles, for newbies.

Jim Caviezel has made a movie about human trafficking:

Sean Harshey figures out that Republicans are worthless.

Why you should never marry an ugly black woman: The case of Robert de Niro.

American and Chinese scientists have created monkey/human hybrids, thereby fulfilling Stalin’s dream of creating a monkey/human hybrid workforce.

Edward VIII’s Nazi sympathies.

Marcus Eli Ravage (jew), A Real Case Against the Jews. (5 pages)

How jews hide their identity:

Emily Youcis discusses Isabel Peralta, a Spanish Fascist who spoke in public recently. Why a young woman? Where are the Spanish men?

In honor of Adolf Hitler’s birthday, here is our favorite white nationalist video, courtesy of Emily Youcis.