News for July 11, 2021

Posted By on July 10, 2021

As Biden withdraws U.S. military from Afghanistan, China moves in. This is another marker of the decline of U.S. imperialism and the rise of China to supreme world power.

The President of Haiti was quite popular among Haitians but rather unpopular with Joe Biden, who told him not to run for office again. This arrest might have had something to do with the assassination.

There seems to be a new trend of females taking over leadership of drug cartels. Feminism never told us about this part.

Millions of victims of child sex trafficking in Germany.

London will exhibit casts of faces of 850 transgenders in Trafalgar Square. Another example of the replacement of our culture with theirs.

The race war against whites continues unabated:

Elderly Delaware couple shot while visiting cemetery.

Young couple ambushed in Chicago.

Triple murder in Cobb County, Georgia.

12 hours of nonstop violence in Oakland on July 4. Are you getting used to nonstop violence?

Michael Snyder notices that the criminals are controlling the streets of America.

Vast majority of new covid deaths are from vaccinated people.

Britain may open July 19, though some restrictions will apply. Australia and New Zealand are the most locked down nations at present.

Government of Australia authorizes administration of poison covid vaccine.

Spain proposes draconian new health emergency law.

Response teams” to enforce vaccination in rural areas. To prepare the ground for your lawsuit, simply post a “No Trespassing” sign.

Diversity bites jew Rachel Nichols at ESPN. We are stunned at the number of news outlets describing Nichols as white. Imagine fighting over the job of reporting NBA basketball.

The U.S. government has been funding Antifa groups in Europe to attack white nationalists.

Why net zero carbon emissions is a pipe dream.

Human Doubles, Clones and Aliens, published by The Battle for World Supremacy, caught our attention. We have read a lot about clones but haven’t posted links as the subject is very difficult—most people don’t believe that it is possible to clone people, and we have no inside information. This information might not be correct, but it feels like a high-level data drop. Keep it in your mind buffer and see what else comes along.

The Secret Holocaust by Eustace Mullins.

Corbett, Designing Humans for Fun and Profit.

Imagine if Microsoft wanted to program your DNA.

Some demographers have caught on to the idea that the world population is going to decline due to declining fertility levels. We have previously reported this trend as “feminism will crash socialism.”

Jesse Alexander explains the famous movie scene where Hitler loses his temper in 16 Days in Berlin.

William Pierce, White Future

Ludovico Einaudi, Divenire

Gay Hollyweird

Posted By on July 7, 2021

Subliminal Synchro Sphere has done some excellent research into the gay subliminal programming of Hollywood films.

Hollywood: The Cinema of Sodomy

“Hollywood is the sodomite capital of the world, all it does is employ sodomites (plus other LGBT elements) and make output that is sodomite affirming. THAT IS ALL THEY DO. This is all genres and all age groups, yes even children are being programmed with LGBT and sodomite-based Hollywood funded mass programming.”

The Hollywood Jewish/Gay Paedo Mafia

“…It’s a sodomite Illuminati/Khazar Rothschild controlled entity. They are ‘the Jews who are not Jews’ – the Synagogue of Satan, and with their Luciferian, and totalitarian one-world dystopia. The Illuminati isn’t solely Khazar Jew of course, but this is ultimately about ‘mass media systems’ – something which has become increasingly important in terms of their success over the ensuing decades. …The ‘cult of celebrity’ is currently the world’s most DANGEROUS religion – a religion (involving worship) is EXACTLY what this is. At the centre of this religion is the ‘Luciferian’ doctrine (totalitarianism).”

Q-Anon, Monarch, MK-Ultra, Plum Island, Butterfly Hollywood, Celebrity Mind Control, Pizza-Gate, Weinstein, Bronfman/Rothschild

“ALMOST EVERY SINGLE GAY MAN OR LESBIAN WOMAN WAS MOLESTED AND/OR RAPED AS A CHILD. It’s time that this fact became known and widespread.”

“Hollywood films its own crimes and presents them to us as entertainment.”


“The Typhonian tradition is sometimes defined as a current that flows through the cosmology of the Order Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) established and made famous by Aleister Crowley. Typhon was the god in Greek mythology who, when appearing before the other gods, was so ugly he changed into a fire-eating monster; he waged a terrible war and was eventually killed by one of Zeus’ thunderbolts. Thus, Typhonian is synonymous with fire and force, it also means the Opposer. Typhon’s Egyptian counterpart is Set or Seth. Excerpt from Bill Schoebelen: “Most Witches, myself included, find it necessary to study his material and “plug themselves into” the magical current of Crowley’s demon spirit guide, a mysterious being named Aiwass. Aiwass is another name for Set, an Egyptian god. Sodomy is especially sacred to Set. It opens what are called the Typhonion tunnels, channels through which extremely powerful demons, like the horrible Choronzon, can travel from the alternate reality and emerge into this universe and enter the sex partner’s body. Sex (especially lustful and disconnected sex) is a major way in which demonic oppression can be passed from one person to another.”

A message from the gay community.

Between 24% and 90% of lesbians report being psychologically abused by their partners. Source:

Gay men are 60x more likely to have HIV than straight men. Source:

46% of male homosexuals report being molested, as compared to only 7% of heterosexual men. Source:

Gays are more likely than straight people to have mental illness. Source:

1/4 gay men in America have had over 1000 sex partners. Source:

43% of gay men have over 500 partners. Source:

Gay men are six times more likely to commit suicide than straight men. Source:

Gay men are 10x more likely to use heroin than straight men. Source:

79% of homosexual men say over half of their sex partners are strangers. Source:

99.8% of lesbian, gay and bisexual teens will change their sexual orientation within 13 years. Source:

Two-thirds of men and women who were homosexual change their orientation to heterosexual five years later. Source:

Two-thirds of self-identified lesbians later have heterosexual relationships. Source:

Identifying as lesbian, gay or bisexual does not end sexual questioning or confusion. Source:

One in eight gay men in London has HIV. Source:

In Australia, 25% of homosexuals have had more than 100 sex partners. Source

Gay men, who are 1.65% of the US population, account for 63% of the country’s syphilis cases. Source

In 2010, homosexuals were about 200 times more likely than everyone else to be diagnosed with HIV. Source:

Gay men are 15 times more likely to have Hepatitis B than everyone else. Source

Homosexuals are more likely to use illegal drugs and drink to excess than straight people. Same source

Homosexuals are more likely than straight people to have anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and to commit suicide. Same source

Gay men are 10-15 times more likely than straight men to have eating disorders. Same source

40% to 60% of serial killers are homosexuals. Same source

In the Netherlands, the average homosexual in a “steady relationship” has seven to eight affairs per year. Same source

Over 20% of older homosexuals have had more than 500 different sex partners. Source:

The average gay man has several dozen sex partners per year. Source:

Most “long term relationships” between gay men last less than eight years. Source:

Among gay Canadian men in “committed relationships, only 25% were monogamous. Source:

In one study, only 9% of gay men were monogamous. Source:

75% of straight men are faithful, compared to just 4.5% of gay men. Source:

In Berlin, 83% of gay men in “steady” relationships had had frequent affairs in the last year. Source:

Infection rates for gonorrhea and chlamydia are increasing among active homosexual men. Source:

Gay men, 1% of the population, account for 83% of syphilis cases. Source:

Syphilis was almost eradicated, but made a comeback among homosexual men. Source:

Active homosexual men are 17 times more likely than straight people to have anal cancer. Source:

Lesbians are twice as likely as straight women to be stalked or physically abused by their partners. Source:

Transsexuals are several times more likely than normal people to have schizophrenia. Source:

Worldwide, male-to-female transsexuals are 50 times more likely to have HIV than normal people. Source:

Transsexuals have higher rates of drug and alcohol abuse, prostitution, and incarceration than normal people. Source:


News for July 3, 2021

Posted By on July 2, 2021

Putin reacts cooly to British warship provocation in the Black Sea.

Russia launches killer submarine carrying nuclear drones.

Head of Russian intelligence says U.S. is turning into a “totalitarian regime reminiscent of the Soviet Union.” Yeah, that’s what we said.

Russia requires Big Tech social media to open offices inside Russia. It’s a first step to enable the Russian government to control some of their practices, such as censoring Russian content and promoting child sex trafficking.

Biden authorizes more air strikes in Syria.

Xi Jinping celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party with aggressive statements:

China is building a hundred new missile silos for ICBMs that can reach the United States.

Chinese companies got millions of dollars from covid relief Paycheck Protection Program.

What China’s digital yuan will mean for the Belt and Road.

Jill Biden says “They had the pandemic all ready to go.”

Rand Paul debunks Fauci’s claim that the covid delta variant is more deadly.

European Union reports over 15,000 deaths from covid vaccination.

Spanish court rules that covid death rate was 0.9 percent, just 152 deaths.

AMA journal report says masks are bad for kids.

Britain’s chief medical officer attacked (mildly) in the street.

Trump canceled Fauci’s research grant to Wuhan lab, but Fauci resisted.

Whitney Webb exposes the latest Big Pharma conspiracy, Wellcome Trust. Hat tip, great research.

SOTN fingers Michael Osterholm as the Big Pharma mafia boss connecting the World Economic Forum, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the vaccine companies.

Reporting on Australian TV.

Biden declares Florida building collapse a national emergency, even though many fewer than 1,000 people are dead (the threshold for declaring a national emergency). It’s probably just a coincidence that John McAfee owned a condo in the collapsed building—if they wanted to get their hands on McAfee’s data drop, they could just search his condo. We have not yet heard about a McAfee data drop.

When Democrat protesters took over the Senate office building.

European Union tells Hungary to repeal its law banning pervert promotion to children or leave the EU.

What is the World Economic Forum up to this week? Establishing a Global Coalition for Digital Safety to censor the internet.

Justin Haskins reports that mandatory ESG standards will accomplish the Great Reset.

European far-right parties are losing steam.

Revolver suggests that Stewart Rhodes, head of Oathkeepers, is working with the feds.

How the courts set BLM rioters free.

Rural Nevada sheriffs speak out, and it’s explosive.

U.S., German governments team up to fight rising tide of holocaust denial. Well, at least there’s a rising tide.

We knew that Obama was allowing drugs to flow freely into Chicago. Now court documents show a DEA official and a Justice Department official confirm the agreement.

Over 84,000 sexually abused boys reach a financial settlement with the Boy Scouts. This is what happens when you let homosexuals into your organization. Perverts reproduce by abusing kids.

Two black teens burn a man alive.

Tel Aviv might be the most perverted city in the world:

Dutch historian covers the Red Terror of 1918 in Russia without ever mentioning jew Trotsky’s famous formula, “Kill all the best gentiles.”

Hybrid Origins of Modern Man is a quick debunk of the “out of Africa” theory of evolution. Many anthropologists have rejected the “out of Africa” theory.

Jew satanist Lady Gaga admires jew satanist Marina Abramovic. “No limits” means nihilism, no positive values. Gaga is a conceptual artist influenced by satanic Cultural Marxism and the deconstruction techniques of postmodernism. Abramovic is a very high level witch.





Interview with Jay Parker, victim of child ritual satanic abuse:

Paul Joseph Watson covers popular culture so we don’t have to:

A few paintings by Nicolas Roerich, one of the most successful theosophists.

News for June 26, 2021

Posted By on June 25, 2021

“Terror is nothing but prompt, severe, inflexible justice… It is less a special principle than a consequence of the general principle of democracy applied to our country’s most pressing needs.”

Maximilien Robespierre

Democrat says it’s OK for white people to be executed in the streets:

Black mob twerks on top of ambulance in Oakland on Juneteenth.

The Left needs to get rid of the police so that mob justice can be meted out. What we consider to be crimes, such as theft or murder, are not crimes to the Left if they are carried out by the revolutionaries or their chosen minorities. Make your way carefully through the Reign of Terror. It’s going to last a long time. Never relax around blacks.

What you shouldn’t do.

Britain extends lockdown to July 19. Protest video:

Release of secret memo planning permanent lockdown in Britain. This memo is sourced to Neil M. Ferguson, but the source is not confirmed and it could be a hoax. Understand that we are inclined to believe that permanent lockdown is the controllers’ plan from other sources, including the plans of the Rockefeller Foundation.

Peter Daszak fired from UN commission investigating covid. One of the bad guys goes down.

Oathkeeper pleads guilty to January 6 conspiracy. A bad precedent as it allows the socialists to characterize everyone in the crowd as an enemy of the state.

We have confirmation that a high-level Chinese Communist spy has defected to the United States, vice minister of state security Dong Jingwei. Dong brought with him records showing:

Early pathogenic studies of the virus we now know as SARS-CoV-2
Models of predicted COVID-19 spread and damage to the US and the world
Financial records detailing which exact organizations and governments funded the research on SARS-CoV-2 and other biological warfare research
Names of US citizens who provide intel to China
Names of Chinese spies working in the US or attending US universities
Financial records showing US businessmen and public officials who’ve received money from the Chinese government
Details of meetings US government officials had (perhaps unwittingly) with Chinese spies and members of Russia’s SVR
How the Chinese government gained access to a CIA communications system, leading to the death of dozens of Chinese people who were working with the CIA

We assume that the government will ignore most of this information.

Mastercard issues transgender credit card. Creepiest thing we’ve seen in a while.

The delta variant is the Indian variant and it’s no big deal:

Donald Trump meets Klaus Schwab:

Land Destroyer Report digs down to the practicalities of Biden’s globalist build back better plan and finds … not much, it’s the old neocon agenda designed to overthrow or subordinate foreign governments to U.S. imperialism.

Covid tracker app installs itself on your phone.

Smart meters in Texas turn up the temperatures by themselves.

Swiss voters reject climate change proposal. The Swiss government issues guns to its citizens and trains them to shoot. Switzerland has the lowest crime rates in the world.

Why you shouldn’t leave your valuables in a safe-deposit box.

Charles Burris has put together a post with links to several videos on mind control. If you missed our previous posts on mind control, you can get a lot of it right here.

Matthew Guariglia surveys all the ways we are being surveilled.

David Icke on how the bankers swindle us out of our wealth. It’s unfortunate that Icke did not provide the source for the letter and that he ends with a segment on sports. What David Icke doesn’t tell you is that Adolf Hitler kicked the Rothschild bankers out of the country, and the Nazi German government issued its own currency and offered interest-free loans to the people, thereby sparking the greatest economic recovery in history. Hitler’s solution is the correct solution to the jew banker problem.

Video Rebel provides a little more context to the present situation. “Someone at the top has declared war on us.” If the vaccine is weaponized and causes mass deaths, these speculations might turn out to be on the mark.

Daniel Greenfield agrees that small secessions are a good strategy in the civil war.

Edmund Connolly on the jewish origins of critical race theory.

Whatever happened to John Prine? Oh, he’s doin’ alright.

News for June 20, 2021

Posted By on June 20, 2021

French President Macron has let slip the future strategy of the euroglobohomo controllers: To get rid of the central banks and put the IMF in charge of the global money supply. The plan is to sell gold to the IMF to finance a bailout of Africa aided by the bankruptcy of Italy. The IMF will also collect the new corporate global minimum tax. Looks like the controllers are running out of money.

Russia and the United States have agreed to restore ambassadors as a result of the Biden-Putin summit. The United States has been pressing for a prisoner swap with Russia, but Russia has responded that Navalny will not be swapped unless the United States admits he works for U.S. intelligence.

Satanists protest G7 meeting. Most of the leaders are satanists, so why bother protesting?

Mike Adams interviews Robert F. Kennedy, who has written a book about Fauci. Kennedy believes the covid pandemic was planned. So do we.

Dr. Richard Fleming explains how covid spike proteins cross the blood-brain barrier (short video).

Ethan Huff reports that Facebook has become a source for sex trafficking, and Twitter is full of pedophiles.

NASA goes woke, issues “Mission Equity” video.

This is the first we have heard of the Pretorians, who are supposedly involved in communication and training. Hope we learn more.

In Belgium, a former corporal has threatened to assassinate a virologist involved in the covid scam. More here. This is the beginning of a trend. Of course the Freemasons and the intelligence agencies have been involved in assassinations for centuries, but this time it’s the elites who will be targeted.

California governor assaulted during trip to Oakland.

NSA agrees to release records of illegal spying by the FBI. This is important because it signals a split among spy agencies. Spy agencies are so powerful that we would have no chance if they were all united in supporting the New World Order.

Charles Murray weighs in on the politics of race with maps and statistics. Murray appears to be a sincere patriot, but we don’t think patriots can put America back together. America has been taken over, and woke ideology appeals to millions. The horse is out of the barn and isn’t going back in, certainly not by rational arguments that we would all be better off if tribalism disappeared. It’s tribalism all the way now, your uniform is your skin color, and whites are only going to survive by carving out our own white nation.

Biden administration seeking funds to step up efforts against white nationalists.

In 2018 Archbishop Vigano accused Pope Francis of covering up the sex abuse scandals in the Catholic Church. This event signaled the existence within the Catholic Church of a faction opposed to homosexuality, child abuse, Satanism, ecumenism, and promotion of the New World Order. The anti-Pope Francis faction is powerful inside the United States and has allied itself with Trump. The Catholics on the Supreme Court are part of this faction and in the days ahead are likely to hand down decisions favorable to religious freedom (and organizations) and opposing abortion. This will provide a legal beachhead for organizations that want to fight against the socialist takeover.

IRS to deny tax-exempt status to organizations that promote prayer because they benefit the Republican Party. Denying churches a political voice was one of the worst principles of our Constitution.

A citizen journalist reports that the FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C. is vacant and the entrance is boarded up. Weird.

Ebrahim Raisi elected president of Iran. A peaceful transition to more of the same.

How banks are allowing third parties access to your accounts, and how this connects with the coming social credit scores.

The Green Revolution is impoverishing Africa.

Why the zero emissions policy isn’t going to work.

How things are going in San Francisco.

Portland rapid response team resigns in protest after breaking up Antifa riot. We like it that police are refusing to remain tools of the socialists and are resigning. This trend will accelerate the degeneracy of Democrat-controlled areas to Third World shithole status.

Military cadets are being imprisoned for refusing the vaccine.

20 questions the Left should be asked — but will never answer. The Left isn’t in the business of answering questions, it’s in the business of taking you over and wiping you out.

Rabbi says jews want to control the world. Hmm, how many more anti-white holocausts will it take, rabbi?

Robert Sepehr lectures on the Sabbatean-Frankist Illuminati. From a jewish point of view.

Playlist of Herve Ryssen videos. He paid a heavy price for revealing their agenda. Hat tip Herve Ryssen.

We discovered a Danish website called Paradigm (translate to English). Two posts caught our attention.

To Jes Bertelsen. (We don’t know who he is.) This post talks about trying to get the truth to the masses, but the masses don’t care about truth. Nor should we assume that the truth has some sort of power that translates into action. ChaosNavigator brings up the point that mindfulness helps us navigate the difficulties of being out of step with our neighbors and employers. A good point rarely discussed. Mindfulness does not lead to knowledge of the New World Order conspiracy, a point we have confirmed by discussions with Buddhist monks. And knowledge of conspiracy does not lead to mindfulness. In both cases, you need someone to initiate you. Taking up the practice of mindfulness after learning about conspiracy history helps prevent you from being dominated by negative emotions. We advocate mindfulness. A difference-maker.

Rudolf Steiner on Conspiracies and Lodges of Power  We haven’t paid attention to Rudolf Steiner, believing him to be a sort of renegade theosophist of interest to occultists but of no major importance. ChaosNavigator reveals him to be a conspiracy researcher who warned Europe about the influence of secret societies, particularly Freemasonry. We now put Steiner with Rene Guenon, a Freemason who discovered the conspiracy and exposed it, at about the same time.

Culture jamming. Try it, you might like it.

The Biden-Putin summit

Posted By on June 18, 2021

We have been wondering what Joe Biden’s foreign policy would be. We believed that Biden would favor China because there are so many reports of Biden profiting from his relations with China, and the commie Democrats have never opposed China’s infiltration of U.S. institutions. But at the G7 summit Biden rallied the EU and NATO behind military opposition to China.

Biden also announced a $40 trillion “build back better” program of investment, mainly in Third World countries, to check China’s Belt and Road expansionist program. For more on the G7, see here.

Communist China is a Rothschild jew program (pushed most publicly by Henry Kissinger), and the Democratic Party program has mainly followed the Rothschild Illuminati goals pursuing a New World Order under Communism run from Israel to enslave the world’s peoples under satanic judaism. So why wouldn’t Biden support Communist China publicly?

It is always possible that there is some deception in Biden’s foreign policy toward China, but Cultural Marxism and woke politics have shifted the Democrats’ perceptions of Israel to negative exploiters of the Palestinians, and the EU brand of socialist pedophile gay lesbian homo feminist globalism presents different talking points from the old Stalinist prison camp and anti-white genocide model favored in the 1920s.

Let’s see how active Joe is in purging the Chinese commies from U.S. institutions, renegotiating trade deals to benefit American workers, and supporting Taiwan.

Biden’s summit meeting with Putin was framed as a confrontation, involving three main talking points.

  1. Russia has interfered in U.S. elections.
  2. Russia has acted aggressively against Ukraine.
  3. Russia has engaged in cyber attacks on U.S. territory.

All three of these charges are lies. Putin has responded to each of them in his speeches. Putin has pointed out that no one has ever presented any credible evidence of Russian efforts to interfere in U.S. elections, but all of the so-called evidence has been exposed as fraudulent lies. Biden urged Ukrainian President Zelensky to take aggressive military actions in the border areas, and Biden supplied Zelensky with military aid, but the Russian buildup at the border softened Biden’s aggression, and he called off further Ukrainian military adventures.

Putin made the following statement regarding charges of Russian cyberattacks against the United States:

“US sources, I don’t want to make a mistake here as to the name of this organization, but the US sources claim that the majority of cyber attacks are made from the US territory.

The second one is Canada, then two Latin American states, and then the UK.

As for Russia, it is not listed in this ranking of countries that see the most significant number of cyber attacks from their territory.

Secondly, in 2020 we have received 10 requests regarding cyber attacks on the US infrastructure.

As our colleagues put it, these cyber attacks were launched from the Russian territory.

And we received two such requests this year, and on all of these requests, our colleagues received exhaustive answers.

On it’s turn, Russia sent last year 45 such requests to the relevant agencies of the United States, and this year we sent 35 requests, and no response has been provided so far.”

Putin offered Biden that Russia would fully cooperate with the United States in investigating cyberattacks provided the United States fully cooperate with Russia. Biden was silent about this offer.

The Russia summit was political theater designed to make Biden appear strong by opposing Russia rather than cooperating with Russia. Nothing of substance was accomplished. When you are the head of a powerful nation such as Russia, sometimes it’s best to just entertain the fools without getting fooled.

Russia is not the enemy of the American people, but Russia is the enemy of The Great Reset build back better socialist global homo agenda, and Biden knows it.

We are aware that Putin has supported Israel and has ties with Chabad Lubovitch. But Putin has kicked the Rothschild bankers out of Russia, and the Soros ngos, has allied with the Orthodox Church, has supported Syria against ISIS, has criticized Black Lives Matter, and has blocked the influence of the rainbow homo trannies from spreading. That’s good enough for us.

Putin is the leader of the free world, and the future survival of the white race lies in Russia.

Of interest:

EU to Commit ‘Suicide’ if it Obeys Biden’s Plan to Take on China & Russia, Warn Scholars

The Saker thinks the summit changed some things.

News for June 13, 2021

Posted By on June 13, 2021

Russia plans international defense conference as war tensions increase. Russia’s deputy defense minister:

“The existing system of international relations and the security framework is being systematically destroyed. The role of international organizations as instruments of collective decision-making in the field of security is being diminished.”

Why are Putin and Biden meeting? The globalist socialist alliance (UN, EU, US, Britain) wants Russia to cooperate with The Great Reset agenda. Biden will try to threaten and bribe. Russia won’t cooperate. Nothing will happen.

Escobar is pro-China, so we don’t feature his reporting, but this story is mainly confined to Russia and offers details about how forward-thinking Russia is.

Meanwhile, check out these photos of New York city to see the future of socialism in the United States.

You should have figured out by now that the covid pandemic was planned. SOTN outlines the steps of deception, without providing evidence about who the main actors were or how they colluded. The drivers were Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, the Wuhan lab, and the World Economic Forum.

Now that you have figured out that Fauci is a criminal, you should be able to figure out that the Centers for Disease Control is a criminal organization.

Next on their agenda: The Cyberpolygon simulation.

Chinese defector to U.S. confirms covid virus was made in a laboratory. This event is being credited with causing the Biden administration to change its story on the virus, but we are not sure that they have changed their story. We are crediting Rand Paul, among others, for publicizing Fauci’s crimes.

British scientist Peter Daszak created weaponized viruses with the Chinese Communists. More here. And here.

The question that will never be answered is, did the virus escape from the Wuhan lab or was it intentionally released? Consider these points.

Timeline for those not paying attention.

China plans to build 2 dozen more Wuhan labs.

Fauci’s emails reveal that he funded human/animal hybrid experiments using aborted body parts.

1295 dead in Britain from covid vaccine jabs.

Houston Methodist Hospital orders staff not to record adverse reactions to covid jabs.

170 Houston Methodist healthcare workers suspended for refusing to take the jab.

India sues WHO chief scientist for suppression of evidence.

Bannon interviews Reiner Fuellmich. Fuellmich believes the virus was released intentionally and is filing an international class action lawsuit called “Nuremburg 2.0.”

Dutch politician Thierry Baudet exposes The Great Reset, links pandemic plans to Rockefeller Foundation:

European Union authorizes vaccine passport. This is what the controllers want, to coerce you into getting the jab.

79 percent of French believe Islam has declared war on France. And all Macron gets is a slap in the face? Come on France, where is your KKK?

Conservatives in Italy propose laws to outlaw Communism, Islamism. Well, that’s exactly what you have to do, but you have to understand that these groups change their ideologies so as not to be identified as Communist or Islamist and to be more accepted. So you have to keep doing it to keep updated with their evolution.

Burger King is donating to child sex-change group. Know your enemy.

Idaho is so based, political squabbles are between conservatives and the far right.

Prosecutors will drop first capitol riot case for lack of evidence.

Antifa, conservatives brawl at Ashli Babbitt memorial in Sacramento (video).

Brandon Smith discusses mind control in terms of hypnotic suggestion. There is more to it, but you can start here.

A short video on the Tavistock Institute. The most important mind-control research was done by the CIA in project MK-ULTRA, but Tavistock is a fertile research laboratory and disseminator of New World Order propaganda.

If you ever need Zionist satire you can go here.

How an occult order ran a small town in New Zealand. Notice how easy it is for a secret organization to take over. This has happened in your town, it was just different organizations. The main point of interest for us was, the order fell apart when communication with the unknown superiors ceased.

A history of shapeshifters:

Five Times August puts it together for you: