News for August 28, 2021

Posted By on August 27, 2021

Biden wants to send U.S. border patrol agents to Afghanistan to help process Afghanis into the United States.

Lomez has a few words on why our elites embraced the war in Afghanistan.

American forces attacked in Iraq. Iraq has asked them to leave. Why are they still there?

Australia is taken over by covid tyranny. More here. New Zealand, British Columbia also. No protesting.

New York city requires teachers and school staff to get vaccinated or fired.

France bans unvaccinated from grocery stores. More here. The shopping cart blockade.

French bikers shut down roads to protest vaccine passport. French trucker strike planned for August 31.

Overwhelming proof that the covid pandemic was planned.

Germany halts covid vaccinations. More here. Scandinavian countries reject masks, distancing.

Romanians, Bulgarians overwhelmingly reject the covid jab, governments sell their vaccines.

CDC report says mask mandates of students failed to show benefits.

Moderna reports over 300,000 injuries from their vaccine.

Biden turns National Park Service into spy agency.

TSA requires masks on all public transit.

Resources for fighting back against vaccine mandates.

How to push back when asked for your vaccine passport.

Nitric oxide nasal spray cures covid flu.

Doctors in Florida stage walk-out to protest treating unvaccinated patients.

FDA skips tests, approves Pfizer vaccine.

How the “vaccines” affect the body and brain:

Pro-vax vs anti-vax in the streets.

Neurograins (tiny computer chips) have been developed for brain implants.

Greece builds a wall to keep Afghani refugees out.

New Democrat budget will raise taxes, stall economy, fund socialist organizations.

Fritz Springmeier on how the Illuminati took over Christianity:

How immigrant smuggling groups get away with child sex trafficking.

Hierarchy of the Illuminati. (A little out of date.) Kissinger and Pope Francis are the main public faces of the takeover.

Timeline to Global Governance. (A little out of date.) Shows us how hard it is to keep up with the various organizations devoted to reorganizing our planet to their benefit.

The Kehilla, how jews are organized into spy organizations:

How marijuana changes brain structure, causes memory loss.

Founding father George Mason on the problem of creating a federal government for the United States.

Oliver Stone has made a new movie about the Kennedy assassination called JFK Revisited, following the release of government files earlier this year.

Paul Hellyer’s last speech. Paul Hellyer was Minister of Defense in the government of Canada and a prominent spokesman warning about government involvement with aliens. Paul Hellyer passed away earlier this year. More Paul Hellyer videos here.

This propaganda video from Germany is meant to scare folks about neo-Nazism. It’s actually quite informative and contains historical video footage of interest.

Alexandra Whittingham, Capricho Arabe

News for August 21, 2021

Posted By on August 20, 2021

“According to their own writings and the means they have already confessedly employed, the conspirators have deliberately planned and developed methods to mentally deteriorate, morally debase, and completely enslave the masses. They will prepare vaccines containing drugs that will completely change people. Secret Communist plans for conquering America were adopted in 1914 and published in 1953. These plans called for compulsory vaccination with vaccines containing change-agent drugs. They also plan on using disease germs, fluoridation and vaccinations to weaken the people and reduce the population.” Bertrand Russell, Impact of Science on Society, 1953.

The Biden State Department moved in June to cancel a program overseeing the protection and evacuation of American citizens stationed overseas in the case of an emergency, just as the Taliban was taking over Afghanistan, according to an internal State Department memo. And here.

Afghanistan vet torpedoes Biden’s rhetoric.

Biden fails to get support for U.S. bases in Central Asia.

Osama bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11, (see here) but the stated objective of the war in Afghanistan was to smoke him out of his cave. That was it, to capture or kill Osama bin Laden and prevent Afghanistan from becoming a haven for terrorists who might attack the United States. None of the 19 men charged with 9/11 terror crimes were Afghanis.

As time went by the mission creep evolved to bringing democracy to Afghanistan, and then ensuring feminism for Afghani women. Seriously? The United States occupied Afghanistan and spent trillions of dollars and lost thousands of lives to bring feminism to Afghanistan? Doesn’t hold together. The real objectives were to skim off millions of dollars from the heroin trade, block development of China’s Belt and Road, and prevent Pakistan’s nuclear weapons from being moved out of Pakistan.

How the CIA turned Afghanistan into a narco-state. Forgot to mention George H.W. Bush, otherwise known as Poppy Bush.

Maram Susli discusses some of the contradictions in U.S. policy.

State Department spokesman is serious about feminism. Sorry Ned, you’re dreaming. Nancy Pelosi says the main priority of the new government should be gender equality. Madness.

War is a racket: Who made money off the Afghanistan war?

Michael Snyder celebrates the U.S. defeat in Afghanistan because it marks a turning point in the ability of the United States and Europe to impose the New World Order. It’s also going to turn England, and probably Europe, against Biden’s leadership. This evacuation fiasco is going to have a lot of positive ripple effects as it destroys Joe Biden’s credibility.

Pushback from Ukraine. “As it turned out, the real world is ill-adapted to idealistic experiments of unifying everyone under a single ideal concept.”

Kit Knightly asks 6 questions about the U.S. involvement in Afghanistan. The only outcome that bothers us is the settlement of Afghani refugees in the United States.

“One day, millions of men will leave the Southern Hemisphere to go to the Northern Hemisphere. And they will not go there as friends. Because they will go there to conquer it. And they will conquer it with their sons. The wombs of our women will give us victory.” Houari (Mohamed) Boumedienne, President of Algeria, 1965 – 1978, in a 1974 speech at the UN

“There are signs that Allah will grant victory to Islam in Europe without swords, without guns, without conquest. We don’t need terrorists, we don’t need homicide bombers. The 50+ million Muslims [in Europe] will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.” Muammar Gaddafi, Supreme Leader of Libya

“Islam makes it incumbent on all adult males, provided they are not disabled and incapacitated, to prepare themselves for the conquest of [other] countries so that the writ of Islam is obeyed in every country in the world.” Ayatollah Khomeini, Iran’s Supreme Leader from 1979 to 1989, the highest ranking political and religious authority of the nation. From, now censored.

Britain welcomes Afghani refugees. California welcomes Afghani refugees. Turkey is building a wall to keep them out. Cheryl Benard explains what they can expect.

Mapping the global spy network data flow:

Protesters at covid jab center. This could become a trend.

A manifestation against the vaccine passport in Montreal. If you have numbers this big, just storm the castle.

Mike Adams interviews Dr. Richard Fleming about the dangers of the covid vaccines:

Canada makes vaccination mandatory for all.

Anti-vaxxers in Canada are building their own Craigslist to get away from the vaccinated. Good idea.

New York city business owners sue over vaccine mandate. We are not expecting any relief from the U.S. courts.

Some New York businesses are refusing to enforce the vaccine passport. Also some French businesses.  Local opposition is how to defeat it. Find your friends.

Spanish courts rule against vaccine passport.

Mike Adams reports on Luciferian mass child vaccination in Australia. Video clips appear in this presentation.

And this from channel ABC in Australia:

ABC’s satanic slip-up. What was going on here? @abcnews

— Media Watch (@ABCmediawatch) August 19, 2021

Australia is building a massive quarantine camp for those infected with covid.

Authorities remove infected father from home.

Australian man imprisoned for 8 months for organizing lockdown protest.

Why you need to get your kids out of public schools.

Covid rates internationally.

Single covid case shuts China shipping terminal.

Some ideas about how to fight back against mandatory vaccination.

Gary Demar has a few pointed observations about the failures of Christians who are guided by the Book of Revelations.

World Economic Forum plans to track people by heartbeats because masks make facial recognition more difficult.

World Economic Forum plans to “write a new code for life” and “redesign organisms for beneficial purposes.” The professor said that this process has already begun with some of the coronavirus vaccines, which she noted “make use of an engineered code in the form of messenger RNA.”

FBI announces no evidence capitol breach was coordinated. (By anyone except the FBI.)

How the National Minority Development Council decides who gets government grants.

Upcoming Elections: Norway, September 13.  Russia September 19.   Canada September 20.   Iceland September 25.   Germany September 26

When we were young and America was Aryan:

News for August 14, 2021

Posted By on August 13, 2021

France joins increasing number of NATO flights over Black Sea. It’s amusing to think of France attacking Russia.

Biden orders troops to return to Afghanistan to evacuate U.S. embassy. Maybe this withdrawal wasn’t well thought out?

Australia locks down, announces New World Order.

CDC will operate covid internment camps for the unvaccinated. CDC report here.

Doctors will lose their medical license if they report vaccine injuries.

England: 65 percent of new cases are among the vaccinated.

Proof of vaccination will be required for bars and restaurants and other indoor venues in San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York city. Italy extends vaccine passport requirement, will fire teachers and ban students who are unvaccinated.

When the trust is gone, there is only fear:

A report from France. A recurring theme: Employers require vaccination, employees refuse, business shuts down.

Hawaii: “No mingling.”

New Zealand blocks all foreign travelers for the rest of this year.

Australia, Israel report that the newly hospitalized patients are 95 per cent vaccinated.

Putin foils plan to implement vaccine restrictions.

Province of Alberta rejects masks, quarantines, testing.

T-cell tests can predict who will get severe cases of covid.

Delta variant is not causing an increase of hospitalizations or deaths. And here.

European Medicines Agency finds side-effects from Moderna, Pfizer vaccines.

Pfizer negotiated with Israel that no vaccine adverse reactions will be reported for 10 years. More on Pfizer agreements here.

Pfizer vaccine shedding leads to fertility problems.

Vaccinated folk report individual cases of injury or death from the vaccine.

“Fully vaccinated” will require several booster shots.

Government of France printed vaccine passport signs 4 days before France had a covid case.

Covid is one of the greatest propaganda campaigns in history.

Why they killed off the anti-vax doctors and microbiologists.

Influenza cases in the USA, 2016-2021:

2016-2017: 29 million
2017-2018: 45 million
2018-2019: 36 million
2019-2020: 38 million
2020-2021: 0.0015 million

French priest beaten to death by refugee he harbored.

Infrastructure bill contains vehicle mileage tax, alcohol detection requirement.

M.G. Miles, The Black Call for Separation is a great explanation for why blacks remain tribal and can’t integrate with white folk. Hitler noticed this a long time ago, why would we need to learn it again?

Multiculture isn’t working in South Africa.

“Our problems today are not “American” problems, “British” problems, “French”, “German” or “European” or “African” problems—they are problems of SURVIVAL FOR ALL WHITE MEN. It is monstrous to pretend that we must be suspicious of each other just because we live across imaginary geographical lines, and that, upon proper preparation and agitation by a gang of international Jews, we White men must march forth to kill each other and bomb each other to ashes and everlastingly hate each other because we are “trade rivals” or for “American democracy” or the “British Empire” or for anything else in the world.”

George Lincoln Rockwell

Government agents are infiltrating covid protests.

Obama did not kill Osama bin Laden.

9/11 families ban Biden from their events.

Do you see it yet?

The Rise of the House of Rothschild, a video history for newbies.

Why Josef Mengele was not an “angel of death.” More gruesome stories made up by jews.

Hamilton Reed Armstrong, The Masonic Infiltration of the Catholic Church.

Catherine Austin Fitts interview regarding the Great Reset:

Yuri Bezmenov wasn’t wrong, he just didn’t tell us everything:

Amusing interview with Harvard students tests their knowledge of science:

Vaccinated seniors hit the bars:

News for August 7, 2021

Posted By on August 7, 2021

The United States imports 26 million barrels of oil in a month from Russia thanks to Biden’s anti-oil policies. If Biden is stupid enough to go to war with Russia, he is paying for their war effort.

Russia regularly shoots down Israeli missiles in Syria, costing the U.S. and Israel millions in wasted weapons. You would think they would catch on after while that it’s not working.

Biden announces pro-vax policies. The big shutdown speech will come at the end of next week.

The unions are planning a general strike for October 15.

What happened at Cyber Polygon.

The Rockefeller plan to use bioweapons to usher in the police state:

Director of 9/11 cover-up appointed to chairman of covid cover-up group:

There is no test for the delta variant:

A new covid variant is scheduled to be released every month.

American Physicians and Surgeons Group announces opposition to mandatory vaccination.

Moslem cleric warns about vaccine dangers.

A check-up on reports the hospitals are being overrun with new covid patients.

How concerned are doctors about the vaccines?

The real purpose of masks is social control.

Facebook fact-checkers are funded by vaccine companies.

Congressional report: Wuhan lab weaponized coronavirus. And here.

Gates Foundation partnered with Chinese military group that funded Wuhan research.

Protesters vs. cops in Melbourne, photos and videos.

French protesters attack vaccine centers.

You Tube suspends Australia’s Sky News for vaccine disinformation.

Disney employees arrested in child predator sting. Disney has been a child-abuse location for decades.

Ex-manager of Soros Fund charged with sex crimes. Seems to be perverts all the way to the top.

Black Lives Matter: No more white babies:

The Kalergi Plan: The Roots of White Genocide:

A jewish plan to kill 6 million Europeans at the end of the war:

Poor production values in this video, but we want you to know about CRISPR technology and what it means for controlling humans:

How the jews took over China and created Communism.

The Chinese are fleeing from China:

After a few years of researching the conspiracy to create a New World Order, we figured out that spy agencies were powerful players because of their ability to assassinate, overthrow governments, fund opposition, control media, and cooperate with criminal syndicates such as the Mafia and various drug cartels. We recently discovered a website devoted to telling these stories, Espionage History Archive. Three stories caught our attention:

Yakov Blumkin, the Soviet James Bond

Hitler’s Plot to Assassinate Stalin

Stopping Skorzeny (Skorzeny was tasked with killing Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill)

What the socialist utopia will be like:

Macron sues billboard owner for depicting him as Hitler. Macron is a Rothschild agent. He couldn’t carry Hitler’s jockstrap. He should be flattered to be compared with Hitler, but the billboard owner meant it as an insult, and Macron took it as an insult. Hitler never forced Germans to take unsafe vaccines or imported Moslems to replace the German people. The U.S. Congress is one of the most ineffective institutions ever created, but people think democracy is great and ascribe all tyrannies to dictators and kings. No, democracy is how the socialists took us over. The rights described in the Constitution are gone. Many political theorists have pointed out that democracy is the worst form of government. We can’t think of a single democracy that has resisted the undermining influence of the jews. The Fascists and Nazis were pro-Christian, but jewish propaganda has characterized them as dictatorships, and ordinary chumps now associate tyranny with Fascism and Nazism. It’s going to be impossible to win this war as long as normie chuds can’t identify the real enemy.

News for July 31, 2021

Posted By on July 31, 2021

France, Italy require vaccine passport for social activities. Many other governments will sign on to the vaccine passport to pressure the unvaccinated.

Study in Massachusetts shows 74 percent of covid infections occurred in fully vaccinated people. This is probably the study that caused the CDC to reimpose its mask mandate.

Pelosi orders capitol police to arrest anyone not wearing a mask.

Britain will monitor food purchases to curb obesity because fat people are breaking the socialized medicine budget.

Sydney, Australia is locked down. Military sent in to enforce lockdown as 13 people die from current outbreak. Fines for noncompliance rise to $500.

“There is no FDA-approved vaccine to prevent COVID-19.”

Moderna rep admits it’s a gigantic experiment.

Mexico wants proof of vaccination.

Covid vaccination rates by race. The blacks are refusing the vaccine.

Statistics are going to be hard to verify in the current climate. Here is one report that half the new cases are vaccinated people.

In Singapore, 75 percent of new cases are among the vaccinated. The statistics of new cases among the vaccinated and unvaccinated will become an information war.

What to do when the vaccine police come to your door.

Covid protests bring down the government of Tunisia. Well, it’s a start. Why not try it in your neighborhood?

A compilation of protest videos worldwide during the past week:

As long as they can keep us protesting in the streets, they are OK. When the protests spill over into an attack on the government buildings, they are in trouble.

Polish protesters against the vaccine mandate shout, “Behind the pandemic are the jews.” And they are right.

Computing Forever summarizes the current state of affairs.

Another summary of the present set-up from Jim Quinn.

Tunku Varadarajan opines that science has lost public trust because of falsehoods about covid and climate change. Sure. But there are plenty of true believers.

47 studies confirm the ineffectiveness of masks in preventing covid. Those CDC spokesmen are not scientists. They are representing Big Pharma.

FDA revokes PCR test. Now they tell us the tests were not accurate.

Republican Guard of France resigns en masse, will no longer protect Macron. Truly a historic moment. We had written off France and given it to the Moslems, but the vaccine protests are massive, and the police and military are now turning. We give France a good chance of revolution in the next several weeks. All you have to do is storm the palace.

The developers of Artificial Intelligence are great admirers of Communist China, and they will use further applications of AI to remove our civil liberties.

Map of China’s trade with the world.

The U.S. Navy is bankrupt. And wargames have shown that the U.S. loses in any conflict with Communist China. The recent flooding in China was caused by a U.S. weather weapon. China and the United States are at war, but Biden has taken no steps to clean out the Chinese spies inside the U.S.

Britain joins U.S. war against Russia and China.

The alarming rise of far-right extremism:

The alarming rise of far-left extremism.

Biden’s Department of Justice threatens to sue any state that looks into election irregularities.

Federal government orders Amazon to stop selling the Confederate flag.

Heavily armed drug cartels operating inside Texas. Yeah, we were wondering, since the borders are open, why don’t the cartels just move in? They have.

A report on who did the leaking during the Trump administration.

Great Barrier Reef coral coverage at all-time high.

You might be interested in a new web browser called Dissenter.

The Crown is not the Queen of England. A report on the City of London.

The secret handshakes of the Illuminati.

The origins of Russian Freemasonry. (light version)

Democrats involved in sex crimes against children.

How you can use a small business display area to promote civil war.

Bad News: The United States is among the least racist countries in the world.  If you want the white race to survive the jewish-controlled replacement of whites, you will have to become a race-supporter, not a race-traitor.

“It is in the Jewish interest, it is in humanity’s interest that whites experience a genocide. Until white children are burned alive, white women raped, mutilated, murdered and all white men who have not been slaughtered watch powerlessly as their people are terrorized; only then will mankind be on a more equal footing, ready to discuss white privilege and the apparent chip on the shoulder that minorities have.” – Rabbi Ishmael Levitts

We don’t need to agree about the ideal form of government to oppose the anti-white agenda being promoted by the rabbis.

Hitler calls out the satanic jews for plundering Germany:

Why were the Nazis so stylish?

“In our time political speech and writing are largely the defense of the indefensible.”  George Orwell

News for July 25, 2021

Posted By on July 24, 2021

Best news of the week: Rand Paul initiates criminal charges against Dr. Fauci.

The covid death data war: The claims that there are more covid deaths among the vaccinated than among the unvaccinated are based on CDC data. The media are reporting the opposite and are ginning up a fear campaign against the unvaccinated among the public. Who wins this death data war is going to be very important.

The Pentagon also funded research at the Wuhan lab.

News from Russia.

Updates from South Africa:

121 dead from recent riots. Local armed militias save communities from total disaster.

“South Africa was the first modern nation to be refounded on the anti-white principles of critical race theory, and now it is reaping the whirlwind of that choice. South Africa did everything that is being done in America right now. As a hyperdiverse multiethnic, multilingual society, South Africa has followed almost every prescription embraced by the globalist ruling class.”

South Africans lining up for food in the longest line you’ve ever seen.

A good explanation for why tribal Africans have never been able to adapt to Western democracy and continue to operate under a spoils system that leaves them open to charges of corruption.

Marjorie Taylor Greene reports on an intelligence briefing she got in Congress about race-targeted viruses:

Biden lying about the vaccines:

Biden drops investigations into Portland rioters, Chinese spies, nursing home deaths.

Critical Race Theory Leads to Murder explains why blacks are becoming even more violent:

A quick overview of news about secession in the U.S.

Blacks are pushing for separate, segregated zones in Washington, D.C. We should support this because it helps white people.

On liberty day, UK commands millions to self-quarantine. Very important story.

Alex Jones provides more explanation. One of his best broadcasts.

“We are fighting international organised crime on a huge scale.”

A well-illustrated investigation into human trafficking in Europe and the UK.

Five times the FBI incited innocent people to commit major crimes.

Interview with Catherine Austin Fitts. The big picture.

Dutch politician makes it onto TV exposing the Great Reset.

A little pop political theory about “technopopulism.”

A quick look at some of the people who are going to profit from the Great Reset.

Prime Minister Orban in Hungary to put pervert rights to a vote, under pressure from EU.

BUGS was one of the first pro-white websites. In this post Bob helps you explain anti-white multiculturalism.

This is the first we have heard of Jimmy Dore:

Muzzies socially distancing at the Hajj:

Israeli company NSO identified in spread of spyware used to hack prominent reporters’ phones. The Israelis control the technology used for spying, which gives them sheckels and access to the latest information.

Yeah, they just make up new genders.

California court rules transgender pronouns are not mandatory.

Videos of shoplifters in San Francisco, now that shoplifting has been made legal. Gangs are using shoplifting to fund themselves.

Former airline stewardess thinks she has figured out 9/11 and wrote a book about it. Her interview is interesting, but she doesn’t give away her conclusions here.

New book identifies three jewish billionaires driving the transgender movement.

Revisionist Historians for World Peace think the jewish bankers have been using biblical prophecies to time financial events such as market crashes and depressions. It’s an interesting thesis, and we subscribe to the historical timeline of Babylonian money magic passed to the jews, then carried through the Black Nobility into Venice and then to Amsterdam and England and to the Rothschild central bank in Switzerland. But this theory is pattern recognition and lacks insider whistleblower support. Wouldn’t it make more sense to control financial events based on current conditions?

Judaism 101: The coming jewish messiah is a military leader, not a Jesus-type savior.

How to make money off of the coming feminist apocalypse


News for July 17, 2021

Posted By on July 16, 2021

“Democracy, then, in the centralizing, pattern-making, absolutist shape which we have given to it is, it is clear, the time of tyranny’s incubation.”

Bertrand de Jouvenel, On Power: The Natural History of Its Growth (1945)

The Left’s formulas for gender and race representation undermined special interest representation, which undermined geographical community representation, which was replace quickly by party representation. Nobody has ever “represented” the imaginary “people” in democracy. The “people” in the Declaration of Independence are the revolutionary party, not the actual people residing in the country. The whole idea of representation leads to a theater of absurd posturing by tinhorn dictators backed by corrupt money interests.

U.S. Center for Rural Development begins a new training course to isolate and quarantine our rural population.

Head of Rothschild central bank says they will control what you can buy with your digital currency.

French riots protest against mandatory vaccine passports. It’s going to take more than protests to stop their plans. You can’t protest your way out of jewish-planned white genocide, and it doesn’t help that two-thirds of the younger generations favor socialism and have no loyalty to their ancestors or race.

South Africa riots and widespread looting could develop into a Communist vs anti-Communist civil war. SA government calls out the military.

Vladimir Putin publishes an article, On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians. To counter Biden’s propaganda that Crimea is not part of Russia and to remind the New World Order controllers that state and society should be governed by historical development, not totalitarian schemes of control.

Wes Rhinier, I’m Not Sure We’ve Got What It Takes To Remain Free Anymore. Seems pretty obvious by now, Wes. “Freedom” was always an abstract slogan appealing to the revolutionary elements seeking control. Freedom and equality have nothing to do with social values. The satanic Marxists have a fanatical will that renders timid opposition ineffective.

Gun control is over:

Brief Paul Weston video on the Great Reset:

An update from Germany. Elections in Germany in about 3 months.

Two-thirds of southern Republicans want to secede from the union. Good idea.

Right-wing parties in Europe form a coalition. But many of these parties are OK with immigration, and few have much popular support.

Europe: 17,503 Dead, 1.7 Million Injured from covid vaccine.

USA: 6,985 Dead, 411,911 Injured from covid vaccine.

Only 25 covid deaths in England under age 18.

Britain will “open” next week (sort of), but vaccine passports will be required for bars, restaurants. The vaccine passports will become national ID cards with your financial and medical information, per the plan by Bill Gates.

Covid update around the globe. Recall that new variants and periods of relaxation followed by new lockdowns were part of the planning.

Melbourne covid protest:

Black equality update: cannibalism instead of reparations?

Why diversity was never our strength:

The daily dribble of outbreaks of street violence prove the point that the multiculturalist pseudosociety has never resulted in a cooperative coalition of like-minded totalitarians. Feminist propaganda clashes with black power propaganda. Environmental regulation, corporate takeover, central planning bureaucracies, media control are designed to produce uniformity, not diversity. Anti-gay Moslem immigration meets gay pervert jewish satanic pop culture. Lower wages paid to immigrants necessitate higher taxes to support the welfare state. Population reduction reinforces economic decline toward Third World levels. LaRaza Mexican racists meet Asian racist immigrants meet racist Islamic jihadis, and none of them speak English. Why would anyone fall for this mess?

StopWorldControl is satisfied that they have evidence that the pandemic was planned. And we are satisfied that we have presented enough different evidence in the past months to agree with them.

“The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s own analysis indicates that any negative economic impact that global warming eventually may have will be so modest that it warrants no action.”

The Left’s claims about climate change are all lies.

Biden’s executive order on climate change is a land grab.

Why it’s a bad idea to put women in the U.S. Navy.

Social media sometimes fail to block monkey or banana emojis, but that’s about to change because black people’s feelings killed freedom of speech.

According to 2013 FBI crime statistics, Negroes kill 7.87 Aryans per week, and they kill over 43 Negroes per week. Although this represents a 6,607% increase over the KKK and a 20,350% increase over White Nationalists, Negroes in America are not considered a terrorist threat.

James Jaeger has put together a documentary criticizing the UN’s New World Order agenda, it’s called Unsustainable.

What happens if you try to preach Christianity in Jerusalem:

Mark Dice interviews Californians, if you need more evidence of liberal stupidity.

We reported in The Hidden Masters that Gerald Gardner, disciple of Aleister Crowley, invented Wicca. Alex Sumner’s review of Gerald Gardner and the Cauldron of Inspiration reveals that Gardner was actually initiated into an existing coven, and his initiatrix controlled what he wrote. Happy to stand corrected.

A United Nations conference was held in Brussels in 1976 to celebrate the UN’s “Year of the Woman.” Out of the conference emerged a UN organization named Women’s International Collectives (WICCE). This organization publishes a journal called Isis and is involved in the coordination of feminist Wicca covens. Wicca is allied with the Revolutionary Communist Party in America.

A reminder that druid outfits and segues don’t fool the authorities.

“If foreign-born women are to gain power, white, domestically born women will have to move.” Green Party in Sweden has the recipe for foreign women to take power.

A look at other postwar German tribunals besides Nuremberg. It’s amazing how quickly the holocausted jews took control of Germany after the war, especially since six gorillion had been gas-chambered and turned into lampshades.

Biden administration preparing new anti-Semitism laws. Which is kind of weird because the Left is now anti-Israel. Biden can’t enforce speech codes on his own followers, can he?

Remember a couple of weeks ago when the U.S. government released its UFO report? Grainy videos of small objects moving erratically? Blake Cousins interviews a UFO researcher who provides a lot of evidence that the government knows a great deal more than they are telling us about who they are.

Plate tectonic evolution from 1 billion years ago to the present.