News for October 30, 2021

Posted By on October 29, 2021

The report Index of Military Strength indicates that the U.S. military is not capable of defeating Russia and China in a war. And now 12,00 Air Force pilots are going to be taken out of service for refusing the vaccine. Biden’s military provocations are just for show.

Biden plans to use B-1 bombers against Russian ships. Russia ain’t worried.

Australian military pledges support to U.S. if China attacks Taiwan.

Biden’s climate plan does nothing to lower global temperatures, forces companies to include “climate risks” in business decisions. This policy will force businesses and government bureaucracies to spend millions of dollars conforming to government climate guidelines.

The Glasgow summit is Joe’s chance to get Europe on board with the plan, but Russia, China, and the queen won’t be there.

Putin calls transgenderism a crime against humanity.

Biden refused to release all classified JFK assassination documents at the required deadline to protect the CIA.

Who’s on board with Build Back Better:

The Council for Inclusive Capitalism is a Vatican initiative to bring big corporations under Green control.

Climate protesters shut down traffic in Manhattan.

A good source for news about Australia, various vaccine protests.

Queensland’s covid camps are for unvaccinated people:

EU, Canada to cooperate on vaccine passports:

Covid deaths before and after vaccinations:

The network of organizations cooperating to censor the internet.

Transhumanists gather in Spain to plan your future.

Mike Whitney analyzes vaccine dangers—It All Makes Sense Once You Realize They Want To Kill Us.

Japan drops all vaccines, cures covid with Ivermectin.

Biden demands border patrol agents get vaccinated or face dismissal. Smuggling cartels have already taken control of U.S. border territory and are planning mass immigration assaults once the border agency is depleted.

Who is organizing the vaccine passport system?

Alex Jones has a lot of vaccine news plus an interview with the scientist who tested the Pfizer vaccine to prove it causes blood clots.

What the Democrats were saying about the vaccine last year.

A quick summary of what the World Economic Forum is up to.

NATO’s plans for cognitive warfare.

RAND is developing machine-learning software to detect conspiracy theories online.

The dead internet theory:

Nordic Resistance Movement website, with news and tactics.

Maryland counties are planning secession.

The story behind SEAL team 6 and the phony murder of Osama bin Laden.

John Klyczek investigates the conspiracy among teachers unions, UNESCO, and educational corporations.

Klaus Schwab is a Rothschild.

Modern jewish witches discover there is no difference between Judaism and witchcraft.

Mossad agent threatens leader of Goyim Defense League. But be aware that if you are going to defeat Mossad, you need more than a bullhorn. You need to be as well financed, as well organized, and as ruthless.

Laurent Guyenot rebuts the jewish claim that Yahweh created the world and chose the jews and then explains the harm this belief has done to Christianity. Most of this is based on Flavio Barbiero’s The Secret Society of Moses, which you should read to understand how the jews organized the Catholic church in Rome and became its first popes.

We never paid any attention to queer theory. Derrick Jensen discusses some queer theorists, who are all jews and pedophiles.

Zuckerberg has renamed Facebook Meta. Here is what you can look forward to:

News for October 16, 2021

Posted By on October 16, 2021

China fires nuclear missile over Sydney, Australia. China is angry that Biden is not handing over Australia to China, as China was promised before the election.

China owns some of the largest corporations in the United States.

Right-wing coalition wins election in Czech Republic.

The U.S. debt ceiling drama is not over. What it means if the U.S. government defaults on its debts.

How Mark Zuckerberg stole the election.

States begin to oppose Biden’s IRS mandate to snoop on bank accounts.

Italy adopts tough vaccine mandate for all workers.

Truckers in Italy block port of Genova to protest mandatory vaccination.

New Zealand demands vaccination for health care workers and teachers.

French senate votes to oppose mandatory vaccination.

Vaccination now mandatory in Northern Territory, Australia.

Hesse, Germany, allows all businesses to ban unvaccinated customers.

Iceland bans Moderna vaccine.

Lockdown lifted in Sydney, Australia and Aukland, New Zealand. Lockdowns don’t prevent the spread of covid.

Chicago’s police force will be cut in half by refusal to take vaccine. Happening in other cities as well.

Is the vaccine part of the population reduction agenda? Well, since it’s being headed by Bill Gates, probably yes. Video discussion here.

Rory Duff has been investigating the Grail and has some surprising information.

Philip D. Collins was our source for understanding the scientific dictatorship. His on-line essay is here.

The Rothschilds, Israel’s supreme court building, and occult symbolism.

A short video supporting the theory that Antarctica was home to an ancient civilization.

The Viking thunderclap. This might spread as a protest chant.

News for October 2, 2021

Posted By on October 1, 2021

Communist China bribed Australian politicians to lock down Australia, using coronavirus as an excuse. This is a Communist takeover.

Australian government officials declare that unvaccinated persons will lose their freedoms in October.

Globalist police and military have been inserted with the Australian police.

Australian mother reports:

Ugly jew Gladys Berejiklian resigns over corruption charges. More here.

Protests are being censored. Many protest videos here. More protests videos here. Sorry folks, protesting doesn’t stop Communist takeover.

The wild conspiracy theory about Dan Andrews.

It is quite a strange coincidence that Biden transfers nuclear submarine technology to Australia right when Australia is taken over by China. Biden also seems to be counting on Australia as a partner to oppose China, along with Japan and India. The group is called the Quad. It’s hard to believe that Biden is serious about opposing China after all his China deals, but Japan fears China, is building its military to oppose China, and is angry about receiving poisoned Moderna vaccines. The Australian military has been bribed and is under Chinese influence.

Iran’s admittance to full membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization means the U.S. is not going to attack Iran to please Israel.

How OSHA plans to enforce its mandatory vaccines:

CDC says it is empowered by Congress to use force, open quarantine camps.

6,700 doctors sign a petition rejecting coronavirus tyranny. It’s called the Rome Declaration.

Canadian military used covid as a pretext to unleash globalist propaganda.

Trudeau fakes taking the vaccine.

Covid is seasonal, and the coming winter should see many more cases.

Makia Freeman outlines the latest covid trends.

Analysis of the German election. We are waiting for the various parties to negotiate a ruling coalition. AfD lost votes in this election.

The CIA engineered a million murders in Indonesia.

On the Vatican trillions and their banking friends. The Rothschilds control the Vatican bank. The Catholics and jews have been in business together for generations.

Jews celebrate their influence in Russia.

How the jews plan to counter “anti-vax aggressiveness.”

“Mankind is now living under a menace the like of which has never been known before. World terror has indeed begun to march and the sinister shadow of world tyranny envelopes the globe. The plans of the world conquerors can be described as the reduction of the masses to the level of herds of cattle.”

World Jewish Congress coordinated Soviet Communism and New York bolshevism in the interests of Israel.

FBI infiltration of Atomwaffen Division. Check your local resistance group for FBI before joining.

U.S. Navy and CIA training of assassins.

How U.S. intelligence spied on Russia’s captured UFOs.

Joseph Stalin’s occult practices. More on Stalin and the supernatural.

The Gaonim and the princes of Freemasonry. More here. And check out the previous posts in this series for more on symbolism.

The U.S. military works with Hollywood to disseminate its propaganda. Just about everything in the degenerate jewish popular culture has the FBI, CIA, or U.S. military behind it.

Have you ever seen the rain?

News for September 25, 2021

Posted By on September 24, 2021

The Australian government has mandated vaccines for all construction workers. The video below shows union workers confronting their union leaders to protest against the vaccination order.

As a result of this demonstration, all construction sites in Australia are now shut down for at least two weeks.

More Australia protest videos here, here, here, here. Australia is in the stage of the Communist police state takeover. Protests will not be effective in changing policy or leadership.

New Zealand has raised fines for violators of covid regulations. There has not been a covid case in New Zealand in over 300 days. New Zealand has been taken over by the Communist police state.

United Russia Party wins majority in Russian parliamentary elections. Russia accuses United States of cyber attacks during the election.

Trudeau’s Liberal Party wins majority in Canada’s election. No change. Canada will continue to be taken over.

Biden’s nuclear deal with Australia leaves France out in the cold, looking to connect with India. Biden is linking Australia, the U.S., Japan, and Britain in military opposition to Communist China. The rest of Europe is feeling squeezed out of this alliance.

Conservative French presidential candidate warns of civil war with muzzies. Uh, yeah, we saw that coming years ago, but the French seem under the control of their masters. The covid protests in France will change nothing.

Soaring natural gas prices are driving British energy companies out of business. And utility bills sky high. Also see here. Green energy policies come back to bite Europe.

A report on natural gas supplies in the Mediterranean.

Photos of Haitians camping under the Del Rio bridge in Texas. The anti-white immigration agenda is ramped up to the maximum. Texas governor responds by trying to block the border.

South Carolina nurse admits euthanizing covid patients:

Australian TV report on Fauci’s funding of weaponized coronavirus research:

The darn vaccine is full of shit:

Report on covid statistics from Germany:

FDA employee advocates forced vaccination (video). Just saying out loud what the controllers want.

Scientists want to turn groceries into mRNA vaccine carriers.

Chinese dissident claims China released covid at military world games.

The delta wave was much milder than claimed.

Teachers in Colorado must enforce mask mandates or face a year in jail.

Croatia abandons vaccination.

Slovenia adopts vaccine passport, stimulating protests.

Brazil has told Pfizer they will not mandate vaccines unless Pfizer takes responsibility for all injury claims, which they refuse.

New York governor has plans to replace unvaccinated health care workers. This is a purge. The same thing is happening to U.S. military who refuse the vaccination. Biden wants them dishonorably discharged. They will be replaced by soldiers loyal to socialism.

Get more covid information at Vaccine Hoax.

A Jamaican warns about what is coming. We don’t see anybody stopping total takeover.

How international child sex trafficking gangs get away with it:

Tulsi exposes the FBI. The CIA and FBI are New World Order takeover agencies.

Why you should stay away from psychiatrists. A profession rampant with fraud.

Why you should reconsider if you’re thinking of converting to Islam:

How the CIA hid its MK-ULTRA program.

We have been an admirer of Vladimir Putin for his record in pulling Russia out of the Communist death spiral and for brokering an agreement between the Orthodox church and the Russian government, but many others have warned that Putin is a puppet of the jews and cannot be trusted to put the interests of the white race first. History Reviewed has such a warning, from 2017.

Claire Wolfe believes that we need to build parallel systems to avoid socialist tyranny. Part 1. Part 2. It’s a good idea to drop out of as many socialist-controlled institutions as you can. If whites would crowd into the states from Utah to Montana, they wouldn’t have to rebuild everything from scratch and could create state militias to defend existing state borders.

RIP Norm MacDonald:

News for September 18, 2021

Posted By on September 17, 2021

The biggest event of the week was the meeting in Moscow between Putin and Assad, where Putin affirmed his commitment to drive the U.S. military out of Syria. The U.S. military presence in Syria is illegal, so why are they there? Socialist puppet Joe Biden has no commitment to building pipelines. Perhaps he doesn’t want a second humiliating withdrawal so soon after Afghanistan?

NATO forces are holding maneuvers in the Black Sea, while 100,000 Russian troops are deployed near Eastern Europe. The U.S. Air Force has sent so many planes to Europe to support NATO that U.S. bases at home have no planes.

Meanwhile, Biden called Xi Jinping to ask for money as the date for U.S. debt default is September 30. We don’t know if Xi promised Biden funds, but Xi did assert that the United States should follow the Communist Party line. Xi then spoke with Merkel to assert that Europe should follow the Communist Party line. Although Merkel has resigned as chancellor, she is in line to become a top European Union official.

China sent jets over Taiwan and ships to Alaska and Hawaii and allowed North Korea to fire a nuclear weapon toward Japan. This led the vice-chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to issue a statement pleading for peace. Russia thinks it would be more peaceful for the United States to stop sharing its nuclear weapons with Europe and stop staging war games in the Black Sea.

Florida activates National Guard, will begin arresting federal agents. The civil war seems to be escalating.

Prosecution witness in Netanyahu corruption case dies in a plane crash. Not too surprising.

Governor Newsom wins recall battle in California. Was there voter fraud? Of course.

Massachusetts activates National Guard to drive buses after drivers quit over vaccine mandate.

National Guard, medical response teams sent to Kentucky hospitals.

New York hospital stops delivering babies after maternity nurses resign over vaccine mandate. The vaccine mandate is going to lead to mass resignations that will cripple health care and government services.

Pope Francis to resign. We are hoping this is not disinformation.

200 organizations in Africa join forces to stop Bill Gates’ Alliance for a Green Revolution.

Somebody got the bright idea of parading a large doll through the streets of Eastern European cities to show everybody how harmless Moslem immigrants to Europe are. Here is the reaction:

Military wife Kay Griggs (famous whistleblower) says school shooters are recruited and trained by U.S. military:

100 years of U.S. military psyops.

British army and cyberwarfare.

Millions of Americans are staying home and relying on Amazon:

Afghani women rally in support of Taliban:

Funeral director witnesses covid death irregularities. The delta variant is the vaccine?

Ivermectin proves to be a miracle cure for covid in India.

Recommended supplements to prevent the flu.

The Atlantic (globohomo) discovers half of hospitalized covid patients have mild symptoms.

Lancet scientists who denied Wuhan lab link to virus have ties to Chinese researchers. Conflict of interest.

Three studies show vaccines do not work.

Fauci refuses to take the vaccine.

Australia bans Ivermectin to treat covid.

Red Cross says vaccinated people cannot donate blood.

Federal judge blocks vaccine mandate for health workers in New York.

UK reverses policy, will require vaccine passports.

Italy requires vaccine passport.

France suspends thousands of health care workers for refusing jab.

New York requires masks for two-year-olds.

Israel health minister admits vaccine passports are designed to pressure people to get the jab.

OSHA says employers do not have to record reactions to vaccine.

They’re going door to door in Washington, D.C. to vaccinate the reluctant.

Expect covid to endure indefinitely.

Paid covid actors plead with public to take the shot:

Klaus Schwab talks about gene-editing technology:

Coming: Personal carbon allowances.

Energy costs skyrocket in Europe due to Green policies. Protests follow.

Farmers in India protest globalization plan.

Dutch government to confiscate farms to combat global warming.

We really don’t see enough videos of social justice workers getting owned:

We spent many years reading about postmodernism and Freudian Marxism, but we haven’t featured any of this theory here because the more important and hidden story is the story of ancient wisdom passed through secret societies and flourishing as Illuminism and Marxism. Jonas Ceika has a video channel devoted to these subjects if you are looking for an easy introduction. Postmodernism is pro-pervert, anti-tradition jewish subversion.This one caught our attention.

The antidote to ever-changing identities caused by TV and advertising is white identity in a white nation.

What is the Alt-Right, and what awful ideas lie beneath the surface? Loyalty to one’s race? Somebody needs to investigate this. Oh good, someone has.

News for September 11, 2021

Posted By on September 10, 2021

Australian health minister announces New World Order.

We have been trying to find out what happened to the Australia truckers strike. There is some video showing trucks blocking freeways.

But not all freeways were blocked, and after some time the trucks moved on. What we have from here is single-sourced and might not be entirely accurate. The government made a concession that truck drivers do not have to be vaccinated. Trucks have not been delivering to grocery stores, and their shelves are half empty. All domestic flights in Australia have been canceled. All mail delivery in Australia has been canceled.

Australia confiscating liquor in lockdown areas.

Qantas bans unvaccinated passengers from flights. We expect all airlines to ban unvaccinated passengers.

Max Igan rambles here and there about the Australia police state:

Biden mandates vaccine for government employees, businesses with more than 100 employees. Former FDA commissioner says the business mandate won’t be rolled out until fall of 2022. Meanwhile, class action lawsuits will be filed. Josh Blackman has more on the legalities. Dr. Mercola calls it the Great Jobs Reset.

A map showing states that won’t comply.

Military commanders forcing soldiers to get vaxxed.

Nurses speak out about refusing the vaccine.

New Zealand police state dedicated to zero covid.

G7, Russia, China to meet to discuss Afghanistan. Nothing will happen. The G7 is too weak to demand anything.

6,000 hospital workers in Greece suspended for not taking the vaccine.

Quebec orders all health care workers to be vaccinated or get suspended.

Roy Potter explains how nurses who refuse the vaccine will get the shaft:

Firing so many health care workers will create a health care crisis.

It’s a crisis now in the UK.

Air force pilots are quitting in such large numbers the U.S. Air Force is now crippled. Probably happening in other branches as well, but we don’t have reports.

Toronto requires vaccine passport.

Italy flies drones over beaches to take people’s temperature.

Canada denies woman a lung transplant because she was not vaccinated.

Florida doctor will not treat unvaccinated patients.

Israel demands a third jab or vaccine passport expires.

Paris police beat unvaccinated woman in shopping center.

Protesters storm shopping centers in Paris to protest vaccine passport.

Attacks planned on vaccine centers in England?

Government uses artificial intelligence to predict covid outbreaks.

The Rockefeller plan Lock Step was the master plan for the Great Reset.

U.S. doctor talks about the covid trance.

Christine Lagarde wants the whole world vaccinated to prevent future covid variants.

Virologist warns mass vaccination will cause more infectious covid variants. Note that there are no tests for covid variants.

India charges WHO scientist who spoke against Ivermectin with mass murder.

Refugees from Afghanistan required to take Ivermectin.

U.S. state department blocked private flights from Afghanistan.

The Taliban has burned most of the opium fields in Afghanistan. This has cut the cash flow for the U.S. deep state. The idea is still circulating that the Fed or the Bank of England is going to supply the cash, but they might not, and the debt ceiling forbids further U.S. government spending. If the debt ceiling is not raised in October, expect a government shutdown, decline of the dollar and stock market.

The U.S. military was in Afghanistan to guard the Unocal oil pipeline construction. Now that the U.S. military has withdrawn, the Taliban are going to approve the Turkmenistan Afghanistan Pakistan India pipeline.

General predicts U.S. military will continue to strike Afghanistan “over the horizon.”

Serbia, Austria refuse to take Afghanistani refugees.

Poland declares state of emergency over Afghanistani refugees.

U.S. doing a poor job of vetting Afghanistani refugees, but 100 refugees are denied entrance to the U.S.

Are the Chinese blackmailing Joe Biden?

Family offers British government proof that buildings were blown up on 9/11.

Top FBI official in charge of crimes against children arrested for crimes against children.

The Queen of England backs Black Lives Matter. The Queen of England is anti-white.

Migrant children housed at military bases are targeted for sexual abuse.

Some blunt talk for those who think protests and elections will solve anything.

Tim Richard describes the shift he had to make to find a new American Dream.

RightForge offers conservative web hosting.

The MonaLisa Twins:

News for September 4, 2021

Posted By on September 3, 2021

Putin calls Afghanistan “a less than zero event.”

Why the globohomocovid elites hate leader of the free world Vladimir Putin.

Russia, Saudi Arabia sign agreement ending petrodollar.

How embracing the feminist agenda lost Afghanistan.

U.S. forces accused of killing civilians in Afghanistan.

Biden turned down Taliban offer to control Kabul and airport.

Biden turned away 400 Americans from entering the Kabul airport.

What’s next for the CIA army inside Afghanistan?

Pentagon doesn’t know how many terrorists have sought refuge inside the United States.

Islamic terror attack in Texas.

10 federal agencies plan to expand use of facial recognition software.

House approves $24 billion increase for Pentagon budget.

European Union proceeds to form European army:

Aussie discovers covid vaccine has killed 9 times more Aussies than covid:

Europe says no need for covid booster shots.

Harvard epidemiologist says natural immunity is much stronger than the covid jab, vaccine passports are immoral.

Has the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against vaccine passports? This report is single sourced, we can’t find confirmation.

French court overthrows vaccine mandate, sort of. Also see here.

Swiss police threaten to not enforce covid laws.

WHO pushes universal vaccine passport.

Bill Gates has an agreement with Moderna that gives him a license to the vaccine.

Germany halts all vaccinations, says vaccines are unsafe:

Meanwhile, in Australia:

Australia truckers shut down highways:

Is China behind the Australian lockdown plan? We thought it was the World Economic Forum.

South Australia will require residents to send photos of themselves at random times to prove they are staying home.

A quick look at Australia’s mandatory quarantine camps. And here.

Red Cross says the vaccines wipe out the immune system.

Spike protein disrupts normal cell function, causes inflammation.

The most vaccinated countries have the most covid cases.

Israel, England show majority of covid deaths over age 50 are from vaccinated patients.

In England, the death rate for the vaccinated is 6.3 percent.

A report from inside a Miami hospital where covid deaths are increasing.

Over 600,000 vaccine injuries reported among the vaccinated.

Canada orders up 8 more covid shots per person.

Bus drivers in Chicago quit over mandatory vaccine requirement. Just one example of many mass resignations.

Duke University employees who refuse the vaccine will be terminated. Many more stories like this one.

Take the vax or get fired? Lots of people are facing this decision.

Italy requires vaccine passport to catch a train, protesters will block railways.

Robert Kennedy, Jr. will sue FDA over approval of Pfizer jab.

Yes, 9/11 was an inside job by the jews. Those Israeli art students. Please get this so we don’t have to keep reminding you.

5 jewish things to know about Kamala Harris.

Somali immigrant wants to kill all Swedes. We told you to keep them all out.

China kicks sissy men off TV. You see, it can be done.

Chinese worried about new cultural revolution.

Why would a nice young university student download 70,000 documents about white supremacy, and what should a judge find him guilty of?

Miss Hitler sentenced to three years in prison.

Thomas Muller names top government officials involved in child sex abuse.

The tragedy of Christian Zionism:

Robert David Steele has passed away from covid.

Why you might want to reconsider converting to Islam:

Look what jew made me do: