News for December 18, 2021

Posted By on December 17, 2021

Russia vetoes UN climate change resolution that would insert Green propaganda into international relations. Putin saves us again.

Putin, Xi cement alliance as World War III starts.

India shifts toward Russia.

Russia and China are building a new payments platform to isolate them from the U.S. dollar. Good move.

EU summit extends sanctions against Russia for six months. EU decides to freeze Europe and send price of natural gas soaring.

Biden’s Summit for Democracy a total failure.

U.S. sponsors Marxist revolution in Ethiopia.

Kharzai says he invited Taliban into Kabul. That might be why the U.S. military got caught by surprise.

Saudi Arabia could fall.

Meadows hands over PowerPoint recommendations for Trump on January 6.

Vatican judge says Gates and Soros are imposing a global surveillance state. Yeah, that’s what we said. Nice to see you catching up.

Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger: Covid vaccines are a bioweapon to depopulate.

UK will require vaccine passports.

Australia will allow vaccinated foreigners to enter, but France has closed its borders with Britain. Austria lifts its lockdown for the vaccinated.

Criminal charges of treason filed against Daniel Andrews:

Criminally corrupt Big Pharma:

• GlaxoKlineSmith in 2012 paid £782million in criminal damages for failure to disclose safety data and off-label marketing and £1.45billion in civil charges.
• Pzifer in 2009 paid a $2.3 billion fine for false claims in one of the biggest fraud settlements in US history. They also pleaded guilty to a US criminal charge relating to the promotion of its now-withdrawn Bextra pain medicine.
• Johnson & Johnson in 2013 paid 1.4 bn for the same offense.
• Abbot Laboratories in 2012 paid a $1.5 billion fine for unlawful promotion of the prescription drug Depakote and pleaded criminally guilty.
• Eli Lilly in 2009 paid a $1.4 billion fine on similar charges and pleaded guilty to promoting Zyprexa for unapproved uses as treatment for dementia, including Alzheimer’s dementia, in elderly people.

Michel Chossudovsky makes the case that the PCR tests are false and there is no such thing as a confirmed covid case. But people are getting sick from something, Michel, and the efforts to weaponize the virus are well documented.

Omicron seems to be spreading quickly in the UK. And here.

 Great Reset elites double down on masks, vaccines, lockdowns. California requires masks indoors.

Google will fire its unvaccinated employees. But many corporations will not, and there is growing resistance to mandatory masks. Hospitals backing off firing the unvaccinated employees.

The U.S. government has bought enough vaccines to give every adult 3 shots.

U.S. government paid hospitals $100,000 per covid case. Hospitals as death traps.

Vaccines will cary heart risk warnings in Japan. Danish study confirms vaccine heart risk. And here and here.

Queensland senator Pauline Hanson: “I’m not putting that shit in my body.”

Anti-vaxxers actually get serious in Germany.

An anonymous report from Australia:

“We have been forced into lockdown for 3 months, my entire family has already died from the vax, 3 weeks after receiving the second dose of the vaccine they all fell sick with covidlike symptoms and died a week later. The deaths here SIGNIFICANTLY under reported, even talking about close family members deaths is heavily censored and shutdown. The internet is almost completely locked down, the military have completely overtaken the hospitals, they are wearing so much gear that I can’t even distinguish if they are human or not.

“It’s extremely dangerous to go outside, some of my unvaxxed friends have completely disappeared after going for a drive; I believe they are now entering the homes on the unvaxxed and forcibly vaccinating them, fortunately my current location is unknown to the government. Infrastructure is falling apart, there are daily blackouts, the internet is down most of the day, I haven’t seen any movement from 90% of my neighbors in weeks, I think they must all be dead, I’m scared to go outside and check, there are often police/military patrols down the road, the last time I went outside was 2 weeks ago, I went to the supermarket and apart from six other people I was the only one there, very eerie.”

Why are they spraying graphene oxide into the atmosphere?

Verizon automatically enrolls new users in a program that scans their internet history.

Bernd Pulch explains how Klaus Schwab formed his cadre of activist agents.

Interview with Klaus Schwab:

Watch Al Gore make a fool out of himself:

A quick history of how the Catholic Church does business:

Those big retailers who supported Black Lives Matter last year are now asking Congress for protection from black thieves.

California will drop D and F letter grades for high schools.

Is Jacinda a tranny?

Blumenthal thrilled to help Communist Party USA celebrate its birthday. In case you were wondering if the Democrats are commies.

The CIA’s conspiracies are so well known that they are now making their way into pop culture top 10 lists.

What happened when the commie jews took over Latvia.

The National Socialist policy toward homosexuals. Common sense. Our ancestors dragged them to the bogs.

The Atlantic magazine comes out with an article calling child sex trafficking “fake.” Aangirfan has a lot of reporting on child sex trafficking.

Life in America next year:

Don’t Israel My Juice:

News for December 12, 2021

Posted By on December 12, 2021

What Putin and Biden said in their video conference.

Biden told Ukraine to cede eastern Ukraine to Russia. Wait a minute, we thought he wanted war.

China threatens to attack U.S. troops when it invades Taiwan.

U.S., Israel plan airstrikes on Iran nuclear targets.

The Chalous discovery will make Iran a major supplier of natural gas to Europe.

China now controls central America.

IMF urges debt relief. Because the USA is going bankrupt. Lots of debt problems in South America.

A study shows that vaccine passports do not reduce covid infection rates. Over 400 studies show the covid health policies have been ineffective.

The World Health Organization comes out against booster shots. But that is not stopping governments from mandating boosters.

“There is not one double-blind, placebo-controlled study in the history of vaccine development that has ever proven their safety, effectiveness or achievements (unless those achievements have underlined their damage to human health),” warns the International Medical Council on Vaccination.

“There are also no controlled studies completed in any country which have objectively proven that vaccines have had any direct or consequential effect on the reduction of any type of disease in any part of the world. Every single study that has ever attempted to validate the safety and effectiveness of vaccines has conclusively established carcinogenic, mutagenic, neurotoxic or fertility impairments, but they won’t address those.”

Big Pharma routinely fakes clinical trials of vaccines.

South Africa experiences high infection rates from omicron variant. Other nations as well. This trend will fuel “vaccine panic” and lockdowns.

Doctors are labeling heart illnesses from the vaccine as “post-pandemic stress disorder.” This will buy them some time, but now we know the doctors are compromised.

Covid vaccines are not effective, cause severe illnesses and death.

A nurse in Idaho explains that the vaccines are causing covid deaths.

Pfizer tried to hide its mRNA test data, now it turns out they were hiding evidence of 42,000 adverse reactions.

Covid in Bulgaria, or, why you shouldn’t vaccinate your population.

New York City makes vaccination mandatory for all workers.  NYC hospital fires unvaccinated nurses.  Britain considering mandatory vaccination and will require a booster every three months. EU will require vaccination and vaccine passport. Austria will fine the unvaccinated, with prison terms for those who don’t pay. New York governor imposes statewide mask mandate.

Queensland bans surgery for the unvaccinated.

More evidence supporting the theory of poisoned covid vaccine batches. See also here.

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, comes out in favor of mandatory vaccines, scrapping the Nuremberg code. This happens just as the Corona Investigation Committee launches the Nuremberg 2.0 project in Poland, which was counting on judges enforcing the Nuremberg code to stop mandatory vaccination in Europe.

A protest march in Munich against mandatory vaccination. Many others in Europe. We are not covering protest marches because they don’t do any good.

Why CO2 is not a problem for the earth’s environment.

A progressive Communist is appalled at the state of San Francisco, writes a book exposing the mindset that led to failed policies.

California’s zero bail policy creates crimewave. Los Angeles is now warning people to stay away from LA because the crime is so bad.

Hundreds of sex abuse lawsuits filed against the Catholic church in New Jersey. The Catholic church is a child sex abuse organization masquerading as a religion.

Niall Ferguson thinks that globalism has peaked, but there are too many globalist initiatives being dreamed up and put into place to support this idea.

Apple informs the Biden administration their phones have been hacked by Israeli spyware. Israel, our greatest ally.

Child protective services is a child trafficking operation.

Jews protect rabbi child abuser.

Trump suddenly disavows Netanyahu. Has Trump figured out that his jewish friends are not America’s friends?

Monty Python anticipated the transgender insanity:

How to protect yourself from neurolinguistic programming.

How Big Food and Big Tech are shaping the new world order food system.

UN unveils disturbing new statue.

The cult of Moloch:

Egyptian pyramid drawings indicate there were giants in Egypt:

News for December 4, 2021

Posted By on December 3, 2021

Biden organizes Summit for Democracy in search of allies for war with Russia. France and England look primed for war, but Germany wants Nordstream 2 to turn on the energy spigot, so Germany is less enthusiastic about attacking Russia.

Biden’s lies about Russia intending to invade Ukraine hide the basic fact that Ukraine refuses to respect the February 2015 Minsk Agreement, which stipulated that Ukraine should grant autonomy to Donbass as special status and start a dialogue with the republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. Ukraine never did any of this, but meanwhile the socialist media have claimed that Russia was violating the Minsk agreement and intends to invade Ukraine. Russia has no intention of invading Ukraine as it would just be inheriting a failed state. Meanwhile Russia has demonstrated that its military is powerful enough to defeat NATO and the U.S. military, so Biden’s war tensions are kind of pointless.

Lukashenko threatens to shut down energy flow from Belarus if Poland closes its border.

Russia expels U.S. diplomats after U.S. expels Russian diplomats.

Ukraine demands that Germany pay World War II reparations.

When covid first appeared early in 2020 we reported a theory that the virus had been developed at Fort Detrick and was spread in China by U.S. military personnel attending the Military World Games in Wuhan, China. This theory was pushed by Communist China. Now some members of Congress have become aware of information supporting this theory and are pushing the military for an investigation.

Different covid vaccine batches produce dramatically different death rates.

Omicron was in England and Scotland before it was in South Africa. Preliminary evaluation of omicron indicates it infects vaccinated people, but its symptoms are mild.

Investigator challenges integrity of Pfizer mRNA trials.

Britain orders enough vaccine to jab everyone a 4th and 5th time, promises a third jab immediately due to omicron discovery.

Germany imposes restrictions on unvaccinated.

Australian parliament passes bill giving premier tougher covid pandemic powers. Their next step will be to shut down their parliament except for 10 days for the next year. New law in Australia is designed to penalize anonymous online commenting. The leaders are aware that they are unpopular, and they don’t want criticism.

Aborigines plead for international relief from mandatory vaccination and quarantines. Those three aborigines who escaped from quarantine have been caught.

Dr. Charles Hoffe on vaccine-caused injuries:

Countries targeting the unvaccinated with fines and lockdowns. Add Italy.

Nevada will impose fines on unvaccinated state workers. Massachusetts, other states consider vaccine passport.

South African doctor says the vaccines are designed for slow death, depopulation.

Mike Adams and Alex Jones on the omicron variant and the medical mafia’s terror campaign (video). Nailed it.

“New strain” propaganda designed to scare us.

81 percent of covid deaths in England were vaccinated.


They are all in favor of lockdowns and vaccine mandates.

World Economic Forum plans to develop and patent synthetic life forms to replace existing life forms.

World Economic Forum releases 8 predictions (plans) for 2030.

European Union plans to replace rural farms with urban agriculture:


China is slowing its exports to the United States by imposing crazy covid quarantines on its sailors.

Black leaders call for murder of white babies.

Germany will shut down its nuclear power plants. Green insanity.

Germany’s new ruling coalition has the support of the World Economic Forum to form a federal state from the existing European Union.

Local community fights back against solar farms plan.

UK bans the word “Christmas” because it might offend minorities.

The chief financial officers of 15 states have threatened to boycott banks who cut off funding for oil companies.

The DARPA drone/mothership warfare plan.

Ghislaine Maxwell headed a Terramar Project sponsored by the UN which allowed private parties to buy up parts of the oceans of the world. She owned a submarine, which might have been used to traffic children in the Caribbean.

Klaus Schwab has cancelled next January’s DAVOS meeting due to death threats.

Catholic video offers celebration of tactics used to fight Freemasonry. The problem is, Freemasonry took over the Catholic church and installed satanic popes in the Vatican. The formula of prayer, doing good to your enemies, taking the whole world into your heart, asking Christ to convert the hearts of your enemies, etc., doesn’t work. Now the Catholic church is a leading agent of the satanic world order. Why would you advocate a passive strategy that has so obviously failed?

Thomas Dalton, America Must Die So That the People Can Live at Occidental Observer is getting some play on the Alt Right. America is so corrupt, did you think someone was going to come along and clean it all up? We need to secure a homeland for white people.

News for November 27, 2021

Posted By on November 26, 2021

Ukrainian president Zelensky charges Russia with coup attempt. Sounds improbable.

Ukranian soldiers fire American Javelin missiles at Russian troops. War provocation.

Putin threatens NATO with destruction of its satellites.

Polish deputy minister refutes fake news about refugees invading Poland. They are not refugees. The entire scenario has been coordinated by George Soros to bring down the conservative Polish government.

Russian ships are delivering diesel to U.S. east coast as oil shortage looms. Russia rescues Biden from his terrible policies.

Western nations are supporting Marxist takeover of Ethiopia.

Germany has a new coalition government. Green, possibly insane.

Conservative wins first round in Chilean election.

First case of omicron strain appears in Europe. This will be taken as a motive for more lockdowns.

Pfizer employee warns about vaccine mandates (video).

UK expert notes rise in vaccine-related deaths. European Medicines Agency records 30,000 deaths from covid vaccination. At a certain point, you would think the doctors are going to recognize that the vaccine is doing harm and will stop supporting vaccination. However, this trendline is running opposite to the omicron strain discovery trendline, which will lead to new vaccines and more restrictions.

How to tell if your Pfizer vaccine shot is safe or poison. The safe shot is clear; the poison shot is yellow.

Big Pharma knew the vaccines would make people sicker.

Slovenian nurse reveals that vaccines are labeled 1, 2, 3 for saline, mRNA vaccine, poisonous cancer shot.

Mandatory vaccine protest in Martinique turns violent.

Police in Austria refuse to enforce the country’s vaccine passport. When the police support the people, the government is in danger of falling.

EU says that the passport for the vaccinated is only good for 9 months. They are dreaming of booster shots and maybe a new vaccine that actually works.

Biden will require foreign travelers to be vaccinated if entering the United States starting January 22.

Biden buys 10 million Pfizer pills.

Robert Kennedy’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci. An interview with Robert Kennedy. Nice work. Fauci deserves a public execution.

Isabel Peralta speaks:

Nuremberg code violations discussed on UK TV. Grounds for dismissal and prosecution of all their top politicians and bureaucrats.

We have been saying for years that the world’s elites are perverts and pedophiles. Australian woman confirms for Australia:

Black mobs continue crime spree in major cities, wiping out capitalism so that socialism can turn the USA into a crime-ridden socialist prison camp.

Biden’s sale of oil reserves goes mainly to China and India.

Senior Mossad officials who “resigned” were actually fired due to their involvement in the Fukushima nuclear reactor sabotage.

A deep dive into Jeffrey Epstein’s relationship with Microsoft.

Evil Pope John Paul II blesses Epstein and Maxwell. Because they’re playing the same game, child abuse.

A guide to European right-wing parties from the socialists.

Unite the Right leaders at Charlottesville ordered to pay $17 million in fines. A deeper look at the planning at Charlottesville emerging from the trial.

Eco-terrorist David Suzuki says pipelines will be blown up because climate change. And here. Ever notice that eco-terrorists don’t get prosecuted?

Multi-state climate scheme falls apart due to high gas prices.

A call for new culture creators:

News for November 20, 2021

Posted By on November 20, 2021

Poland’s border with Belarus is the latest immigration hotspot as violent incidents increase.

Putin says Russia has nothing to do with the refugee crisis, blames UK.

Russia, UK send troops.

 Latvia secures its border.

Wacky jew Boris Johnson talks war with Russia.

Belarus threatens to cut off natural gas flow then shuts down oil pipeline to Europe.

Musical interlude:

RAF pilot crashes F35 into Mediterranean, Russia and UK compete to find it.

91 percent of covid deaths have occurred among the fully vaccinated since August. More reporting here.

5th circuit court suspends Biden’s vaccine mandate, OSHA officially complies. But vaccine mandates continue for the military and federal employees. Some individual businesses will also require vaccine mandates.

Meanwhile, Australia, New Zealand, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Italy, Ireland, and most of the UK are locked down. Germany is on the edge of locking down as covid cases multiply. Italian government raids homes of anti-vax activists. Australia says boosters will be required for the rest of your life. Many governments are requiring booster shots to be considered fully vaccinated.

Covid pills could end lockdown madness but probably won’t.

If you haven’t yet figured out that it’s a conspiracy:

More evidence of variations in vaccine batch toxicity:

Biden administration orders $113 million worth of smallpox vaccine. Bill Gates warned us the smallpox epidemic was coming.

Themis robot sounds alarm at offensive speech. The Left will find multiple locations to use it.

Klaus Schwab has developed a credit card that shuts down when you exceed your carbon limit.

A deep dive into Klaus Schwab’s school for globalist tyrants.

China is slaughtering pets of covid patients.

How to stop the Great Reset:

Why Justin Trudeau needs to be arrested.

Czech Republic will not adopt euro.

What’s going on in Bosnia.

Vancouver is now isolated from the rest of Canada due to mudslides, and the port is closed.

How the jews pushed gay marriage on America.

Elon Musk exposes UN pedophilia ring.

We’ve been telling you for years that the world’s leaders are pedophiles. A nice lady in Australia goes public:

India to shut down New Delhi due to pollution.

Gregory Hood looks at what the royal family has become.

Meza Vilks documents the suppressed history of jewish crimes committed against German soldiers in World War II. Once they hatched the Holohoax, all mention of jewish resistance disappeared.

Eisenhower’s starvation order. Holocaust was what the Americans did to the Germans.

The Nazis burned the library of the founder of transsexualism, Magnus Hirschfeld.

Arctic ice is growing, and Russia is rescuing ships stuck in the ice.

Turns out a lot of van Gogh’s paintings are fakes.

Celebrating 7 genius anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists at Real History.

Good resource page on how the Communists made it a thought-crime to criticize Communism.

Alex Jones has been charged in Connecticut in connection with Sandy Hook. His statement is here.

Hat tip Kyle Rittenhouse: not guilty

It’s Something You Get Through:

News for November 13, 2021

Posted By on November 12, 2021

Biden warns European allies of planned Russian invasion of Ukraine, with phony photos of Russian military build-up on Ukraine border.

Ukraine denies knowledge of Russian build-up at Ukraine border. It’s a Biden hoax.

Ukraine sends 8,500 border guards to Ukraine’s border with Belarus to deter migrants from Turkey.

Poland defends its border with Belarus from the migrant invasion with armored cavalry, warns of “armed escalation.”

Russia plans to incorporate Belarus into Russian Federation, which is a pledge of military defense.

Biden revives nuclear missile unit to deploy new long-range nuclear weapons to Europe.

Get news from Australia at #AustraliaHasFallen.

R for Resistance in Australia.

Australia readies permanent state of emergency for Dan Andrews:

UN report to climate conference shows earth’s temperature hasn’t risen for the past 15 years.

Dr. David Martin documents the vaccine conspiracy and speaks passionately about our present dilemma. Must watch. Best video on the conspiracy.

Zev Zelenko names the global cabal:

Over 726,000 covid vaccine injuries reported to VAERS.

UK data show 81 percent of all delta deaths were double vaccinated. Hospitals in Antwerp are reporting that all of their covid cases are double vaccinated. Many more stories like this show that vaccinated people are dying at higher rates than the unvaccinated.

Pfizer’s data show there is no need to vaccinate children.

Second-grader suspended for not wearing a mask addresses the school board. Gotta love this.

How Pfizer blackmails countries:

Proctor and Gamble employees make a video to warn you that the vaccine mandate will lead to shortages:

The WHO and Bill Gates are behind the vaccine passport movement.

Bill Gates admits the vaccines don’t work. The bad news: He’s thinking about how to strengthen them and have another go at it.

CDC scientists admit they manipulated data to show covid 19 vaccines are safe for pregnant women.

Unvaccinated Americans are banned from Colorado hospitals. We are hoping this doesn’t become a trend as more health care workers get fired for not taking the jab.

A long piece on the corporate takeover of the global food chain.

Carbon-capture pipelines will disrupt U.S. rural agriculture:

A brief history of jewish media bosses.

A report on scholarly studies of Operation Reinhardt concentration camps in World War II.

The Band, I Shall Be Released

News for November 6, 2021

Posted By on November 5, 2021

U.S. and South Korea are running a secret war exercise. U.S. Navy sends flagship to Black Sea to join NATO maneuvers. U.S. runs 2000 spy missions over China.  U.S., Britain supporting Albanian radicals in Kosovo, destabilizing the Balkans. U.S. approves Israel’s accelerating plans to strike Iran. Why is the Biden administration being so warlike and aggressive? Alastair Crooke, among others, calls Biden’s foreign policy “delusional.”

U.S. coal producers have sold out their 2022 production. As a result, Russia suspends coal exports to Ukraine. Ukraine is facing a devastating energy crisis, and Biden is whipping up sentiment in Ukraine for war with Russia.

Climate change conference promotes carbon tariffs. Otherwise just another climate show.

Christine Anderson of the European Parliament figures it out:

Covid VAERS data reveals a small percentage of vaccine batches causing deaths. Supports the idea that different populations are receiving different shots, and Republican states are being targeted with the death shots.

U.S. Congress redefined “vaccine” to include mRNA injections before covid pandemic.

European Union planned vaccine passports and propaganda campaigns in 2018.

A look at India’s social credit system, called Aadhaar, linking vaccine passports, bank accounts, medical records, welfare benefits, and job interviews. The digital passport is the next step following vaccine mandates.

Biden sets January 4 as deadline for vaccine mandates.

mRNA vaccines cause high rates of spontaneous abortion in pregnant women.

Victoria, Australia rigidly enforces vaccine passports, seizes bank accounts, cuts off food shopping.

Vaccine makers push vaccine mandates with lobbying, bribes.

European Medicines Agency discovers that 70 percent of women suffer side effects from vaccines.

Bulgarians boycott restaurants due to vaccine passport mandate.

How the French are protesting their vaccine mandate.

Alex Jones reveals plan to spray magnetic nano particles on global food supply.

Why wind and solar power are not worth the investment.

The Catholic church is supporting the World Economic Forum.

A few observations about how Democrats rig elections.

400 accused suspects of the January 6 insurrection were removed from their Washington, D.C. jail due to inhumane conditions.

We have never promoted Michael Hudson because he refuses to name the jew, but this interview reveals a lot about U.S. financial warfare strategies. Also notice that Mr. Hudson doesn’t take the Great Reset seriously.

Biden nominates Communist Saule Omarova to the office of Comptroller of the Currency:

Saule Omarova plans to put the Federal Reserve in control of all banking functions.

Another embarrassing false story about the Holocaust.

CIA occultism and control of Hollywood movies is now an academic subject.

“When the Messiah comes,” Ben-Eliyahu wrote, “Israel will reverse the Final Solution. Twenty, thirty atomic bombs on Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Nuremberg, Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Dresden, Dortmund and so on to assure the job gets done. And the land will be quiet for a thousand years.”

The rabbis’ plan to nuke Germany.

Great interview at History Reviewed: