News for February 5, 2022

Posted By on February 5, 2022

Ukraine increases size of armed forces by 100,000.

Forget Ukraine. Russia sends ships and troops to Syria.

Russia prepares Moscow for missile attacks. Belarus military moves.

Russian parliament will consider appeal from Luhansk and Donetsk for independence from Ukraine.

Reports on the ground in Ottawa. U.S. trucker convoy is forming.

Saskatchewan promises end to vaccine mandates. It’s a start. Support the trucker protests.

Federal Reserve ready to start digital dollar program.

Former senators and congressmen who are now working for Communist China.

We reported a few weeks ago that the new German government has been authorized to form a United States of Europe. This video provides background. Their main intention is to control dissenting countries such as Poland and Hungary by requiring uniform policies.

World Economic Forum is changing the Great Reset to the Great Narrative. Same agenda.

Jew Anthony Blinken‘s ties to George Soros.

All vaccines contain nanorouters. The vaccines appear to contain a tracking technology.

Guess which race is immune to the vaccine bioweapon?

Johns Hopkins study shows lockdowns were ineffective in preventing spread of covid. But this study is being censored and will not provide guidance for many states committed to vaccine passports.

T-Mobile will fire unvaccinated employees.

Austria’s parliament approves vaccine mandate.

Proof of vaccination required to purchase wine in Australia.

Italy will fine unvaccinated elderly.

Hershey fires unvaccinated employees.

Disneyland requires employees to be vaccinated.

FDA removes Moderna vaccine approval document from its website. Because the FDA did not carry out its normal vaccine approval protocols.

FDA warns about dangers of covid tests.

New Zealand citizens prepare legal challenge for arrest of health minister.

Military doctors present evidence of vaccine dangers to Congress.

England ends vaccine mandates for health care workers.

Finland will end vaccine mandates.

Walgreens is installing chip readers on their soft drink coolers.

Pfizer’s lawyers are taking control of the FDA’s release of Pfizer’s vaccine injury data. To suppress damaging statistics and sloppy procedures.

Protesters in Paris at Pfizer headquarters.

The weird symbolism of Pfizer’s headquarters:

Reiner Fuellmich presents global vaccine conspiracy evidence to a grand jury February 5. Getting the evidence public is what matters here.

Another video looking at the World Economic Forum’s trained agents.

A video explaining the symbolism of the world’s elites. This video is informed by the work of Sean Hross, who traces the Templar remnant to Switzerland and traces the origin of the elite families of Europe to Egyptian pharaohs. Others trace the origin of the elite families to Babylon. Flavio Barbieri traces the origin of Europe’s royal families to the Levite priestly families. We are not endorsing any particular line of research, all of them provide good evidence, and the symbolism is pretty common among all the elites.

The Enlightenment as a jewish project. Most Enlightenment philosophers were not jewish, but there was an infusion of jewish thought into Europe at that time that led many whites to identify with judaism and reject their Aryan cultural heritage.

Alexander Jacob on Houston Stewart Chamberlain’s England. Why England’s capitalist colonial model was designed to benefit only the elites.

News for January 29, 2022

Posted By on January 29, 2022

“The State is, and always has been, the great single enemy of the human race, its liberty, happiness, and progress. Because they are all ultimately funded via both direct and indirect theft [taxes], and counterfeiting [central bank monopolies], all governments are essentially, at their very cores, 100% corrupt criminal scams which cannot be “reformed”or “improved,” simply because of their innate criminal nature.” Murray Rothbard

NATO knows Russia is not about to invade Ukraine.

Ukraine says war with Russia is “unthinkable.”

Germany, Sweden, Croatia break with NATO war plans.

Russia sends nuclear submarine off U.S. east coast.

Website supporting the U.S. and Canadian trucker convoy. Video.

Biden administration withdraws vaccine mandate for large employers.

Update on the possibility of prosecuting the covid conspirators.

Rising electricity prices threaten the future of Europe’s microchip industry.

Wisconsin legislature advances measure to recall Biden electors.

England, Ireland, Netherlands, and Denmark are ending covid restrictions.

Video of a speech Robert F. Kennedy gave on January 23 outlining the criminal covid conspiracy.

“There is a blackout on any conversation about how Ivermectin beat COVID-19 in India.

India early this year with 414,000 cases per day, and over 4,000 deaths per day … that evaporated within five weeks of the addition of Ivermectin.

Data from India shows that Ivermectin is effective, much more so than the vaccines. It not only prevents death, but it also prevents COVID infections, and it also is effective against the Delta Variant.

Ivermectin knocked their COVID-19 cases and deaths – which we know were Delta Variant – down to almost zero within weeks.

A population comparable to the US went from about 35,000 cases and 350 deaths per day to nearly ZERO within weeks of adding Ivermectin to their protocol.

An area of India that rejected Ivermectin, Tamil Nadu … went on to lead India in COVID-19 cases.

Unfortunately, the aangirfan website has been taken down. A great source on the elite British pedophiles is now lost.

The Pilgrims Society, the Rothschilds, and the Pfizer connection.

Kerry Bolton, The Gestapo in the Third Reich.

Amy Says WTF has a video on the Jesuits, the Black Nobility, and the Ascended Masters:


News for January 22, 2022

Posted By on January 21, 2022

“There arrives a moment of truth when the West either accepts our proposals or other ways will be found to safeguard Russia’s security…We are running out of time. The countdown begins.”

Britain airlifts weapons to Ukraine. NATO sends two carrier groups to Norway. Canada sends special forces to Ukraine. NATO troops to Estonia.

Russia will withdraw its people from its Ukraine embassy.

Russia and Belarus will hold joint military drills February 10 to 20.

Chatting with folks on the ground about Ukraine invasion.

The West promised not to enlarge NATO.

China hoarding is making global food prices inflate.

Legislation proposed to block Defense Department from financing China.

Federal judge blocks Biden’s vaccine mandate for federal workers. The covid trend is peaking. They will continue the effort for a while, but too many people are catching on that the vaccines are weapons.

Britain ends vaccine passports, mask mandates, lockdowns. Why would they continue to require NHS employees to get the jab?

France and Ireland will ease covid restrictions. Czechoslovakia will end vaccine mandate.

But Australia mandates vaccination for everyone over age 18.

45 percent of Democrat communists support quarantine camps for the unvaccinated.

Trucker vaccine protest at border with Canada will block shipment of goods into U.S.

Tonga volcano eruption? This is so rare it might have been something else besides a volcano.

Electric grid can’t support electric cars.

Fauci addresses World Economic Forum.

Vaccine boosters don’t block omicron. Vaccines make omicron worse. “Plans to vaccinate the whole planet every four months are not feasible.”

Total covid deaths in Britain for past two years: 17,000.

93 percent of deaths are among the vaccinated.

Hackers take death statistics from Pfizer, Moderna servers.

Project Veritas releases military documents on gain of function research: “Premeditated manslaughter.”

DARPA’s Project Defuse tries to unlink DARPA from the covid conspiracy.

Advice to covid protesters in Britain. The covid conspiracy is now being investigated by the police.

Long summary article on the covid conspiracy featuring Zelensky and Mercola.

Billions in covid funds went for other things.

News reports from the World Economic Forum at Davos.

How to win an argument with the global warmers.

There is no manmade climate change.

Now that Martin King day is past, it’s time to admit that racial integration has failed.

Is Kamala a man? Maybe not this man, but that awful face is awfully manly.

The swastika and the star of Rempham.






We believe the research was done by Jonathan Kleck. Decoding the symbolism in the Vatican:

“A general state education is a mere contrivance for molding people to be exactly like one another; and as the mold in which it casts them is that which pleases the predominant power in the government…it establishes a despotism over the mind.” John Stuart Mill


The expected evolution of the earth for the next 100 million years:

Manmade structures on the moon:

Structures beneath the pyramids:

Van Morrison, Georgia on My Mind.

News for January 15, 2022

Posted By on January 14, 2022

Russia/NATO talks are going nowhere.

Biden prepares more sanctions on Russia.

Russia sends troops to Kazakhstan to quash color revolution, pulls troops out the same week. China also sends troops. Kazakhstan is the homeland of the Khazarian jewish mafia. Its new city Astara, full of Illuminati symbolism, was a center of drug trafficking and money laundering. With the arrest in Ukraine of ex-president Petro Poroshenko and the freezing of his assets, the jewish mafia lost a source of drug, arms, and human smuggling revenue, so Biden gave the go-ahead order to overthrow the Tokayev government in Kazakhstan. The arrest of former intelligence chief Massimov means the Biden crime family has lost a source of revenue. The loss of illegal revenue from both countries is a major setback for Biden and the Illuminati.

What Kazakhstan means to Russia. Putin’s comments.

NATO affirms its right to deploy troops, weapons to Ukraine.

Russia threatens military deployment to Cuba, Venezuela.

How the U.S. financed the Kazakhstan color revolution. And here. Escobar on the Kazakhstan color revolution.

U.S. military preparations for war. CIA is training Ukrainians for special ops. Why Russia needs to respond militarily to the NATO build-up in Ukraine.

U.S. planning a bioweapons lab in Kazakhstan. Update.

How Russia views the U.S. mess in Afghanistan.

Biden builds new concrete wall around White House. What’s he afraid of?

Pentagon restricts occupancy to 25 percent due to covid. How could they be serious about a war with Russia? Well, it’s not going to be that kind of war. It’s going to be sanctions and psyops and covert operations and cyberattacks.

Chinese Communist Party internal struggles. China’s real estate sector is imploding from bad loans and overbuilding. China is also shutting down entire cities over a couple of covid cases. We look for further weakening of China’s economy. The globalist supply chains are unraveling.

Best news of the week: Supreme Court strikes down Biden’s mandatory vaccine policy. But the Communist states can still make their own restrictive policies. No such thing as a wise Latina.

Hospitals fire unvaccinated nurses, hire covid-positive nurses. This is what vaccine mandates accomplish.

Project Veritas release of U.S. military documents indicates Fauci lied about gain of function research. Covid is a bioweapon made in China, paid for and developed by U.S. scientists. Yeah, that’s what we said.

Everyone who died of covid should be considered murdered.

A summary of lies about covid that we reported over the last two years. More about the conspiracy.

Bob Moran of the UK sums it up nicely: The lockdowns are killing more people than the virus.

Germans discover wide range of impurities in the vaccines. Scary photos.

Italy bans unvaccinated from public transport.

Washington state forms “strike teams” to arrest anyone not vaccinated. The medical martial law scenario.

A deep look at coronavirus and 5G.

Globalists meet to plan financial collapse. More here. Read between the lines. The meeting was in Jerusalem. Carnegie is in on it, of course.

Former mason reveals a few secrets about Freemasonry:

Train robbery in Chicago is one indication of Democrats’ legalization of black crime.

Jew Jim Cramer on the Illuminati:

How the jews supplied arms for Europe’s wars of self-destruction.

Stalin accused of being a child rapist. Also Beria. Those darn jews. The child abuse never ends.

History of the Cheka.

Jewish claims of a Holocaust during World War I.

History of the relationship between Antifa and mass abortions.

National Socialists gathered libraries of documents concerning Freemasonry.

February is the month of celebration of Communist Martin Luther King. Don’t be fooled.

How to distinguish between schizophrenia and demon possession.

Why did people believe in the Holocaust?

We usually don’t cover local stuff, but it’s nice to see feminists getting owned.

A new dilemma: Wokesters want therapy but can’t find therapists who match their identities.

Before and After by Paul Gauguin:

John Prine, Lonesome Friends of Science:

News for January 8, 2022

Posted By on January 7, 2022

Khazakhstan insurrection likely organized by the West to distract Russia from Ukraine. Russia sends troops to quell disturbances.

U.S. military sends F16s to Poland.

U.S. finds little support in Asia.

Half of Republicans report they have lost faith in democracy. It’s not just us.

Department of Justice admits planting agents at Jan. 6 protest.

More censorship: T-Mobile erases links to Gateway Pundit in text messages.

University of Amsterdam documents how the white race will be replaced in the Netherlands.

FDA admits lab tests do not detect omicron. Yet the Biden administration is committed to more testing. At home tests are not approved by the FDA and may contain poisons.

96 percent of new cases in Germany are among the fully vaccinated.

World Council for Health demands an end to covid vaccines. And here.

Canadian Covid Care Alliance issues a report on vaccines: More Harm Than Good.

India restricts use of Merck covid pill. Too dangerous.

Doctors given bonuses to euthanize hospitalized covid patients.

Mayo Clinic fires 700 unvaccinated health workers. As if these health workers didn’t know how to take care of their health.

Vaccinated man’s head explodes at Israeli protest. Photo at left. Is there a 5G connection to graphene inserted to the brain by the vaccines? Connection between 5G and covid documented by National Institutes for Health. And now a 5G resistance movement forms in France.

Duterte orders arrest of any unvaccinated filipinos caught outside. Ditto for Northern Territory, Australia.

Quebec cracks down on unvaccinated.

Italy orders mandatory vaccination for older people.

Greece uses vaccine passport as anchor for digital ID.

How the covid pandemic allowed elites to lay the groundwork for total dictatorship. More here. Developer of implantable microchip says “There’s no stopping it.” French legislators get death threats over support for vaccine passport. Police investigate British government officials over covid policies.

Entrata chairman forced to resign after saying the jews are using covid for genocide, world government.

Aangirfan reveals the Bilderberg group members heavily involved in pushing the covid vaccines.

Michael Schratt’s video on the secret space program is a must-watch.

Lost Christian Masterpieces of the Dark Ages:

Julius Evola, The Tarantula’s Bite:

Some background on David Icke and his financial supporters. This post traces the idea of reptilian shape-shifters from several theosophist writers.

Russ Winter has a profile of the Marquis de Sade and traces his influence.

Matt Agorist reports on a study of CIA experiments on and torture of children.

Conspiracy researcher Eustace Mullins debunks the Holocaust. More here.

We just discovered the Order of Nine Angles, which appears to be a satanic neo-Nazi organization. Satanic neo-Nazi groups suffer from the false belief that Hitler and the SS were satanist. Not all Nazi leaders believed the same thing, there were factions, but most were Aryan religionists. Satanism is not an Aryan religion, Satanism is jewish. We are definitely not suggesting that you get involved, just that you be aware.

RIP John Madden

News for January 1, 2022

Posted By on January 1, 2022

In the phone call between Biden and Putin on Thursday, Biden threatened Russia with sanctions if Russia takes further military action in Ukraine.

Russia’s demands are stated in this memorandum. Basically, Russia demands that Ukraine cannot join NATO, NATO stops conducting military actions on Russia’s borders, and consultation committees are established. More here and here. It seems very unlikely that Biden will accede to Russia’s demands.

Putin says CIA was running Russia in the 1990s.

Agency masterminding vaccine passport has ties to Communist China.

Why China is suspected as the origin for omicron.

New York health commissioner admits the epidemic was exaggerated to scare parents into vaccinating kids.

Anti-vax mob in England, not exactly peaceful.

Federal judge blocks vaccine and mask mandate for Head Start program.

Last year the FDA advocated dropping pcr tests because they gave too many false positives. Now the CDC drops post-isolation pcr tests because they remain positive for too long. Meanwhile, everyone seems obsessed with getting tested when they have no symptoms.

The Lancet admits vaccines don’t prevent infection.

Study estimates 400,000 deaths in the United States from taking the vaccines.

UK data: 4 out of 5 deaths from covid were vaccinated.

Why illegal aliens don’t get vaccines: Big Pharma fears lawsuits for unwanted side effects.

Swedish company has developed a microchip that carries the covid passport and can be inserted under the skin.

Unvaccinated farmers are prevented from delivering their produce in Australia and Canada:

There is a documentary on the World Economic Forum called The Forum. This is a preview:

Conservative spokesmodels got their start with Israeli pornographer.

Remembering 25 Americans killed by illegal aliens in 2021.

Anti-Christian Pope Francis’s new world religion will have its headquarters in Abu Dhabi.

Pope Francis has revived the Catacomb Pact, which put forth the agenda of Marxist liberation theology. And here.

Ghislaine Maxwell found guilty, but records of Epstein’s network are sealed. Cover-up.

A brief history of pedophilia scandals in Britain.

The CIA’s role in satanic ritual abuse and child sex trafficking.

Resource for links about pedophilia.

Remember when white people were purged from TV advertising? Well, whites were not totally replaced by blacks, that big void was also filled by Asians. Guess who is upset about that? Communist China. Edmund Connelly has some background on the issue.

New 2022 California laws:
1. Vote-by-mail (ballots mass-mailed to every person they can send them to) becomes permanent for all elections at all scales.
2. Waiting time for suicide drugs (assisted suicide) shortened from 15 days to 48 hours.
3. Tear gas can no longer be used on rioters.
4. Road kill can now be collected for food. Seriously, that is now a law.
5. All companies must now have 50% women on their board of execs.
6. Taking off a condom during sex without a partner’s permission is now classified as sexual assault. It’s still OK to fuck someone if you have AIDS without warning them, however.
7. Restaurants can no longer give out plastic silverware, straws, chopsticks, and packaged condiments by default with meals.
8. Take-out alcoholic drinks are made permanently legal.
9. The word “alien” is forbidden in all state documents describing aliens. They are now “migrants.”
10. You can now easily report someone for owning a gun if you feel they are a danger to you in any way.
11. Businesses with more then 25 employees must start them at a minimum wage of $15.
12. All public schools for students of all ages must provide menstrual products in all restrooms.
13. You will be fined if you don’t sort your compostables from the rest of your garbage and recycling.

A quick look at Apple’s new car.

How cocaine smuggling actually works:

Linda Moulton Howe on the alien presence in Antarctica:

A worthwhile essay by Terry Melanson on twentieth-century philosophy and the weaponization of the arts. Another reason to be “against the modern world.”

Feminism destroyed the USA and Europe, will it also destroy China?

How archaeologists fabricated research to support the existence of ancient Israel.

Ryan Long’s comedy can get under some people’s skin:

News for December 25, 2021

Posted By on December 24, 2021

Russia issues public ultimatum to the U.S.: Ukraine cannot join NATO. The Saker discusses.

Russia claims U.S. is backing a “chemical provocation” in Ukraine. Also here.

Lavrov announces U.S. and NATO talks to begin early next year.

European Union demands to be part of Russia/NATO talks.

Stratfor explains why the Western alliance is so determined to cripple Russia. Also here.

Gazprom halts delivery of natural gas to Germany.

Israel’s central bank runs simulation for upcoming financial reset. Your money is about to be converted to a new digital currency.

Catherine Austin Fitts interview on the financial reset:

Engdahl says the Green agenda promotes the energy crisis to destroy the economy.

California bans gas-powered generators, leaf blowers, lawn mowers.

Dutch government cooperating with World Economic Forum Great Reset.

It appears that omicron is weaponized.

Merck’s new covid drug causes cancer.

In London, 70 percent of covid diagnoses were made after patients were hospitalized.

Danish study reveals 76 percent of covid cases occur among vaccinated people, 90 percent of omicron cases occur among vaccinated people, and very few omicron cases are hospitalized.

Now that it has been shown that vaccines cause cardiovascular problems, Pfizer is buying a cardiovascular biopharma company.

Pfizer provides different vaccine batches to its employees and partners.

German health minister says vaccination will be mandatory.

Morrison comes out against further lockdowns in Australia. Now that’s a surprise. But medical officer says to expect masks and booster shots into the indefinite future.

Vaccine passports can be implanted beneath the skin.

New York will consider forced quarantine in upcoming legislative session.

Bill deBlasio explains the Communist mindset:

WHO comes out against boosters, vaccinating children:

Bill Gates sent $54 million to China, Wuhan. Could somebody please arrest this guy?

16,000 doctors agree, children should not get vaccinated.

82 percent of pregnant women who got vaccinated suffered spontaneous abortion.

Vaccine protesters in Romania almost do something.

Piers Corbyn arrested for inciting anti-vax mob.

Boston bans unvaccinated from public spaces.

Harvard professor Charles Lieber prosecuted:

Democrat congresswoman hijacked at gunpoint in Philadelphia. It’s always amusing when the Marxist enablers get to experience the outcomes of their policies.

How Big Finance used the pandemic to take over assets cheaply.

Over $100 billion stolen from pandemic relief funds in United States.

At least 75 federal legislators held stock in the vaccine companies.

Half of all U.S. oil pipelines sit empty.

Toward the end of this blog there are many links to Aangirfan’s investigations into child sex abuse.

The secession movement from Oregon appears to be gaining support.

A psychologist discovers that politicians and health experts are misleading people about covid, but it seems he doesn’t have access to conspiracy knowledge. By relying on psychological concepts, such as mass hypnosis, it takes him months to figure out that the covid agenda is anti-human. Even now he lacks knowledge of the conspiracy and instead posits a mass delusion that included the politicians and medical experts. Don’t dabble in psychology. Get informed.

Vladimir Kvachkov explains it better.

The occultists have a similar view of mass hypnosis. They call it an egregore. The egregore concept takes into account spirit beings influencing mass hypnosis, or created by mass hypnoses. Psychology is atheistic materialist pseudoscience and includes many anti-human, manipulative technologies. Occultism is always under suspicion of being satanic and controlling, but not all occultists are involved in population control. The following video is informative:

We have enjoyed watching the History channel’s Ancient Alien series, and we believe that there is evidence supporting the existence of aliens. But the Ancient Alien series is also full of false claims and unfounded speculations. Brianna Gunter lists 20 things the History channel got wrong. There are certainly more than 20 false claims in the Ancient Alien series. This is just a quick intro. Search for Ancient Aliens criticism to learn more about this topic if you got pulled in by this show.

The relationship between CIA and Mossad, or, how James Angleton brought the USA under Israel’s control: