News for March 26, 2022

Posted By on March 26, 2022

Hunter Biden’s firm invested in Ukraine bioweapons labs with funding from Obama’s Department of Defense. Also here. Also here, and see the video at Red Ice.

Russia, China demand explanation for Hunter Biden’s investment in Ukraine bioweapons lab.

Zelensky suspends 11 political parties in Ukraine. Martial law, censorship.

Ukraine officials escape with suitcases full of money.

Poland has put together a plan to insert 10,000 “peacekeeping troops” into Ukraine.

U.S. special forces are already in Ukraine. Also CIA advisors and Blackwater mercenaries.

CIA has been training Nazis in Ukraine.

Pentagon accuses Russia of war crimes in Ukraine but provides no evidence.

Niall Ferguson has an interesting piece on Biden’s strategy of strangling Russia with sanctions while bogging Russia down in Ukraine.

Ukraine is prototype for Great Reset takeover.

Russia isn’t going to use biological or chemical weapons in Ukraine because Russia doesn’t have any such weapons.

Ukraine is a puppet state of the United States.

Very strange report from Ukraine on the ground.

Ian Bremmer, what the war in Ukraine will mean:

John Guandolo explains in a few words why no one should support Ukraine. The real war is against the Marxists in the U.S. More of the same sentiment from Robert Wallace.

The following report is taken from Judy Byington, a conspiracy researcher who claims to have access to a phone call between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump. Could be fake news.

“Covid 19 did not escape from Wuhan. With the court-ordered release of Pfizer documents on 1 March, we were just now discovering that North Carolina University Chapel Hill level 4 lab. of Duke University was the origination point of Sars Covid 19.

“The real truth was that hundreds of U.S. funded 333 Biolabs across the world received the SARS and other pathogens from the U.S, grew the Pathogens in mass formation (multiplied the production of the SARS, Bird Flu, Ebola, etc.) and then released the Pathogens in sequence on many countries.

“The Russian so-called attack on Ukraine created a False Flag War. The real purpose of Putin going into Ukraine was to destroy the thirty-three US CIA funded Bio-Weapon labs in Ukraine – the center of Deep State Operations. The Pathogens were set to be released on the public next Fall as part of the Depopulation Plan of the Deep State. The latest Pathogen was designed to kill only people of a particular race – Russian

“Putin briefed Trump on his efforts to destroy Western-sponsored bio labs in Ukraine, which he called an “eyesore” in a once beautiful landscape. According to Putin, who in 7 days has become the world’s most villainous villain, replacing Xi Jinping, the Russian military has wiped out: 11 U.S. State Department/Department of Defense-funded bioweapons facilities, 4 German toxic chemical research centers, 3 Swiss nanotechnology centers, 1 French biotech consortium, and 3 Israeli laboratories that were feverishly working to develop aerial rabies. In addition, Putin claimed that his forces had conducted precision attacks on mobile bio labs (18-wheeled transporters that had been insecurely converted to makeshift labs) that were attempting to transport deadly pathogens across the Ukrainian border into Poland. He told Trump that Russian SU-35 aircraft used laser-guided munitions to eliminate the roving labs.

“Putin said his warplanes destroyed a 200-acre villa owned by Biden 35 km west of Kiev. He insisted that Biden was deeply involved in Ukraine’s criminal activities and promised Trump he would soon provide the world with “all the evidence it needs.” Moreover, Putin claimed that “many people in Biden’s demonic den” were benefiting massively from the “conflagration of evil” that had taken hold on Ukrainian soil. Twenty of Biden’s fellow foreigners, Putin said, were killed in the attack.

“Seized laptops were said full of evidence of a massive international money laundering, gun/ drug running, child/human trafficking scheme – that appeared connected to other high powerful elites – including SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts,

“Biden‘s and Robert‘s crimes against Humanity appeared connected through the CIA, along with nine other intelligence agencies including the FBI. The covert agencies appeared to be running a human trafficking, gun and drug running ring used to blackmail political elites. All was being funded by US taxpayer dollars funneled through the CIA – long known to have worked with Jeffrey Epstein and his Pedophile Island in the blackmail of political and global elites.

“On the Biden Ukraine property the military seized $300 million in gold bullion, Chinese manufactured Type 56 assault rifles, tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition, laptops and in an underground antechamber were twelve duffel bags filled with black tar heroin.”

Judy Byington,

If this report is true, why wouldn’t Putin release the evidence to the world? Remains to be seen.

French lawyer who assisted Reiner Fuellmich’s prosecution of covid inventors has been arrested for treason.

CEO of German insurance company who leaked statistics of vax deaths has been fired.

UK government releases shocking health warning for triple vaxxed. Doctor warns millions of vaxxed will get AIDS by fall.

A closer look at Gilead.

Communist Chinese official (?) spills the beans about mass deaths in Wuhan. This is single-sourced and could be fake news, but it’s the most interesting piece we’ve seen on the background to covid in China.

Macron and friends flash Illuminati hand sign:

GM Battery Engineer: “We have neither the raw materials nor the manufacturing capacity” to support massive transition away from fossil fuels.

Get statistics about U.S. wars at Costs of War. Ukraine pales in comparison to recent U.S. wars.

Bronx Tina is running for Congress against AOC.

Jewish mass murderer Albright dead at 84.

FBI won’t be releasing quarterly crime statistics showing black crime rates.

Michael Gordin surveys fringe science without discussing the scientific dictatorship or the most interesting fringe science.

Jacob Brogan reports on the death of the humanities at university. He reveals in detail what everybody already knew–the Marxist takeover of the universities has left conservative students with few career opportunities. We are facing the end of the university as a place to preserve knowledge. The intellectual class is now in crisis because of Marxist censorship and cancel culture. Our guys need to focus on how to preserve censored knowledge for the next generations and how to encourage intellectual activity without payment or a career path.

Be careful around Asian chicks.

News for March 19, 2022

Posted By on March 19, 2022

Putin’s demands for cease-fire. Pretty much the same stuff he’s been saying all along. Putin’s goals in Ukraine are pretty modest. Putin is separating Russia from the Western financial and trade system, including the internet. The pro-Russia nations, including China, India, and Iran, will form a power block that greatly outnumbers and outproduces the western socialists.

Is the jewish/Nazi alliance in Ukraine a sufficient cause to turn Putin against Israel? Remains to be seen.

A few words from Putin. We think he also wants to rid Russia of degenerate NWO elements.

Zelensky, a gay New World Order stooge put in power by George Soros, signs off on social credit, vaccine mandate, digital ID.

Zelensky’s big gay pride parade.

Former Ukraine prime minister says NATO was planning a nuclear attack on Russia.

NATO has used Ukraine to surround Russia with bioweapons labs.

Russia charges Ukraine, U.S. with developing bioweapons in Ukraine.

Lavrov warns of dangers of Ukraine bioweapons labs, seeks international verification.

Documentary on Ukraine bioweapons labs:

Russia accuses Ukraine Nazis of war crimes. These charges will likely amount to nothing as both sides accuse the other of war crimes.

Pedro Gonzalez on the CIA’s disinformation war in Ukraine.

Russia says Ukrainian nationalists blew up one of the buildings belonging to the Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology in order to conceal evidence of the nuclear research conducted there.

150 companies have withdrawn from Russia, but many more remain. Most of the world is not boycotting Russia.

Catholic archbishop Vigano denounces globalist war in Ukraine. Not what we were expecting from the Catholics. Does Pope Francis know about this?

Patriarch Kirill speaks out about Ukraine, New World Order.

The West is prolonging the agony in Ukraine:

How the war in Ukraine plays into the Great Reset.

A volunteer who went to Ukraine says, “don’t go.”

Putin’s approval among Russians is rising.

NATO wargames near Ukraine.

Stop World Control has a long piece on disinformation about Ukraine on TV.

A Ukrainian nationalist waxes poetic on Ukranian multiculturalism and the Ukranian jews.

Ukraine worked against Trump to elect Hillary.

Igor Chudov investigates the similarity of covid to HIV.

Fauci owns the patent on the HIV insertion into covid.

Senator Rand Paul introduces measure to get rid of Fauci.

Dr. John Campbell examines the Pfizer release of documents:

Department of Homeland Security targets anyone questioning the 2020 election or covid policies as “extremist.” And here.

Jews are behind Antifa. Of course.

Pfizer CEO says fourth shot will be necessary—and a booster every year.

Has Pfizer been delisted from the New York Stock Exchange?

Andrew Yang has a long piece on how boys in the U.S. are failing.

America has a bird flu epidemic.

Clinton Pastor Who Adopted Haitian Orphans Has Been Arrested For SICKENING Child Sex Crimes

Izreal Zeus has a piece on the Colonna crime family. Helps to explain the Vatican crime family.

Ben Bartee
has a few thoughts on immigration, diversity, and the Great Reset. But he neglected to mention the jews behind it and their plans to rule the New World Order from Jerusalem.

News for March 12, 2022

Posted By on March 12, 2022

Russia: “We have found your biological weapons.” And here.

Russians capture documents at Ukraine bioweapons labs showing intention of spreading deadly pathogens.

Russia accuses Ukraine government of destroying weaponized pathogens in U.S.-funded biolabs.

World Health Organization directed Ukraine to destroy pathogens in biolabs?

Klaus Schwab, Hunter Biden, Anthony Fauci linked to Ukraine bioweapons labs.

How the Ukraine war could have been prevented.

Why that Ukranian nuclear reactor was never going to blow up.

A preview of Oliver Stone’s movie, Ukraine on Fire.

Mike Whitney profiles Volodymyr Zelensky.

Terra Zetzz, Corruption in Ukraine.

Thierry Meyssan, Vladimir Putin declares war on the Straussians.

Mary Sarotte traces U.S. NATO policy in the 1990s:

Tom Luongo guesses about Putin’s master strategy.

Russia finds NATO laptop at Right Sector headquarters.

Devon Archer and the Bidens’ corruption in Ukraine.

U.S. government plans for Ukraine government in exile.

Gordon Duff asked Russian intelligence for a data dump. Here is what he got.

Trucker convoy arrives in Maryland:

World Economic Forum’s plan for digital identity will form the basis of the global social credit system.

Johnny Vedmore traces the origin of the World Economic Forum to Kissinger, CIA.

Australia rips out ATM machines in preparation for digital currency.

European Union shifts energy focus away from Green decarbonization.

66 percent of fully vaccinated Israelis suffer vaccine side-effects.

Why is Rachel Walensky employed by the CDC?

What happens when you investigate Anthony Fauci’s financial dealings.

Austria suspends forced vaccination.

Australia had no scientific evidence to support vaccination or mask mandates.

Steve Kirsch, Big Pharma Has a License to Kill

Dick Morris interprets polling data for the midterm elections:

International Women’s Day is a Communist holiday.

How liberal pedophiles use Obamacare to traffic children.

From Major Jordan’s Diaries: How the Roosevelt administration funded Soviet Communism:

Patrick Fox on ancient Aryans. There’s more to the story…

Speculation about the underworld:

News for March 5, 2022

Posted By on March 5, 2022

Colonel Macgregor explains why Putin’s military is in Ukraine:

What you don’t know about the war in Ukraine:

Russia isn’t failing in Ukraine:

Ukraine is not a victim.

Russia says it has no plans to occupy Ukraine. But it appears they really do.

Lots of fake news about Ukraine on U.S. TV. And Russia is censoring its war news to the Russian population.

Russian propagandist asks, why did you start counting the deaths in Ukraine upon Russia’s invasion:

U.S. using mercenaries in Ukraine to launch new Donbass offensive.

Russian intelligence says Ukraine was building nuclear weapons.

George Webb says Putin needs to release information about U.S. bioweapons labs in Ukraine to win the battle for public opinion.

U.S. military runs bioweapons labs in 25 countries, funds 11 bioweapons labs in Ukraine. We cannot confirm that Russia has destroyed those labs.

U.S. embassy in Ukraine scrubs all mention of bioweapons labs.

Financial sanctions on Russia threaten global status of U.S. dollar.

The war itself is awful for those involved, the bigger picture is that the sanctions against Russia will divide the world into two opposing economic camps. A turning point for the age of globalism.

Russia, China anticipated U.S. sanctions and welcomed them as an opportunity to separate from the West.

Nouriel Rubini, Russia’s war and the global economy.

Ukraine asks international finance to forgive its national debt.

World Economic Forum, George Soros support Ukraine. Of course. That’s where their corrupt profits are coming from.

How did Zelensky become a billionaire?

Biden promised Zelensky that U.S. would respond swiftly to Russian aggression. That Biden, what a joker.

Russian soldier says Putin lied to them about Ukraine invasion.

Europe offers $500 million in weapons. To make the war drag on longer.

Why did Biden withdraw support for Israel’s pipeline?

Microsoft works for the Chinese military.

Microsoft enters cyberwar in Ukraine.

6 trucker covid protest convoys to merge in Indianapolis. Destination Washington, D.C., shortly. This might not go well.

Biden creates propaganda units to combat trucker convoy.

Pfizer vaccine has 8 pages of side-effects.

Toxic chemical in covid home testing kits.

France will suspend vaccine passport.

New Zealand High Court rejects vaccine mandate.

21 U.S. states have vaccine passports. More here.

WHO planning global vaccine passport.

Pfizer’s covid vaccine is killing children.

6 battles being fought in the culture war.

Jordan Peterson suggests that Canadians take their money out of Canada’s banks. If Biden responds as Trudeau did, U.S. citizens take note.

Professor gives white students lowest priority in class.

Peachy Keenan hands out awards for 2021. Amusing.

News for February 26, 2022

Posted By on February 25, 2022

Russia offers Ukraine terms of surrender: Become a neutral country and forbid deployment of foreign weapons inside Ukraine.

NATO refuses to provide security guarantees to Ukraine, evacuates staff from Ukraine.

Zelensky uses phone call with Macron to reach out to Putin for negotiations.

Background on the NATO/Ukraine relationship.

Germany halts Nordstream 2 pipeline certification.

The republics in Donetsk and Lugansk have ratified a friendship and assistance treaty with Russia.

Russian parliament ratifies treaty.

Syria recognizes independence of Donetsk and Lugansk.

Biden will send U.S. border agents to Ukraine.

Canada brought in UN troops to arrest protesters. More here.

Trudeau ends state of emergency in Canada as Canadians move massive amounts of money out of Canadian banks to the U.S.

Trudeau loves Israel. All the tyrants love Israel.

U.S. military approves call-up of national guard troops to guard Washington, D.C. from trucker convoy.

The People’s Convoy website. There is some talk that massing in Washington, D.C. isn’t the best idea. Route and timeline.

Ann Vandersteel focuses on the globalists causing the U.S. border crisis.

Former Pfizer VP Dr. Michael Yeadon says covid vaccine is a criminal conspiracy.

Joe Hildebrand reports on easing of covid restrictions in Australia.

German health insurance companies report 31,000 deaths due to covid vaccines.

German health insurance company reports massive side-effects from covid vaccines.

CDC admits withholding covid data from the public.

FDA admits PCR tests were designed to test positive.

France requires a fourth booster shot to keep vaccine passport.

Dr. David Martin indicts Fauci:

Don’t miss this video of Fauci clips.

World Health Organization plans global health care system.

Catherine Austin Fitts on the coming Great Reset agenda.

Roger Koops finally connects the dots. Congratulations.

International shippers refuse to carry U.S. agricultural products at the request of China.

The Chinese Communist Party is preparing to nationalize everything in China— companies, banks, and real estate. This could wipe out all foreign investment. The foreign banks and bondholders would lose trillions of dollars. Some shipping lines have suspended operations, and at least three Chinese ports, including Shanghai and Shenzhen, remain partially closed. The real reason: They want to keep their goods in the country and deny the flow of goods to the West.

A small group of Nazis visited a Communist book club. Video.

A jewish massacre of Christians in Ukraine.

FBI releases document with details about alien bodies and spacecraft.

Camille Flammarion and the Mystery of Death.

Not Dark Yet

News for February 20, 2022

Posted By on February 19, 2022

Russian Duma recognizes the independence of Donetsk and Lugansk from Ukraine. This resolution allows Putin to come to their defense under Russian law.

Ukraine forces increase attacks on Donetsk and Legansk starting Wednesday night. Donetsk and Lugansk governments order Russians living there to evacuate to Russia.

German diplomacy leads to statement of Ukraine support for independence for the two provinces. We’ll believe it when we see it enacted.

Finian Cunningham explains the aims and methods of the U.S./British axis of control over Europe.

Britain withdraws its troops from Ukraine.

Watch Pierre Trudeau get slammed in parliament.

Deputy Prime Minister of Canada and World Economic Forum director Chrystia Freeland explains why it’s necessary to take away Canadians’ rights.

Quebec rejects Trudeau’s state of emergency, drops vaccine mandates.

Nice Canadian solidarity video.

Catherine Austin Fitts on the necessity of resistance now. The trucker strike is our best opportunity to oppose the New World Order. If we lose this confrontation, our future is grim.

French police attack trucker convoy protesters.

U.S. government planning to crush domestic truck convoy. U.S. truck convoy to Washington, D.C. starts Feb. 23 in Barstow.

Klaus Schwab with bust of Lenin.

Sudden policy switch in Austria: Restrictions against unvaxxed to be lifted. Norway cancels vaccine requirements.

New Zealand threatens to use military against vaccine mandate protesters.

New York City mayor fires 1430 city workers who refused vaccine.

Dr. Mercola traces the globalist networks responsible for covid.

The FDA’s role in the covid corruption.

Former Pfizer employee exposes company corruption.

More on Pfizer head Albert Bourla.

Moderna CEO dumps $400 million in stock.

Kristoffer Hansen questions the role of vaccines in eradicating smallpox.

Houston installs surveillance kiosks.

AstraZeneca vaccine suspended in Europe due to blood clots.

Could the covid conspirators be prosecuted?

Li-Meng Yan (remember her?) says China is releasing a hemorrhagic fever bioweapon at the Olympics.

Egypt leans toward China.

Elon Musk loses 40 starlink satellites. Actually they were shot down. The globalists don’t want any competition for their communication media.

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken helped U.S. universities gain access to Chinese cash.

Reiner Fuellmich says ICC court has been infiltrated.

Bird flu outbreak in U.S.

Judge rules against Biden climate order.

UK ends promotion of Black Lives Matter in schools.

In honor of black history month, a whole website devoted to black invention myths.

Mark Schwendau asks, does a global depopulation agenda exist? Different people figure it out at different times.

Why a declining population is not good.

Jim Goad explains why white people should just go back to being racist. Why be a race traitor?

The jew as global parasite.

Interview with David Hockney.

Neil Young v. Joe Rogan. More here than meets the eye.

Hidden in plain sight:

News for February 12, 2022

Posted By on February 12, 2022

Russia and Ukraine talks yield no results.

Macron/Putin talks focus on peaceful resolution. On the table: Elections in Donetsk and Luhansk. Ukraine rejects.

Turkey was wobbling but shifts support to Ukraine.

Mike Whitney, What Putin Wants.

“The current Ukrainian regime wouldn’t dare act this way toward Russia but for the fact that it’s backed up by the Jews who control US and EU.”

The Only Way to Understand the Ukrainian Crisis Is by Placing Jewish Supremacist Power at the Front and Center of the Discussion

Wolfgang Munchau says European integration has failed. He focuses on economic integration, but the larger problem is the gang of Khazarian jews who want to bleed Europe dry and end the white race.

Canadian judge gives go-ahead to arrest truckers. Some decide to stay.

Canada declares GiveSendGo donations to truckers illegal. GiveSendGo says they won’t yield to Canadian government confiscation of funds.

French police ban trucker protest.

Germany organizing trucker protest convoy.

New Zealand protest convoy blocks capital.

A little cheerful opposition in school.

City workers shut down Brooklyn Bridge.

Microsoft, GE, Intel support Chinese military.

Militants of the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which is supported by the United States, steal 140,000 barrels of crude oil on a daily basis from oil fields in Syria’s northeastern province of Hasakah. Russia is opposing U.S. forces in Syria as U.S. forces target Russian forces, Syrian law enforcement agencies, as well as Iranian military advisers. The war front of the moment is Syria.

Three NATO carrier groups exercise in the Black Sea to counter Russia/Belarus exercises.

Klaus Schwab warns(?) about shutdown of internet and electric grid. So many of his warnings have come true because they are actually plans.

Australians release video condemning Fauci.

Czech Republic Supreme Court throws out vaccine requirements.

Austria extends covid lockdowns to 2024, will fine unboosted residents at random vehicle checks.

European Union wants vaccine passports for another year.

David Martin on the takeover plan.

Janet Levy identifies our enemies as the Reds, the Greens, and the Blues. We are the Yellows. OK, whatever.

North Korean hackers are using Windows to plant malware.

Argentina signs up for China’s Belt and Road. China is going to take Latin America.

Former Vodaphone CEO links 5G with coronavirus.

Michael Anton notices the Left using civil war rhetoric to justify repression.

Climate scientists admit computer models were wrong.

The leaders of the pandemic shutdown are also population controllers devoted to the New World Order. Yeah, that’s what we said.

Kevin Sorbo asks a penetrating question about covid vaccines.


Scottsdale, Arizona schoolboard charged with child abuse, practicing medicine without a license, segregation, and inappropriate sexual material in the school libraries.

Biden spends $30 million on crack pipes to help racial equality. But crack pipes don’t make black people equal to whites. Nothing will.

British university recognizes people who identify as cats. Peak gender insanity?

Black Lives Matter founder sentenced to 6 years in prison.

Amusing billboards.

The Race Problem of the Roman Empire. “The question was whether the Romans were to raise the provincials to their level and assimilate them with themselves or to be assimilated by the provincials, which would include a levelling down of the culture.” Rome was the great multicultural fail.

The secret of Freemasonry is ritual sodomy of children. Jacob Frank (Leibowicz) stressed that the “sex-magick” Zohar (Book of Radiance) was the most important Judaic/Kabbalist text. Sodomy rites exist at the highest echelons of these judaic-masonic systems—Satanism and sodomy. The Talmud derives its mentality mainly from older occult lineages and kingdoms of pagan priestcraft, including Egypt and Babylon, all important sources for the masonic-sodomite OTO.

“This formalized religion of bureaucratic oppression (Talmud) and pagan gnosis (Kabbalah) became known after 70 A.D. as JUDAISM.” Craig Heimbichner, Blood on the Altar

The Typhonian tradition is sometimes defined as a current that flows through the cosmology of the Order Templi Orientis (OTO) established and made famous by Aleister Crowley. Typhon was the god in Greek mythology who, when appearing before the other gods, was so ugly he changed into a fire-eating monster; he waged a terrible war and was eventually killed by one of Zeus’ thunderbolts. Thus, Typhonian is synonymous with fire and force; it also means the Opposer. Typhon’s Egyptian counterpart is Set or Seth.

“Most Witches, myself included, find it necessary to study his material and ‘plug themselves into’ the magical current of Crowley’s demon spirit guide, a mysterious being named Aiwass. Aiwass is another name for Set, an Egyptian god. Sodomy is especially sacred to Set. It opens what are called the Typhonion tunnels, channels through which extremely powerful demons, like the horrible Choronzon, can travel from the alternate reality and emerge into this universe and enter the sex partner’s body. Sex (especially lustful and disconnected sex) is a major way in which demonic oppression can be passed from one person to another.” Bill Schoebelen

John Prine, Knockin on Your Screen Door