News for May 14, 2022

Posted By on May 14, 2022

Russia will annex parts of Ukraine and Georgia. Russia’s annexation of southern Ukraine is one possible outcome of this conflict. Poland is prepared to annex western Ukraine. But we are a long way from a peaceful settlement.

Ukraine halts Russian gas transmissions to Europe.

German gas import company will pay Russia in rubles. Europe will have trouble enforcing sanctions against Russian energy imports.

EU plans to borrow $15 billion to give to Ukraine. While food and energy prices skyrocket. Meanwhile, the U.S. Congress has approved $40 billion for Ukraine. Insanity.

Russia says Ukraine tried to infect children with tuberculosis.

UN receives evidence of Ukraine atrocities from Russia, adopts peace language.

Xi Jinping may be suffering from a brain aneurysm. This could be a sign that he is losing an internal struggle for control of China.

Director of the National Institutes for Health testifies to Congress that the NIH withheld the covid virus genomic sequences under directions from the Chinese.

NIH hid $350 million royalty payback scheme to Fauci.

Bill Gates is funding “vaccine disinformation” censorship on social media.

Pfizer vaccine trials were rigged, no FDA oversight.

Pfizer documents reveal 90 percent of pregnant women who were vaccinated miscarried.

The global kidnapping of American medicine.

New theory suggests China developed two viruses, one attacking food supply. We’ll need more evidence.

Biden economic adviser says “nothing better” than Chinese Communism.

Biden is causing the baby food shortage by shipping palettes of baby food to the border for illegal immigrants. Abbott Labs was forced to close its baby food plant in February due to (false) charges of infant illnesses and death.

Germany’s Minister of Development forecasts millions of deaths from famine.

India bans wheat exports.

Government of Canada offers to pay poor people to euthanize them.

EU will extend vaccine passport until summer of 2023.

CDC calls cell phones to make sure children are vaccinated.

A bill that would allow the United States government to sue OPEC nations for anti-trust violations is before Congress. As if we didn’t already have enough energy problems.

20 states plan to oppose Biden’s DGB Ministry of Truth. Better hurry, they are planning to seize bank accounts.

90 percent of nations plan to establish central bank digital currency. Also here.

Abortion is a jewish value.

Apple’s Chinese slaves rebel at covid lockdown.

Taco Bell begins drag queen brunch program. You can make your own tacos.

Pizza Hut went woke, going broke.

Illinois college will establish special academy for black men. They are self-segregating while calling for multicultural integration. Support this segregation trend, segregate and separate for survival.

Wisconsin school district sues 3 students for sexual harassment for failing to use correct pronouns.

Communists found Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights. Their plans don’t end with the abortion issue.

Psychologist says half her patients are transgender.

A dance to European tyranny:

Occult underpinnings of military psyops.

Laurent Guyenot, Did Israel Kill the Kennedys?

Spencer Quinn reviews the book Jewish History, Jewish Religion by Israel Shahak.

The Bible is not a history book.

Warren Balogh lectures on the mass expulsion of whites from American cities.

Jews begin building third temple so they can begin sacrificing animals to Yahweh:

News for May 7, 2022

Posted By on May 7, 2022

“People who destroy whole nations do not have the right to teach us democracy and the values of living freely.”  Vladimir Putin

Russia presents evidence of war crimes by Ukrainian army to UN. UN adopts peace resolution for Ukraine.

Canadian military has been training Azov battalion soldiers. Top Canadian generals accused of sexual misconduct are leading Azov holdouts in Mariupol.

War talk from the government of the UK.

Russia warns UK with nuclear destruction if it continues war effort in Ukraine.

Putin’s speech to the West. Transcript

Lavrov interview with Xinhua News Agency.

U.S. admits it is sharing intelligence with Ukraine.

How is Ukraine going to pay for all those U.S. weapons?

NATO plans wargames in Poland.

The European Union is seeking agreement among its member nations to refuse purchase of Russian oil by the end of summer, but Hungary, Bulgaria, and Czech Republic are not in agreement. Russia points out that refusing to buy Russian oil will impose economic hardships on Europe.

Alaister Macleod, Financial War Takes a Nasty Turn

Tom Luongo, The Great Currency Reset and Why Europe Is Trapped

UN and WEF sign agreement to accelerate Agenda 2030.

Major report: How Big Pharma plans to take over the world food supply.

FDA restricts use of Johnson and Johnson vaccine due to blood clots. But this restriction is a very weak response to the blood clot problem.

CDC study reveals covid vaccine increases risk of myocarditis.

Children’s risk of death increases by 5,100 per cent after covid vaccination.

Centers for Disease control bought huge databases, tracked phone use to see if citizens were following lockdown orders.

Sri Lanka recently mandated organic farming. Now their agriculture is screwed. Sri Lanka recently defaulted on its government bonds.

Oath Keeper leader pleads guilty to seditious conspiracy on Jan 6.

“We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.”

Ryan Matters discusses six manipulation techniques drawn from the work of Edward Bernays.

Green lawns are outlawed in Nevada.

David Siegel makes the case that there is no climate change and carbon dioxide has nothing to do with the climate.

Robert Maryks, The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews

Remembering Dominique Venner.

Some relatively unknown architects of the New World Order.

We want to thank Johnny Depp and Amber Heard for a lot of entertainment during a slow news week.

“Best UFO photo ever taken.”

Sweden will become a third world nation by 2030.

Walter J. Veith on Freemasonry:

Gauguin: Symbolism’s Problem Child

News for April 30, 2022

Posted By on April 30, 2022

Russia realizes it is at war with NATO, announces it will use nuclear weapons:

Poland planning to send troops, military gear to Ukraine. Poland seizes Russian natural gas assets.

UK to deploy 8,000 troops near Ukraine. Russia threatens response.

Russia says US, Ukraine conspired to assassinate Russian journalist.

A closer look at George Soros’ role in Ukraine.

Jeanne Smits opines that conservatives shouldn’t be fooled by supporting Putin. She makes a good case, and we have linked to similar articles with even better reasons, such as Putin’s association with Chabad Lubavitch. The problem is, the alternatives are even worse. At least Putin doesn’t want to eliminate the white race.

Macron defeats Le Pen. Of course the election was fixed. In response, the Frenchies are protesting, cutting internet cables, and throwing tomatoes. When the jews want to subvert a government, they don’t throw tomatoes.

France announces digital vaccine passport.

Nigeria shuts down 73 million phones lacking digital ID.

Archbishop: The New World Order agenda requires Italy to perish. And all those other nations, too.

In Italy, social credit scores will be tied to climate.

Dr. Yan Li-meng says that the China covid lockdown is cover for a civil war between the Xi Jinping faction and Jiang Zemin faction preceding the Communist Party Congress. We think this is a valuable intelligence report.

The UN controls NATO.

The UN will take over control of the CDC and manage the global covid pandemic, which is technically not a pandemic.

Chief economist for the World Bank wants to halt sales of internal combustion engines.

Why the petro dollar is finished. Biden killed it with sanctions against Russia.

Denmark is the first EU nation to halt its vaccination program.

Italian court rules mandatory vaccination is unconstitutional.

Big Pharma prepares for an outbreak of AIDS caused by mRNA vaccines with a new mRNA AIDS vaccine.

Triple vaxxed are 5 times more likely to get covid than the unvaxxed.

WHO is weaponizing psychiatry for global mental health control.

Northern Ireland must sacrifice 1 million sheep and cattle because climate.

Israel’s central bank will replace U.S. dollar with Chinese yuan. Our greatest ally.

Disney underground tunnels, pedophilia exposed.

Zoos are giving animals the covid jab.

How the jews attack Holohoax deniers.

Moslem police force tries to take over police force in Minneapolis.

How the Democrats screwed California.

Who is destroying the food-processing plants?

33rd degree Freemason blood-drinking ritual.

We have been wanting to review the book Germany Must Perish, but we’re old and slow. Renegade Tribune now has a review. This book is among the best evidence for an international jewish conspiracy to genocide the German people. Of course, the Bolshevik revolution in Russia and its accompanying white genocide still stands as the greatest jewish genocide against whites. As Trotsky said, “Kill all the best gentiles.”

News for April 23, 2022

Posted By on April 23, 2022

“We Jews toy with the American public as a cat toys with a mouse.”
— Harold Wallace Rosenthal

Putin says Russia has withstood U.S. and EU sanctions. Meanwhile, the sanctions are backfiring as the cost of energy skyrockets in the sanctioning nations. Tyler Durden has more analysis of Europe’s dilemma. Also here. The latest reports from Europe indicate that European nations are not going to unite around sanctions on Russia as too many nations require Russian energy to keep their factories going.

The New World Order/Great Reset narrative intends to blame Putin for inflation, but both energy and food inflation are desired goals of the wreck everything before we build back green agenda.

Russia views U.S. shipments of weapons to Ukraine as legitimate military targets. Many U.S. shipments have been destroyed or ended up in Russian hands. The U.S. is exhausting its supply of missiles.

Britain sends special forces to Ukraine. Lots of foreign mercenaries are fighting for Ukraine. U.S. generals are directing military activities in Ukraine from information provided by U.S. spy satellites.

Russian economist explains the new global financial system.

Ukraine using witchcraft to win war. And here.

World Bank blames rise in food prices on Russia. Blaming Russia will be the narrative of the NWO controllers going forward, but in fact the green agenda, the sanctions, and dirty tricks involving stopping fertilizer and food shipments as well as blowing up food factories and shipment centers are causing the rise in food prices.

Bill Gates wants to be your farmer. And your doctor. Please arrest this guy.

Railroads are halting grain and fertilizer shipments to farmers inside the U.S. Mike Adams calls it an engineered famine. Also here.

A little discussion about how the New York Federal Reserve Bank owns Ukraine and uses it as a money laundering location. With a little help from the Bidens, Nancy Pelosi, Mitt Romney, and Al Gore.

Le Pen accused of misuse of funds ahead of French election. You can always predict dirty election tricks by the socialists.

Tim Brown documents medical papers showing adverse effects of covid shots.

Pfizer knew their mRNA therapy causes AIDS.

Fauci signed a deal with China to destroy secret bioweapons research files.

We didn’t know that 26 U.S. states have formed an organization to cooperate to protect the southern border.

Mark Dolan: We bankrupted Britain to fight a mild virus. It’s more like, they wrecked the National Health Service to lock everybody down.

Dr. Bryan Ardis explains to Mike Adams why he thinks covid-19 was developed from snake venom. Part 1 of 3. See for parts 2 and 3.

This is old news, but isn’t it stunning who is exempt from taking the vaccine:

President of Bayer admits covid “vaccines” are actually not vaccines. Did your media tell you that?

Embalmer finds blood clots in 93 percent of the last 30 people she embalmed. All were vaccinated.

CDC releases data showing vaccinated people more likely to get covid.

Banners for Freedom:

Has Germany surrendered to Islam? Yes. Germany is lost.

Legislation to regulate Big Tech is getting closer, so the spies and disinformation agents have issued a statement that their continued censorship and disinformation is necessary for “national security.”

Sally Beck has a short piece on what came before the Great Reset. We have a whole book on it.

Intel develops AI to detect student emotions in classroom. We can do without AI, but the controllers seem to need it.

Who is responsible for the spike in black murders following the George Floyd protests? Black Lives Matter

Paul Craig Roberts: Whites were slaves in North Africa before blacks were slaves in the New World.

Isabel Peralta denied entry to Germany.

Jews in Israel are lusting to build their temple and kill some animals to sacrifice to their weird bloodthirsty god YHWH. Palestinians oppose their idea. Four jews arrested with a goat.

Why is Hitler one of the greatest figures in Western history? Because he identified the jews as the founders of Communism, actually fought them in the street, kicked the Rothschild bankers out of the country, issued a national currency, forbade the charging of interest on loans, and engineered one of the greatest economic growth stories in history. He actually promoted the interests of the German people and defended them from the jews, who wanted to destroy them. We can’t hope to find a leader in the United States who wants to save the white race, but we can honor Hitler’s effort.

In honor of Adolf Hitler’s birthday, April 20, here is a fun, light comedy movie about what would happen if Hitler came back:



News for April 17, 2022

Posted By on April 17, 2022

NATO sends nuclear-armed warships to the Baltic Sea. NATO plans to arm F-15s with nuclear weapons. Germany and U.S. continue flow of weapons into Ukraine.

Biden says Russia is committing “genocide” in Ukraine, but U.S. spy agencies are not able to confirm atrocities.

Zelensky says the world should be ready for nuclear war with Russia. Sure, since Biden is sending U.S. nuclear weapons to NATO countries.

Russia reveals more information about U.S. bioweapons activities in Ukraine. And here.

Biden administration steals $100 billion in Russian foreign reserves that Russia planned to use to pay off foreign debts. Financial experts are predicting that Russia will default on its foreign debts. Now we know why.

Biden is closing the U.S. and Mexican borders to truck drivers who are unvaccinated, causing supply chain snarls as Mexican truck drivers block access to the U.S. Expect the Biden shortages to get worse.

Three months before covid was unveiled, DOD awarded Ukraine a special “Covid-19 Research” contract. We now understand that Ukraine bioweapons labs were used to distribute the covid virus. Russia says it is no longer getting covid infections since they took over the U.S. bioweapons labs in Ukraine.

Data from Scotland show that covid infection is highest among the 2-dose vaccinated and lowest among the unvaccinated. It is clear that the covid virus is a lab-made bioweapon and the mRNA “vaccines” are ineffective at preventing covid infection and cause serious side-effects, including death. See here.

Luc Montagnier: “The unvaccinated will save humanity.”

Disney child star says Hollywood is loaded with Satan worshippers. Yeah, that’s what we said years ago.

Something about Stram Kurs in Sweden. Do you find it strange that no one is organizing protests against the invasion of our southern border? Makes you think that whites have no future if they’re going to be passive in the face of an extinction threat.

Statement from a government official in Iran:

“The west delineates certain lifestyle for other societies… but what has this done to the West itself? It has caused negative population growth.

European societies will reach a point, within several decades, where you’ll have to search for a single person of the European race in France or in England, for example.

What will be the meaning of national identity there? There will be no such thing as the English people anymore. This will be a different nation and a different society.

Some people might interpret what I say to be racial discrimination. But if you care about the value of preserving a nation’s identity and the continued existence of that nation, know that the path the West outlined for human society will ultimately be the annihilation of future generations.

In a few years, you will have to find the European race in museums, and they will tell about the people who used to live in Europe. With light-colored eyes, blond hair, and white skin…

This will be the outcome if they continue this process. Is this a desirable process for any society?

The reason that the Africans went there and took over the national teams. They swarmed society as a whole, not just the national sports teams. Those sports teams constiture a reflection of society.

The reason is that within their own societies, those immigrants have not embraced the European lifestyle. They gave birth to children, started families, grew in number, and took over that society.

If those Africans embraced the Western lifestyle, they, too, will head towards extinction.

Human society is heading towards extinction. Nobody is willing to get married anymore. They live with dogs, crocodiles, and cats. Nobody is willing to give birth to children, raise them, and build a life.”

He forgot to mention feminism and jewish control of white population replacement through immigration.

We don’t report much from Iran, but we would like to note how weird it is that the Democrats mount huge propaganda campaigns against Iran while financing their nuclear weapons program, founding ISIS (thanks, Obama), and promoting Moslem immigration.

Edward Falcone names the U.S. government officials who have been bribed by the Vatican.

A gnostic interpretation of Genesis by Alvin Boyd Kuhn. This is not Kuhn’s main point, but we were struck by the idea that the West has been operating for centuries under an eclipse of knowledge by Christianity, followed by an eclipse of knowledge by materialist science and jewish Marxism. Kuhn points to an ancient wisdom tradition, but we require one that is not contaminated with trafficking in demons and supporting jewish takeover of the world.

Mystery History is a website devoted to investigating historical mysteries and controversies. You might find something there.

Artifacts found on the moon:

News for April 9, 2020

Posted By on April 9, 2022

Shivshankar Menon, The Fantasy of the Free World.

Ramzy Baroud reviews NATO’s recent wars. According to the BBC, the US has already allocated $2.7bn to Ukraine over the last eight years, long before the current war. This massive arsenal included “anti-tank and anti-armor weapons … US-made sniper (rifles), ammunition and accessories.”

Laurent Guyenot on the neocons.

Orban declares election victory over Soros, international Left. Orban rebuts Soros agenda.

“The West will never lift sanctions against Russia. This is war. What will be our reaction? Regular nuclear weapons on the battlefield. Re-equipping the Iskanders with special ammunition.” Igor Korotchenko on Russian TV

Fake videos from Bucha Ukraine. Tucker Carlson exposes fake U.S. news about Ukraine.

Pentagon says there are no offensive bioweapons in the 30+ bioweapons labs they funded in Ukraine. Russia begs to differ.

How the Ukraine security service set up drug trafficking labs inside Russia.

Mike Shedlock looks at the new international oil and natural gas supply chains being formed.

How the Democrats stole your money and called it covid relief.

Former Attorney General Barr stopped investigation of election fraud.

World Economic Forum sponsors AI program to monitor teens and tell them if they are gay.

Sneaky spy app takes over Android phones.

The top 10 covid lies of Anthony Fauchi.

Triple vaxxed suffer 80 percent immune system degradation.

7 out of 10 vaxxed CDC employees got covid.

Massive increase in heart disease among vaccinated children.

Massive increase in deaths among vaccinated U.S. military personnel.

Dozens of Disney employees have been arrested for sex crimes. We warned years ago that Disneyland and Disney World were destinations where children go to disappear.

The Ghislaine Maxwell/Disney connection.

UK government pays doctors for every person they get to change sex.

Death penalty for pedophiles in Indonesia.

The pedophile problem in Holland:

7.5 years of no global warming.

Biden study shows banning natural gas does not lower carbon emissions.

5G is about social control over you.

Hugh Moore and the depopulation agenda.

Now they are suggesting Marine Le Pen might win.

An auction of WWII memorabilia in Maryland.

Paul Rassinier’s pioneering work on debunking the Holocaust hoax.

Fritz Springmeier on an Illuminati ritual, The Feast of the Beast. And here.

“The major cause for American Negroes’ intellectual and social deficits is hereditary and racially genetic in origin, and thus, not remedial to a major degree by improvement in environment.”
Dr. William Shockley, Nobel Prize-winner for his invention of the transistor and renowned geneticist at Stanford University.

According to 2013 FBI crime statistics, Negroids kill 7.87 Aryans per week, and they kill over 43 Negroids per week. Although this represents a 6,607% increase over the KKK and a 20,350% increase over White Nationalists, blacks in America are not considered a terrorist threat by the government.

“Another thing that struck me [in the American] was the great influence of the Negro, a psychological influence naturally, not due to the mixing of blood. The emotional way an American expresses himself, especially the way he laughs, can best be studied in the illustrated supplements of the American papers; the inimitable Teddy Roosevelt laugh is found in its primordial form in the American Negro. The peculiar walk with loose joints, or the swinging of the hips so frequently observed in Americans, also comes from the Negro. American music draws its main inspiration from the Negro, and so does the dance. The expression of religious feeling, the revival meetings, the Holy Rollers and other abnormalities are strongly influenced by the Negro. The vivacity of the average American, which shows itself not only at baseball games but quite particularly in his extraordinary love of talking – the ceaseless gabble of American papers is an eloquent example of this – is scarcely to be derived from his Germanic forefathers, but is far more like the chattering of a Negro village.” Carl Jung

Exceptional beauty of the Himalayas:

News for April 2, 2022

Posted By on April 2, 2022

Russia charges that the Ukraine government was considering using bioweapons against civilians in the Donbass and in Russia. Also here.

Russia says Ukraine biolabs were exporting materials to other countries.

Who else was in on it.

Medvedev says Russia will only sell agricultural products to friendly nations, in rubles.

Russian military restores flow of water from Ukraine to Crimea after being blocked for 8 years.

U.S. sanctions against Russia will end up creating a new world financial system. And here. You can thank Joe Biden for splitting the world economy into two systems by putting sanctions on Russia.

India bypasses dollar to side with Russia under new payment system.

Mike Whitney says NATO wants to join the ground war in Ukraine. But Europe is not united for war against Russia.

E. Michael Jones offers historical analysis about Ukraine linked to the position of right-wing homosexuals.

Mike Adams reports on opposition to Biden growing within his government.

If Germany doesn’t pay for Russian natural gas in rubles, it will be forced to ration gas, and major factories will shut down.

Biden administration to switch health care workers from veterans administration to illegal aliens.

Biden kills program to catch Chinese spies.

World Government Summit pushes New World Order:

Weaver says we won’t be able to avoid the new biotechnologies they have planned for us.

Congress has the receipts showing money transfers from the Chinese Communist Party to Hunter Biden.

China is locking down Shanghai due to covid (?), which is stalling international trade.

German government plans to disrupt right-wing networks, take guns.

Trucker strike in Spain paralyzes economy.

The U.S. government paid the media a billion dollars to push the vaccines.

Pfizer offered a doctor $1 million to stop criticizing their dangerous vaccines.

German court rules that mRNA vaccines cause serious side-effects, even death, but uphold vaccine mandate.

We have been reporting for years that our elites are sex perverts and Satan worshippers. Now a member of Congress reports he was invited to join orgies. This might help those who missed the Jeffrey Epstein story.

Emerald Robinson, How the Ukraine War Starts the Great Reset. Just one of many voices explaining that the war in Ukraine is a cover for imposing policies the elites have wanted to implement to control us.

Senator in Australia exposes World Economic Forum agenda in Parliament.

Robert Wallace makes the case for peace in Ukraine.

Matthew Ehret has a nice scholarly article on the British Empire and its secret societies as precursors to the World Economic Forum and its Great Reset agenda. The key to the British Empire is understanding how the jews controlled it.

We are pleased to see a piece at Ancient Origins on the reach of Buddhist missionaries from India into Greece.

Matt Ridley criticizes support for wind power, which supplies Britain with 4 percent of its energy needs.

Ferris State University says Negroes are a separate species from humans.

PhilosophiCat has a series discussing the thought of Julius Evola. Part 1 below. Good advice for dealing with a world in ruins.