News for August 20, 2022

Posted By on August 20, 2022

Dr. Martin: This is not a pandemic, it’s bioterrorism:

Everybody who took the shot got HIV:

Australian media are not hiding deaths and injuries from the vaccine.

Drobinin offers Russian vision of global affairs.

Russia charges that U.S. conducted inhumane lab experiments in Ukraine.

U.S. Department of Defense awarded a covid research contract to Ukraine 3 months before covid was known to exist.

Putin fears jewish kabbalist death curse. Yeah, the jews use black magic.

FBI erects barriers around its DC headquarters.

Germany fears severe energy regulations will prompt protests. Could happen.

Dutch protesters have bought a tank. These guys look serious.

Police in Netherlands try to infiltrate protests:

German farmers form convoy to Bonn to protest climate policy.

A third Bill Gates-owned Picnic business has been set on fire in Rotterdam.

Big Pharma is testing mRNA flu shots for you right now.

England plans biggest vaccination program in history.

Pfizer paid a bribe of $2.8 million to the FDA for vaccine approval.

The depopulation agenda in plain sight.

Craig Paardekooper tracks vaccine batches targeting individual countries.

U.S. Department of Homeland Security seeks to share its spy data with other countries.

How your carbon wallet is going to work.

Lots of money was stolen from the government during the pandemic. Now they are trying to scratch some of it back.

Kenyan doctors charge UNICEF and WHO with sterilizing millions of girls using tetanus vaccines. Gee, who can you trust these days?

Whitney Webb, One Nation Under Blackmail Not just Epstein.

The CIA was always involved in drug trafficking.

FBI fusion centers are the police state.

Anal sex causes health problems for women. Duh.

German pervs discuss their sex relations with their dogs:

Jewish-American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel. As Hitler said, Israel is basically a criminal state.

How many people have been killed worldwide by the covid vaccine? 5 to 12 million. Also see this.

How to get involved with legal actions against the NWO controllers.

China doesn’t have the problem of half of its population being anti-Chinese.

European Union court rules that Italy cannot revoke welfare for violent Moslem criminals. Commit crime, get paid, sweet deal.

Ashura in Toronto. And in every other big city.

Eco group blocks rail lines in Germany:

Democrat commies trafficking 40,000 children per month from U.S. southern border.

The Saker partitions Ukraine. A little premature.

National Academy of Sciences bans Biden administration climate czar. Another green slimeball.

They are going to build huge batteries to store electricity:

Are they erasing the internet? You Tube seems to be erasing anything mentioning the jew.

Ocasio-Cortez says she’s a jew.

Clare Ellis looks at the blackening of Europe.

The Jew thinks of himself first and foremost. If we claim the same basic right, he hypocritically asks, “Are you a racist?”

Royal Air Force stops hiring white men.

Minneapolis will lay off white teachers first. We’ve been trying to tell you it’s an anti-white agenda.

Berkeley co-op bans white people from common areas.

Young feminist figures out the conspiracy. Better late than never.

Women are responsible for the tranny delusion:

“Every Jew, who spills the blood of the godless (non-Jews), is doing the same as making a sacrifice to God.” Talmud: Bammidber raba c 21 & Jalkut 772

Philip Giraldi, America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars

The myth of the evil Dr. Mengele.

David Icke talks about his new book, The Trap.

Willie Nelson’s Long Encore

Moment of Forever:

News for August 13, 2022

Posted By on August 13, 2022

Russian victories in Ukraine may mean U.S. commitment to Zelensky is fading. Also see here and here.

North Korea has volunteered 100,000 troops to aid Russian efforts in Ukraine. Geez, let’s not turn this into World War III.

Zelensky orders destruction of 100 million Russian books. Zelensky is weird.

Ukraine military locks down city to search for disloyal collaborators. These guys are fanatics.

Most U.S. weapons are not making it to the front lines in Ukraine. Also here.

Zelensky opens talks with China to create a “bridge to Europe.” Because the jews can never get enough money. The terrible corruption in Ukraine means the U.S. will never get its weapons back.

There will be a referendum on Zaporozhye joining Russia.

Poland is being set up as the “next Ukraine.”

Holland has become a narco state.

Brits don’t want to pay their energy bills.

Panama fuel price protesters reject government deal:

FBI issues subpoenas to state officials who questioned the election outcome.

Paul Pelosi accompanies mother on Asian trip. Another Democrat slimeball.

World Economic Forum wants to use artificial intelligence to censor the internet.

Adam Mill has some ideas about how to get rid of the FBI.

Germany plans color-coded vaccine passport with social credit system. Germany is failing and the people are screwed.

CDC says people exposed to covid no longer need to quarantine. We never needed to quarantine.

CDC says it gave false information about covid surveillance. Let the prosecutions begin.

More deaths in Taiwan among the vaccinated than among the unvaccinated.

Bill Gates is developing a vaccine that spreads like a virus to vaccinate people without their consent.

Democrats block a measure to stop gain-of-function research. Because they are in favor of pandemics to reduce the population.

Alex Jones has written a book on the Great Reset:

Theft is now legal in Britain:

World Economic Forum: We Just Don’t Need the Vast Majority of the Population in Today’s World

The history of depopulation vaccines.

Russia: USAID bat capture program linked to emergence of covid.

University of Texas admits it broke the law by developing bioweapons with Wuhan lab.

Ireland will cull cows to reduce CO2. Really, to reduce population.

Contenders for British prime minister vow loyalty to Israel. Which means there will be more immigration and pandemics.

Why China is killing the recycling industry:

Millie Weaver, Shadowgate, a film from 2020 worth another look.

Why did white women become woke fanatics? Among young people, mental health problems, liberal ideology, and LGBT identity are strongly correlated. We will have to patch this weakness in the white ethnostate.

More on the war between the feminists and the trannies.

Foreign agents are running the Biden administration.

The Center for Political Innovation

Global Tuidang Center helps people quit the Chinese Communist Party.

More reports on Hollywood pedophiles. Also here.

Gay couple used their adopted child for child porn. Gays should not have access to children.

Pedophiles use smart toys to track kids.

It might not be that difficult to set up your own country.

Check out the asset management firm Strive, which seeks to depoliticize corporate America.

Today, Jews represent approximately 3 percent of the American population but occupy 90 percent of the key positions in the U.S. government. Just as in Russia following the Bolshevik Revolution, the number of Jews numbered around 10 percent of the population, but the number of Jews in the Bolshevik government was approximately 90 percent.

“The Jews who have arrived would nearly all like to remain here, but learning that they (with their customary usury and deceitful trading with the Christians) were very repugnant to the inferior magistrates, as also to the people having the most affection for you; the Deaconry also fearing that owing to their present indigence they might become a charge in the coming winter, we have, for the benefit of this weak newly developing place and land in general, deemed it useful to require them in a friendly way to depart; praying also most seriously in this connection, for ourselves also for the general community of your worships, that the deceitful race–such hateful enemies and blasphemers of the name of Christ–not be allowed further to infect and trouble this new colony.” (Peter Stuyvesant, First governor of New-York, Letter to the Amsterdam Chamber of the Dutch West India Company, from New Amsterdam, September 22, 1654.)

Complete list of historical jewish expulsions from various countries.

A history of Zionist crimes.

Jews have murdered 169+ million non-jews since 1900.

The Roman Catholic church murdered about 50 million people in Europe.

Palladian Freemasonry

When the jewish anti-white culture ruled Berlin:

Physicists are trying to patch up their model of the universe.

Thomas L. Thompson, the myth of Israel.

Most likely, whites were the first settlers of North America.

Globalist leaders are told aliens are real.

What are Japanese dogu? See above.

Michael Piper Collins on the Rothschilds.

Secrets in Plain Sight is a video about the history of the “ancient wisdom” from an examination of architecture, art, city designs, and other symbolism:

News for August 6, 2022

Posted By on August 5, 2022

China cuts diplomatic ties with United States. Hope that Pelosi trip was worth it.

China’s computer chip breakthrough.

Russia says U.S. is directly involved in Ukraine. This means they feel free to launch a military surprise.

Putin announces independence from Rothschild-controlled U.S. dollar.

German minister announces green energy transition has failed.

Europe has lost the energy war.

European Union tries to impose a 15 percent gas cut on member nations. Fail.

BASF to cut ammonia production due to natural gas cost.

U.S. forces steal 35 tankers worth of oil from Syria.

France restores border controls. Too little, too late.

Catherine Austin Fitts on the coming financial system takeover:

The Pentagon wiped all phone messages of senior officials regarding January 6 insurrection.

The awful Manchin/Biden bill.

Speech by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

Why Trump shouldn’t run for president again.

Dutch farmers block roadways with fires before meeting with government. Farmers hand out food. Police beat protesters.

Sanfransicko declares monkeypox emergency.

Kids with monkeypox reveal pedophiles.

Seattle business owners figure out how to get rid of homeless campers.

Los Angeles ends citizenship requirement for government jobs.

Blacks can never pay us back for all the damage they have caused. Also see this.

Why universal public education is a bad idea.

Fred Watson on secession. Requires a lot of effort. Worth it.

Rabbi explains jewish takeover. “The Jews will control the world whether they’re going to like it or they hate it. That’s a fact.”

When the messiah comes, the goyim are finished:

The global warming scam was invented to remove money from our wallets.

Baal worship celebrated at international games.

Minneapolis: New World Order hellhole.

Argentina’s socialist economy has collapsed.

Sean Hross trespasses into a Knights Templar commandery in Switzerland:

Hitler goes anti-racist:

Allies managed to suppress evil Germans in World War II:

Israel’s plan for a second Israel in Ukraine.

How the jews took over the USA.

The jewish child rape assembly line.

Kid confuses teacher with inventive pronouns.

Parents boycott Crayola as it goes transgender.

Illegal aliens get social security numbers.

World Economic Forum wants to sew digital IDs into your clothes.

Definition of “vaccinated” altered to hide vaccine injuries and deaths.

How to resist the Great Reset. More here.

On the death of photography.

Avro Manhattan wrote books about the financial dealings of the Catholic church. A quick introduction.

Pope Francis isn’t Catholic, he’s the head of the new world religion:

If you give a gay their way…

The Franklin Cover-up, a banned documentary:

Left versus Right: Is there a war on women?

News for July 30, 2022

Posted By on July 30, 2022

After receiving $100 billion in aid, Ukraine will default on its debts. Because the money needs to go so many other places.

Ireland joins Netherlands and Canada in attacks on farmers.

NATO’s plan to divide Russia into 17 regions. They are experts in dividing people.

A look at Russia’s links to the World Economic Forum. But these links might be out of date. The Ukraine war is being run from Israel by the jews that control the U.S. government and the EU.

Italy might elect right-wing government.

Panama protests heat up. Government could fall.

British convoys protest high fuel prices. Notice how few protests there have been in the United States. Lots of talk of civil war but, aside from a failed trucker protest, no action.

Donbass republics ban Google for pushing propaganda. Just another small part of the global split. At least we still have Google.

Orban: Hungarians do not want to become a mixed race. Orban notices that the European countries are not nations but multicultural shitholes.

Ukraine gas company in major scam to skim U.S. aid. Ukraine wants U.S. gas now, pay later. This war is really just another excuse for Ukraine to steal our money.

Sri Lanka’s new president is a WEF guy. Now digital ID is required to pump gasoline in Sri Lanka. The CIA was involved in organizing that massive protest in Sri Lanka that overthrew the president. It wasn’t strictly a people’s movement.

WEF calls for end to private car ownership.

How Biden plans to take over the November elections.

DeSantis attacks ESG, Woke corporations by issuing guidelines for state investment policy.

SEC will track U.S. citizens’ CO2 emissions.

China joins up with Mexican drug cartels.

China’s view of America:

Big banks have been captured by the WEF.

Vatican captured by the WEF:

Whites in Britain are least likely to go to university.

Tavistock transgender clinic shut down.

Australian TV shows satanic ritual.

South Africa files court case that would dissolve their central bank. South Africa wants to escape from the New World Order.

Greece facing bankruptcy.

Why we aren’t taking back New York City.

Obamacare doubled the cost of individual health insurance.

It’s well documented that the jews (Soros and friends) are financing the brown invasions of Europe and the United States to eliminate the white race. Guess who else is heavily involved?

U.S. temperature stations guilty of heat bias, flawed readings.

Kissinger, CIA in Klaus Schwab’s background.

Makow: New World Order is a ((family)) business.

Rothschilds directed U.S. Civil War.

Tom Sunic, How to Become an Anti-Semite?

Alexander Jacob reviews two books on jewish Freemasonry.

A deep dive into Thomas Malthus and his disciples.

Mike Adams: 90% of Pharmacology, Psychiatry, Vaccine Science & Published Research Is A Complete Fraud!

Pfizer data and more recent reports on the jab’s effects on women’s fertility.

Fauci still funding research in China’s military labs.

CDC worked directly with Big Tech to squash covid dissent.

DNA testing kits are a scam to grab your DNA.

Vaccines to kill millions in the future?

Member of European Parliament says the vaccine campaign is the “biggest crime ever committed on humanity.”

Rappoport looks at the one germ, one disease theory. Hope you are aware of the Rockefeller takeover of the medical profession.

Mark Sumner, Two Decades of Alzheimer’s Research May Be Based on Deliberate Fraud

How the civil war is going in Montana.

More on the fake moon landings.

The futuristic city in Saudi Arabia.

The Hebrew Bible is based on astrotheology, the study of the stars and the zodiac. Plus older stories recontextualized to make the hebrews appear to be the center of all the events in the ancient world.

Time to move to Russia:

News for July 23, 2022

Posted By on July 23, 2022

“We must turn Russia into a desert inhabited by white negroes, whom we will give such a tyranny that the most terrible despots of the East never dreamed of. The only difference is that this tyranny will not be on the right, but on the left, and not white, but red. In the literal sense of the word, red, for we will shed such streams of blood, before which all the human losses of capitalist wars will shudder and pale. The largest bankers overseas will work closely with us. If we win the revolution, crush Russia, then on its burial debris we will strengthen the power of Zionism and become such a force before which the whole world will kneel. We will show you what real power is. By terror blood baths, we will bring the Russian intelligentsia to complete dullness, to idiocy, to an animal state.” Leon Trotsky

Padraig Martin comments.

If you don’t understand that the “Russian Revolution” was a genocide by the jews against the white Russians, read Juri Lina, Under the Sign of the Scorpion.

Russia and Ukraine agree to grain export deal.

Hungary prepares to enter Ukraine war. Not a good idea.

Britain doesn’t have the military capability to support Ukraine, Sweden, and Finland or to confront Russia. It’s all empty threats.

Jorge Vilches believes the U.S. is in favor of splitting Europe and is willing to sacrifice Europe in the interest of attacking Russia. The Biden administration’s most important agenda is to keep Europe from doing business with Russia.

Maajid Nawaz believes the current leadership change in Britain is about preparing new leadership to control and deflect protests to serve the interest of further centralization. This line of thinking is part of “stage thinking” about the New World Order that grants total power to the elites, the conclusion being that we should not protest or engage in violence. We don’t grant the elites that much power or foresight. They don’t want to deal with protests as the potential for violence puts them in danger.

Rishi Sunak’s family is linked to a company associated with World Economic Forum and China. He’s a Goldman Sachs guy.

Protests in Panama. Protests in Ecuador. These guys are armed.

Protests over rising energy costs in Hungary.

Protesters at Bill Gates talk in Vancouver chant “Arrest Bill Gates.” Nice.

Why don’t we have Arrest Bill Gates and Arrest Fauci posters in our public square?

How to join the Global Walk Out.

Support the Dutch uprising.


How they are going to bring in the digital currency and abolish cash. Important interview. Be prepared.

The Chinese people have been refusing to pay mortgages. This is a massive protest movement. As a counter, China has blocked the protesters from accessing their bank accounts, using covid infection as an excuse, or has authorized confiscation of bank accounts. Now China is moving in tanks to protect the banks.  China will forgive loans to shut down these protests. The Chinese banks are in trouble from making too many loans.

Thanks to Biden, the United States is exporting 74 percent of our natural gas to Europe.

Sweden has sent 10,000 anti-tank weapons to Ukraine. Now some of these weapons are showing up in the hands of criminal gangs in Sweden. The police aren’t happy. The invaders are happy that they live under a globalist dipwad government.

More reporting on the U.S. bioweapons labs in 25 countries.

Ford partners with China, will lay off 8,000 workers.

Alex Jones has a few words on the destruction of the economy.

Congressman informs Buttgig that there isn’t enough electricity to power electric cars:

Max Igan reports on what is happening in Australia:

Government of Denmark will move migrants out of ghettoes in an attempt to integrate them with Danish society. No, no, they don’t integrate. Just send them back.

Studies have shown that masks are ineffective, but Los Angeles wants the mask mandate. Because the Left is always happy to repeat their past mistakes.

We have been reporting that coronavirus was weaponized in the Wuhan lab. We have come across assertions that there is no coronavirus, but we doubted this because a lot of people were getting sick from something. Dr. David Martin says there is no novel (naturally occurring) coronavirus, but he agrees the virus was weaponized and patented by the Centers for Disease Control. Martin says there was no Wuhan lab leak. He has the evidence for a criminal conspiracy releasing the virus involving Gates, Fauci, and several biopharmaceutical companies. This is the most important video on the history of the virus and the mRNA vaccine we have seen.

A fun video showing the major players lying about covid.

In a previous post we offered a link to Robert Kennedy’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci. We didn’t read it. Here is Part 4 of the book. Fauci is one of the worst criminals in history. Find out why.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. wins Supreme Court case. The court has rejected mandatory vaccination as the vaccines are not really vaccines. The vaccines are the pathogens. This story has not reached the Marxist news sites, so we wonder if it’s for real. You know, they don’t report everything.

The media are spreading heart-attack warnings to misinform you that you can get a heart attack from just about anything—except the mRNA treatments.

What happened to Australia’s covid quarantine facilities?

The vaccinated are producing the corona variants.

Alarm over rising coronavirus infection rates in Los Angeles is debunked as “bad colds.”

Coming film: Uninformed Consent trailer.

Why you shouldn’t vacation at Disney World.

How the Left is infiltrating the evangelical Christians.

The green agenda is being presented as a crisis, but there is no evidence to support their timetable for takeover.

CNN will next focus on climate change propaganda to enslave the masses.

Global warming: The claim is 1 degree of warming. They are wrecking the economy over 1 degree.

Bonner Cohen has a few ideas about how to block the green agenda in Congress.

Robert Franklin documents how the green agenda penalizes the poor and middle class with various mandates.

California’s worn-out solar panels are ending up in landfills, contaminating groundwater.

Ted Cruz reveals that illegal immigrants wear wristbands indicating the amount of money they owe to the cartels.

A worldwide coalition has formed to stop perverts in the schools from grooming kids. You can join here.

A feminist protests trannies dominating women’s sports. You are the altar of political correctness, darling, conservative women aren’t inclusive, you are taking back nothing, you got betrayed by trusting the Democrats rather than building something yourself, and now that you’ve lost your privilege all you can do is bitch about it.

Izrael Zeus reports on the aristocrats who head mafias. Great reporting.

Long ago we came across assertions that no nuclear bombs were dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. But we didn’t report as the evidence presented was not overwhelmingly clear. Dylan Eleven has done the job. Nuclear bombs were a hoax. Nagasaki and Hiroshima were firebombed.

On the origins of Russian Freemasonry.

Religions are historical records of ET contacts and genetic experiments:

Cartmen is jew-wise:

News for July 16, 2022

Posted By on July 16, 2022

“The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity.” Abraham Lincoln

“Bankers own the earth; take it away from them but leave them with the power to create credit; and, with a flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again… If you want to be slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let the bankers control money and control credit.” Sir Josiah Stamp, Director, Bank of England, 1940.

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered…I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies… The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” Thomas Jefferson

The only way out of this financial crisis is to end the Federal Reserve and have the U.S. government issue its own currency. The model for this is Hitler’s Germany, where Hitler kicked out the Rothschild central bankers and issued interest-free loans. The Nazis also attacked the degenerate jew sex pervert culture that had been imposed on Germany through jewish control of media, thereby breaking the jewish spell over the German people and restoring Germany to the Germans. Adolf Hitler was the most popular politician in German history. Now you know why.

The Italian government ruling coalition is split over whether to send arms to Ukraine. The Italian government could dissolve. European unity is unraveling due to stupid EU support for Ukraine and stupid energy policies as the energy crisis bites. Electricity in Germany is 10x U.S. prices.

French parliament votes down Macron’s vaccine passport scheme.

The CIA is disappointed in Macron’s fluid stance toward Russia, may bring him down. This Uber scandal might be used as the official excuse. Macron, Trudeau, and Biden need to go.

European Union will send $500 million in military aid to Ukraine. Meanwhile, France is turning off its street lights and Germans are going to chop wood for fuel. The good news: The green agenda is now completely discredited.

Russia to ban LGBT propaganda. Nice going.

Russia’s response to threats of war against Russia is to publish the coordinates for the White House and the Pentagon (United States), NATO headquarters (Belgium), the Congress Center (Spain) where the NATO summit is being held, the Ministry of Defense (United Kingdom), the Reichstag and the Federal Chancellery (Germany), and the Elysée Palace (France).

Secretary of Veterans Affairs is arrested, charged with illegally sending VA monies to Ukraine. We are always surprised when anyone in Washington, D.C. is arrested.

U.S. government is funding health care in Ukraine with your money.

More on Shinzo Abe, recently assassinated. Abe was a tool of the World Economic Forum, pro-feminist, established Japanese bioweapons labs, built up Japanese military to attack China. That’s why China is celebrating his assassination.

More evidence of Biden crime family child sex trafficking.

Biden administration placed illegal aliens in American Hebrew Academy in North Carolina run by Chinese Communists.

Biden’s plan to purge the U.S. military of unvaccinated service members hits some opposition from court ruling that those filing for a religious accommodation may not be discharged. Is this a good time for Biden to dismiss hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops as he promotes war with Russia?

President of Sri Lanka flees country. World Economic Forum deletes from its website an article about how they will make Sri Lanka rich.

Protesters inside the presidential palace. This is a model for your best future.

Protesting Dutch farmers manage to get 2 jets. We are thinking these protests are serious and could actually lead to something.

Dutch protesters burn down Bill Gates’ plant protein meat market.

Bill Gates invested in Dutch grocery chain with the minister of nitrogen. Yes, Netherlands has a minister of nitrogen.

Lots of videos of protests in Argentina, Pakistan, Holland, Sri Lanka here. An international movement is forming against Marxist globalism. You should join.

Klaus Schwab urges young people to take more mRNA treatments.

Dr. Mercola packs a lot of history into one article on global depopulation.

Robin Levinson-King lifts the lid on green energy contracts and shows that they can be opposed in the courts. Lots of hidden corruption here.

Chris Martin explains why oil is the key to future human prosperity:

NASA admits earth’s climate changes are due to changes in earth’s solar orbit, not fossil fuels.

Peter Hambro explains how the central banks rig the gold market.

No planes crashed on 9/11.

Conservatives should ally with Russia. Putin wants to bring down the Biden administration and is looking for allies.

Daniel Greenfield explains that identity politics is for people who have no identity.

Why Negroes should not be allowed to teach in U.S. public schools. They vote 95 percent Communist.

U.S. school counselors say that students are experiencing the highest level of anxiety and depression ever seen.

UK publishes report saying that 94 percent of all covid deaths were among the vaccinated, since April.

Portugal National Institute says monkeypox was weaponized in a biolab, released on purpose. The next health scare will be monkeypox, and they already have the vaccines ready.

Lefty protesters target east coast beach towns. 20 questions to ask lefty protesters.

A visit to the Georgia Guidestones, when they were standing:

A feminist discovers the men’s movement, realizes she has been brainwashed, but remains a feminist, believing the feminist struggle for equal rights is positive for women and men. She would have been better served to study the history of Marxism and be rid of feminism once and for all. Destroying traditional sex roles has no positive outcome, it only serves the takeover.

A feminist explains her opposition to transgender identity (not very well). Feminists are definitely losing out to transgenders on a variety of issues, and this leads them to, for example, quit the Democratic party and seek a reorientation of feminist organizations. Despite her brave words at the end, “We’re just getting started,” this dilemma looks to us like a crippling blow to feminism as identity politics splits the Marxist Democrat coalition. The main error in her thinking is the statement, “Women as a class have always been oppressed by men as a class (regardless of the benign behaviors of any individual men) on the basis of sex…”. This is so obviously not true that we wonder how anyone could be eager to believe it. Hello Amby, feminist theories are just theories. It’s not like they are actually … true.

A look at the practices of John Money, the pro-pedophile sexologist who invented the term “gender.”

A quick survey of elite British pedophiles. More background here.

Ben Klassen explains why the the sermon on the mount was a jewish psyop designed to weaken white people.

3D aerial tour of ancient Rome:

Remembering Hunter Thompson:

Rise Up

News for July 9, 2022

Posted By on July 9, 2022

Lots of good news this week. Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been assassinated. Abe was the mouthpiece for Rockefeller/Rothschild globalist interests. The assassination is a pro-nationalist move. Good luck with reclaiming an independent Japan.

Boris Johnson has resigned as prime minister of Great Britain. Profiles of a few socialist twits who might replace him. Probably Rishi Sunak. How cabinet and government resignations forced his resignation.

We appreciate a little outrage:

UK plans to close airports, cease all construction, ban beef and lamb.

500 climate experts say there is no climate crisis.

Farmers are protesting green polices in the Netherlands. These farmer protests are spreading across Europe. Lots of good coverage here. We hope they accelerate and not fizzle out like the frenchie yellow vesters. So far our best protests have been by farmers and truck drivers. The intellectuals seem paralyzed.

The greenies are planning to replace pastures with plastic roots to capture carbon.

How green policies are starving the world. That’s what the socialist greenies want. UN has published a paper on the benefits of world hunger.

Alex Epstein’s book Fossil Future explains why fossil fuels are necessary for the future well-being of humanity.

Sri Lanka president forced to flee from protesters at presidential palace. That’s how you do it.

Finland seizes 1000 Russian rail cars. Why not, the United States government seized millions in Russian bank accounts in the West.

Russian government bans Jewish Agency from Russia. The good news just keeps on coming.

U.S. media starting to report Ukraine losses in war with Russia.

Ukraine demands $750 billion for reconstruction. European nations are trying to negotiate postwar construction projects in Ukraine.

Ukraine serves forced conscription papers at churches.

Belgium requires all shops to accept digital payments, bans cash. Coming to a country near you.

All new EU vehicles sold will have black box recorders.

Governor Noem warns Biden is allowing China to buy land, chemical plants, food plants in the U.S.

Biden sold a million barrels from the U.S. strategic petroleum reserve to a China company linked to Hunter Biden. More here.

Canada has imposed sanctions on Patriarch Krill. That will show him.

Texas declares border crisis an invasion.

How Satanists view abortion.

Makow: Hollywood elites feast on the blood of children.

Jacinda Adern knows the vaccines don’t work.

EU warns vaccine booster shots can destroy immune system.

Pandemic babies in Australia have no immune system.

Air Force to purge 700 unvaccinated pilots.

Ron DeSantis is a member of secret societies and elite fraternities. Too bad, we like DeSantis.

The shooter was a liberal.

How the CIA and U.S. military influence social media.

Japanese distribute a book informing that homosexuality is an acquired mental disorder or addiction.

Tom Luongo thinks the G7 has already lost their war against Russia. It’s not just that the sanctions failed and Western military arms are being shipped to Ukraine. The free nations of the G20 (G13) are organizing an international boycott against Europe and the United States, to include banning oil shipments and replacing the dollar.

Georgia Guidestones were bombed, razed:

Rothschilds controlled Vatican finances.

What happens when you hire woke employees.

UK drivers protest fuel price hikes. Patel wants prison and unlimited fines for protesters.

Can we fan the spirit of rebellion to actually make a difference?

Putin has gas: