News for October 8, 2022

Posted By on October 7, 2022

It seems rather strange that Russia would recognize the 4 border areas as parts of the Russian Federation while Ukraine’s military is occupying the region. Russia’s forced military withdrawal has thrown the Kremlin into disarray. Meanwhile, thousands of Russian men are fleeing from Russia rather than be drafted into the armed forces. Will Russia mount a counter-offensive? Probably.

Raul Meijer, Putin Made a Peace Offer. Take It. They don’t want peace.

Putin says again, “The New World Order is Satanism.”

Zelensky urges NATO to make preemptive nuclear strikes on Russia. Because that would be the fastest way to start World War III. And here.

U.S. gives Ukraine $457 million for law enforcement.

What’s going on in Ukraine? Hunting down Russian sympathizers and shooting them like pigs.

Who profits from pipeline terrorism? Blinken explains that the U.S. wants to sell natural gas to Europe.

Israel mobilizes its military.

Guess who’s selling gas to Europe?

China orders its banks to dump dollars.

Federal Reserve authorizes pilot program for ESG social credit score system. You’re not going to like this.

Khamenei blames U.S., jews for revolutionary protests.

Massive spying on Americans by the Pentagon.

Canada is attempting to confiscate all guns. Alberta is resisting. Also Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

UN partners with Google to squash dissent on climate policies.

Great Barrier Reef is thriving.

South Korea abolishes Gender Equity ministry. See how easy it is?

A look at the current turmoil of British politics. There could come a day when Liz Truss calling herself a huge Zionist is seen as grounds for dismissal.

Europe’s shaky banks.

How the civil war is going. Black Americans are 60 percent of all murderers.

Illegal immigrants arrested for looting after Florida hurricane.

In New York

In New York

David Icke on Elon Musk.

How the public school system failed.

Rampant criminality inside Canada’s Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons.

Carbon dioxide has nothing to do with global temperatures.

Malcolm Roberts takes on the climate hoax.

FDA withholds autopsy reports on people who died after getting covid shot.

All about Nestle:

Did Russia discover alien technology in the Arctic?

Jews in child porn and child sex trafficking.

The five child trafficking networks of the Illuminati and the Mothers of Darkness.

The serpents:

Eric Sammons analyzes the four religions coexisting within the Catholic church. Forgot to mention Satanism, which is the religion of the popes and cardinals. Religion is the least important aspect of the Catholic church.

The Talmud is the origin of jewish suprematism.

Are you ready to dance with the jews? They’re ready for you. But it won’t be dancing.

News for October 1, 2022

Posted By on October 1, 2022

Following elections in the four territories, Russia recognizes Zaporozhye and Kherson as well as Donbass as parts of the Russian federation. With this official announcement, Putin brings to a close the special military operation in Ukraine. From now on, any attacks on these territories will be considered attacks on Russia and will be met with conventional warfare.

Flashback: Putin bans gay marriage and transgender adoption. See how easy that was?

U.S. Navy was near Nordstream pipeline before its destruction.

EU member of parliament blames U.S. for Nordstream destruction. More here.

Poland opens new gas pipeline with Norway.

Rumors of a coup in China, but Xi Jinping appears in public.

Meloni wins in Italy. Meloni is anti-immigration but pro-Israel and pro-Ukraine. A turn for the better, but not our girl until she proves worthy. She does give a good speech:

Alexander Mercouris warns that Meloni needs to be ready to restore the lira to resist EU pressures:

Thousands of businesses in Italy face closure due to high energy prices.

Huge protests in Germany against Russian sanctions.

Hanover: Government will ban one-third of Germans from government jobs so they can be give to immigrants.

Bank of England temporarily saves bond market from crashing. More here.

Liz Truss promotes more immigration into England. Truss is neocon/CIA-trained.

Troops deployed in London. No explanation.

University of California at Berkeley law school bans jewish speakers.   How does the Left get away with this?

What the Green Mafia is planning now.

Arizona state senator accuses Department of Child Safety of trafficking children. This is a huge problem nationwide. We have reported on trafficking in child safety departments before.

The Nancy Pelosi pedophile connection; dead babies near Bohemian Grove.

Dirty dealing at the Clinton Foundation.

Democrats declare civil war; conservatives squawk a little bit.

How the civil war is going.

In Massachusetts

In Philadelphia

In Illinois

World Economic Forum plans to add carbon credits to cryptocurrencies.

Bill Gates seems to be running every scam on the planet:

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich makes a statement:

Biogen pays $900 million settlement for bribing doctors.

(((Teva))) pays doctors to mutilate U.S. children.

Gay Mafia runs Hollywood, rap artists, TV (video).

The satanic agreement all stars must sign (video).

CIA agent claims he blew up third World Trade Center building on 9/11.

Scientists believe they have discovered a giant ocean inside the earth.

How the jews created Communist China.

Evidence the queen was a shape-shifting reptilian.

Astronomers believe they have sighted an huge alien mothership near Jupiter:

The mysterious 6 million and white genocide:

You think this is humor but it’s really philosophy.

“They work more effectively against us, than the enemy’s armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in…It is much to be lamented that each state, long ago, has not hunted them down as pests to society and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America.”

Maxims of George Washington by A.A. Appleton & Co.

“The Jews, as a class violating every regulation of trade established by the Treasury Department and also department orders, are hereby expelled from the Department within twenty-four hours from the receipt of this order. Post commanders will see that all of this class of people be furnished passes and required to leave, and any one returning after such notification will be arrested and held in confinement until an opportunity occurs of sending them out as prisoners, unless furnished with permit from headquarters. No passes will be given these people to visit trade headquarters for the purpose of making personal application for trade permits.”

General Order No. 11, By order of Major General Ulysses S. Grant, Jno. A. Rawlins, Assistant Adjutant-General, Commander of the Thirteenth Army Corps, Department of Tennessee

Sweet Home Novorossiya:

News for September 24, 2022

Posted By on September 24, 2022

Russia says they are at war with the “collective West” rather than with Ukraine. Putin calls up 300,000 reservists, prepares Russia for nuclear war. An assassination attempt against Putin in Russia by Ukraine probably influenced Putin’s decision to pursue war. Russia knows the U.S. and NATO have sent advisers to Ukraine and are arming Ukraine. Expect the war to escalate.

What a nuclear war might look like:

Ukraine threatens 5-year prison sentence for anyone voting in the Russian-sponsored referenda. Ukraine thinks these referenda are illegal.

U.S. government wants to send all those Russian assets they seized to Ukraine.

It has been reported that the average paycheck for the People’s Deputies of Ukraine Party has increased from 28,800 to 49,600 hryvnia. Of course taxpayers in other countries will pay for their raises.

Ukraine’s special ops against Russia date from 2017 plan.

Zelensky, NATO say they want to turn Ukraine into Israel.

Wayne Madsen, Israel’s Secret Plan for a “Second Israel” in Ukraine.

Bezos, Blackrock, and CNN join World Economic Forum to ramp up climate agenda. They’re not letting go, even after all the Green failures.

Big protests in Iran.

Alex Marlow talks about how to defeat the Great Reset.

Queen Elizabeth: Pedophile protector

Queen Elizabeth: Traitor to the white race

England imports the India—Pakistan war to every city in England.

154 scientists at Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory defected to China. That’s why the U.S. government shouldn’t allow any immigration from China.

San Francisco allows police to tap private security cameras. Because the police state just isn’t efficient enough right now.

Half of all San Francisco residents have been robbed in the past 5 years.  One of the prices of socialism. You know you’re living under socialism when Biden sells U.S. oil to China while your utility restricts the hours you can access power.

AG Bill Barr never did any investigations of election fraud.

New York Governor Hochul awarded a coronavirus test contract to a donor to her campaign. How the Democrats do business.

The cost of Biden’s illegal immigrants: $100 billion.

Civil war report: North Dakota   Sweden

“Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic,” Biden said. “MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of the law. They do not recognize the will of the people. They refuse to accept the results of a free election.”

Assuming the Republicans win the election in November, we expect Biden to unleash his gangs to kill more white people. Never relax around blacks.

Venezuela releases all its violent criminals to U.S. border.

Queer rights protester attacked by pro-transgenders. The pervert coalition isn’t holding together.

Matt Walsh investigates the transgender clinic at Vanderbilt. It’s a moneymaker.

Martine Rothblatt, From Transgender to Transhumanism. It’s a bigger agenda than just cutting off dicks.

Nurse speaks out about the dangers of vaccines as hospitals refuse to report side-effects:

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has a new website, The Defender, for children’s health defense. Needed now to protect against the medical establishment.

Federal judge rejects school mask mandate and compulsory vaccination. Why didn’t this happen a few weeks after the outbreak of covid?

Why scientists are worried about 5G:

Thierry Baudet upsets members of Dutch parliament when he points out their Marxist backgrounds. Marxists usually aren’t this sensitive.

Lauren Boebert is cute when she’s mad. Our girl.

This is old news, but we just found it. UFOs sighted in the Ladakh region of India.

Ancient UFO discovered under temple in India:

Aliens in Egypt: is a site devoted to study and reporting on the attack on the USS Liberty by Israel in 1967.

More on the ridiculous charges made at the jewish show trial in Nuremberg after World War II.

The weird relationship between MKULTRA and the nine gods of ancient Egypt. It’s easy to be cynical about channeling and believe it’s all fake. Maybe, maybe not. This article has a broader context than reported and is mainly useful for identifying relationships among people here on earth at the time. Follow up on this with internet searches at your interest. The main point: CIA occultism was connected to efforts to brainwash humans.

The original 25 points of Hitler’s National Socialist Party. This is a more important document for guiding the future of the white race than the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, which have proven to be inadequate in preventing jewish Marxist takeover.

Larry Romanoff, Russia, Stalin, and the jews.

How the jews turned Australia into the Weimar Republic.

Looking for a land without so much trouble? You won’t find it under civic nationalism.

News for September 17, 2022

Posted By on September 16, 2022

After the queen’s funeral there will be a meeting of the leaders of Europe, Canada, and the USA to decide what they will do to us next.

Putin answers Ukraine offensive: “No hurry to respond.”

United Russia wins Russian elections. Putin support is at 80 percent.

Upcoming elections:

Czech Republic Municipal and partial Senate Election: September 23-24th
Italian National & Sicilian Regional Election: September 25th
Latvian National Election: October 1st
Bosnian National Election: October 2nd
Bulgarian National Election: October 2nd
Austrian Presidential Election: October 9th

NATO opens a third front against Russia by supporting Azerbaijan attacks against Armenia. Also here.

Germany seizes Rosneft assets.

Zelensky frees convicted child rapists to reinforce military.

Right-wing coalition wins Swedish elections. Not exactly. There are no right-wing parties in Sweden.

A look at the new British cabinet: No white males

The UN’s sustainable development program is actually a program of debt slavery.

How CO2 reduction inflates the price of food.

A list of covid conspirators who need to be prosecuted if, by chance, we ever take power.

The Lancet suggests the covid virus could have been made in U.S. labs.

Ursula von der Leyen and the big EU vaccine contract with Pfizer.

400 doctors declare international medical crisis from covid vaccine injuries and deaths. But Big Pharma is circling the wagons and forbidding doctors to talk or lose their license. Could this be resolved in the courts? We don’t have any faith in courts.

FDA refuses to provide analysis of covid vaccine safety.

Makow reviews Eustace Mullin, Murder by Injection, on the dangers of vaccines.

Climate expert corrects manmade global warming narrative.

How the civil war is going:

In Atlanta

In Memphis

The satanic sex abuse history of the Dutch royal family.

A Brit exposes the royal family’s satanic ritual abuse.

The British royal family and satanic child abuse:

UK government snatches kids and abuses them:

How the jews operate—the sayanim

How the jews censor us.

How Jimmy Saville got a be a powerful sex monster:

As long as perverts run the fashion industry, you’re going to have this:

This video on Christian Zionism correctly places the Scofield Bible as a key source, but the video is unsatisfactory. It doesn’t state that the Rothschilds hired Scofield to translate the Bible with interpretations favorable to Israel. Consider this video a starting point for further research. There’s more to the story.

Father meets transgender son on Dr. Phil:

The criminal history of the papacy.

General Patton’s anti-jew letter goes on sale.

Israel upgrades its airport so the conquered goyim can bring their sacrifices to Yahweh to the Temple.

Last week we reported that Brian Stelter was arrested for child abuse. Turns out this was fake news. Brian Stelter just got a new job at Harvard University. Our apologies. Bad source.

Mount Olympus:

News for September 10, 2022

Posted By on September 10, 2022

There appears to be a secret group with trillions of dollars of resources… Who could it be?

“The Government of this country has not only to deal with governments, kings, and ministers but also with secret societies, elements which must be taken into account, which at the last moment can bring our plans to nought, which have agents everywhere, who incite assassinations and can if necessary lead a massacre.” British Prime Minister ((Benjamin Disraeli, Lord Beaconsfield))

Police are arresting, dispersing Dutch farmers. Why aren’t the protesters attacking the police?

Sanctions on Russian energy are going to lead to economic disaster for Europe and the U.S.

New British Prime Minister Truss has an energy plan. Bail out the energy companies and bribe the voters with more government money to cover up the government’s mistakes. Truss looks like a disaster in the making. King Charles is a green idiot who supports the World Economic Forum. The future of Britain ain’t bright.

Europe fails to agree on gas price cap. This could split the European Union. Hopefully.

A long opinion piece on the Ukraine war. No surprises here for us.

Global Climate Intelligence Group releases report denying there is any climate catastrophe. Greenhouse gases are not warming the atmosphere.

It’s amusing to watch Lightfoot complain about 100 illegal immigrants sent to Chicago, a sanctuary city.

For the record, Biden ordered the raid on Mar a Lago.

Sad to see Natural News fall into the same error so many others have made following Biden’s speech attacking the Right as Fascists. Many voices have responded by characterizing Joe and the Democrats as Fascists and Nazis. They are not.

The justification for characterizing the global socialists as Fascists seems to rely on a definition of Fascism as “dictatorial” and featuring state support for and control of key industries. These are not the defining characteristics of Fascism.

Fascism is characterized, first, by anti-Communism. All forms of government feature close relations between government and key industries. That’s just common sense—supporting the pillars of the economy. The second key feature of Fascism and Nazism is a close relationship with the Catholic church. This occurred before the Catholic church got taken over by Freemasonry and homosexuals. The characterization of Fascism as dictatorship or ruthless authoritarianism is jewish propaganda. The Fascists wanted to unite the nation as one race, one people, one volk, with each class supporting the greatness of the nation. The Nazis didn’t ban guns or make vaccines mandatory or check everybody’s papers at each streetcorner.

The Nazis did check jewish identity and did separate jews from positions of power. This happened after the international jews declared war against Germany, making all domestic jews enemy combatants. With the jewish focus on the Holocaust as some evil policy, they managed to convince you that jews were innocent victims of Nazi aggression and there was no organized jewish opposition to Nazism inside Germany. Of course there was. Terrorism is a way of life to these jews. Germany was the main target of Communist revolution following the Russian Revolution. Roosevelt put the Japanese in camps in the United States for the same reason, to minimize the terrorist threat.

After World War II Communism was difficult to sell, so they called it socialism. It’s still the same jewish agenda of elimination of the white race and total control over the world, with destruction of the family and Christianity as chief goals.


Anyone who calls Biden a Fascist is supporting jewish propaganda designed to make you think that the jews were innocent and the Nazis were evil. The opposite is the case. The jews were choking Germany with control of the financial system, and they promoted degeneracy. The Nazis prevented the jew Communists from making a successful revolution in Germany, which would have led to the genocide of the German people, just as the commie jews murdered tens of millions of Russians when their revolution was successful there.

So, a third characteristic of Fascism is, defense of the white race against jewish threats.

Fascism didn’t get much of a try as commie Jew Franklin Roosevelt allied with Winston Churchill, who was in debt to jewish bankers, and Stalin to defeat the Nazis in World War ii. Realize that the United States was on the side of Communism in World War II. This was not a popular decision, it was an elite decision. Ignore any commentators who characterize the Democrats as Nazis or Fascists. They are controlled by jewish propaganda. This is true of most Republicans and Trumpers.













What led up to the Great Reset. We have to pay attention to this if we’re going to create a successful white ethnostate.

1950s woman meets feminist.

Google hires a lot of CIA agents. To spy on you.

Disney goes openly satanic with its new movie, Little Demon.

Bill Gates charged with vaccine deaths by court in India.

More than half of all toddlers had a negative reaction to the mRNA vaccine.

Crimes of the Centers for Disease Control.

The push to normalize pedophilia.


48 shell companies owned by the Clinton Foundation. Why do they need so many false fronts?

How corruption works: California Governor Newsom got $10.6 million in kickbacks from 979 vendors awarded state contracts.

Why Jackson, Mississippi has no water: Black mayor, black contractors. Affirmative Action means blacks get paid, stuff stops working.

$15 million for diversicrat salaries at just one university. How to get paid for destroying your country.

E. Michael Jones has a new book on the Holohoax myth.

If the Holohoax actually happened, and the Allies really did save jews from gas chambers, wouldn’t jews be building monuments to their white rescuers and singing their praises?

Instead, they write article after article, policy after policy, about how all whites need to be sterilized, race-mixed, and exterminated. They are ungrateful to their liberators. Men charged into machine gun fire to save them, and now they’re telling the generations that came after them that they all deserve to die for the crime of being White.

If the Holohoax was real, and jews hate their liberators, doesn’t that just prove Hitler was right about them?

A little bit of political theory about the disadvantages of helping the least advantaged.

We’ve never paid any attention to Joe Rogan. Apparently, other people have. Oh, it turns out…

What is the difference between Catholic sacraments and witchcraft?

How the U.S. government communicates with the grey aliens.

Lowell Johnson visits Telos. Important points: He was called to Telos after doing some preparation; crystals are their light source; the inhabitants are 4D and don’t need to eat; they indeed have transport roughly corresponding to trains; his good health is readily apparent. If Telos is 4D, Shambhala must also be 4D.

News for September 3, 2022

Posted By on September 2, 2022

Azov was funded by an Israeli. Its founder idealizes Israel. It allows Jewish members. It actively promotes Jewish interests. The ADL has certified them incapable of harming Jews. It’s currently defending a Jewish comedian turned president, with a largely Jewish administration, in the Ashkenazi Jewish homeland of Khazaria, while carrying Israeli rifles. Ukraine’s neo-Nazis are funded and armed by Israeli billionaires.

Iraquis storm presidential palace, U.S. evacuates embassy. Expect to see more anti-U.S. feeling expressed around the world. Biden is not respected.

Polish troops are in Ukraine fighting Russia.

U.S. companies who want to trade with Russia are doing it through Turkey.

China is reselling Russian gas to Europe.

The housing boom has ended in China.

China arrests 234 in banking scandal.

China buying U.S. businesses. Tesla?

Ukraine website threatens to kill Americans.

Ukrainian officials accused of stealing trainloads of aid.

Shocking revelations of corruption in Ukraine by Ukraine soldiers.

With Ukraine air force demolished, Kiev attempts to recruit Afghan pilots.

Raytheon picks up $182 million to provide Ukraine with air defense system to be delivered in 2024.

Catholic consistory, what is being discussed? Evil Pope Francis is going to resign. The next pope will be an African from Ghana named Baawobr. The idea is to bring Africa into support for the Khazarian Mafia.

U.S. steals 80 percent of Syria’s oil.

Serbia rallies against gay pride.

Elite British pedophiles.

What smart meters are about: Denver shuts down thermostats during heat wave.

Starbucks announces it is going cashless. Go Starbuckless.

Wind turbines emit sulfur hexafluoride, a dangerous gas.

Why you shouldn’t bet on wind power:

Climate activists attack petrol pumps in London. Quite a bit of environmental terrorism going on these days.

Electric cars cost more to run than gas cars:

Join the global walkout:

Kash Patel says the Mar a Lago raid was designed to capture documents implicating the FBI and the DOJ in Russiagate.

Governor of New York tells 5.4 million Republicans to leave the state. Good idea. It’s easy to find a better governed state.

Tesla’s new phone might unseat Apple:

“Men once believed that the establishment of universal suffrage would guarantee the freedom of the people. That, alas, was a great illusion.” Mikhail Bakunin

Homeland Security and the Resistance Operating Concept. The whole government is prepped for war against conservative whites.

Canadian politician promises no cooperation with WEF. Good luck with that.

Biden still releasing covid-positive immigrants across the border.

Australia has allowed a known poison, the covid vaccine, to be administered to patients.

California will punish doctors who veer away from the official covid narrative.

U.S. government will prevent a thorough investigation of the pandemic. More funding than ever for HHS and the CDC. Don’t expect our courts to rule that the medical establishment is corrupt.

World Bank creates $1 billion fund for vaccine passports. They aren’t giving up on controlling us.

Brian Stelter arrested on charges of child molestation.

CIA front companies and the biopharma attack on humanity. By the way, no nation has ever adopted the Nuremberg code. More here.

Makow: Modern is Jewish Satanism

Leslie Wexner says he is possessed by a jewish demon.

Ben Klassen, Judea, Their Total War on Germans and the White Race

Zander Fuerza, Masters of Deception

Biden still sweet talking little girls.

Based Helvetia

Dennis Praeger figures out that women are to blame. A little late. This could have been written in the 70s.

What they did to van Gogh’s paintings.

Remembering World War II. The National Socialists occupy Vienna:

Not exactly the Beach Boys:

News for August 27, 2022

Posted By on August 27, 2022

Xi Jinping is leading a purge of the Chinese Communist Party due to its corruption and its support for drastic covid lockdown measures. Drought conditions in China are delaying China’s economic recovery.

China shuts off electricity to Shanghai stock exchange, factories nationwide. Energy shortage.

Fertilizer plants in Europe shut down due to high cost of energy.

China would like to take over Taiwan, but this project is awaiting a larger regional agreement that would unify North and South Korea and liberate Japan from U.S. control.

Indonesia and India have joined the Russia/China alliance and will hold joint military maneuvers with Russia.

Russia has called up an additional 137,000 troops, but they will not go to Ukraine. They will go to the Arctic circle to counter NATO threats against Russia’s presence there.

Zelensky addressed the United Nations this week. Following the address, the UN issued a resolution critical of Russian actions in Ukraine. Only 58 countries supported the resolution; 135 voted against.

Zelensky fears that his complicity in war crimes will be exposed during a planned trial of Ukrainian troops in Russia.

The UN has become so desperate that it recently issued a warning against conspiracy theories and specifically mentioned criticism of George Soros as off-limits. The UN is a Communist conspiracy set up by Josef Stalin and supported by Communist Franklin Roosevelt. The first UN secretary-general was Alger Hiss, a Communist spy.

Where does the UN get its trillions of dollars to impose its policies on the world?

Canada has formed a climate change police force and is building a new facility that will feature a firearms armory, interrogation rooms, biological labs, media relations offices, “controlled quiet rooms,” and intelligence hubs to beef up “climate enforcement.”

France is recruiting 3,000 new green police.

There is no nitrogen crisis.

Russia blames Ukraine assassin for the death of Daria Dugina. Ukraine terrorism?

Aleksandr Dugin on the alien jewish elite inside the U.S.

Phil Butler explains why Europe is doomed. We wish there was something in Europe that could be saved. Long ago we recommended that Europe ship its art treasures to Russia before the muzzies burn them.

Anneke Lucas testifies about child sex trafficking:

Australia TV exposes elite British child abuse scandal:

A website devoted to sex scandals in the British Labour Party.

Sodomy is mind control.

New political party in Australia:

World Economic Forum wants to microchip children.

Texas bans Blackrock and other corporations over anti-oil policies.

How bad are schools in Chicago? Unbelievable. Public schools are another Democrat racket.

Why women should not be allowed in politics.

Counties can legally ban wind and solar projects.

Trump supports Israel and is supported by the jews, but jews mainly donate to the Democrats, even though the Democrat minions criticize Israel. Weird.

This website keeps track of the one world religion, Chrislam, and the activities of Pope Francis.

Carlos Porter defends the Germans at Nuremberg. Not guilty.

The occult meaning of the “OK” symbol.

It has been known for many years now that the Diary of Anne Frank is a hoax.

“According to their own writings and the means they have already confessedly employed, the conspirators have deliberately planned and developed methods to mentally deteriorate, morally debase, and completely enslave the masses. They will prepare vaccines containing drugs that will completely change people. Secret Communist plans for conquering America were adopted in 1914 and published in 1953. These plans called for compulsory vaccination with vaccines containing change-agent drugs. They also plan on using disease germs, fluoridation and vaccinations to weaken the people and reduce the population.” Bertrand Russell, Impact of Science on Society, 1953.

Covid treatment in hospitals was rigged to kill patients:

Fauci is now doing gain of function research on the Spanish flu.

Big Pharma is planning mRNA treatments to replace many vaccines.

We never read Behold a Pale Horse. We did our research in the library. But we did see a few Bill Cooper videos after writing The Hidden Masters, and we thought he was a stand-up guy, a martyr to the New World Order agenda. There was another side to Bill Cooper. Don Ecker explains.

Blood sweat and tears guy doesn’t like the government. But there aren’t even any protests in the United States. White people are too weak to fight back against their enslavement.

The best moment at the Alex Jones trial.

Kamala unboxes the evidence from the Trump raid: