News for November 26, 2022

Posted By on November 26, 2022

Gazprom accuses Ukraine of stealing natural gas supplies, threatens cutoff.

UK is ignoring its own sanctions on Russian oil.

European Parliament declares Russia a state sponsor of terrorism. This makes peace difficult.

Hungary, Austria, Serbia unite to halt illegal migration.

The EU has reached an agreement that  would effectively ban the sale of new petrol and diesel-fueled cars in the bloc starting in 2035. The deal was struck between negotiators from EU member states, the European Parliament, and the European Commission, which all must agree when a new law is to be adopted within the EU.

Bolsonaro sues to invalidate Brazilian votes.

Child services department removes children from protesters in Brazil.

Danish prime minister confronted with charge of killing 83,000 Danes with the covid vaccine.

The disinformation organization that shaped UK covid policy.

Big Pharma will combine covid and flu shots into one shot.

BBC reveals covid vaccine was manufactured using segments of the HIV virus.

Blood banks set up for the unvaccinated.

The FTX scandal and Big Pharma.

U.S. Department of Defense funded anthrax labs in Ukraine.

Smart cities will become concentration camps under technocracy.

Violent protests erupt at Apple iphone factory in China. Covid lockdowns.

State of Control, an ambitious video.

Race and the election.

Planning for the next pandemic:

How the covid lockdowns will lead to climate lockdowns according to Agenda 2030:

The globalists behind DeSantis.

How Mussolini saved Italy from Communism.

Stossel on electric cars:

On the pagan origins of judaism. Note, in the Sumerian scriptures, YALWEH ENLIL is the half brother of ENKI. The enslavement of humanity by ENLIL corresponds more closely to the actions of YAHWEH in the Hebrew Bible than those of ENKI.

Matt Walsh on the sexualization of children.

Christian denominations that support LGBT:

Unitarian Universalists.
Church of Christ (Disciples of).
United Church of Christ.
Lutherans (ELCA).)
Some Baptist splinter-groups (not Southern Baptists or independents)
Some Catholic splinter groups.
Some Pentecostal splinter groups.
Some Moravian congregations.

A look at the life of Sufi master al-Hallaj.

News for November 19, 2022

Posted By on November 19, 2022

Election protests continue in Brazil; Bolsonaro has not conceded but allows transition of government to Lula; Supreme Court blocks recount; banks taking money from trucker accounts as previously in Canada.

Massive protests in Mexico against election “reform.”

Russia not guilty of sending missiles into Poland; it was Ukraine’s missiles. Ukraine tried to start World War III with this false flag. Russia enters recession and out-migrations continue.

Poles march for independence featuring Nazi banners.

Zelensky bans website for reporting war crimes by Ukraine soldiers.

Klaus Schwab instructs G20 in Great Reset agenda. Notice they all have these weird uniforms.

More Germans believe Russian media than EU propaganda.

G20 will require vaccine passport for travel.

The FTX/Ukraine/Democratic Party corruption connection.

Bankman-Fried admits to FTX laundering money for Ukraine. Also here.

FTX gave $2.5 million to Mitch McConnell.

FTX was a WEF partner.

9 U.S. banks launch digital currency program.

FBI says they found nothing in their Mar-a-Lago raid. But Trump could still be charged with something.

Ireland will jail hate speech offenders for 5 years. Ireland is gone.

Wisconsin a case study in preventing election fraud. Also here.

A quick look at election fraud in Arizona. Too many election fraud stories to cover here.

Great video on how software programs use voter lists to create fake ballots.

Too late for the Repubs to fix voter fraud?

Catholic bishops fund abortions, LGBTQ organizations. Run away from this satanic church.

Maryland attorney general investigates 158 sex-abusing priests and 600 victims.

Pope meets with world religious leaders to issue 10 climate commandments:

Bella Dodd put 1,000 Communists in Catholic seminaries. The jews again.

British universities are ordered to “decolonize” all their courses.

San Francisco gives $1200 per month to transsexuals and finds 134 genders.

Black gangsters steal $400 million from Target stores.

Wind turbine manufacturers lose billions as orders decline.

Bill Schneider explains why wind power is bad economics and bad politics.

British solar panel company goes bankrupt. Meanwhile, Biden is trying to lure an Italian solar panel manufacturer to the U.S. and is blocking Chinese imports. The decline is world trade is mainly due to Biden’s sanctions on Russia and China and the unwillingness of foreign suppliers to take worthless dollars for oil.

Jew Walensky is a mass murderer.

Norwegian politician calls for death penalty for Big Pharma jews.

The gay takeover manifesto.

Israel is on board:

Rockefeller memo reveals homo and feminist agendas are depopulation programs.

Keynesian economics is just big-government takeover. Stimulus programs are the problem, not the solution.

Holocaust denier Vincent Reynouard arrested in Scotland.

Tobias Langdon: Conservatives accept multiculturalism and defend the jews, that’s why they are useless.

Greg Johnson: A red wave would have been bad for white nationalists because more folks need to wake up to how useless the Republican Party is.

The jews have turned Germany into Europe’s bordello.

Fred Reed: The U.S. is the Weimar Republic, Where’s Our Hitler?

The U.S. now is just a replay of the jewish strategy of white destruction during the Weimar Republic.

We are in a worse position in the United States than Germany during Weimar. Hitler had an Aryan volk to lead, a genuine nation with land, a common culture and history, and a modern industry. Hitler’s great achievement was publicizing the historical researches of Guido von List, Rudolf Gorsleben, Ernst Lauterer, Karl Wiligut, and others who publicized the Aryan historical traditions preserved among a few elite Germany families. Hitler identified the jew as the enemy and mobilized his people for defense against their planned genocide.

We, by contrast, have no Aryan nation with a territory to defend. It must be formed, by migration to Idaho and Montana and linking with Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Manitoba. Our greatest needs are industrial development and weapons for defense. A leader will emerge, preferably ex-military, if the volk can form. Hitler’s ideology is not our only model; there are other varieties of Fascist ideology that compensate for the weaknesses of Constitution and democracy. Political organization is the least of our problems, and Germany’s programs do not exactly fit with the needs of our historical conditions. Our first priority is to form the volk.

It doesn’t matter if you have a democracy if the jews have their central bank.

Manu says the Christians are more of a threat to the white race than the jews. We don’t quite agree, but both Protestants and Catholics are funding and organizing the alien invasions of Europe and the U.S.

Brett Stevens, Whites Going Their Own Way

It’s impossible to create a harmonious society as long as black people are involved.

Kanye says his mother was a human sacrifice to Satan. This requirement for human sacrifice seems to be a feature of modern Satanism, though difficult to prove. Someone has to flip and spill the beans. Here you go.

The jews have the power to shut down any business.

News for November 12, 2022

Posted By on November 12, 2022

Russia withdraws from Kherson. More here.

Russia’s Wagner Group admits to meddling in U.S. elections.

Ukraine government rejects U.S. pressure to negotiate with Russia.

Ukraine government will seize control of companies linked to Biden. Cleaning up the evidence?

Everything about the Hunter Biden laptop.

Scholz travels to China, signals closer ties with China to save German industries from collapse. Very amusing article. Germany needs to cancel its servitude to Washington to survive. The backlash. More backlash coming. One of many signs the European Union is coming apart.

Holland withdraws sanctions against Russia, without permission from the European Union.

We are awaiting the report on the election corruption by Brazil’s military. Meanwhile, a look at the evidence. More here. Isn’t it interesting that Brazilians protested their stolen election while the Americans do nothing?

Victor Davis Hanson offers the standard analysis of the election outcome. The Democrats have legalized mail-in voting, and there is no authority that can stop that corruption. Another weakness in the Constitution.

How the civil war is going:  28 whites murdered in October

Walensky was working with the People’s Liberation Army.

Harvard, Yale, Berkeley still require covid boosters.

U.S. appeals court rules that NSA spying on citizens’ phone records was illegal. But the surveillance state keeps on growing.

France, Singapore, Switzerland will test central bank digital currency rollout.

Evelyn de Rothschild dies at age 91.

U.S. sanctions will mean end of dominance of the U.S. dollar.

Looking forward to the U.S. government possibly defaulting on its debt. Seems inevitable.

A look behind the FTX bankruptcy. They were all WEF Democrats, reckless and corrupt.

U.S. corporations get lower interest rates if they meet diversity quotas.

John Kerry admits the climate-change propaganda is modeled on the vaccine propaganda.

Why are they installing purple street lights?

They built a ten-foot wall around the Federal Reserve Bank. Are they worried about something?

The stunning number of laws the Federal Reserve routinely violates.

Nick Fuentes explains how the jews control politicians, actors, and athletes.


Joseph Kay has a particularly good analysis of the history of affirmative action and its disastrous outcomes.

Denis de Bernardy offers an incisive critique of the climate agenda.

Jack Dini notices that the Arctic sea ice is not melting.

Catholic church in New York pays $55 million to sex abuse victims. Eleven French bishops accused of sexual assault. Sex abuse is a feature of the Catholic church, not a glitch.

The jews are behind drag queen story hour.

Mary Harrington on the AWFL feminists. The sex war isn’t coming, it’s been going on for a long time. No one has the ability to wage a war against the feminists except Islam.

Whitney Webb, How Elites Will Create a New Class of Slaves:

Yuval Harari promotes world depopulation.

Frank Raymond discusses the genocide against white people:

Freemasonry and the Rosicrucians, for newbies:

Mummies found at Nazca are aliens.

Our introduction to Kerry Cassidy:

News for November 5, 2022

Posted By on November 5, 2022

Vladimir Lenin: “The establishment of a central bank is 90% of communizing a nation.”

China hits Alaska with earthquake weapon.

Thieves’ paradise in Kiev: IMF sends $35 billion to Ukraine, can’t track the money. How many billions do these jews need?

UN votes not to investigate biolabs in Ukraine.

Ukraine adds Israeli finance minister to its kill list. The kill list.

How Brazil’s Supreme Court fixed the election of Lula.

Massive election protests in Brazil:

Russia deploys hypersonic missiles to border of Europe.

Mike Whitney, Washington’s plan to break up Russia.

Norway raises military alert level.

Finland to allow NATO to place nukes on border with Russia.

ArcelorMittal shuts down two steel mills for lack of energy.

We don’t like to make predictions, even though we know the plans of the controllers. Here are two pretty safe bets:  There will be a lot of election corruption. The U.S. military is going to overthrow Iran for Israel.

Biden warns: “It will be days until we know the results of the election.”

Biden warns: “We’re going to free Iran.”

Mafia boss Netanyahu wins election in Israel.

Digital currency pilot project fails in Nigeria.

Doctors Without Borders, Big Tech aid illegal immigration.

Thousands of corrupt police on the streets of England.

How the civil war is going:

Man firebombs Oklahoma donut shop for hosting drag queen story hour. Didn’t use thin glass bottles.

University of Chicago to offer a class called The Problem of Whiteness.

David Icke banned from Europe.

Vancouver is Dying:

Kanye West: “My (((lawyer))) told me I’ll lose custody of my kids if I keep up the anti-Semitic rhetoric.”

Giselle Bundchen gives her reason for divorcing Tom Brady: She wants to produce a travel series and donate to environmental causes. Uh Giselle, governments are spending trillions on environmental causes, and plenty of people are producing travel documentaries. What an airhead.

Why the future of Japan looks dark. 

Evidence for reincarnation. Lots more evidence than presented here.

David Icke, The Trap interview. Basically he’s talking about Buddhism using different language. This little book can help.

The liberation of Germany’s work camps.

Jewish underground resistance created the German gas chamber hoax.

Murdoch Murdoch feels like nostalgia now. Nice guy National Socialism.

Treasures from the tomb of King Tutankhamon.

The Wikileaks fake Moon landing video:

Five mysteries about the Vatican:

The Eternal Jew, 1940:

News for October 29, 2022

Posted By on October 29, 2022

U.S. rushing nukes to Europe. 101st Airborne deployed just miles from Ukraine.

NATO deploys USS George H.W. Bush task force for war with Russia.

Russia accuses Ukraine of making a dirty bomb.

The main points from Putin’s Valdai speech: “No one can sit out the coming storm.”

J. Kim has a game plan for World War III. The analysis is pretty good, but we don’t buy his conclusion that the U.S. will strike Ukraine’s nuclear reactors.

The STRATFOR analysis of the jewish strategy of perpetual war. Once again Germany’s strategy becomes pivotal.

Europe’s large industries are failing due to high energy prices (or lack of energy). Some companies are moving to the U.S. EU leaders meet to form a strategy to fight the destruction of their economies.

U.S. natural gas imports cannot make up for the loss of Russian supply.

Russian Defense Ministry charges UK Navy destroyed Nordstream pipeline.

Ursula von der Leyen is under multiple investigations for corruption. Looks like she is being targeted for takedown. Also here.

Von der Leyen receives Great Reset award from Bill Gates. She is special.

Russia is about to ban pervert propaganda from the internet, ads, books, and movies. Nice going.

U.S. aid not reaching Ukrainian people. Too much corruption. Same story for U.S. weapons shipped to Ukraine.

Rishi Sunak is all-in for digital currencies.

William Engdahl on the background history of the Great Reset, for newbies. We’ve been reporting on this for 14 years.

Very encouraging video about people waking up to the fact that covid is a scam.

Covid vaccines are worse than we thought:

U.S. Senate issues a report concluding that covid was made in a lab. Nice to see them catching up years later. Democracy is such a joke.

Pfizer will sell its covid vaccine at 10,000 percent markup.

21 Republican state governors will refuse to honor CDC mandate to vaccinate children.

Inflation is a planned response to too much debt.

U.S. government reveals how it makes war against its citizens:

MSNBC: “Whites will be replaced.”

Video shows young white people are very brainwashed. We need to do something about this.

Canada sentences Canadian Nationalist Party leader to jail for one year for insulting jews.

A tour of Washington, D.C.’s homeless camps:

Brits need to lock their doors to keep migrants out.

What feminists do after making bad decisions: consult witch doctors.

What has trillions of dollars of investment in Green energy achieved? 1 percent reduction in oil usage.

Pentagon says it has “off-world vehicles.”

Google uses AI to censor opposing viewpoints.

The CIA and the U.S. military control the content of most movies and TV shows.

Angelina Jolie and the jewish pedophiles in Hollywood.

Scientific advances in archaeological studies of human sacrifice.

King Solomon was actually a pharaoh in Egypt. Your introduction to one of many falsifications of history in the Hebrew Bible.

Over at Human Events, they want to blame transgenderism on gnosticism. Maybe. Baphomet comes to mind. But Robert Heimdal points out that the Israelites understood YHWH to be both genders. Whoever is right, the transgender craze comes from the jews and is aimed at Aryans, not the blacks or jews or Chinese.

How Canada managed to get rid of the Jewish Defense League.

Confronting the Judeocracy: The Six Stages of Enlightenment

News for October 22, 2022

Posted By on October 22, 2022

A short summary of where the war in Ukraine stands now. Ukrainian troops are training in Europe, and 40,000 NATO troops are in Eastern Europe ready for war.

The globalists’ plan for Ukraine up to 2024. Explains the Soros plan for looting Ukraine by selling agricultural lands to transnational corporations. Zelensky is a relative of Soros. They wanted to reduce population anyway, so they are happy for the U.S. government to give them billions of dollars to hold off Russia while Ukrainians die. If Russia loses, the globalists get an even bigger pie to divide up.

Israel has decided not to send more arms to Ukraine as Putin threatened to break relations with Israel.

Ukraine adds Elon Musk to their kill list. By the way, Teslas have been known to burn down houses.

Russia strengthens anti-gay laws and bans Facebook. Righteous. Russia seems like a nice place to live. Plenty of oil, no inflation.

In this video, Zelensky seems kind of gay:

Liz Truss resigns as British prime minister. The Conservative Party is a globohomo vaccine clown show and deserves to die.

Xi Jinping arrests Hu Jintao at CCP summit meeting.

China stops sale of Russian natural gas to Europe. Winter just got colder.

Fuel price protests in over 90 countries. Don’t protest, storm the Bastille.

Switzerland cracks down on Rothschild bank cheating.

Russell Napier on the growth of government loan guarantees as the solution to too much government debt.

A conservative economy is an important idea. How to get there.

Your controllers meet to hype the coming global digital currency. Your chance to see Queen Maxima.

Moderna develops a new mRNA shot to help people with all the heart attacks Moderna has been causing.

National Institutes of Health blocks access to genetic database for research because Marxist ideology.

U.S. health officials dumped stocks right before the covid pandemic.

“The vaccine will save lives and get us through the pandemic.” These folks go in the ovens first.

CDC mandates covid vaccine for children. These folks go in the ovens next.

Apple’s new headset will scan your eyeballs to gather personal information.

Robert F. Kennedy’s book The Real Anthony Fauci is now a movie.

Biden’s new cancer research agency plans to screen all Americans for mental health problems. Bet they find plenty of them, too.

Pete North, Net Zero is Doubling Down on Stupid

State attorneys general start investigation of big corporations involved in Net Zero program. Green finance is counterproductive and often corrupt.

Mary Maxwell looks at how various occupations collaborated with the covid conspiracy. Do you see anything here worth saving?

The downside of solar panels.

Tulsi Gabbard belongs to a weird cult in Hawaii. She’s also a World Economic Forum trainee. Not our girl.

Civil war report: San Franciscans arm themselves with baseball bats and stun guns when they go out in public. No white person should go out in public alone and unarmed. When white people grasp this and form armed militias, the civil war will start in earnest.

The Biden tent cities in Washington, D.C.

The Tom Brady/Gisele Bundchen divorce is happening because she wanted him to retire from football and stay home with the kids. Never get involved with a feminist. Feminists are the jewified enemy of the Aryans. No quarter given.

Wicca is not historical folk witchcraft, it’s a modern invention derived from occult doctrines:

Kanye on Piers Morgan show. The jews will smear Kanye as mentally ill for pointing out that jews control everything. Kanye is amusing, but we don’t think he’s well informed about the history of jewish genocides against white people, or even cares. The jews have to silence him, too many people might catch on. Obama introduced the elite black athletes and entertainers to the Boule. They aren’t going to flip because Kanye is protesting jewish domination.

Trump tells U.S. jews to support him because he’s big in Israel. This might get interesting—bet those jews push back. Those “wonderful evangelicals” Trump likes show no signs of waking up to the jewish threat.

Rolo Slavskiy analyzes early Christian writers and leaders in terms of “pro-jew” and “anti-jew.” From our historical perspective it seems highly unusual that any “anti-jew” Christians even got included.

Rolo meditates on why it is so difficult to get white people to unite around the jewish question. He blames the Hebrew Bible, Protestant fundamentalism, and individualism. His solution is Puritan fervor and Marcion. Our solution is, forget Christianity and focus on writing up the actual history of the jews. Once the jew genocides against whites are revealed, let the chips fall where they may.

The jewish Noahide laws signed into U.S. law by George H.W. Bush dictate that Christianity is idolatry and all Christians shall be beheaded.

The military knows Israel did 9/11:

The banned history of Sabbatai Zevi.

News for October 15, 2022

Posted By on October 15, 2022

Russia’s missile strikes force Ukraine to suspend its export of energy to Europe. Ukraine’s power generating capacity is crippled.

Russia eliminates a group of U.S. army officers in Ukraine. Everybody knows the U.S. military is in Ukraine, this is just proof.

Medvedev calls for end to Ukraine government. No more “special operation.”

Israeli company is providing Ukraine with satellite imagery of Russian troop positions. Israel controls Ukraine, Europe, and the United States, so it is their war.

Belarus will join Russian military operations against Ukraine. Ukraine destroys bridges to Belarus. Russia is recruiting military forces from the Middle East to fight in Ukraine.

Ukraine’s reign of terror against Russians.

Why the jews turned against Russia: Putin prosecuted their illegal activities and made them pay taxes.

Sean McMeekin offers a somewhat unflattering portrait of Vladimir Putin.

Republican governors boycott BlackRock.  Starve the beast.

Grassley: Hundreds of FBI agents have resigned for sexual misconduct. Hey, how about some prosecutions?

Jews declare war on Kanye West.

Pfizer admits they didn’t test their mRNA vaccine to see if it stopped transmission. Hey, how about some prosecutions?

Member of European Parliament investigates EU purchase of covid vaccines.

Britain’s National Health Service to collapse as doctors plan mass resignations. Because Big Pharma is a jewish mafia.

Italy finds vaccinated people have contaminated blood.

Don’t forget about all those liars who told you the vaccine was safe and effective. And don’t forget that Piers Morgan prick. These people wanted to put us in quarantine centers.

Centers for Disease Control confirms 338 times increase in AIDS-associated disease following covid vaccine roll-out.

Biden extends covid emergency. Because too many people are making money off of it to stop now.

Not just white separatism, covid vaccine separatism.

How the government cooperates with Big Tech to spy on you.

France will shut off all smart water heaters remotely. Not enough energy to go around.

Africa isn’t getting enough gibs due to increased spending on Ukraine, threatens to join Russia/China/India.

Satellite temperature data show climate models predicting warming were wrong.

Tokyo shows no warming for 34 years.

How wind farms game the system to make money when there’s no wind.

These banks are participating in the digital currency experiment to force social credit on you: Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, Wells Fargo.

Bill Gates give $200 million to the United Nations to establish a global ID system. It’s important to the jews to be able to track everybody.

How to opt out of the digital currency nightmare.

269 teachers have been arrested for child sex crimes in the first 9 months of this year. Keep your kids out of the public schools and the Catholic church.

How parents can fight against radical gender theory.

Why feminists are unstable and miserable.

A brief history of Chabad Lubavitch.

Canada makes it a crime to deny the Holohoax.

3,000 years of jewish terrorism explained.

Makow: Why Nuremberg expelled its jews in 1499.

E. Michael Jones speaks out, reveals that Catholics are brainwashed idiots.

The cosmology of the Bible is the flat earth. Now what?

Political theory: Revisiting the conservatism of John C. Calhoun. It’s too late for conservatism, its ideal of small government leaves a target for the Communists and socialists to capture and impose their dumb ideas on the rest of us. Conservatism has been ineffective in fighting Communism, that’s why Fascism had to be invented.

Political theory: Just for fun we visited John Michael Greer’s Ecosophia, Toward an Ecological Spirituality, only to discover the lamest political theory since the Club of Rome’s Green agenda. Toynbee hasn’t been forgotten, his theories have been discredited. All rise-and-decline theories have been discredited as pseudoscience because they apply scientific thinking to history in search of universal laws, but there are no universal laws of history. The “creative minority” in Greer’s scheme is an empty set. All of the scientific historians—Vico, Kant, Herder, Comte, Marx, Spengler–occupy a small paragraph in the history of history. Real historians have long ago passed them by because their theories of history predict nothing. See Chapter 28, Science and History. Also, it’s not very helpful to keep saying, “the people in power” without identifying who they actually are, the jews. Good luck with your spiritual ecology. Hope you don’t freeze to death. No surprise that “spiritual ecologists” would be attracted to pseudoscientific histories now that ecology reigns as queen of the pseudosciences.

How scientists have enhanced human psychic abilities with technology:

Just in case you were wondering, don’t get on the ships:

How Canada will fall. Narrator explains what is holding Canada together as a nation and why it must crack apart. The strange part is, he believes globohomo must be defeated, then Canada splits into pieces. But who defeats globohomo pervert socialism? Our take is that it’s necessary for whites to separate now to save ourselves from extinction. Pervert socialism has nothing to offer white people, only the jews benefit.

Ireland Clark exposes the black cube matrix. It took me my whole life to understand this. How did Ireland Clark get it at such a young age?