News for February 25, 2023

Posted By on February 26, 2023

China pledges to join forces with Russia. This move officially puts the USA in the minority position of the big three international powers. China’s peace proposal rejected by the West.

Putin addresses the nation, exposes satanic agenda of the West: “See what they do with their own peoples – the destruction of the family, cultural and national identity, perversion, mockery of children and pedophilia are declared the norm. The norm of their life, and priests are forced to bless same-sex marriages,” Putin said.

Putin: “The West is playing with a stacked deck.”

Russia estimates 400 tanks have been delivered to Ukraine (probably more) as NATO prepares for tank war. U.S. arms shipments to Poland. Rumor: Biden has sent U.S. troops and tanks to Romania to counter Russian invasion of Ukraine. Did Putin wait too long to launch his big invasion?

Why Russians support Putin. Putin’s support for the war is running about 70 percent.

Orban supports Putin. Imagine all of Europe knowing the U.S. elites are pedophiles.

Ukraine’s new recruits:

They’re kids

— Jack Posobiec ?? (@JackPosobiec) February 17, 2023

How the corruption works in Ukraine.

Ukraine politician’s wife caught fleeing the country with millions of dollars in her suitcase:

Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams tells white people to “Get the Fuck Away from Black People.” Nice to see Adams catching up with reality. Never relax around blacks.

What happens when you let blacks into your community.

The Chinese are not going to make this mistake:

Makes you think.

— UnashamedlyWhite (@Unashamed366) February 20, 2023

63 percent of young men are single. Feminism. Guys, don’t make relationships with the enemy. Don’t take any instruction from a female teacher, and don’t work for a female boss. If your mom is a feminist, get away. Preserving your racial identity is more important than serving Marxist jews.

“A National Socialist state must begin by raising marriage from the level of a continuous defilement of the race and give it the consecration of an institution which is called upon to produce images of the Lord and not monstrosities halfway between man and ape.” Adolf Hitler

Male-to-female trannies commit a lot of sex crimes.

The Left’s war against white kids. Public schools and universities are anti-white battlegrounds, and we are losing badly.

Germany’s diverse schools are a mess.

Satanic pics of the month.

Crime out of control in New Orleans. They’re stealing the police cars.

CDC says vaccine deaths were caused by 5 percent of batches, most were sent to Republican states.

Idaho will consider annexing Oregon counties.

South Africa as a model for the U.S. race war.

Jonathan Wilkinson on why there will be no mass rebellion.

Stephen Coughlin gives a presentation on the Marxist dialectic. We are offering this video as very few researchers discuss the dialectic. Basically, the dialectic is Problem/Reaction/Solution, where the Marxists present a false problem and a false solution to get the socialist outcome they desire. Coughlin adds some graphics to it, you might get something out of it. The weird part is, he shies away from discussing conspiracy, when Communism is the greatest and most obvious historical conspiracy, and he never mentions that Communism is Judaism. We prefer that our lecturers on dialectic be better informed.

Paul Stonehill on aliens:

More Paul Stonehill research.

Mother Jones hit piece on Nick Fuentes.

Freddy Silva, How the Templars founded Portugal. Freddy Silva’s research is excellent.

Oswald Moseley

What day is it again?

— ??Akhenaten? (@SplendorEternal) February 20, 2023

Eisbrecher, What is wrong here?”

News for February 18, 2023

Posted By on February 18, 2023

Russia prepares new aerial attack on Ukraine.

Richest oligarchs flee from Ukraine.

Ukraine’s 8 million refugees are mostly women.

How Russia is handling thousands of child refugees from Ukraine.

Russia says U.S. is training terrorists in Syria to attack Russia.

UK politicians secretly meet to undo Brexit.

Anti-NATO military purge in Hungary.

Samantha Power is in Hungary to undermine their government:

Tom Fitton at Judicial Watch says there was a secret agreement between the governments of the US and the UK to hide adverse vaccine events.

More on that globalist Declaration of North America.

How George Soros controls the media.

Farage: British elites have been bought by Beijing.

Catholic student at Catholic high school arrested for saying there are only two genders. If you were wondering how far the degeneracy goes in the Catholic church. In the Closet of the Vatican.

One world religion Chrislam headquarters opens in Abu Dhabi.

Zoltan explains the current situation with the Federal Reserve and interest rates.

Pfizer faked data on trials for FDA emergency authorization.

13 million killed by covid vaccines.

Robert Kennedy catches up with revelations the military and the NSA ran the pandemic.

How Israel manipulated global media to successfully fix 27 of 33 presidential elections.

Deep dive into the covid 19 conspiracy:

A citizen journalist report, Covid 19, Evidence of the Intent to Harm:

More from Turkey on the earthquake as planned assault by the United States:

How the civil war is going. Right now schoolkids are getting the worst of the black terrorism.

The World Government Summit 2023 seeks to shape the future of governments. Yes, Klaus Schwab was there. More here.

We usually don’t write much about feminism because feminists aren’t making much news and everyone understands the tragedy of white women following the jewish anti-white agenda. But here are a few stories:

Sydney Watson files misogyny lawsuit against The Blaze.

Girlfriends complain about “boyfriend air.”

30 percent of high school girls considered committing suicide last year.

Arthur Schopenhauer’s 1851 essay On Women.

U.S. Air Force officers say UFOs shut down U.S. nuclear missile sites.

Map showing Europe’s sources for electricity.

Dutch university fires conspiracy historian.

Kentucky fried chicken secret recipe leaked.

The most powerful Illuminati families.

Rothschilds will take their French bank private. They seem to be doing well.

The genetic origins of the Ashkenazi jews. Persian with a sprinkle of Asian. Nothing to do with “Adam and Eve.”

Eustace Mullins, The Secret Holocaust

Satanism in Europe.

News for February 11, 2023

Posted By on February 11, 2023

NATO will send fighter aircraft to Ukraine. An act of war.

Turkey supported Russia, blocked NATO expansion, gets hit with massive earthquake. Turkey knows who has earthquake weapons:

U.S. blocks humanitarian aid to Turkey earthquake victims.

How to spot a cocaine user:

Russia overhauls its nuclear bomb shelters. Russia is going to war with NATO.

Israel’s war against Iran. Yes, the U.S. is also involved.

Seymour Hersh (highly credible) reports that the United States destroyed the Nordstream pipeline.

U.S. group that trains Ukrainian soldiers dissolves over sexual misconduct, fraud.

Christians targeted for violence in Jerusalem.

Israel ejects Ukrainian refugees from state-sponsored housing.

A survey of immigrant population percentages in European countries.

Pentagon launches spy balloons over Midwest. That’s right, to spy on you.

Watch Lauren Bobert destroy FBI/Twitter censors. Our girl.

Biden documents scandal includes 1,850 boxes of documents; Biden refuses to turn documents over to Senate committee.

How Google censors conservatives.

WEF promotes technology to spy on workers’ brainwaves.

OpenAI is designed to destroy conservatives. ChatGPT is woke. Stay away.

NOSTR is a network that promises to bypass censorship.

Siemens loses $1 billion in wind energy investments. More here.

James Lynch explains the legalities of prosecuting Jeffrey Epstein’s associates.

Unvaccinated illegal aliens are allowed in New York schools. Are the covid vaccines targeting whites?

Moderna CEO admits the company produced 100,000 covid vaccine doses in 2019, before the epidemic began. Operation Warp Speed? Just a false front.

Fauci admits mRNA vaccines were worthless.

Japanese professor sues government for promoting covid vaccine.

Thai princess goes into coma, Thailand turns against Pfizer. Also, Swiss President and Minister of Health under investigation.

Secret legal maneuvers that allowed the Department of Defense to make the covid bioweapon attack against Americans “legal.”

Michael Snyder reports on child sex abuse in America.

Of course we know the World Economic Forum is an extension of the United Nations and is pushing Agenda 2030. In this video, an insider has flipped and provides details of their corruption.

Elon Musk says the UN is more likely to cause, rather than prevent, misinformation.

UN pushes churches to accept pervert agenda.

UK plans digital currency.

How red states are fighting woke corporate agendas.

A list of all the politicians who took FTX donations.

Fake meat sales collapse.

Plumbers in Oakland have been robbed so many times that they organize shooter training. When whites organize to fight back, the civil war will begin in earnest.

New blood test 92 percent accurate in predicting prostate cancer.

What is the National Alliance?

Oldie but a goodie: Clinton Crime Comics

More discoveries that discredit the “out of Africa” story of human evolution.

Some interesting material from Ed Komarek about alien wars.

Black Pigeon explains what we already knew years ago, feminism destroyed Western civilization:

Peter Thiel addresses the Oxford Union. This is an interesting speech, mainly because he characterizes the state of the sciences as moribund and corrupt. But there are many misleading statements, such as that censorship is OK because nobody has anything important to say. See the link below for the awful things Peter Thiel has done.

Peter Thiel founded Palantir, which spies on everybody.

Old news: Rabbis in New York arrested for organ trafficking.

Russian troops in Ukraine uncover organ harvesting operation.

Hitler on inflation.

“In a world composed of mongrels and Negroids, all ideals of human beauty and nobility and all hopes of an idealised future for humanity would be lost forever. On this planet of ours human culture and civilisation are indissolubly bound up with the presence of the Aryan. If he were to be exterminated or become extinct, then the dark shroud of a new barbaric era would enfold the earth.” Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

Tesla thought the pyramids were energy generators:

News for February 4, 2023

Posted By on February 3, 2023

U.S., Israel attack Iran. Another war front heats up. More reporting here.

U.S. offers Russia a peace proposal for Ukraine. The original article is behind a paywall, so we are linking to Escobar, who is pro-China and given to hyperbole. This proposal means the U.S. fears a Russian invasion of Ukraine is imminent. It’s significant that Ukraine was not consulted about the peace proposal—the war is between the United States and Russia.

Ukraine attacks pipeline carrying Russian oil to EU.

Ukraine’s snipers target priests first.

Hunter Biden’s Ukraine biolabs received hundreds of millions of dollars in contracts from the Department of Defense. Joel Abbott has commentary.

U.S. transfers Ukraine biolabs to Poland, Eastern Europe.

Zelensky destroyed all documents on Hunter Biden’s biolab the day Russia invaded.

Ukrainian refugees hate multiracial Europe:

The U.S. federal government is tracking unvaxxed people.

U.S. government admits 5G causes covid.

Biden talks about how to increase food shortages. Mission accomplished.

World Economic Forum sets up “smart city alliance” to establish universal guidelines for control.

The playbook in Brazil is the same as for the U.S. election in 2020: Steal the election and accuse the protesters of insurrection and treason.

Artificial Intelligence has no morality, sterilizes or genocides humans when given control.

Elon Musk: “The damage done to the credibility of AI by ChatGPT engineers building in political bias is irreparable.” We’re more afraid AI development will continue without a glitch and end up enslaving us.

How AI is used to prevent terrorist attacks in Europe.

CDC Chair: “We Will Get Rid of All White People.” Video also here.

Birx admits she altered data on covid to deceive Trump.

How Christian and jewish charities are aiding the alien invasion.

Every 2 minutes a child is sold to a pedophile for sex in the U.S.

Epidemic of sexual violence in British schools.

Quran burnings in Denmark and Sweden rile up the muzzies.

Brits face a fine if they burn wood to stay warm.

Black cops are more likely than white cops to shoot blacks.

Hamilton 68 was a source for the Trump/Russia disinformation campaign. More here.

Colorful talk about Chinese women.

Minnesota bans coal, oil, and gas in 17 years.

Antarctica hasn’t warmed for over 70 years.

We never paid any attention to Jordan Peterson, but many people have. Here is why you shouldn’t.

Those Roman statues weren’t white.

Netanyahu offers Africans $3500 to leave Israel. A good precedent for us. Let’s try it.

What is good for the White Race is the highest virtue. What is bad for the White Race is the ultimate sin.

“You have heard how in ancient times it was said, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” But I say to you, blessed are the brave, for they shall make the earth their throne. And you have heard the man say, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for they shall enter the kingdom of heaven.” But I say unto you, blessed are they whose soul is great and whose spirit is free, for they shall enter into Valhalla. And you have heard men say, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of the Lord.” But I say unto you, blessed are they that make war, for they shall be called, not sons of Jehovah but sons of Wotan, who is greater than Jehovah. And I say to you finally that Wotan has put a heart of stone in our breast, that those words of the old Scandinavian saga came from a true Viking, and that a man born of such a race is proud that he was not bred to feel pity.” The West’s Darkest Hour

Pornography as Jewish Activism and Terrorism.

Larry Romanoff, The Jewish Declaration of War on Germany. This is the first detailed article we have seen on this subject. Excellent.

Turns out there is a Nazi homeschool network in Ohio. Who knew? Hope the article above is included in their curriculum.

Who was Philip Barker?

How the jews ran the Nuremberg trials.

How the jews controlled Woodrow Wilson.

Video documentary on the Kalergi Plan.

The evil history of Valentine’s Day:


News for January 28, 2023

Posted By on January 28, 2023

Mike Whitney speculates that the big Russian offensive in Ukraine has already started.

Ukraine fears Belarus invasion, offers nonaggression pact.

German foreign minister says Western allies are fighting a war against Russia. Russia already knew that. Milley promises to go on the offensive against Russia. Ramstein declaration of war.

U.S., Germany, Canada, and Spain will send tanks to Ukraine.

Ukraine’s military has suffered losses in the hundreds of thousands. Ukraine’s desperate search for new military recruits.

The Ukranian corruption scandal is said to have involved $100 billion in personal spending by top officials. The top officials.

Ukrainian satanists take over Russian Orthodox church:

1993 essay by George Soros proposed using eastern European soldiers to fight NATO’s wars.

Russia is still top seaborne oil supplier to EU, despite sanctions.

U.S. federal government is funding AI to censor dissent on vaccines, election fraud.

Biden signs “one North America” agreement.

Bekah Lyons summarizes the alarming proposals coming from the WEF meeting in Davos.

Banksters attending Davos launch digital currency.

Chicken feed companies are charged with adding ingredients to stop chickens from laying eggs. Also here.

Biden administration wants to fund drug dens, following Netherlands model. Because free crack pipes just aren’t enough.

Vaccinated Germans developed AIDS, 1 million deaths in one year.

Immigrant gangs blew up 500 ATMs in Germany in 2022.

U.S. district attorneys and U.S. sheriffs work together to criminally charge Fauci, Baric, Daszak and others for collusion and premeditated murder. Don’t hold your breath. All the top judges are compromised by blackmail material.

New American finally figures out that it’s a depopulation agenda.

Pfizer research director says they are planning to mutate the coronavirus to justify new vaccines, assaults Project Veritas after interview. Reporting from Mark Dice. You Tube deleted the original video.

The vaccinated can spread the bioweapon to the unvaxxed:

A tour of Pfizer and AstraZeneca’s biolab the Russians shut down in Ukraine:

George Webb’s continuing investigation of covid origins.

Department of Defense gives EcoHealth Alliance $3 million for Wuhan research on bioweapons.

How the civil war is going:

Antifa uses explosives in Atlanta riot.

In St. Louis, 95 percent of all homicide suspects are black.

“Rape the white girls” poet included in Florida black studies course.

Don’t put your kid under the control of black daycare workers.

Small French village defeats jew plan to diversify them. This may be the first victory for white people since the jews declared war on Germany.

A billboard campaign has started in the UK to rouse sympathy for jews as victims of anti-semitism. No mention of the crimes of the jews.

UK begins banning cars.

Gavin Newsom’s wife gets government funds to make films about gender justice.

The Church of Satan wants the legal right to sacrifice an unborn child.

Pope Benedict wrote that Francis was allowing gay clubs in Catholic seminaries.

Over half of older white women have been diagnosed with a mental problem. Feminism.

Introduction to a video called Twilight of the Archons, which has nothing to do with Archons but is about money creation. Might interest newbies.

Africa is dealing with its young gangsters by sending them to rural areas to work on farms. Let’s send our young gangsters to Africa.

A continuation of our discussion of Synarchy in The Hidden Masters: Two books by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince. Warning: This is just part of the story. The EU was a socialist project that got some help from the Synarchists.

History of the jews explained with maps:

Canadian neo-Nazi found guilty of anti-semitism in Canada, faces 2-year sentence.

A page of links to historians who denied the Holocaust.

Quick take on censorship in the UK.

William Pierce, The Measure of Greatness

What Germany Was Trying to Prevent

News for January 21, 2023

Posted By on January 20, 2023

How the Biden administration fixed the Brazilian election to make sure the Communist got elected. Also here.

Ukraine elites squabble over corrupt weapons trading profits, 3 assassinated.

Douglas Macgregor on Ukraine:

World Economic Forum: Humans Are a Plague and AI Is the Cure. Biometric ID will be necessary to access the internet.

List of WEF collaborators conspiring against us.

Videos from WEF at Davos.

UN Secretary General tells WEF to ignore voters, make unpopular decisions.

FBI Director Wray confesses at Davos to the crime of collaboration between government and corporations to stifle dissent, manage elections.

Rebel News catches Bourla at Davos. Notice he doesn’t answer any questions. Guilty as hell.

Chairman of Siemens calls for end to eating meat as solution to “climate crisis” at Davos. Elites plan to inject mRNA vaccines into meat supply.

How the WEF infiltrates corporations and governments.

The WEF needs to tell better lies.

Communist China supports WEF tyranny.

Escobar comments on Davos.

The WEF, WHO, NATO death cult.

“And the people didn’t see.”

Amazon to lay off 18,000 workers, other tech firms planning big layoffs. We’re interested in the layoff story because we want the tech firms to get weaker so they can’t oppress us as easily. Also here.

Good news: Blackrock loses $1.5 trillion.

Yellen will tap Social Security funds to patch debt limit crisis, jets to China to find money. Why do we let jews manage our money?

A report on Hunter Biden’s crimes as recorded on his laptop.

Joe Biden’s tax returns disappear from his website.

Far-right group prosecuted for plan to assassinate Macron. I take back all the bad things I said about the French.

The CIA warned Germany of an attack on the Nordstream pipeline weeks before it happened.

Pfizer paid doctors millions to market their “vaccine.”

Excess deaths in UK seem to be a mystery to covid vaccine believers.

Robert Kennedy: They knew they were going to kill a lot of people.

DeSantis tries to transform a Marxist university in Florida. Probably better to let these places fail as it’s impossible to replace all the faculty.

IPCC climate models grossly exaggerate global warming.

Why Green energy will destroy the earth if they get their way.

Wyoming wants to ban electric vehicles. Well, it’s a start.

Blacks celebrate MLK day.

Vince McMahon pays out millions to settle sex lawsuits. Guys, learn from this doofus. Leave the feminists in your workplace alone. That is what they deserve. It’s cheaper to look elsewhere for sex. Pay in advance.

Lots of statistics and doomsday projections about rising number of young feminists.

LGBT activist couple runs pedophile ring in Georgia. And here.


How the civil war is going: 37 whites killed by blacks in December. And this.

Jung-Freud has a piece on the movies that traces themes of degeneracy, sex perversion, race, and political activism during the past few decades. Credit for watching a lot of movies, but Jung-Freud needs an editor. Also, fails to mention Satanism as the chief feature and motivation of modern culture. We don’t write much about culture because movies and music aren’t going to help us save the white race.

The Luciferian oath in the entertainment industry.

Click on a state in this map to find all-white towns.

How Roosevelt colluded with Britain to get the United States into World War II.

A look at the jews who control UK’s Conservative Party.

How the Freemasons control the United States and Canada.

Rabbi says God commands them to destroy the Christians:

Goebbels explains the National Socialist attitude toward Christianity:

News for January 14, 2023

Posted By on January 14, 2023

Protesters storm capitol buildings in Brasilia:

Many protesters arrested. And here. Justice minister fired, plan for election oversight revealed.

Putin supports Lula.

A quick look at the war in Mexico:

Hunter Biden linked to missing classified documents in Joe Biden’s garage.

The Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington at the University of Pennsylvania received at least $54 million in donations from Communist China.

Communist China is funding Hillary Clinton’s new job at Columbia University.

Philip Giraldi, How Jewish Is the War Against Russia?

Here is the list of Americans who will be attending the WEF meeting at Davos. What the elites are worried about.

We reported last year that newly elected Italian Prime Minister Meloni would have a difficult time separating Italy from EU policies despite some “conservative” campaign rhetoric. Here’s an update on the situation in Italy.

Gail Tverberg makes the case that the world economy must crash due to lack of new energy sources.

Zoltan Pozsar has an authoritative geopolitical analysis of the implications of an inelastic oil supply. Pozsar investment recommendations.

Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs proposes $40 million for illegal aliens to attend university.

Arkansas Governor Sarah Sanders bans critical race theory in Arkansas schools.

66 percent of Texas voters want to secede from the union. We believe this trend will accelerate and break the union.

The late Pope Benedict was a Freemason:

“One of the many triumphs of our Freemasonry is that those Gentiles who become members of our Lodges, should never suspect that we are using them to build their own jails, upon whose terraces we shall erect the throne of our Universal King of Israel; and should never know that we are commanding them to forge the chains of their own servility to our future King of the World.”

Interview with Elon Musk:

A look at human trafficking in sex slavery:

Sex slavery of white women in Israel is legal. The jews control the sex slave trade.

Nestle’s products are poison:

M & M’s candy goes woke.

China’s hospitals are empty. The covid pandemic reports are lies:

Pfizer scientist says the company knows their vaccine causes myocarditis. Also here. American Heart Association agrees.

1,642 elderly patients must be euthanized per day for hospitals in the UK to keep their funding. Sounds like a depopulation program, doesn’t it?

More on the Department of Defense control of the vaccine program.

The fourth booster is the killer.

Washington state is working up a law to form a strike force to arrest the unvaccinated.

Bill Gates Vows To Pump mRNA Into Food Supply To ‘Force-Jab’ the Unvaccinated

You Tube also guilty of censoring covid vaccine information.

Humans are going to be the antennas for 6G technology:

How much wind power does it take to electrify a manufacturing plant?

“Thou Shalt Not Kill” signs go up in Washington, D.C. because blacks commit almost all gun crimes.

Beau Albrecht points out that all of black people’s problems are your fault.

There are all-white communities in the United States. A map.

An interesting historical study of the search for King Solomon’s mines. Also this.

The deep history of the formation of the Babylonian banking system used by the jews.

“Antisemitism is indispensable to us in the management of our lesser brethren.” (Protocols, 9)

A record of the holiday celebrations of the SS.

Some evidence that Hitler died in Argentina:

The Khazar jews caused the two world wars.