News for April 8, 2023

Posted By on April 8, 2023

U.S. resumes construction of biolabs in Ukraine.

Russia threatens NATO peacekeepers sent to Ukraine.

Russia says many other countries will join OPEC in cutting oil output.

Russia predicts collapse of European Union. Apart from the betrayal of Europe by the United States and the crumbling of the socialist financial system, Europe is too eager to trade with Russia and escape U.S. sanctions.

New law in Ukraine allows Zelensky to ban any media critical of him.

North Korea plans to send 50,000 troops to Ukraine to support Russia. Both sides are planning for a bigger war. Zelensky is threatening to invade Crimea and kill every Russian there. Biden sent $2.5 billion more, and the European Union is negotiating the details of an agreement to send ammunition to Ukraine for years. Ukraine believes Russia is going to evacuate civilians from Russian-occupied territories before the Ukraine offensive begins.

Macron’s visit to China was mainly about signing business contracts. Talk of peace in Ukraine was just a front for public consumption. We don’t know if Macron can survive, but huge protests are planned for next week. France looks worse than San Francisco.

The UBS takeover of Credit Suisse is not final, is subject to criminal investigation. UBS has seized Saudi Arabia’s assets at Credit Suisse, an act that pushed Saudi into the arms of China and led to oil production cuts as retaliation.

France investigates 5 banks for tax fraud and money laundering.

Michael Hudson interview on the history of financial theft and bank crises.

Whitney Webb has a long piece on Jamie Dimon’s history. You get the feeling that banking itself is a criminal occupation.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. announces his candidacy for president. He might be better than Biden if he continues his opposition to the mRNA vaccines, but Robert Kennedy and other Kennedy family members were friends with Jeffrey Epstein.

Renee DiResta, the CIA, and the government censorship complex.

Not all states are adopting electric cars.

The Green attack on our food supply is multifaceted.

Mexico plans ban on gmo seeds. Good idea.

Scandal in Britain over failure to prosecute Muslim rape gangs due to fear of being labelled racist. Racist? Racism is your greatest moral obligation. The white race needs you to be racist in order to continue to exist.

The day Trump was arrested:

You know the cops in NY hated doing what they were ordered to do.

— MAGS (@TAftermath2020) April 4, 2023

Fauci says there will be another pandemic next year. He ought to know.

They are going to inject mRNA “vaccines” into cows and pigs.

AstroZenica vaccine banned in Australia:

Interview with Reiner Fuellmich. Anti-vaxxers facing mounting attacks:

Bill Gates’s tetanus shots distributed in Africa contained anti-fertility drugs. He’s done this before.

Investigators target Sergey Brin, Michael Ovitz, and Thomas Pritzker in Epstein trafficking probe.

Demonic possession of Artificial Intelligence is another reason to halt its development.

A list of corporations that conservatives should boycott. More here.

600 victims of child sex abuse by the Catholic church in Baltimore. The abuse of children by the Catholic church is massive and worldwide. Why does this church continue to exist?

I asked a “trans woman” to explain how he knows that he’s a woman. The answer was about as coherent as you’d expect

— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) April 5, 2023

Is trans aggression replacing black aggression as the tip of the Communist violent takeover?

The 11th Hour blog covers who is profiting from transgenderism. There is no such thing as transgender. There is only cross-dressing plus surgeries.

Wall Street Journal poll marks severe decline in patriotism, religious belief, desire for children. Our culture has pretty much been replaced without much pushback.

Why you should never adopt a black child.

A map showing where George Soros has elected prosecutors.

Pedophile art exhibit in France:

A truly disturbing pedophilic art exhibition open to the public and protected by the government as “free expression”.

— ? Robert Jones ? (@Robert____Jones) April 5, 2023

President John Adams regretted the continuation of Rothschild banker control over the United States after the Revolution.

How urban planners forced modernism on America.

How you will leave your 15-minute city:

15 MINITE CITIES – neighbourhoods are split into permission ZONES with gates at entry and exit points. These require visitors and residents to scan their ID to gain entry.

To save the planet ?

— Bernie’s Tweets (@BernieSpofforth) April 2, 2023

When @Riley_Gaines_ asked University of Pittsburgh professor Gabby Yearwood if an archeologist could differentiate between two sets of bones as male and female, Professor Yearwood. who calls himself the “expert in the room,” answers “no” to which the entire audience laughed.

— Independent Women’s Forum (@IWF) March 30, 2023

The Riley Gaines speech:

Riley Gaines @Riley_Gaines_ is one of the bravest and most honest women. She has been treated extremely unfair by the NCAA and the insane policies favoring trans male athletes. Last night she was attacked by trans activists while speaking for women’s rights.

— Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis (@DrLoupis) April 7, 2023

Michel Scheuer on Israel’s influence on the United States.

A history of Zionist infiltration of the British establishment. It is not correct to think of Anglo-Saxon Britain as Aryan because Britain has been controlled by jews since the invasion of 1066.

The Holocaust legend is based on confessions obtained by torture at Nuremberg.

Article 21 of the Nuremberg Tribunal: The Tribunal shall not require proof of facts.

A jew explains why the jews invented Christianity (5 pages).

How things were in 1932. Not much has changed.

Why all the politicians in democracies lie.

Hitler on the role of women.

Philomena Cunk tests the patience of another expert:

News for April 1, 2023

Posted By on March 31, 2023

“Their democracy is a pretty facade for the political system, which serves to hide the neglect of the rights of ordinary Americans.” Nikolay Patrushev, Secretary of the Russia Security Council

The Russia/China/Iran alliance is turning Iran loose to chase the United States military out of Syria, where they have been stealing Syria’s oil. U.S. sends Bush carrier group to Mediterranean. The rout of U.S. forces in Syria will lead to more political discussion about reinforcements and funding, and Israel (Netanyahu) will likely continue attacks, but the alliance looks strong enough to push out the U.S. military.

UN spokesman Faran Haq HUMILIATED by journalist who poses simple question: “Do you think the US military presence in Syria is illegal or not?”

— Dissentral Intelligence (@dissentralintel) March 28, 2023

The head of global markets at Credit Suisse is a mentally ill “gender fluid” man who sometimes believes he wakes up as a woman.

Brazil, China agree to abandon U.S. dollar. This trendline will only continue to gain momentum.

Capital is fleeing from Western markets to Asia. China is the new safe haven.

Putin on the transition to trading in Chinese yuan

— Victor vicktop55 (@vicktop55) March 26, 2023

Only 20 percent of U.S. financial aid goes directly to Kiev. The rest enriches the military/industrial complex inside the U.S.

Ukraine refugees reject claims that Russia kidnapped them:

Aangirfan on the deep history of child sex abuse in Ukraine.

The EU is having some legal difficulties in confiscating Russia’s assets.  Medvedev says Russia should pirate Western films left in Russia in response to the West’s confiscation of Russia’s assets.

While Rishi Sunak is contemplating sending fighter jets to his friend Volodymyr Zelensky, Rishi’s wife is earning tens of millions through the Infosys (digital ID) company that – still – operates out of Moscow.

He says he knows nothing about it.

— Richard (@ricwe123) March 26, 2023

Simon Elmer, Why You Should Destroy Your Smart Phone Now. But you’ll probably wait until you are entirely imprisoned.

?MPs FOR HIRE: a Led By Donkeys undercover investigation?

Watch the trailer…

— Led By Donkeys (@ByDonkeys) March 25, 2023

An amazingly good article on the triumph of mediocre design.

Jacob Siegel has a good article on various deep state disinformation campaigns, without ever mentioning the jew. The piece is marred by an introduction claiming that Joseph McCarthy spread disinformation. McCarthy was not precise in numbering the Communists inside the U.S. government, but he was basically correct. Communists had infiltrated the U.S. military, the press, universities, Hollywood, and of course, the Roosevelt administration at the highest levels. Communists had taken over the state governments of Wisconsin, California, and Washington state. Otherwise, a reasonable summary of stuff we already knew.

How Netanyahu smuggled jews into Silicon Valley to steal U.S. technology.

The think tank behind Netanyahu’s coup is the Kohelet Policy Forum.

A short report on how bad the economy is.

Twitter restricts Marjorie Green’s account for reporting on transgender “day of vengeance.” The event was later canceled because of the transgender terrorist shooting. Twitter isn’t all free speech, folks.

How Artificial Intelligence will end free speech. The government will make sure it does.

A proposal for shutting down AI research.

Germany revises ban against internal combustion machine. Green energy scam is failing. Berlin votes against Green climate proposal.

Public transportation strikes planned in Germany. France, Germany, Belgium appear to be cracking. Good luck with that.

French protesters burn down mayor’s house for supporting Moslem immigration. It’s a start.

Arctic summer ice hasn’t declined in more than a decade

Bill Gates brags he made a 20 to 1 return on his vaccine investments.

Former Pfizer vice president says, don’t take anything with the word “vaccine” attached to it:

Incredibly well done.

— Liz Churchill (@liz_churchill9) March 29, 2023

How Constantine forced Europe into the Dark Ages. Constantine didn’t just reorganize the religions of the day into the Catholic church, he also reorganized the structure of the Roman economy.

Daily Mail informs England of how bad Germany was before Hitler took power. Those jews.

How jewish capitalists profited from World War II.

Pierre Bertrand has an interesting piece in which he claims the Gnostics warned humanity about alien contact with humans, whereas the Bible covers up the alien connections.

Pan A.K. says the Nephilim were simply big Greeks.

Clif High is smarter than we are, so we are happy to hear him discuss human origins. We have been hot on the history of the Annunaki, but Clif says humans were created by earlier aliens.

A quick introduction to John David Ebert, Art After Metaphysics, an attempt to periodicize art history and explain the dilemma of modern artists:

The Forged Origins of the New Testament

Posted By on March 26, 2023

“It seems that the personage of Jesus Christ was made narrator for many religions.” German Bible scholar Friedrich Constantin von Tischendorf, discoverer of the Codex Sinaiticus

The story of how Constantine invented the Catholic church is described by Tony Bushby, an Australian researcher, in The Forged Origins of the New Testament. First published at Nexus Magazine, Volume 14, Number 4 (June – July 2007). There was no Christian religion at the time of Constantine (272—337), and there are no New Testament manuscripts older than mid-fourth century. Constantine called the Council of Nicea to form a new religion out of the many that were flourishing in Rome. Constantine needed a new god who would command the allegiance of many religions. He named his new god Hesus Krishna. The new god was approved by majority vote.

Constantine then mandated the compilation of a set of exemplary texts to support the new religion. He believed that his new creation would put an end to religious wars. His religion was not called Christianity until the 15th century.

The discovery of the Codex Sinaiticus (the oldest Bible know to exist) led to a comparison with more recent Bible texts, revealing at least 14,800 editorial alterations by later Bible translators.

In 1562 the Vatican established a censorship office to prohibit publication of early texts that opposed the Church’s more modern doctrines.

Christianity is a mix of (mainly) Mithraism, Greek philosophy, Hinduism, and Egyptian religion.

Christ Never Heard Himself Called Jesus

Tony Bushby, The Bible Fraud

Tony Bushby, The Criminal History of the Papacy

Robert Adams, Behind the Bible Fraud, What Was the Church Trying to Hide?

Tony Bushby, The Forged Origins of the New Testament  at

Interview with Tony Bushby

News for March 25, 2023

Posted By on March 25, 2023

The key event of the week was the meeting between Xi Jinping and Putin in Moscow. China and Russia have been cooperating against America for a long time, but this meeting solidified the alliance on the world stage. The trendline of this cooperation will result in American decline and China’s rise to supreme power. The Chinese yuan will become the world’s most powerful currency in a few years.

U.S. ignores China’s advice on Ukraine. But Zelensky refrains from criticizing China, wants to meet with Xi.

China ships assault weapons to Russia.

Putin’s September 30, 2022 speech was the “revolutionary manifesto” for this alliance against the U.S. satanic deep state (Khazerian mafia).

The Saudi Arabia/Iran alliance means abandonment of the petrodollar and the rise of the yuan. The rest of the world is reluctant to sell oil to the United States when the oil is paid for in inflated dollars. Israel is the big loser.  More here.

We are not reporting on the crisis in France because Antifa and labor unions are driving the violence. Protesting over a rise of 2 years in the retirement age isn’t going to change anything. When the French riot over being replaced by Muslims, we’ll pay attention.

UN claims right to manage “extreme global shocks.” Like pandemics.

European Parliament votes to require digital ID. Just like Communist China.

((Sex traffickers)) target Ukrainian women and children in Polish refugee camps.

Ukraine is trafficking children to elite pedophiles. This has been going on for years if not decades.

Russia has been rescuing these children, but now Ukraine is accusing Russia of kidnapping them.

Canada becomes the world leader in organ trafficking after passing euthanasia law.

Red Cross is accused of harvesting children’s organs. The Red Cross is Rothschild Illuminati.

U.S. Army establishes garrison in Poland. Part of the overall strategy by NATO to arm nations bordering Russia.

Trump promised weapons to Ukraine:

For those still confused about the history of how the US began sending lethal arms to Ukraine, take seven minutes watch this excerpt from the BBC series “Putin vs. the West”

June 2017: Ukraine president Poroshenko says he received a verbal commitment from Trump to send the arms

— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) March 20, 2023

How the race war is going:

Rest in peace, Victorine Dartois – yet another innocent casualty of multiculturalism.

— Way of the World (@wayotworld) March 14, 2023

Silly white people think they can do their laundry without being clubbed to death in front of their children… ????

— Unbiased Crime Report (@UnbiasedCrime) March 24, 2023

Grandpa shows you how to deal with a feminist in the family.

Trannies, gays disrupt feminist “free speech” gathering in New Zealand. When your enemies are fighting, it’s best to leave them alone.

This is what the ‘queer’ Community in New Zealand is, all peace and love…… Not!!#LetWomenSpeakAuckland

— Standing For Women #AdultHumanFemale (@StandingforXX) March 24, 2023

Busloads of Chinese men are being dumped at the U.S. border. What country would want to do that?

Silicon Valley Bank was founded by a group of Israeli tech investors. They decided to take their money out, putting the bank in crisis. Fortunately for those jews, jew Janet Yellen decided to bail out the bank, and with it the other Israeli tech investors. It’s great for jews when jews run the financial system and stick together.

CDC wants to experiment on the unvaccinated.

NHS director admits hospitals lied to inflate covid death statistics.

Dr. @P_McCulloughMD: “Our Seniors Have Been Destroyed by This Vaccine”

A McLachlan analysis found 80% of post-vax deaths were among people aged 65 and older:

• 9% expired within 6 hours post-injection
• 18% died within 12 hours
• 36% did not survive through the following day

— The Vigilant Fox ? (@VigilantFox) March 13, 2023

Medicare now using Artificial Intelligence to deny coverage. Death panels not needed.

Michigan university holds separate graduations based on sex, race. If the Left isn’t committed to racial integration, we can propose more ideas for separation.

Canadian intelligence service says that China has controlled Canadian prime ministers for the past 40 years.

A quick look at some of Hollywood’s satanic high priestesses.

Israel will give Christians jail time for preaching their gospel.

Africans denied asylum in Israel because persecution is normal there.

How the jews practice democracy.

New York Times jew admits the far right is correct about the jews.

German jew wants more revenge against Germans for Holocaust. Because replacing the white race isn’t enough.

Radio Albion commentary in UK points finger at elites.

Byung-chul Han on the effects of smartphones.

Selwyn Duke points out that secession is a gradual process, not an all-at-once break. Find some hope in these ideas.

Philomena Cunk tries the patience of another expert, who explains that you can’t vote your way out of democracy. But the Germans did exactly that by voting for Hitler, who then cleaned out the entire corrupt jewish democratic Weimar mess, including banning the Rothschild bankers. Suddenly, Germany was governed in the interest of the Germans, not the jews. This made the international jews who run the world very angry, and the result was World War II.

News for March 18, 2023

Posted By on March 18, 2023

The financial crisis looks like incompetence, but there is some planning behind it. Consolidation of banks, the digital currency rollout, and attacking crypto. Lots of woke idiots in the financial industry.

Israeli companies transferred $1 billion from SBV right before Fed seizure. Those jews, so smart.

How the jews cooperated to bring down SVB Financial Group.

Edward Dowd on Alex Jones gives a good overview of the financial crisis. Start at 51:00.

Huge wave of bankruptcies across Europe.

Saudi Arabia threatens oil embargo against the West.

Mexico says it will stop exporting oil.

Details of Biden deals with China show the Chinese paid $31 million. More here.

Dutch Farmers Party wins majority in its first election.

Switzerland tells Ukrainian refugees to sell their cars.

A look at where Switzerland stores its gold.

How Israel hacks elections.

The tide has turned against Green investment.

Guest on French TV show says celebrities taking adrenochrome.

Greta Thunberg is a Rothschild.

Red Cross aids alien invasion.

A look at the People’s Rights militia movement.

Why you shouldn’t go out in public alone and unarmed:

Whites are being systematically targeted and executed as if it’s a funny game.

At this point, Whites should use a buddy system and be armed at all times.

— Stew Peters (@realstewpeters) March 15, 2023

Kevin Alfred Strom urges whites to unite. But we don’t think urging forms the volk.

Interview with Alexander Deptolla in Germany indicates the volk are formed, but Germany is still screwed.

The iphone as fetish object.

How to force cashless businesses to take cash:

English guy explains in 2 minutes how he beat Starbucks ‘Cashless policy’

Use cash wherever you can people – it’s that simple.#Cash #DigitalID #wef2030agenda

— Concerned Citizen (@cotupacs) March 15, 2023

How one mayor cleaned up his board of education:

???Well said & Done Mayor ???????

— Armand Klein (@ArmandKleinX) March 12, 2023

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on the Fauci/Gates genocide conspiracy:

Documents from the UN and Rockefeller Foundation reveal plans to depopulate the white race.

Covid conspiracy theories that turned out to be true.

Kennedy says Pfizer bribed Trump with an inauguration donation:

.@RobertKennedyJr tells @jimmy_dore: “Trump got in there and said I’m going to get rid of the swamp. He asked me to be on a vaccine safety commission. When that news got out, Pfizer gave him $1 million for his inaugural party, and he appointed two of Pfizer’s lobbyists, Scott…

— (@KanekoaTheGreat) March 13, 2023

British Member of Parliament says U.S. Department of Defense is behind covid and the vaccines.

Report on spraying us with weaponized viruses:

They are spraying “weaponized viruses

— TRUTH PILLS ?? (@pills_truth) March 14, 2023

Rapper confirms that rappers are sodomized.

The hidden role of women in sex trafficking.

How the jews lure foreign girls into prostitution in Israel.

Jewish child pornography ring busted.

And at the very top of the pyramid: B’nai Brith leader pleads guilty to child porn charges.

How Europe became a haven for pedophiles.

Europe plans to check all text messages for child porn. Don’t they know Europe is a haven for pedophiles?

Hitler on the plague of Cultural Marxism in Germany:

Introducing Philomena Cunk:

News for March 11, 2023

Posted By on March 11, 2023

Biden attempts to pin Nordstream pipeline bombing on Ukraine. This might signal a shift toward peace as Biden throws Ukraine under the bus. Or maybe it’s just another lie from the big liar and means nothing but misdirection.

U.S. instigates revolution in Georgia to open a second front in the war against Russia. Also here. Georgia has erupted in violence.

India Prime Minister Modi tells G20 that global governance has failed. That’s why Soros wants to overthrow his government.

Majority in U.S. House of Representatives supports the overthrow of Iran government. Israel’s dupes.

Philippines issues arrest warrant for Bill Gates for murder. Good luck with that.

The banking crisis begins:

Credit Suisse bank faces bankruptcy. Credit Suisse is where the crooks launder their money. More here. Suisse secrets.

Silicon Valley Bank shares halted in trading. FDIC takes over deposits.

Rising interest rates cause banks to lose money in older credit purchases, called “unrealized losses.” T-bills at 5 percent are starving the banks of capital. As the economy shrinks, more loans to corporations default. But Silicon Valley Bank was solvent until some depositors withdrew their deposits. This was a coordinated attack. By whom? Well, one beneficiary was Jamie Dimon. It also looks like Janet Yellen went looking for some money to keep the government afloat.

Inspectors General estimates $276 billion of covid relief fraud.

Fauci prompted his associates to cover up lab leak theory. Fauci is still breathing.

UK lockdown files show health officials conspiring to “scare the pants off everyone” – “When do we deploy the new variant?” The government wanted the lockdowns.

Robert F. Kennedy explains why Big Pharma needed to discredit Ivermectin:

.@RobertKennedyJr Explains Why Fauci Had Such a Problem With Early Treatment

“Tony Fauci’s problem is this: there’s a little known federal law that says, ‘You cannot give an emergency use authorization to a vaccine if there is any medication approved for any purpose that is…

— The Vigilant Fox ? (@VigilantFox) March 6, 2023

FBI takes out Dana Hyde, former legal counsel for the 9/11 Commission and a Clinton associate. The woman who knew too much.

Lauren Southern on the anti-white racism in South Africa:

How the civil war is going:

This is the ugly truth mainstream media doesn’t want you to see…

— TXDeplorable (@Texas_Made956) March 6, 2023

Hate crime

— Eric Spracklen?? (@EricSpracklen) March 6, 2023

The outcome of multiculturalism is terrorism and socialist savagery.

Vandals mar pervert pride flag painted on street in Fort Lauderdale.

Tennessee sex cop decides to sue the department after her sexcapades. The law has provided feminists with an excuse to never take responsibility. It’s better not to have women in the workforce.

Selwyn Duke, Academia’s Feminocracy Is Real, and It’s Killing Education and Freedom. And that’s why New World Order University exists.

The coming world without children:

How the sex perverts won over public opinion:

Iowa could ban gay marriage.

Nick Fuentes gives an amusing speech after being banned from CPAC. We like Nick, but Christians are not going to unite to save Western civilization. They will, however, send their sons and daughters to die in foreign wars for Israel, and many denominations are aiding the immigrant invasion.

Matthew Crawford goes undercover and discovers that bribery is the only way to get anything done in California.

Mexican gang members hold positions at the highest levels of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department.

28 girls rushed to hospital after playing with Ouija board. Don’t mess with spirits.

Anti-Defamation League says that people who criticize warmongers, globalists, and communists are anti-semitic, which explicitly implies that Jews are these things.

SPLC jew among 23 ANTIFA rioters arrested in Atlanta. ANTIFA is a jewish terrorist organization.

Joachim Hagopian, The History of the Central Banking Cartel and Rothschild-Sponsored Wars in America.

Catherine Austin Fitts on the central bank in Switzerland:

Brother Nathanael notices powerful jews looking out for each other at our expense.

Exposing the Diary of Anne Frank as a jewish fraud.

Thousands of jewish babies were born at Auschwitz. Wait a minute, a jewish baby boom in a “death camp”?

West’s Darkest Hour has an interesting piece on end-times prophecies of the Aryans. It is our misfortune that most white people know more about the Bible than they know about Aryan historical documents.

Heinrich Himmler on the importance of our Aryan ancestors.

The KGB made a video called The Secret and Explicit Goals and Deeds of the Zionists. This video has been suppressed, but you can watch it here.

This has been going on for a long time:

News for March 4, 2023

Posted By on March 4, 2023

U.S. nuclear war command moves to Iceland.

Biden orders Air Force planes carrying nuclear materials to remove official markings.

Ukraine launches drone attacks inside Russia. The war widens. But Ukraine withdraws from Bakhmut.

Ukraine forbids men to leave the country. Military conscription for all who are left.

Ukraine attack on Crimea is planned for spring. NATO will be there, too.

Zelensky fires head of military. Not sure why.

Three large multinational corporations have already bought most of Ukraine’s farmland. Mission accomplished.

Russia discovers chemical shipments, says U.S. is planning false flag chemical attacks in Ukraine to blame Russia for using banned toxic agents.

Putin will cut off gas to Europe.

Alexander Dugin, Russia has rejected liberalism and is preparing for full-scale war.

A report on opposition inside Russia.

Comparison of military forces, Russia and Ukraine.

Russia says U.S. is planning to assassinate Putin:

Romania prepares for war, calls for immediate training for all men fit to fight. Looks a lot like WW3.

China controlling Canada’s elections.

South Africa has collapsed. Organized looting. Loss of police, firemen, hospitals. Little electricity. Take note.

Germany plans feminist foreign policy. What happens when you let women run for office. Also here. The idea that erasing discrimination against women and girls will lead to more stable societies is patently false. There are no societies, there are only multicultural sewers, and they are never stable because feminism causes a severe decline in birth rates, high divorce rates, and higher rates of queer homosexuality. Women can’t take jobs away from men and make “society” more stable.

World Economic Forum wants to track where you shop, what you eat, where you travel.

Soros is planning to overthrow India Prime Minister Modi.

New York City pays Black Lives Matter protesters $21,000 each.

Scientists want to use human brain cells for Artificial Intelligence. Please stop this. We don’t need Artificial Intelligence.

Graphika funded by Department of Defense to censor the internet.

Attorney gives update on lawsuit against Big Pharma.

100 million animals have been injected with mRNA vaccines. They must be spreading it to people.

World Health Organization already granted authority over U.S. healthcare in December spending bill.

Medicare data: Covid vaccines increase the risk of dying.

“There were 138 companies that were involved in manufacturing and distributing the vaccine. They’re all military contractors. The Pentagon and the National Security Agency ran the entire pandemic response. Pfizer and Moderna don’t really own those vaccines. They slap their labels on ’em but it was a Pentagon project.” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Katherine Watt on the militarization of public health. Kudos for great research.

Mayor of California city eliminates the homeless problem. It’s not difficult.

The only good Communist is a dead Communist.

Vanguard abandons ESG investing. A small victory for our side.

Why Tulsi Gabbard is a moron. The Fascists were the ones who actually fought the Communists. This is not difficult.

This guy is sending thousands of people to their death:

Zelensky performs … well…whatever this is. ??

— Kat Kanada (@KatrinaPanova) February 25, 2023

How the civil war is going:

“We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in the professions and in the world of Sports and Entertainment. With this prestige the Negro will be able to Intermarry with the Whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.” Israel Cohen, A Racial Program For the Twentieth Century, 1912.

“Keep basking the Dead White Males and the Live Ones and the Females too, until the social construct known as the white race is destroyed, not deconstructed, but destroyed.” Noel Ignatiev Jewish Harvard Professor and Founder of Race Traitor Magazine.

Somebody forgot to avoid black people, got killed.

Black shooter executes white homeless guy.

Black dad gets a white girlfriend.

White dad explains her mistake.

90 percent of drivers arrested in New York City were black or Latin.

Lesbian couple murders son.

Hershey chocolate goes tranny:

13 Democrat mayors arrested for child sex crimes since 2021.

Woke airlines threaten air safety.

A political commercial against racial integration.


— Jack Posobiec ?? (@JackPosobiec) February 27, 2023

Tradwives don’t get heard much, here is one.

Edward Ring, The Population Crash. Useful for knowing which countries are facing extinction, but no mention of official organizations devoted to depopulation. Speculation about pro-fertility programs.

We reported ten years ago that social media was causing mental problems among children. Here is an update on various studies. Remember, these are social science studies and hence are subject to all of the shortcomings of the secular worldview.

In the late 1800s and early 1900s the German Lebensreform movement emphasized the goodness of nature, the harms to society, people, and to nature caused by industrialization, the importance of the whole person, body and mind, and the goodness of “the old ways.” The German youth movement known as Der Wandervogel grew out of Lebensreform as a countercultural reaction to the organized social and cultural clubs that centered on German folk music. In contrast to these formal clubs, Wandervogel emphasized amateur music and singing, creative dress, and communal outings involving hiking and camping. Inspired by the works of Friedrich Nietzsche, Goethe, Hermann Hesse, and Eduard Baltzer, Wandervogel attracted thousands of young Germans who rejected the rapid trend toward urbanization and yearned for the pagan, back-to-nature spiritual life of their ancestors.

A summary article on efforts to reduce sex abuse in UK schools.

Public Square is a patriotic alternative to Amazon.

It’s not beautiful, but it is art, and it’s kind of amusing.

New York in 1911:

Jewish rabbi: “We shall stage anti-Semitic outbreaks in several of America’s cities to trigger World War III.

“He wanted to restore this sense of the sacred to every German—to every Aryan—in whom it had faded or had been lost over the generations through the superstitions spread by the churches as well as by an increasingly popularised pseudoscience. He knew that this was an arduous and long-term task from which one couldn’t expect spectacular success, but whose preservation of pure blood was the sine qua non of accomplishment because, beyond a certain degree of miscegenation (which is very quickly reached), a people is no longer the same people.” Savitri Devi

Interview with Clif High, on the ancient ones, before the Annunaki.

Edgar Mitchell says aliens have visited earth, but governments covered it up.

A look at the Egyptian Book of the Dead scroll.

Eisbrecher, Between Us: