Overpaid bureaucrats

Chris Edwards reports from the Cato Institute that government workers are overpaid by nearly 100 percent. Edwards proposes a federal wage freeze. A great idea, but why stop there? How about a 50 percent pay cut, across the board, to bring government salaries in line with the private sector? We wonder why the Democrats haven’t proposed this?

Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma believes out-of-control government spending is the number one issue among tea party protesters. Perhaps cutting government salaries would help reduce the astronomical debt the Democrats are running up?

90 percent of U.S. cities are cutting spending and killing planned projects. Story at CNN. With so many states and cities facing decreasing tax revenues, now might be a good time to cut the salaries of government bureaucrats.

Things are looking grim in Florida. Things might look better with a 50 percent cut on government workers’ salaries and benefits.

From Wealth Daily, a nice analysis of the higher education bubble and the student loan bubble. Only 19 percent of college graduates found jobs this year. Is the high cost of a college education a good investment? If you want to rescue the higher education system, how about starting with a 50 percent cut on salaries?

Stephen Lendman outlines a depressing economic scenario for the United States. Would a 50 percent cut of bureaucrats’ salaries help stave off Depression?

The Democrats want to ration your health care and force you to buy insurance. But they are having trouble finding a revenue source for the medical takeover. Could they find cost savings by cutting bureaucrats’ salaries?

Wherever we look, whatever problem we encounter, we find that cutting bureaucrats’ salaries is the solution to the problem. How is it possible that one simple solution could help solve so many problems? The private sector is responding to the global financial crisis by laying off workers and cutting salaries. Why doesn’t the government respond with the same policy? Is expanding government just a way for some people to benefit at others’ expense? Do we really need more bureaucrats to regulate the rest of us? What exactly is the expertise of these government employees? What skills are they contributing to the economy that the rest of us need? Is socialist regulation of the rest of us a skill in such short supply that the government needs to overpay employees by 100 percent? Or are the socialists parasites who feed off of the productive labor of others while building their own power pyramid?

Yes. Big government is a legalized criminal enterprise that preys on the people. Now you’ve got it.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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