One, two, many global agreements

German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced at Davos that she was on board with Gordon Brown’s call for a new world financial order. Merkel appears to be retreating from her stance of panicked nationalism after the global market crash. Sounds downright cheerful about globalism now. Bad news for Germany. Vladimir Putin also pulled his punches in the keynote speech at Davos. Someone is arm-twisting at Davos. The leaders are being pulled back into the NWO corral.

Iraq is poised to lead nearby nations into regional economic integration. Syria, Kuwait, Turkey, Jordan, and the Gulf states are targeted for takeover. NWOU doesn’t recall George Bush giving one of his “let freedom ring” speeches about this trade agreement, but he must be very proud. Note references in this article to the African Union and the South American Union. No nation will be left behind in the new global organization.

In December UNASUR announced plans for common defense and health cooperation. UNASUR consists of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Paraguay, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela. The wave of progress just can’t be stopped. No country seems to want to handle their own affairs these days. None of the capitalist countries seems reluctant to share a bed permanently with the Communists. They must all believe that nothing could ever go wrong with integrated systems. Wait, didn’t the global economy just crash every market around the world?

UNASUR announced plans to form a South American Parliament in December 2008. Maybe Bolivia would be a good place for it. Maybe South America needs another federal layer above its national governments. The Europeans refer to their Parliament as “the traveling circus.” Maybe things will work out better in South America?

Jerome Corsi reports that the Gulf Cooperative Council is proposing a single currency and integration with the European Union trade agreements.

Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd also called for a New World Order to regulate capitalism. Isn’t it amazing that almost every world leader is still on board with the global takeover? Is there any place left for a free man to escape the tyranny?

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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