Old news that is still news

George Soros, one of the NWO masterminds behind European immigration, has proposed “surge funding” — massive spending by Europe’s governments to provide goods and services for the immigrant population. Whether or not there is a massive surge in government funding, one way or another Europe is going to pay a lot more for social services for foreigners. The socialist governments have hidden the costs of immigration.

Soros claims the funds spent would have a multiplier effect, but he is wrong. Short term, maybe, but higher debt leads to lower economic growth, and socialist policies penalize and restrict business formation and economic investment and further restrict economic growth. More government means less private economy, every time.

George Soros is a Rothschild agent. Ensnaring the EU nations in more debt is a big part of the New World Order agenda. Never pay attention to this traitor.

Alex Jones investigates what is in the 28 pages of classified documents from the 9/11 commission. Public pressure could lead to new revelations about the parties behind the terrorist bombing of the World Trade Center. A new president might help. Now that the Bush dynasty has been kept out of the White House for the next term, our odds of full disclosure have improved.

Polls show English voters favor withdrawing from the EU by a huge majority. A majority of Dutch voters would like to have an election so that Holland can withdraw. Next up on the exit ramp: The Czech Republic. Just a couple of years ago we despaired that the Europeans would ever wake up to the evils of European socialism. Now, the masses are awakening. Some are even forming militias to protect their women from the rapeugees.

The staggering cost of welfare benefits for immigrants. Did English politicians lie about the number of immigrants coming in? Sure, just like in the U.S.

Above Top Secret shines a little light on relations between politicians and TV reporters.

How Communists control the Progressive movement.

Finian Cunningham has a story at Information Clearing House from January 25 reporting on the delay in the Syrian peace talks. The delay occurred because Russia refused to allow participation by U.S. -sponsored terrorist groups. There are no Syrian opposition forces, there are only U.S.-financed terror organizations in Syria.

Update: Although Saudi Arabia and Turkey have massed troops to invade Syria, Obama has refused to back the planned invasion, and NATO has warned Turkey to back off. Evidently Obama doesn’t want to start World War III with Russia.

The Hidden Evil: How psychopaths operate to control us.

FBI admits Patriot Act data collection powers resulted in no cases of stopping terrorism. Furthermore, Washington has evidence every terrorist attack has been sponsored by the U.S. government or allowed to happen.

Quotes from former presidents and other leaders about the invisible government that controls the United States. If you have dorky friends who can’t grasp conspiracy, show them these quotes and get them started.

We came across a quote we really like, but we can’t recall the source: “It’s much easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.”

British Prime Minister Cameron’s program to eliminate free speech. Same as Obama’s program here. Label anyone who disagrees with the socialist prison state a terrorist or extremist, and prosecute him for “hate speech.”

A listing of Obama’s accomplishments.

The hotel and motel industry spies on every guest and shares data with the police.

A little investigation into the lies Obama told about the Bin Laden raid. Coverage of this story at Infowars.

Why Jews push gay marriage, a review of the film Sodom, and other articles of interest on the gay agenda at educate yourself.

Melanie Vritschan of EUCACH (European Coalition Against Covert Harassment) believes the NSA is funding and promoting the transhumanist agenda to implant chips and merge humans with robots. Yep. We wonder if anyone will be allowed to opt out?

Edward Snowden reveals the global locations of NSA’s spy satellites.

Council of European Canadians appears to be a reactionary organization supporting white interests in Canada. A new website for us. Have a visit. Ricardo Duchesne meditates on the Left/Right alliance supporting globalization in his piece The Left Controls Globalization. An interesting issue, and one worthy of more research, Ricardo. Worrying through influences from the Left and Right doesn’t lead to anything of value for us. The Republicans have been taken over by globalist Trotskyite neocon Cultural Marxists. The program of globalization relies on erasing national borders and ethnic and cultural identities. Globalism isn’t conservative. Ethnic nationalism is conservative.

With China’s economy no longer driving economic growth around the world, it appears that the global free trade regime has reached its limit to growth. Zero Hedge reports that U.S. imports have been declining and explains why: Low wages paid in developing nations have the effect of lowering wages inside the United States and other developed nations, hence consumers can afford to buy fewer foreign goods, even if they have a job.

Reconfiguring economies around the world to profit from exports ignores local needs and local businesses and in the end becomes overinvestment as demand inevitably falls in the wealthier countries due to lower wages. As exports decline, the prices paid for raw materials decline, thus penalizing the poorer countries who depend on exporting raw materials for a large percentage of their national income. Socialism running up more and more debt adds more pressure to shrink the economy. Who does this set-up favor? Not you and I. Central bankers, big corporations, and socialist politicians.


About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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