Obama’s trip to Asia

Reporting on foreign affairs is usually thin and often misleading. Yes, we know that every country seeks “closer ties” with every other country. We’re trying to dig beneath the surface to find the real forces at work. What were the real cutting issues facing President Obama during his Asian trip last week? Despite genuine tensions between India and China, the Asian nations are moving toward formation of a tighter cooperation sphere for three reasons: China’s growing economic power correlating with U.S. economic decline, continuing resentment against predatory Wall Street bankers, and fear that Obama’s overspending and the Fed’s low interest rate policy will cause a worldwide debt crisis.

Japan’s recent elections mark a shift toward China and away from U.S. involvement. Japan is trying to remove U.S. troops and avoid economic entanglements with the declining United States as it tilts toward more cooperation with China.

Gavan McCormack has a lengthy analysis of the history of U.S.-Japan relations leading up to the visit. The Telegraph reports on the new reality: Japan and China are negotiating new agreements.

bow.jpgObama establishes the tone: supine appeasement of Asia’s growing power and the region’s shift away from the U.S. Talk of “greater U.S. involvement” in the region is merely a front for forced U.S. withdrawal.

On the eve of President Obama’s visit to China, China announced sale of jets to Pakistan. China sent Obama an in-your-face message: You don’t call the shots.

Background on the China-India-Pakistan-U.S. merry-go-round.

How India and China view the United States.

How the Chinese greeted Obama as Oba Mao. The Chinese admire Obama’s Communism, but their racial superiority attitude won’t allow Obama to be held in the same esteem as Mao. The Han Chinese are probably the most racial supremacist of any race on the globe. The Washington Post describes the “Obama is Mao” cult inside the United States. The Maoist revival inside China. The “princelings” of the revolutionary bloodlines will move China hard left. You can forget all that misleading talk about foreign trade leading to democracy in China. The trade opening was just a brief interlude. Internal political struggles in China put every foreign investor there at total risk for the value of their investment.

Obama sells out the Dalai Lama. If you have any sympathy at all for the horrible fate of the Tibetans under Chinese Communist persecution, you cannot support building up China’s economy, military, or police state. Big U.S. corporations making profit in China are doing so while the Chinese imprison, torture, and kill Tibetans. Every U.S. president since Nixon has supported Chinese Communism and bears some guilt for the treatment of the Tibetans.

China criticizes Fed policy.

The dispute over exchange rates is already in the open.

China has allowed its state-owned companies to default on U.S. derivatives. China considers the issuance of these derivatives by U.S. banks as an “act of war.” China is now returning fire. China is in a state of economic war with the United States over U.S. banks’ debt issuance, Obama administration debt issuance, and the Fed’s easy money policy.

How China is working its way out of the dollar.

MoneyMorning on the trade issues.

The rest of the world is criticizing U.S. free trade commitments. Obama declares he believes that free trade is the “engine of economic growth.” Hogwash. The sad fact is that Obama cannot continue to allow “free trade” or U.S. industries will decline further and more U.S. jobs will get shipped abroad. How dumb is Obama? How committed is he to Chinese Communist world supremacy?

Obama believes he needs to stimulate U.S. exports to Asia, with a weak dollar as prop, to get him out of his overspending and debt mess. But Asian free trade agreements threaten to freeze the United States out of Asia. It is extremely improbable that pursuing the same polices that led to U.S. economic decline will boost the U.S. economy. The next phase of the New World Order economy is not going to be a return to the unsustainable polices that allowed China to accumulate capital while the U.S. overspent.

“The United States does not seek to contain China, nor does a deeper relationship with China mean a weakening of our bilateral alliances.”

Forget about any joint Chinese-U.S. statements of agreement. The United States is trying to reassert some influence in Asia against the growing influence of the Chinese and the newly independent stance of India. The U.S. delegation to Myanmar is one such initiative. America’s unpopularity in Pakistan, together with Chinese economic initiatives in Afghanistan, makes Chinese-American cooperation difficult and complicates Obama’s Afghanistan strategy. India is beginning to tilt toward Russia. Just about everything Obama says is an outright lie.

Obama’s deep bow: He awards China State Construction Engineering another contract for work inside the United States. To get a government contract, you have to be a non-white minority or a Chinese Communist.

“In an interconnected world, power does not need to be a zero-sum game, and nations need not fear the success of another. Cultivating spheres of cooperation – not competing spheres of influence – will lead to progress in the Asia-Pacific.”

Spengler explains why Turkey’s secular government is fading before the power of radical Islam. The search for moderate Moslems in Turkey is similar to the search for moderate Moslems in Afghanistan. Secretary of State Clinton’s recent statement of a desire to cooperate with “moderate Taliban” to stabilize Afghanistan is a measure of how weak the U.S. position in Afghanistan is. Turkey’s radicalization is rippling through the neighborhood, destabilizing Iraq and empowering Iran. Increasingly, Russia appears as the dominant player in the Iran nuclear question.

Meanwhile, back in the U.S., conservative blogger Michele Malkin takes on Obama’s hypocrisy in advocating free speech abroad while doing everything he can to end free speech inside the United States.

Some good news: The APEC nations are abandoning their greenhouse gas emission targets. Hopefully, this will cripple any possible Copenhagen climate-change treaty.

Obama’s Asia trip marks the decline of U.S. influence in Asia despite any new U.S. initiatives. A small symbol of China’s emerging dominance was the claim by an Indian banker that “India and China will form a New World Order.” Tensions between India and China are too great to form the power base of the next economy, but both India and China have confidence and independence, and both are rejecting U.S. influence in Asia even as they say nice words about cooperation in public.

Watching Obama negotiate with Asia is like watching a big cat play with a dying mouse. The bad news is, we are fleas living on the dying mouse. The result of Obama’s Asia trip was to point up how isolated he is on the world stage. The reality is that the United States is too far in debt to act as an international player. The proper role for a U.S. president today is to cheerfully shrink the boundaries of the fading U.S. empire while the United States can retreat gracefully. Soon, retreat and rebuff will be forced upon us.

The number one priority of the United States is to deal with its debt problem, which is scaring the rest of the world. Obama’s recent remarks about the necessity of reducing U.S. debt were forced upon him from foreign sources. His switch in rhetoric was not a sudden inner awakening to the harm of liberal domestic spending policies. Unfortunately, we are stuck with a weak and inexperienced Marxist doof as president right at the moment that U.S. solvency hangs in the balance. It’s embarrassing to watch the smooth way the Chinese put Obama in his place, and even more embarrassing to listen to his irrelevant public statements. Hopefully, foreign rejection of U.S. influence will sober up this narcissist and lead him to a more realistic policy line. At the moment, he is simply playing the fool on the world stage.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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