Obama’s little helpers

When President Obama takes over a country, he doesn’t just rely on the U.S. military. That would be too obvious. He also relies on his friends in the Muslim Brotherhood. That way, uprisings can appear to be spontaneously organized on the internet.

Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates Obama Administration

A Red Carpet for Radicals at the White House

It is widely known that Obama’s pal George Soros has funded many of the recent color revolutions. Now Maidhc O Cathail provides details of his associations and methods at Salem News.

Step 2: The IMF steps in and restructures the economy as a condition for supplying credit. But not for the benefit of the people. Jay’s Analysis summarizes the process for Ukraine. Once you grasp the master model, it’s easy to apply to every country Obama overthrows.

There are more sophisticated analyses of what is going on in Ukraine and how the IMF operates, but Jay gives it to you succinctly. We want you to quickly grasp the pattern of “overthrow and exploitation” that characterizes NWO wars. These need not be shooting wars, they can also be economic wars, with changes in government not obviously orchestrated by the United States.

The political groundwork is done by networks of groups funded by the Left to arouse public involvement. But street demonstrations and scuffles are not spontaneous. Everything is planned and guided by expert operatives.

In other words, knocking over countries is not just the job of the CIA or military intelligence. Revolution has been outsourced.

After the revolution, the U.S. control system takes over. Democracy? Don’t make me laugh. The democratic processes in conquered territories are just as corruptible as inside the United States or any other Western nation. Check out this reporting on life on the ground in Iraq: Iraq and the U.S. Model for Conquered Territories.

Dmitry Orlov notes that overthrowing countries and raping their economies is a strategy supporting U.S. economic stability in the era of massive government corruption and massive debt.

So far no one has successfully resisted a NWO takeover. But Putin has put up the first national resistance in Ukraine, and for that reason alone we are facing a turning point in NWO history. It is possible that Ukraine will not fall to U.S. — IMF control.

Putin now has much of the world on his side. Brazil, India, China, and Russia (the BRIC developing nations) are now united against U.S. economic aggression. While U.S. economic sanctions against Russia are leading to a stock market downturn and capital flight, Russia is wealthy enough to survive being frozen out of banking and trade with Western nations. China and Russia recently signed an oil trade agreement, and all four nations are prepared to conduct trade in a new international currency to replace the dollar.

In Europe public opinion has turned against Obama by over 90 percent. This doesn’t mean all that much because national leaders in Europe are still under Obama’s control, and they are required by treaty to provide launchpads for war against Ukraine when Obama decides to escalate. But notice that Golden Dawn in Greece has formed an alliance with Russia. The country that has suffered the most financial exploitation by U.S. banksters has now turned against the NWO exploiters. We believe every country that has experienced revolution or occupation is primed to oppose U.S. global initiatives. Imagine if Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, and Syria were able to throw off U.S. occupation and unite in a common front with the BRIC resistance.

OK, we are getting ahead of events. But the trendline is clear. Obama’s aggression creates resistance, both at home and abroad, and the world is full of victimized people who share a common interest in decent values, self-determination, and honest government. Alexander Dugin is our spokesman. A center has formed around a multipolar worldview, 4pt or Fourth Political Theory, and Putin’s resistance to Obama.

Of interest:

New Observer

Conservative victories in France 

British National Party 

Andrew Hamilton on why Putin is not a savior for the white race.


About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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